


I went to Australia for a month and I learned a lot in there. Aussie culture is little different from my culture, it was interesting time for me.

              Before I go to Australia, I was little concerned about my life in Australia, but my host family and my friends in Australia welcomed me. They relieves my concern about my life in Australia.


              My host family members are Sarah and Ivan. They are so friendly and kind. They have so many good friends and they like a real family. My host family is Filipino Christian and they have many friends of their church members. I met and took time with them every week. We enjoyed spending our time to eat dinner, to watch a movie, and to sing together. I was really happy that they talk to me like real family.

I thought that is little different from my culture. I’m also Christian, but I and my family don’t go out with our church member so much, like real family. We just meet on the church and don’t go out with them. I have thought that is usual since I’m child. However, my recognition of my friend’s relationship was changed by this experience in Australia. I thought we are too polite and it cause narrow relationship for us. We should open our mind more and more, and then we can know each other, trust each other, and love each other even more. I think it can make our relationship truly, deeply, and happily.


              I have commuted to Modbury High School. When the first day of Modbury High School, I really surprised that they are independent from other people. It is because they have their own class. Japanese school almost has same class with their classmate, but Australian school almost has different class with their classmate. I think it’s so similar to university style. In addition, I thought there are many class that I have to tell my opinion. I had to make several presentation and express my emotion for others.

              I thought it is different culture from Japan. I was surprised that I was requested that show my thinking. Before I go to Australia, I haven’t thought that is important to show my opinion for others. However, I knew that importance. I thought I have to respect for others even more.


              Australian life gives me a lot of experiences. These experiences a not only happy things. I struggled to understand and speak English faster so many times. I wanted to understand and speak English more. Around people in Australia are so kind, so they tried to understand my poor English for many times. But I really wanted to understand their English completely. It was bitter memory for me.

However, I found some another way to communicate with people in Australia. I could communicate by expressions, actions and songs. I could know that English is a tool of communication. We have many tools of communication not only English. It is very important suggestion for me. At first, I struggled to communicate with them by English. If we use English, we can understand expression more correctly, but most important thing is trying to communicate with people. I thought great wish to communicate connect to actions. Actions connect to relationship.

              I thought I want to interest in others more. So, I want to value around people, and their emotion, and show them my love. Like Australian family and friends do that.



              わたしは一か月間オーストラリアに行き、そこでたくさんのことを学んできました。 オーストラリアの文化は少し私の文化と違う部分もありましたが、それは私にとって興味深い一か月間でした。






              わたしはオーストラリアでModbury High Schoolという学校に通っていました。学校生活1日目、わたしは生徒1人1人が独立していることに驚きを隠せませんでした。彼らは一人一人違う授業を取っていました。日本では、ほとんどの授業がクラスメートと一緒ですが、オーストラリアでは、ほとんどの授業がクラスメートと違っていました。自分の受けたい授業に自分で行く、大学のようなスタイルでした。そして、オーストラリアでは自分を表現する授業が多く、いくつかプレゼンテーションをすることもありました。









Japan&Australia 1567 Japan&Australia 749 Japan&Australia 878 Japan&Australia 1418