I went to Adelaide in Australia for studying abroad for a month. Before I want to there, I think a month is too short for studying abroad, but I felt it’s a little long. On the other hand, I could get some experience in Adelaide.
My host family is father and mother, and two Chinese exchange students. My host parents always went to somewhere at night, so I couldn’t talk to them so much. I ate same food which my host family bought from same store every day. Two Chinese exchange students are usually kind, but they talked each other in Chinese. I wanted to talk to them in English, so I gave them chocolates. They said “Thank you.”, so I feel happy at that time. In addition, there are two dogs, Lily and Mercy in this family. They were so kind to me, because they came close to me when I feel sad. I think they can understand people’s expressions. They cheered me up every day until I leave the home. Therefore, they barked sorrowfully when I said “Good bye.” I could hold out, thanks to them.
In the local school, I was surprised at many things. Especially, many students didn’t study seriously at the lessons. They played games on their laptops and ate bananas during the lessons. I could know the differences of Japan and Australia. I had a buddy, she is Japanese who lived in Adelaide for six years. She can speak both Japanese and English, so she always helped me at the school.
On holidays, I went to some shopping center like city, Marion shopping center, and Westlakes with my friend. I have many memories about them, but I will introduce one of them. When I went to Marion shopping center with my friend, we got lost at the bus station. We had to leave there at 4p.m., so we started finding the bus station which we should to get bus at 3p.m. We continued finding it for about two hours with rains. We asked a bus driver if the bus station is correct for us when we think that we could finally find it, but it was wrong. So, we couldn’t catch the bus at 4 p.m. Therefore, we could catch the bus at 5 p.m. It was too hard, but it became one of the good memory for us in Australia.
Through the study abroad, I think I can become stronger than before I went studying abroad in Australia. This study abroad was a little hard for me, but I could have some good experiences. In addition, I was helped by my friends and Japanese family. When I was painful, they always encouraged. Especially, Yuri is my friend who went to same school as me. She always helped me, and her host mother also helped me when I had some problems. On last day that we leave for Japan and go to the airport, she took me to the airport. I couldn’t go to there without her. So, I should be grateful to her, and I want to say “Thank you.” Also, I want to say that for my family of Japan. I could go studying abroad, thanks to them. So, I want to improve my English skills for them, and I want to came true my dream in the future.