I went to Adelaide, Australia for one month. this summer vacation was the first time overseas for me. Now this period is like a dream for me. I had a lot of experience and everything I saw was new to me. I’d like to talk about wonderful summer vacation.
First, I talk about my host family. I had my host mother, father, sister, two brothers, and one exchange student from Italy. They are so kind for me. I had a sister. She was five years old. Almost every night, she was come to my room and then singing a song with me. And She was interested in make-up, so sometimes she used to my make-up tool. Her smile is so sweet and every day she cheered me up. Two brothers were so fanny and I laughed for every day. Older brother was six years old. He came to me at the airplane with his father on the first day. He like to play soccer, and he said want to be a soccer player in the future. Everyday he was soccer practice. I’m looking forward to seeing him to become a professional soccer player. Younger brother was three years old. He was interested in all my belongings. Every time he asked me for “What is this?” or “How to use this?”. I was explanation to my things. That time was good study for English for me.
Second, I’d like to talk about my school. I went to Banksia Park International High School. This school is large, So I need a time to get use to school environment. I was taking ISEC English, ISEC Science, ISEC Cultural Studies, Math, Design, Food, and Japanese. ISEC stands for International Secondary English Class. This class is only international student. This class is peculiar of Australian high school, and this class was help for me. Because, ISEC class student is came from various country, so I made a lot of friends there. I was realized to connect with people all over the world through English. Everything subject was interesting for me. My most favorite subject was Japanese. Of course, I understand all because I’m a Japanese. But I learned a lot of there. First, I was surprised to the class room. Putting a lot of poster and put the Japanese name on various things. Some students came to Japan before to study abroad. Every student interested in Japanese culture and Language. And I went to excursion with this class students. We went to Adelaide Himeji Garden, eat ramen noodles, and DAISO in Randle Mall. All of us, enjoyed that excursion. I surprised the price of the ramen noodle and DAISO goods. Neither price was a little be expensive than Japan. But Australian students was looks so happy to buy to Japanese goods. I thought they feel same of me now. Because they were come into contacted with different culture too. I think the reason of why people want to know the different culture is different, but everyone be able to feel an exciting feel when to know. I met many Japanese people in this school. Before I arrived in Australia, I thought speak with Japanese people is bad things during the study abroad. But now, I’m gratitude for this amazing encounter. ISEC crass has a lot of Japanese students. Everyone follows various committee from different prefectures. My vision was broad by speaking with them, and I wanted to be able to speak more English. Their presence became big for me. I made many friends from various country outside of this. In this school life I had more country that I want to go.
This study abroad taught me to the importance of human relationships. In the first week, I was stay in my room for long time, and I didn’t try to see the outside world. But I noticed that it was wrong, and I was able to act by myself. Of course, I had a hard time, and sometimes I thought want to meet my family. But I learned that is important to act, no matter how hard for me. As an example, I went to a church alone to meet acquaintance family from mother’s friend that I had one day. I had many wonderful experiences with a lot of people who went to the church because I went to see them. I really enjoyed my life in Australia from this day. I think it is because, my action changed my mind.
This period was too short for me. I want to go back to Australia again, and I should go back to there. Because I have a wonderful friend in Australia. I will come back here. Now I must do many things in Japan. But if I could, I want to go back to Australia. This summer vacation I just sang the praises of youth. As I said, I spend like a dream life in Australia.
Finally, I would like to express many of my thanks to my important parson. Especially thanks for my family. Thank you for mother, father, brother, grandmother, and grandfather. Without them I couldn’t never study abroad and experience such a special time. Thankful to all the people who supported me. Mom who introduced friends and give me about English advice, and Dad told me about Australia from a young age. All of these became my energy. I love you all. Thank you.
次に私の学校について話します。私はBanksia International High Schoolに通っていました。この学校はとても大きかったので学校の環境に慣れるのに時間がかかりました。私はISEC EnglishとISEC Science、ISEC Cultural Studies、Math、Design、FoodそしてJapaneseをとっていました。ISECはInternational Secondary English Classの略です。ISECの時間は留学生のみで授業を行いました。このISECというクラスはオーストラリアの高校特有のもので、私にとって大きな助けになりました。なぜならISECにいる生徒はみんな様々な国から来た子たちだったので、このクラスで多くの色々な国の友達を作ることができました。私は英語を通して世界中の人とつながることができるということを実感しました。
すべての授業が私にとって興味深いものでした。その中でも私の一番のお気に入りの授業はJapaneseの授業でした。もちろん私は日本人なので内容をすべて理解することができました。ですがこの授業で私は多くのことを学ぶことができました。最初に私はJapaneseの教室に驚きました。たくさんの日本に関するポスターが貼ってあったり、部屋にあるものに日本での呼び方を書いた紙が貼られていました。何人かの生徒は以前に日本に留学をしたこともありました。すべての生徒が日本の文化や言語に関心がありました。そして私はこのクラスの生徒たちと一緒にexcursionという遠足に行きました。私たちはAdelaide Himeji Gardenに行ってからラーメンを食べてRandle MallにあるDAISOに行きました。生徒全員がこの遠足を楽しんでいました。そこで私はラーメンとダイソーの商品の価格に驚きました。どちらの値段も日本に比べて少し高めでした。ですがオーストラリアの生徒は喜んで買い物をしていました。私は彼らが今の私と同じ気分なんじゃないかなと思いました。なぜなら彼らも違う文化に触れていたからです。私はほかの文化を知りたいと思う理由は人それぞれだと思いますが、それを知ったときみんなわくわくした気持ちになることができるのだと思います。