
英語科の短期留学レポート  2017.10

浅野 サマンサ 芽育実 の留学レポート

While summer vacation in this school, I went to the study abroad in Adelaide, Australia, and I had much fun, but sometimes I had difficulties too. However, I learned many things from that experience so I am going to talk about some of that.

     There are four people in my host family, but I stayed with another exchange student who came from China and host sister’s girlfriend too, so there were six people and all women. First, I arrived at Adelaide airport, I found my host family very quickly so I was happy but nervous too, but my host sister held my suitcase for me and host mother said me “Welcome to Adelaide! I’m happy to see you so much” then my tension had gone away a little. We had come to get along very soon but especially I hit it off with another exchange student call Ash and we talk about difference between Australia and each other’s country, anime, school, and so on. We went to the park together very often to play together but sometimes we went at the night to see the stars, and we went shopping together too. There were not any Chinese students in my school, which is Wirreanda Secondary School so I had a great cross-cultural communication with her.

     I went to the school call Wirreanda Secondary School and I had a great time at there. It was small school so Japanese students was only five people included me so it was good circumstances to study English. There were many subjects and I took math, science, music, health&PE, English, digital technology, and history. Every class was very difficult except math but many students were so kind so if I ask something, they always answer politely and sometimes they invited me to sit next. The thing made me surprised was history class. In japan, the history class is class for study history, but in Australia, it is a class for get some idea from history so it was different. I learned that I have to have multilateral viewpoint when I think about something from the class. Also in the classroom, I saw the many posters about LGBT thing. I saw and heard about LGBT students often and I had a gay friend too. Moreover, my oldest host sister is lesbian so her girl friend is staying at host family’s house too. We often talk about LGBT at the dinnertime. I think Australian has more understanding than Japanese does and this is because LGBT is existence that is more familiar.

     Therefore, I had a lot of experience and learned from that so it was fruitful time for me. I will not forget the live in Australia forever and I hope I can draw on this experience to think my future path.    






私は4人のホストファミリーと中国から来た留学生、そして三人姉妹の長女の恋人の6人と生活をしました。まず私がアデレード空港に到着すると私のホストファミリーが探すまでもなくすぐに見つかりとてもうれしかったのと同時に、友達と離れて一人でやっていかないことへの実感がわきとても不安になりました。しかし、ホストシスターが親切に私の重いスーツケースを持ってくれ、ホストマザーが私を歓迎すると言ってくれたのを聞いて私の緊張は少し飛んでいきました。すぐに私とホストファミリーたちは打ち解けることができましたが、特に中国人留学生のAsh とは意気投合してオーストラリアとお互いの国な違いや日本のアニメ、二人は違う学校に通っていたのでお互いの学校のことなどいろいろなことを話し、二人で遊びに公園に行ったり、時には夜に出かけて星を見に行ったり、ショッピングをしに行ったりもしました。私が通った学校には中国人の留学生が居らず話すことができなかったのでとても良い異文化交流ができました。

私はWirreanda Secondary School に通い、そこでもたくさんの経験をしてきました。小さい学校だったので日本人留学生の数も少なく、英語を勉強するのによい環境だったと思います。オーストラリアの学校には日本にはないような教科も各学校によって異なりますがたくさんあって私はその中から、数学、理科、音楽、保健体育、英語、デジタルテクノロジー、歴史の授業をとりました。授業は数学を除いてすべて難しかったのですが、生徒たちはとても親切で何か質問をしても親切に答えてくれて、時には隣に座るように誘ってくれたりもしました。学校生活で私を驚かせたのは、歴史の授業でした。日本では歴史の授業では先生の話を聞いて歴史をも名部授業ですが、オーストラリアでの歴史の授業とは歴史をある程度理解しているという前提の上で歴史から学ぶという授業だったからです。私はこの授業を通して、多角的視点を持って物事を見る重要さを学びました。また、どの教室にもいろいろなポスターが貼ってあったのですがその中でもLGBTに関するポスターが多く、校内にも実際にLGBTの生徒が居り、私もゲイの男の子と友達になりました。さらに、一緒に生活をしていた長女とその恋人もレズビアンで女の子同士のパートナーでした。そのため、よくLGBTについて話し合うことも多く、日本でのLGBTの待遇や認識についても聞かれることがありました。どちらの国でも同性婚が認められていないという点については共通していますが、オーストラリアのほうが存在が身近なせいか日本よりも理解があるなと感じました。

このように、たくさんの経験をし、多くを学ぶことができたので実りのある有意義な時間を送れたと思います。このオーストラリアでの生活を忘れず、ぜひ将来の進路に生かしていきたいと思います。4-1 4-2 4-3

有賀 愛美 の留学レポート

I spent really good time in Australia. Nothing there was bad for me. I will talk you a part of my experience.

The first thing I want to talk is about my family. The structure of my family is pretty complexity. I heard my family is Mum, Dad, and younger brother who is twelve. But when I met my family, there were two women in their house. The woman who is not my mother was sister of my mother. I was with her for three weeks by my first day in Australia, and in two weeks before I left, we had another exchange student who was fourteen-year-old girl from Indonesia. All of them was so kind to me and they always helped and supported me. I went various places with them such as beach, souvenir shop, shopping center, and restaurant. I could felt Australian culture a lot there and I had a lot of fun.

And talking about the school and my friends in Australia, it was so nice, too. My school, called Sailsbury East High School, is in the place that it’s takes around 20 minutes from city by train. The subject there is a little bit different from Japan and I like their subject. They have math, science, English, the subject like social studies as Japan, too, but they also have more professional subjects such as design, programing, cooking, art, photography and dance or like that. I took dance, design, and Japanese which are same subject that my body took from them. Especially I enjoyed the classes of dance because my hobby is dancing. I had to communicate with students in many classes in Australia, and through the classes, so I could make many friends in the classes. While I was in that high school, a body taught me everything there and I was always with her. We became very good friends and we went to city together in holiday. And the last day to go to school, I went her house. I’m really glad to meet her. All memory with her is wonderful.

Of course my skill of English was improved, but not only English, but also my mind was maybe grown. I was shy in Japan, but I could communicate with others more positive in Australia. Absolutely the experience there will help me a lot by various aspect. I will never forget my host my family, my friends, and Australia that is wonderful country.




次に学校と友達のことについてです。私が通っていたのは、Sailsbury East High School という学校で、シティーから電車でだいたい20分ぐらいのところにありました。向こうの学校での教科のシステムは、日本とは少し違って、私はそのシステムが好きなのですが、まず、英語、数学、理科、社会が必修なのは日本とおなじで、違うのはその他にさらに、選択科目でもっと専門的な教科を学ぶことができます。例えば、プログラミングやデザイン、クッキング、アート、写真、ダンスなどがありました。その中で私は、バディーがとっていたものと同じ、デザインとダンスと日本語の授業をうけました。特にダンスの授業が楽しかったです。オーストラリアでは、多くの授業でほかの人とコミュ二ケーションを取らなければいけなくて、授業を受けるなかで友達をたくさん作れました。その学校にいる間、私はずっとバディーの女の子と一緒にいました。彼女がすべて学校のことや分からないことを教えてくれて、とても助かったし、すごく仲良くなって、休みの日に一緒にシティーに行ったりもしました。学校に行く最後の日には、その子の家で一緒にあそびました。彼女に出会えて本当に良かったです。


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荒谷 果南 の留学レポート

I went to Adelaide of Australia to study abroad first time in my life. I spent very good time in Australia.

Firstly, I will talk about my host school. I went to Hamilton Secondary College that has International class and I joined. There are many Asian students studying abroad and I could make many friends. There wasn’t the buddy so I had to ask people that I don’t know. However I didn’t ask them first because I was really nervous. But I was helped to do somethings by teachers and friends.

  By the way, I will talk about my classes. I took math, English, dance, P.E., science, tutorial and music. I will introduce impressive things in 7classes. The most impressive thing is tutorial class. This class is just to do our homework. I think it is definitely nothing in japan having being surprised me. I just talked with many friends, not doing homework. I liked this class because it looks like freedom time. In P.E. class, I played badminton and table tennis. Japanese P.E. class start explaining and practicing lastly we can play game but Australian P.E. class is difference that started game sometimes teacher taught the skill but we can play freedom.

 Second, I will talk about my host family that have host mother and host parent of her son. My host mother was sick and she is always in home. My host parent is developer and he is busy. He really likes japan. He can speak Japanese a little bit because he sometimes watch anime in Japanese. They came from Malaysia and usually speaking Chinese. It makes me hard not to be able to understand talking them in Chinese but they were very kind to me. I told I like taking pictures, my host parent took me photo spot. My homestay is near shopping mall that is largest shopping mall in Adelaide. I often went there with my friends. When I came home late, she wasn’t angry and she said “you have just 1 month. Is ok.” I could enjoy going out with my friends in Australia. My homestay usually have Malaysian food that is so spicy in dinner. Actually I don’t like spicy and lost my weight but she is good at cooking. When I went to Australia, I was worry about taking shower. But my homestay dosen’t have rule so I could taking shower same as in japan. I could enjoy in homestay.

 Though studying abroad, I could learn not only English but also the difference of culture. I improved English before I went to study abroad but I think I want to improve more. I have to study English harder. I want to go to study abroad again.






私はHamilton Secondary College という学校に通っていました。インターナショナルというアジア人がたくさんいるクラスがあり、私はそこに入りました。そこでたくさんの友達を作ることができました。私の学校はバディーがいなかったので、わからないことがあったら自分から話しかけないといけませんでした。最初の方は緊張して全然話しかけることができませんでした。でも、みんな優しくしてくれて助かりました。話しは変わりますが、授業の話をします。


授業は数学、音楽、体育、ダンス、英語、理科、チュートリアルです。この中で印象に残った授業を紹介します。まず、チュートリアルという授業です。最初名前を聞いた時は何をするのか全くわかりませんでしたが教室へ行ってみると自習でした。この授業は日本の学校には絶対ないなと思いました。勉強している人もいればゲームをしている人もいればお話ししている人もいました。私自習をしないでは友達とずっと話していました。笑 でもこの授業のおかげで沢山の人と話せて仲良くなれました。次は体育で、バドミントンと卓球をしました。日本の学校は説明から始まって練習してから試合という流れがあたりまえになっていますが、オーストラリアは違っていきなりゲームから始まってその間に何回か説明があるという感じでした。話を聞いている時間が少なくスポーツができる時間が多くてすごく楽しかったです。私の学校はバドミントンのクラブが強くてみんな上手で驚きました。笑 オーストラリアの授業は全部自由で日本との違いを楽しめました。

 次はホストファミリーについて話します。私のホストファミリーは61歳のマザーと35歳の彼女の息子のホストペアレンツのアンディーさんの2人の家族でした。2人ともマレーシア人で中国語を話していました。私は中国語がわからないので会話が全然できなくて辛い思いもしました。でもとても優しいファミリーでした。料理はほとんどがマレーシア料理でスパイスが独特で美味しいものもちょっと苦手なものも沢山出てきました。私は野菜が嫌いだったのですが野菜が沢山出てきたので野菜が少し食べられるようになりました。笑 とてもカロリーが低いご飯だったので2kgくらい痩せてしまいました。でも毎晩のディナーで沢山お話しができて楽しかったです。ホストペアレンツのアンディーさんとは、日本が好きで日本語が少し話せること、日本に行った時の写真について、日本のアニメの話など日本についての話などをしました。マザーとは家族についての話や、マザーが病気だった時の話などを話しました。ついて初日に写真が撮るのが好きだということを伝えると次の日にビーチや山に連れて行ってくれました。また、毎日私は友達と遊びに行っていたのですが夜遅くまでになってしまっても怒ることなくいいよと毎日外出させてくれました。家からマリオンモールというアデレードの中で1番大きなショッピングモールが徒歩10分だったので沢山遊びに行くことができました。ホストファミリーには感謝しています。


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阿部 和奏 の留学レポート


Stay in Australia had a great experience and realized many things. Their life style, food culture, school system, and more. Before I met with them, I did not feel like I’m going to stay for a month and separate with classmates. When it’s getting closer to Adelaide, I became worried and think negative like what if I couldn’t do right thing. However, when I met with host family, they were very kind to me even I was nervous. I stayed in Salisbury in Adelaide with my host mother from Chile, Australian host father, host brother, and exchange student from Italy name Cecilia. I call my host mother and host father, mum and dad. They always treat me as a family member.

During the stay, the routine was very simple. I wake up at 7 and get ready for school and go down stairs to kitchen and have breakfast. Usually I had toast and tea. After that I go to school at quarter pass 8. It was 15 minutes walk to school. Everything was amazing. The building was huge! I almost get lost. They have big play ground, three buildings for art, cooking, craft, and sports. I had a wonderful time at school with my awesome friends. They are taking a Japanese class so I taught them Japanese and they taught me English and few words that I cannot type it on report.

I thought I probably miss my family but I didn’t feel lonely at home because mum always stays at home and talk to me. She cooked for me a delicious food I was happy because I heard there is no food better than Japanese food. So I ate a lot. Of course, my face got wider and wider.

Dad took Cecilia and me to a boxing gym every week and taught me boxing or talk about Australian animals. I love listening to his jokes and talk. Once mum’s friend came and made a vegetable soup (only vegetable), dad murmured, “I’m not a rabbit” I laughed. Mum laughed too.

Cecilia, she came to Adelaide one day before I came. She is good at talking and we talk some funny jokes. I realize I can’t use self-deprecating joke which are common in japan she didn’t take that as a joke. We weren’t in a same school but we had fun at home. her English was very good like a native sometimes I get jealous when she talk fluently and I feel sad and embarrass when she said to me “I don’t understand what you mean.” But we have good relationship.

Sometimes, I felt I wanted to go home when I missed japan. Or when I stay home with Cecilia and the boy who love her. Hahaha

I tried to use English as much as I could to know how my skill proved from the last time.

I think this experience give a great impact I could understand my identity and personality. I will try and use these experience for my future and English play next year.

今回私はオーストラリアのアデレードのあるソールズベリー市に一か月滞在しました。ホストファミリーの構成はチリ人のホストマザー、オーストラリア人のホストファザー, 大学生のホストブラザー、イタリアから来た留学生のセシリアの4人でした。彼らは私を温かく迎え入れてくれ、家に向かう途中の車の中でも緊張している私に時々話かけてくれました。最初はあまり話さなかったセシリアともイタリアに行った時の話がきっかけですぐに打ち解け、家に着くまで写真を見せ合いっこしながらお互いの国のことを話しました。














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