

佐藤 凜 の留学レポート


I went to Adelaide, Australia for study abroad for one month during summer vacation. I had an amazing time there. I’d like to talk about it here.

First of all, I’d like to talk about my host family. I had my host mother, father, sister, brother who are all from Australia and another exchange student from Germany. They were all so kind to me. My host mom made a sandwich for me for daily lunch. My host dad always cared about me. They took me to various places such as Cleland Wildlife Park and chocolate factory. On the other hand, I couldn’t hung out with my host sister and brother as they both did movie-related job they were often busy with their work. So, when they were not busy and had dinner together with my family, I enjoyed talked to them a lot. My host brother likes Japan a lot and he has visited Japan! I was really happy that he was interested in Japan. My family sometimes said, “Your English is really good. You’re the first person who can have conversation with us.” That’s what made me really happy. They have had Japanese students about three times, but according to them, none of them could speak English that well. I was disappointed to hear that because most of foreign people think that Japanese people can’t speak English. I thought I have to study English harder not them to think so.


Second, I’d like to talk about my school. I went to Aberfoyle Park High School. The building was not one but there were so many divided into blocks such as math and English. The Teachers don’t have to move the classrooms but the students do. We had recess which is a short break that we don’t have in Japan. What I was surprised was how to do classes. We can use our own laptops or tablets to study and do homework. Moreover, we can even send an e-mail to the teachers! I’ve sent it just to send my homework. The important thing is that you can use your cellphone with school Wi-Fi. Instagram and snapchat are banned though. I checked my time schedule on “Day map” which is on the school website every day. I could make friends from the first day, so I had so much fun every single day thanks to them. Some teachers and my friends often said to me, “Your English is so good.” That word made me more confident. I took Spanish, Japanese, Forensics, math, English, and tourism. My favorite subjects were dance, forensics, and tourism because they are the subjects I can’t take in Japan. In dance class, students have to think about our our own dance moves. At the beginning of the music, my dance teacher said “I like your dance! Can you show it to everyone?” and I showed my dance in front of the people. It was a little embarrassing but it was a good opportunity to show my passion. I think that it’s important to express myself by something. In forensics, I studied about DNA, the blood and stuff. I did some experiment like dropping red ink that can be seen blood and making fingerprints by myself. I didn’t really like the teavher as he was very strict, but the class was pretty interesting. I liked this school very much because students can learn many languages such as Spanish and Japanese. The world is becoming global, so I feel leaning languages other than mother language is necessary.


Third, my English improved very much, I made many friends from Germany, Italy, and Australia. I promised them to visit their countries and houses in the future! Of course, they are coming to Japan and my house as well. For 2 or 3 weeks, I tried not to see and hear Japanese. If you want to improve your English in one month, how much you make effort is the most important.

Before I went to Australia, I had some confidence with my English but now, I have more confidence with it. I often talked to people next to me. I always asked people when I got lost. I felt people don’t understand me if I don’t tell them something strongly.

Thanks to my friends, every day was wonderful. Sometimes, I couldn’t be in the conversation. So, I tried to make topic by myself when I had conversation with them. Trying to fix it when you have trouble with something is important.


Lastly, I’m so grateful to my parents. Thanks to them, I could go abroad and have a precious time in Australia. I was sometimes homesick and missed my family so much. Thank you so much, my mom and dad!



まず初めに、ホストファミリーについてです。私のホストファミリーはオーストラリア人のマザー、ファザー、シスター、ブラザー、そしてもう一人のドイツからの交換留学生カタリーナの私含めて6人家族でした。マザーは毎日私のお昼ご飯のためにサンドウィッチを作ってくれて、ファザーはいつも私のことを気にかけてくれました。週末には動物園やチョコレートファクトリーに連れて行ってくれるなど、とっても優しい両親でした。シスターとブラザーは二人とも映画関係のお仕事をしていてとても忙しかったため一緒に出掛けたりすることはできませんでしたが、時々一緒によるご飯を食べた時にはいろんなことを話して楽しみました。特にブラザーは日本がすごく好きで、一度来たことがあるんです!!日本に興味があると聞いてすっごく嬉しかったです!私は時々ファミリーに、「本当英語うまいね。ちゃんと会話ができる日本人はあなたが初めてだよ」と言われました。めちゃめちゃテンションが上がりました。 私のファミリーは以前、日本人の留学生を3回ほど受け入れたことがあるらしいのですが、すべての会話をすることができた人は一人もいなかったそうです。日本人は英語が話せないと思われているんだ、と思い私はショックを受けたと同時に悔しかったです。それから私の英語の勉強に対するモチベーションがぐんと上がりました!中には頑張っている日本人もいるんだ、と外国人に見せつけてやりたいと思いました。


次に、学校についてお話します。私の行っていた Aberfoyle Park High Schoolはとっても広くて、建物が一つじゃないんです。数学、英語などの教科によって建物が分かれていました。教師が教室を移動する必要はなく、生徒がします。3時間目と4時間目の間にリセスという休み時間があって、その時間にはお菓子やフルーツを食べていました。何がびっくりしたかと言いますと、学校で自分のパソコンやタブレットを使えるんです!というか、無いと授業と宿題ができません!私はiPadを持っていきましたが、ほとんど全員がMac bookを持っていて私もほしいなあと思いました。学校のwifiで携帯も使えます。InstagramやSnapchatは禁止されていましたが。毎日 Day Mapという学校のサイトに載っているページで時間割を確認していました。








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