

須藤 紗帆 の留学レポート


I experienced studying abroad in Australia during this summer. I had a very good time there. I could learn English but also many things.


My host family is old couple. My host father is 82 years old, and he likes cooking. My host mother is 60 years old and a high school teacher. They taught me interesting things. Before eating dinner, they explained about dishes. For example, how to cook it, where vegetables come from, and dish’s history. It was difficult for me. However, they explained the story using easy words, so I understood that. When we finished dinner, we talked about difference between American English, British English, and Australian English. It is because my host father is British, and my host mother is Australian. I learned the difference of spell, pronunciation, and expression. On weekend, they took me around Adelaide. I went to Rundle mall, Central Market, Glenelg Beach, Adelaide Hills, North Terrace, Gorge Wildlife Park, and Victor Harbor. In addition, they gave an opportunity for eating traditional Australian and British food. Such as Fish and Chips, Meat pie, Lamb chop, Barramundi, Cottage pie, Pavlova, Cereal, TimTam, Doritos, and Vanilla slice. It was great experience for me. I learned new things every day from my host family. I really appreciate them.


My host school is Unley High School. There are so many international students who came from China, Korea, Thailand and so on. Their English is very good, so when I talked with them, I had an inferiority complex against them. However, I was happy that we could learn from each other in English. I met many different people who are eating a piece of paper, playing with a rubber band, and saying “Hi!” with a very loud voice all day. Every student has own laptop, so when they have to take quiz, make an experiment, and write an essay they use it. I was surprised to see that scene. I took classes of Mathematics, English as an Additional Language, Science, Art, Design, Health and Physical Education, and CAD Graphic. I was able to have a great fun in any class because of teachers were very kind to me.


Through this study abroad, I was able to learn difference between Japanese culture and Australian culture, fun of talking in English. Also, I realized that it is important to make conversation positively even if I don’t have confidence in my English. I could make many good memories in Australia. I would like to apply this experience to study from now on. I’m grateful for all of the people who involved with me. Thank you so much!






私はUnley High Schoolという学校に通いました。学校には中国や韓国、タイなどから来た、たくさんの留学生がいました。彼らの英語はとても上手だったので劣等感を感じたこともありましたが、お互いに教えあうことができたので良い思い出になりました。会うと必ずすごく大きな声で挨拶してくる人や授業中に紙を食べている人、椅子に輪ゴムを括り付けてギターのように遊んでいる人など今まで出会ったことのないような人に出会いました。生徒たちはそれぞれのラップトップを持っていてテストや実験、レポートなども全てラップトップを使って作業していました。私にとって全てが衝撃的でしたが、異文化を体験できたので良かったです。授業は数学、留学生のための英語、物理、美術、デザイン、保健体育、CADグラフィックを受けました。先生方が親切だったのでどの授業も楽しむことができました。




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