

村田 真里奈 の留学レポート


In July this year, I studied abroad to Adelaide in Australia. I stayed there about for a month. It was my first time to study abroad, so I was very nervous. However this experience is so precious for me. And I learned many things there. I introduced  those things.


First is school.

My school has many international student. And, almost student are Asian. For example, Chinese, Korean. Also a lot of Japanese. So I can speak many things to them, we became friends. Further, they send off me at airport last day. I’m so happy. Even now we are contact.


Next is My host Family

My host family’s member are father, mother, 15years host sister, and hostmate from Brazil. They are so carefully and kind and touch as if my real family in Japan. My host family is very bright person. Father and sister like biking competitions. Almost everyday, sister to practice late at night. And father fix her bicycle. Mother likes singing. So in my house, always music is flowing. We are singing. My hostmate took me to a sushi shop. There we ate many kind of sushi. And we went to Gorge Wildlife Park, I hold Koala. I had a great time. It was very fun.


Third is story about weekend

I often went somewhere. For example, Rundle Mall. Rundle Mall is one of the cities of Adelaide. I went here with my friend. We ate many things. For instance, Chocolate, strawberry smoothie, McDonald’s french fries. McDonald’s in Australia, it costs about 1,000 yen for each meal. But In Japan, It cost about 600 yen, I was a little surprised. Because it is very expensive than Japan. With it I invited my friends birthday party was held in friends host families house. At that time, we ate chocolate taste birthday cake with vanilla ice cream, Margherita pizza, Carbonara, Meat sauce Bolognese, Garlic bread. Also I ate meat pie and vanilla slice like a cake. Her host family were very kind for me. So I want to meet them again.


From now, our class has activity for English play start. It is very hard to play use all English. But, we apply this experience to English play. We need to cooperation for success. In addition, each and everyone, spare effort and work hard. If we can do that, we can do wonderful play. I’ll do my best to make for my class. Thank you for reading.





つぎはホストファミリーについてです。わたしのホストファミリーは51歳のファザーと53歳のマザーと15歳のシスターとブラジルからの留学生という家族でした。彼らはとてもやさしく親切で、わたしのことを本当の家族のように接してくれました。彼らはすごく明るい性格でした。ファザーとシスターは自転車競技が好きで、シスターはほぼ毎日夜遅くまで練習していました。ファザーはシスターの壊れた自転車を修理をしたり趣味である料理を作ってくれました。その種類はさまざまで中にはわたしがホームシックにならないようにと作ってくれた日本食もありました。マザーは歌うことが好きで、家ではいつも音楽が流れていました。ホストメイトの子はわたしを回転寿司屋さんに連れて行ってくれたので、わたしたちはたくさんのお寿司を食べました。さらに一緒にGorge Wildlife Parkにも行ってコアラを抱っこしたりして、たのしかったです。







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