I went to Adelaide in Australia to study abroad. I stayed host family’s house. It was my first experience to go to study abroad. So I was very exciting for me.
First, I’ll talk about my host family. My host family was mother and sister. My host mother’s name is Deborah. She is 30 years old. My host sister’s name is Ever. She is 5 years old. When I arrived the airport, they received a warm welcome for me. So I felt a little less anxious. When I went to the home for the first time, Deborah took me to the beautiful point on the way. I have never seen that beautiful view, so I was very impressed. The next day, I went to the indoor ice skating rink with host family. It was my first time, but it was not difficult and really fun. Before I meet my host family, I thought there are cultural differences. But there was no difference from Japan. So the dishes were almost rice. Sometimes, Deborah bought me Japanese food. Deborah likes Japan. So I made Japanese curry rice for her. She was very glad. We ate it together, and watched creepy movie. On weekend, I often played with Ever. We were watching movies, reading books, and playing board game. I had a good time.
I also went to many exciting place with them. We went to Wildlife park. I saw the Koalas and kangaroo for the first time. It was very cute. I went to dinner at beautiful place. It was my first time to go to the beautiful restraint, so I spent precious time there.
Next, I’ll talk about my school life in Adelaide. I went to the Blackwood high school. There were many students. Almost students were Australian. But also there were many foreign exchange student. So I could make friends. Before I go to the study abroad, I worried about to make friends. Because if I couldn’t make friends, I always lonely at school. But I had buddy, so I didn’t feel lonely. My buddy’s name is Ellie. I met Ellie for the first time, I couldn’t talk well. Also, Ellie did not speak much. Because, we were shy. But when we went to Wildlife park by school organization, we talk a lot for the first time. I could know each other. In school, I had many classes different from japan. When I enter the classroom, there was no Asian students. All students was Australian. So I was very nervous. I also couldn’t understand English. But one girl talked to me, and she said “You can sit next to me. I can speak Japanese a little. ” I was very glad. Her name is Tori.
I always sit next to Tori every class. We talked each other. Also, teacher was very kind to me. I thought Australian is very kind. It was so good to make a lot of friends. I could make good memory at Blackwood high school.
Through this study abroad, I learned Australian’s kind and fun in learning English.
I thought Australian is kinder than Japanese. But I also found Japan has many good points. I thought it is important to try to English. I should not give up. I want to use this experience and change my lifestyle.
私のホストファミリーは、30歳のマザーのデボラと5歳のホストシスターのエバちゃんの2人家族でした。空港に着いたとき2人が温かく私を迎えてくれました。着く前はとても緊張していて、飛行機の中でもずっと不安だったけど、ファミリーにあった瞬間にほっとした気持ちとこれから一か月間頑張ろうという気持ちになれました。家に向かっている途中、デボラはWindy Pointというアデレードが一望できる場所に連れて行ってくれました。今までに見たことのなかったくらいきれいでした。次の日私は生まれて初めてアイススケートにいきました。でも転ぶことなく、エバちゃんと一緒に楽しく滑ることができました。
休日は、日本好きのデボラにカレーライスを作って、怖い映画を見ながら一緒に食べたり、週に何回かエバちゃんが大好きなmovie night があり、一緒に映画を見たり、ボードゲームをしたり、とても楽しい時間でした。最後の週にはデボラがWildlife parkに連れて行ってくれて、コアラとカンガルーを始めてみました。そしてエバちゃんのおじいちゃんおばあちゃんとみんなでディナーを食べに行ったり、デボラの兄弟が集まってみんなで食事会をしたり日本では経験できないことをたくさん経験で来て、とても思い出に残りました。
私はBlackwood high schoolという学校に行きました。北星と同じくらいたくさんの生徒がいました。他の国からきている留学生もたくさんいたので、たくさん友達を作ることができました。留学に行く前は学校で友達ができるか不安だったけど、バディがついてとても安心しました。私のバディはエリーという子で教室の場所がわからないときやランチの時はいつも一緒でした。でも私もエリーもしぁいな性格で、初めのころはお互いあまり会話をすることができなかったけど、学校でWildlife Parkに行ったとき、たくさん会話をすることができて、お互いのことをもっとより深く知ることができました。