

高田 夏光 の留学レポート


Hello. I’m Nami Takada, and I studied English in Australia for a month. I’ll introduce my expression of study abroad. First I met my host father for the first time at the Adelaide Airport, and I felt nervous.  I couldn’t understand his English because he had Australian accent. It was hard for me to understand his English. After I arrived at home, I met my host mother, her daughter, and host sister who came from Hong Kong. I thought my host family is lovely and I am a happy student, but I had complex in my English because my host sister who came from Hong Kong could speak English well. I didn’t feel like speaking and listening to English at that time. However my host family was always kind to me so I could change my mind and I think my host sister influenced on me. Through taking with host family, I felt like speaking English more.

My host mother brought us to the school, and host father picked us up to home, made nice meal, washed dishes and clothes, and cleaned my room for me every day. I appreciate them even now.  I wanted to help them, but they always refused that every time. So I sometimes washed dishes when my host mother went working. My host father always did house works. It made me surprised because my father in Japan doesn’t house works.

 They took me nice place every weekend.  I went seeing Koalas and kangaroos with host family because I had never seen Koalas. They drove for a long time to let me see that. I was happy to go there rather than seeing koalas because they seemed happy as well. I thought I want to live in Australia with them a little bit more, but I had to go back to Japan. My host family said me don’t go Japan, and stay here for 2 years. I was happy to be said that. Even now we send mail each other every day and they said me they will come to Japan soon. So I will be able to see them again. Actually I didn’t feel sad when I said good bye for them because I thought we will be able to see again someday in Japan or Australia. I am looking forward to see them again, and I’m going to study English hard to talk with them more. Thank you for reading my report.



出発前は全く実感がなく全く心配もしていなかったのですが、アデレード空港でホストファザーに初めて会った時に今まで感じたことがないような気持になりました。不安や緊張、戸惑いで何を話せばいいかわからなくなってしまい、ましてやオーストラリアのアクセントは私には理解しづらく動揺しました。私のホストファミリーはファザー、マザー、9歳で私と同じHallett Cove School に通うメーガンと香港人の女の子でした。香港から来た女の子は私と同学年で同じ日に来たというのに英語を流ちょうに話せていたので、初めの何日間かは自分の英語にコンプレックスを感じ、英語に触れたくないと感じてしまったこともありました。ですが彼女から良い刺激をたくさん受け、またホストファミリーと会話をしていくうちに「英語をもっと話したい」と感じるようになりました。学校でも戸惑うことが多く泣いてしまったこともありましたが、先生は私を抱きしめてくれました。私は留学で沢山の困難に直面しましたが、その分沢山の方に助けていただきました。


