

森 はるな の留学レポート


I went to study abroad to Australia while 1months. I can only study English, But also I had really a lot of valuable experience there.


My host family is mother, father, brother and three dogs. They always take thought of me, and took me many famous places to sightseeing. My host mother is very good at cooking, She made many kind of country’s dishes for dinner and ask me “It was good?” Her dishes is all good, I was looking forward to dinner. My host father and I watched TV every night. He sometimes show me movie he favorite. I talked to him about Japan and Australia while watching TV. It’s was very fan for me and I could know about many thing of Australia. When it was sunny, I have taken the dog out for a walk with my host mother and brother. Two dogs were very big, and one dogs is old. I haven’t had a dog, So I was very anxious first time. But they are very clever, they has finally become friendly for me. I became love this time. This is my first time go to overseas, So, When I met my host family, I can’t talk to them well because I was really nervous. But they always listened to my poor English. I thought I have to speak English with confident, and I want to speak English more fluently to speak them. I appreciate to my host family for notice this.


I went to Heath field high school. My house is far to my school, I rode a school bus about 40 minutes to go to school. I took Math, Science, English, Food studies, Health Nutrition, Music, Global Innovation. I liked food studies and Health Nutrition. This class has cooking class every  friday. We made anzac cookie, salad, pavlova, Sushi etc… I could communicate with local student thought cooking. First time, teacher’s English so fast for me, I couldn’t understand what should I do. Local students asked me, “Are you understand?” I was very glad, Then When I can’t understand teacher’s talk, I could ask students. When my last day I went to school, they said  this , “We will miss you.” I didn’t want to came back Japan, I want to stay and talk them.


I could know about Australia during 1months, and I like Australia more. I want to go to Australia again. I will make use my experience in Australia for English play.
















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