
英語科の短期留学レポート  2017.10

須藤 紗帆 の留学レポート


I experienced studying abroad in Australia during this summer. I had a very good time there. I could learn English but also many things.


My host family is old couple. My host father is 82 years old, and he likes cooking. My host mother is 60 years old and a high school teacher. They taught me interesting things. Before eating dinner, they explained about dishes. For example, how to cook it, where vegetables come from, and dish’s history. It was difficult for me. However, they explained the story using easy words, so I understood that. When we finished dinner, we talked about difference between American English, British English, and Australian English. It is because my host father is British, and my host mother is Australian. I learned the difference of spell, pronunciation, and expression. On weekend, they took me around Adelaide. I went to Rundle mall, Central Market, Glenelg Beach, Adelaide Hills, North Terrace, Gorge Wildlife Park, and Victor Harbor. In addition, they gave an opportunity for eating traditional Australian and British food. Such as Fish and Chips, Meat pie, Lamb chop, Barramundi, Cottage pie, Pavlova, Cereal, TimTam, Doritos, and Vanilla slice. It was great experience for me. I learned new things every day from my host family. I really appreciate them.


My host school is Unley High School. There are so many international students who came from China, Korea, Thailand and so on. Their English is very good, so when I talked with them, I had an inferiority complex against them. However, I was happy that we could learn from each other in English. I met many different people who are eating a piece of paper, playing with a rubber band, and saying “Hi!” with a very loud voice all day. Every student has own laptop, so when they have to take quiz, make an experiment, and write an essay they use it. I was surprised to see that scene. I took classes of Mathematics, English as an Additional Language, Science, Art, Design, Health and Physical Education, and CAD Graphic. I was able to have a great fun in any class because of teachers were very kind to me.


Through this study abroad, I was able to learn difference between Japanese culture and Australian culture, fun of talking in English. Also, I realized that it is important to make conversation positively even if I don’t have confidence in my English. I could make many good memories in Australia. I would like to apply this experience to study from now on. I’m grateful for all of the people who involved with me. Thank you so much!






私はUnley High Schoolという学校に通いました。学校には中国や韓国、タイなどから来た、たくさんの留学生がいました。彼らの英語はとても上手だったので劣等感を感じたこともありましたが、お互いに教えあうことができたので良い思い出になりました。会うと必ずすごく大きな声で挨拶してくる人や授業中に紙を食べている人、椅子に輪ゴムを括り付けてギターのように遊んでいる人など今まで出会ったことのないような人に出会いました。生徒たちはそれぞれのラップトップを持っていてテストや実験、レポートなども全てラップトップを使って作業していました。私にとって全てが衝撃的でしたが、異文化を体験できたので良かったです。授業は数学、留学生のための英語、物理、美術、デザイン、保健体育、CADグラフィックを受けました。先生方が親切だったのでどの授業も楽しむことができました。




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品川 琴子 の留学レポート


I went to Adelaide for a month and I could productive experienced what I can’t experience at usual in my life.

First, I’ll talk about my host family. My family is father, mother, their daughter and three exchange students from Switzerland and Singapore.

My host mother is 56 years old and her name is Mel. She had accepted exchange student many times before. So, she is used to accept the student.   Her cooking is very delicious and cooked a lot of Aussie food so I was looking forward to her dishes every dinner. My host father who is business man. Because he often go to on business trip so, we couldn’t spend a lot of times. But he is a kind person and has a bit of humor. There are three exchange students from Switzerland and Singapore. They can speak English well so I was confused for the first time. But they sometimes talk to me and helped to me if I have a trouble. To be honest, I couldn’t talk positively to them. It cause to anxiety about my English skill before I go to study abroad. I reflected on what I have done. Now, I think that I shouldn’t afraid of my English skill and have to try.

Next, I’ll talk about my school life at Charles Campbell College. This school has a lot of international students from Italy, Chinese, Korean and Germany and so on. Especially, there are many Asian including Japanese . I was so happy because I’m so glad to interacted with many people from a lot of countries. In the class, I majored English, Music, Food, P.E and so on. In the PE,I play basketball and netball with not only the girls but also the boys . Australian students are athletics so I was confused but they are very kind person so I was so fun at that time.

In the music class, music is difference from Japan and Australia. I was singing a lot of songs and played instrument. I sang Ed Sheeran’s song who is my favorite artist. It was so fun.

Next, about Food class. Actually, I didn’t like this class because the teacher is always angry at students every class.


If they talk to with their friend, the teacher’s face turn red and scolded at students every class. But I thought ‘’this is the culture’’. So, I could accept her class. The most interesting subject was English. This class has only Asian and 8people. For the first class, I introduced by myself in a group. It is good memory for me because I could a lot of communicate with class members. 

 Last school day, home group members gave me a present and a message letter. I was so moved.


Through this study abroad one thing I can say is English skill is important but it’s not all. The most important thing is to try to express my feeling to them. 

Thanks to my study abroad, I could learn a lot of things.










澤木 美佑 の留学レポート


I went to Adelaide in Australia to study abroad. I stayed host family’s house. It was my first experience to go to study abroad. So I was very exciting for me.


First, I’ll talk about my host family. My host family was mother and sister. My host mother’s name is Deborah. She is 30 years old. My host sister’s name is Ever. She is 5 years old. When I arrived the airport, they received a warm welcome for me. So I felt a little less anxious. When I went to the home for the first time, Deborah took me to the beautiful point on the way. I have never seen that beautiful view, so I was very impressed. The next day, I went to the indoor ice skating rink with host family. It was my first time, but it was not difficult and really fun. Before I meet my host family, I thought there are cultural differences. But there was no difference from Japan. So the dishes were almost rice. Sometimes, Deborah bought me Japanese food. Deborah likes Japan. So I made Japanese curry rice for her. She was very glad. We ate it together, and watched creepy movie. On weekend, I often played with Ever. We were watching movies, reading books, and playing board game. I had a good time.

I also went to many exciting place with them. We went to Wildlife park. I saw the Koalas and kangaroo for the first time. It was very cute. I went to dinner at  beautiful place. It was my first time to go to the beautiful restraint, so I spent precious time there.


Next, I’ll talk about my school life in Adelaide. I went to the Blackwood high school. There were many students. Almost students were Australian. But also there were many foreign exchange student. So I could make friends. Before I go to the study abroad, I worried about to make friends. Because if I couldn’t make friends, I always lonely at school. But I had buddy, so I didn’t feel lonely. My buddy’s name is Ellie. I met Ellie for the first time, I couldn’t talk well. Also, Ellie did not speak much. Because, we were shy. But when we went to Wildlife park by school organization, we talk a lot for the first time. I could know each other. In school, I had many classes different from japan. When I enter the classroom, there was no Asian students. All students was Australian. So I was very nervous. I also couldn’t understand English. But one girl talked to me, and she said “You can sit next to me. I can speak Japanese a little. ” I was very glad. Her name is Tori.  

I always sit next to Tori every class. We talked each other. Also, teacher was very kind to me. I thought Australian is very kind. It was so good to make a lot of friends. I could make good memory at Blackwood high school.


Through this study abroad, I learned Australian’s kind and fun in learning English.

I thought Australian is kinder than Japanese. But I also found Japan has many good points. I thought it is important to try to English. I should not give up. I want to use this experience and change my lifestyle.



私のホストファミリーは、30歳のマザーのデボラと5歳のホストシスターのエバちゃんの2人家族でした。空港に着いたとき2人が温かく私を迎えてくれました。着く前はとても緊張していて、飛行機の中でもずっと不安だったけど、ファミリーにあった瞬間にほっとした気持ちとこれから一か月間頑張ろうという気持ちになれました。家に向かっている途中、デボラはWindy Pointというアデレードが一望できる場所に連れて行ってくれました。今までに見たことのなかったくらいきれいでした。次の日私は生まれて初めてアイススケートにいきました。でも転ぶことなく、エバちゃんと一緒に楽しく滑ることができました。


休日は、日本好きのデボラにカレーライスを作って、怖い映画を見ながら一緒に食べたり、週に何回かエバちゃんが大好きなmovie night があり、一緒に映画を見たり、ボードゲームをしたり、とても楽しい時間でした。最後の週にはデボラがWildlife parkに連れて行ってくれて、コアラとカンガルーを始めてみました。そしてエバちゃんのおじいちゃんおばあちゃんとみんなでディナーを食べに行ったり、デボラの兄弟が集まってみんなで食事会をしたり日本では経験できないことをたくさん経験で来て、とても思い出に残りました。

私はBlackwood high schoolという学校に行きました。北星と同じくらいたくさんの生徒がいました。他の国からきている留学生もたくさんいたので、たくさん友達を作ることができました。留学に行く前は学校で友達ができるか不安だったけど、バディがついてとても安心しました。私のバディはエリーという子で教室の場所がわからないときやランチの時はいつも一緒でした。でも私もエリーもしぁいな性格で、初めのころはお互いあまり会話をすることができなかったけど、学校でWildlife Parkに行ったとき、たくさん会話をすることができて、お互いのことをもっとより深く知ることができました。


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佐藤 凜 の留学レポート


I went to Adelaide, Australia for study abroad for one month during summer vacation. I had an amazing time there. I’d like to talk about it here.

First of all, I’d like to talk about my host family. I had my host mother, father, sister, brother who are all from Australia and another exchange student from Germany. They were all so kind to me. My host mom made a sandwich for me for daily lunch. My host dad always cared about me. They took me to various places such as Cleland Wildlife Park and chocolate factory. On the other hand, I couldn’t hung out with my host sister and brother as they both did movie-related job they were often busy with their work. So, when they were not busy and had dinner together with my family, I enjoyed talked to them a lot. My host brother likes Japan a lot and he has visited Japan! I was really happy that he was interested in Japan. My family sometimes said, “Your English is really good. You’re the first person who can have conversation with us.” That’s what made me really happy. They have had Japanese students about three times, but according to them, none of them could speak English that well. I was disappointed to hear that because most of foreign people think that Japanese people can’t speak English. I thought I have to study English harder not them to think so.


Second, I’d like to talk about my school. I went to Aberfoyle Park High School. The building was not one but there were so many divided into blocks such as math and English. The Teachers don’t have to move the classrooms but the students do. We had recess which is a short break that we don’t have in Japan. What I was surprised was how to do classes. We can use our own laptops or tablets to study and do homework. Moreover, we can even send an e-mail to the teachers! I’ve sent it just to send my homework. The important thing is that you can use your cellphone with school Wi-Fi. Instagram and snapchat are banned though. I checked my time schedule on “Day map” which is on the school website every day. I could make friends from the first day, so I had so much fun every single day thanks to them. Some teachers and my friends often said to me, “Your English is so good.” That word made me more confident. I took Spanish, Japanese, Forensics, math, English, and tourism. My favorite subjects were dance, forensics, and tourism because they are the subjects I can’t take in Japan. In dance class, students have to think about our our own dance moves. At the beginning of the music, my dance teacher said “I like your dance! Can you show it to everyone?” and I showed my dance in front of the people. It was a little embarrassing but it was a good opportunity to show my passion. I think that it’s important to express myself by something. In forensics, I studied about DNA, the blood and stuff. I did some experiment like dropping red ink that can be seen blood and making fingerprints by myself. I didn’t really like the teavher as he was very strict, but the class was pretty interesting. I liked this school very much because students can learn many languages such as Spanish and Japanese. The world is becoming global, so I feel leaning languages other than mother language is necessary.


Third, my English improved very much, I made many friends from Germany, Italy, and Australia. I promised them to visit their countries and houses in the future! Of course, they are coming to Japan and my house as well. For 2 or 3 weeks, I tried not to see and hear Japanese. If you want to improve your English in one month, how much you make effort is the most important.

Before I went to Australia, I had some confidence with my English but now, I have more confidence with it. I often talked to people next to me. I always asked people when I got lost. I felt people don’t understand me if I don’t tell them something strongly.

Thanks to my friends, every day was wonderful. Sometimes, I couldn’t be in the conversation. So, I tried to make topic by myself when I had conversation with them. Trying to fix it when you have trouble with something is important.


Lastly, I’m so grateful to my parents. Thanks to them, I could go abroad and have a precious time in Australia. I was sometimes homesick and missed my family so much. Thank you so much, my mom and dad!



まず初めに、ホストファミリーについてです。私のホストファミリーはオーストラリア人のマザー、ファザー、シスター、ブラザー、そしてもう一人のドイツからの交換留学生カタリーナの私含めて6人家族でした。マザーは毎日私のお昼ご飯のためにサンドウィッチを作ってくれて、ファザーはいつも私のことを気にかけてくれました。週末には動物園やチョコレートファクトリーに連れて行ってくれるなど、とっても優しい両親でした。シスターとブラザーは二人とも映画関係のお仕事をしていてとても忙しかったため一緒に出掛けたりすることはできませんでしたが、時々一緒によるご飯を食べた時にはいろんなことを話して楽しみました。特にブラザーは日本がすごく好きで、一度来たことがあるんです!!日本に興味があると聞いてすっごく嬉しかったです!私は時々ファミリーに、「本当英語うまいね。ちゃんと会話ができる日本人はあなたが初めてだよ」と言われました。めちゃめちゃテンションが上がりました。 私のファミリーは以前、日本人の留学生を3回ほど受け入れたことがあるらしいのですが、すべての会話をすることができた人は一人もいなかったそうです。日本人は英語が話せないと思われているんだ、と思い私はショックを受けたと同時に悔しかったです。それから私の英語の勉強に対するモチベーションがぐんと上がりました!中には頑張っている日本人もいるんだ、と外国人に見せつけてやりたいと思いました。


次に、学校についてお話します。私の行っていた Aberfoyle Park High Schoolはとっても広くて、建物が一つじゃないんです。数学、英語などの教科によって建物が分かれていました。教師が教室を移動する必要はなく、生徒がします。3時間目と4時間目の間にリセスという休み時間があって、その時間にはお菓子やフルーツを食べていました。何がびっくりしたかと言いますと、学校で自分のパソコンやタブレットを使えるんです!というか、無いと授業と宿題ができません!私はiPadを持っていきましたが、ほとんど全員がMac bookを持っていて私もほしいなあと思いました。学校のwifiで携帯も使えます。InstagramやSnapchatは禁止されていましたが。毎日 Day Mapという学校のサイトに載っているページで時間割を確認していました。








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佐藤 心路 の留学レポート


I injured my knee before study abroad, so I couldn’t go to Australia with my classmates. My parents found new host family in New Zealand, and I could go to New Zealand by myself.

I got on an airplane by one self. I transit Malaysia, then I felt loneliness and I was about to cry in Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Malaysian’s English was difficult to listen for me, But I could overcame that. I went to Auckland that big city in NZ. Auckland was cold and usually rained. But the air is clean and there were a lot of green.


I worried about my host family before I met them. But when I met them first, they gave me a warm welcome and they look so kind, so I relieved. My host family was parents and two sisters. My host mother was Kiwi, and father was Irish. Mother loves to talk, so she always talked to me. Sometime, I couldn’t understand what she wants to say. However, I overcame such that situations and I could enjoy talking with her. She is working at kinder garden. Father is working at the company about art or design. He couldn’t drive a car, so he goes to office by bicycle. He was very kind and has a large stock of knowledge about Japan. Sisters were four years old and seven years old. Their names were Avie and Roasy. Avie was a cheerful and bright, but crybaby. She told me a lot about her toys and dolls. Roasy was a shy girl, sometimes very noisy. She was interested in Japanese, so she often ask me “How to say ○○ in Japanese?”. They love Japanese anime character. So we could talk about that and watched “Howl’s Moving Castle”, “Spirit Away” and “PONYO” together. They said they likes “Totoro” the best. I watched many English movies that I have ever watched with them too. It was great time. The house was very old and big. There were many big trees and a swing for sisters in their garden. They took me zoo, park, museum and some shopping moles. In zoo, I saw kiwi bird. They were so cute! But kiwi is nocturnally, so their cage was dark and I couldn’t take a picture. I saw a lot of beautiful photos and took picture of traditional kiwi things in museum. I bought many things in some shopping moles. Sometimes we ate lunch outside. My mother paid money for my lunch. So I don’t have to pay money by myself. I always had a toast with hazelnuts chocolate spread and orange or pineapple juice for breakfast. Host mother made scrambled eggs, crisp fried bacons, waffles and pancakes for me on every Sunday. It was so delicious and I miss it. My host family ate rice almost all every day. Rice in New Zealand was not good as Japanese rice, but I was glad to eating rice for dinner almost all every day. I was not expectation for meal in NZ, but mother was good at cooking and every food was very good. I think my host family was most kind people of all of my classmate’s host families.


I went to English school on the Queen Street. The school name is Dominion English School and Queen Street is the biggest street in Auckland. I had a test on the first day of school. My test’s score was good, so I could enter the highest-level teen class. My class’s teacher is Diana and she was Argentinean. My classmates came from many countries  doesn’t speak English. For example, Saudi Arabia, Russia, France, China, Korea, Thailand, UAE, Laos and Japan. So we could understand each other because every student came there for studying English. Saudi Arabian’s English pronunciation was a little bit difficult to listen. If I didn’t go to New Zealand, I couldn’t make friends who came from many other countries. There are many people in the world and many students wanted to study English. I came to realize again about it. I could make many friends at school. Most of them are Japanese, but I could enjoy using English and my school life in NZ. We ate lunch outside every day. Every after school, we ate Ice cream, went shopping or did sightseen. Ice cream in NZ was very delicious. Hokey Pokey is famous flavor in NZ. It is simmerer to caramel flavor, and it is my favorite flavor. And I went to Sky tower with them. It was simmerer to Sky tree, but it was not so high. My class was difficult, so sometimes I couldn’t understand about it. I didn’t like grammar class but we had a small grammar test on every Friday, so I studied hard for that every day. One day, we went to art glary in class. I was not interesting in art, but I could enjoy taking pictures with my friends. My Japanese friends came from many other places in Japan, for example, Tokyo, Kyoto, Nagasaki and Ishikawa. Our age was disjointed, but we didn’t care about it. They are my best friend forever, and I will never forget memories with them. I didn’t want to say goodbye to my friends. I hope we can meet again someday.

I love my host family. I think they are my second real family. I definitely go back to New Zealand and meet my host family again. I promised that with them. So I’ll study English harder.

Thank you to my parents, all people who supported me and all encounters in New Zealand.





















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佐々木 汐音 の留学レポート


I went to Australia to study abroad for one month. I thought it is fun before I go to Australia, but it was hard. I am going to introduce about my experience in Australia.    


My host family has host father, host mother, Chinese student and Malaysian student. I was very nervous when I met them for the first time. Also, I got homesick for one week, but they are very kind and they talked to me a lot. They celebrated my birthday. Also, my host mother made a birthday cake for me. It was delicious. The meal which she cooked is very tasty. I love it. Sometimes, host mother’s two grandchildren came to my host family’s house. They are little boys and very cute. When they came to the house, we ate dinner with them. After that, I played with them. It was very excited.


I went to Norwood Morialta high school. It is very big school. Honestly, I did not like this school. I did not want to go to the school because there were few kind students. Especially, I did not like science class. There were many local students in my science class. They spoke bad language to me. So I felt racial discrimination. I was sad, but I think it is good experience to think about the racial discrimination. I like P.E class. It was cheer dance class. When I was 6 years old, I started dancing. So, I was able to be myself. Also I had photo class. I took pictures around the school. It was a lot of fun. I made a friend in woodwork class. She is Angele. She is very friendly. She became my best friend. She always told me what I did not understand.


In the weekend, I went to the city. There are a lot of cosmetic. So I bought a lot. It is cheaper than Japan. Sometimes, my friend’s host mother took me to the various places. Her family has a daughter, a dog, a rabbit and two cats. She is very kind. She took me the ice cream shop in my birthday. I felt happy. Also, she took me the Hahndorf. It is like German village. I ate giant pork there. It was delicious, but I was very full. Another day, I played table tennis and I jumped on the big trampoline with them in her house. It was a lot of fun.










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眞田 悦圭 の留学レポート


I went to Australia for a month to study abroad. I spent a wonderful time there. I’ll write about my experiences a little.


First, before I went to study abroad, I hadn’t be nervous at all but, when I finally met my host family, my hurt swelled with a little bit tension and lots of expectation. My host family had a mother who is a nurse, brother who is a six year-old boy, two Chinese students who are 14 and 19 years old. The brother whose name is Kevin learns Japanese at school, so he talked to me a lot in English and Japanese which he knows like counting numbers and singing a song of colors and so on as soon as I arrived Adelaide airport. I was surprised because he speaks Japanese better and knows Japanese words more than I thought. Thanks to him, I could relaxed. My host mother is also very kind. She talked to me a lot, took me to many places and others. In a conversation, she praised me saying “ Your English is very good!” I was very happy to hear that. After school and holidays, I usually watched TV and played with Kevin, and sometimes, I went to shopping mall. They were very good time.


I went to Werrianda Secondary School. There were the students who were Year 8 to Year 12, in total, about 900 students, which wasn’t so big. There’re many differences between Japanese school and Australian, but it was very hard for me to hand in the assignments and take notes using a laptop instead of a notebook, because I hardly use a computer. I had difficulty until I used to using it. My friends helped me such as keying sentences, teaching kindly. Thanks to that, I used to using a computer a little and I came to be able to do almost every thing by my self, for example, I came to be able to type faster than before, I learned how to open the page that I used in class.

In Australian school, there was Recess which is 20 minutes break in addition to Lunch, and we had to spend both of them outside. Australian season is opposite to Japanese, so during I stayed, it was winter. It wasn’t as cold as Japanese and it didn’t snow, but it was cold to spend outside. There were some time when suddenly it rained hardly. Looking back it now, eating snacks and lunch and Talking with my friends a lot standing the cold are the great memories.

There were many interesting classes that are nothing in Japan. My favorite subject was “Outdoor Education”. I studied about outdoor such as doing rock-climbing, learning how to view compasses and maps, something like that. It was very fun and interesting because I could learn things what I can’t learn in Japanese class.

Every local students were friendly, and they talked to me a lot. At first, I thought “I’m embarrassing” and “I wonder whether I make a mistake or not”. But in talking a lot, I came to be able to think “ It’s not matter if I take a mistake, so I’ll try to talk”. My friends waited until I finished talking, and if I asked same question for many times, they answered gently until I understood. Thanks to them, I could spend a wonderful school life.


Through the study abroad, I realized “The importance of challenging” once again. Before I went to study abroad, I usually missed the chances by being negative. But from this time experience, I learned “Failure is never bad thing” “ If I make a mistake, I’ll do it again” so, from now on, I’ll challenge everything positively before I think too much.

I learned one more thing. That is “Gratitude”. It’s very common thing, but I realized so much when I least expected it. Thanks to my mother, who allowed to go to study abroad and got me off willingly, host family, who accepted me like a real family, friends and teachers, who talked to me friendly and taught what I couldn’t understand until I understood, senior students, who told about study abroad to me, I could go to study abroad like this and experienced many valuable thing. And also thanks to other many people who supported me, I could spend this one month effectively. Thank you very much for everything! I’ll make use of this experience for my life in the future.






私はWerrianda Secondary School という学校に通いました。Year8~Year12(中学2年生~高校3年生)までの生徒がいましたが、全校生徒900人ほどのあまり大きい学校ではありませんでした。日本の学校と違うところはたくさんありましたが、中でも大変だったことは、ノートはほとんど使わず、laptop で課題を提出したり、授業のメモをすることです。普段ほとんどパソコンを使わない私は、慣れるまでとても苦労しました。しかし、周りの友達が文章を打ち込んでくれたり、優しく教えてくれたりしました。そのおかげで、帰る頃には少し慣れて、タイピングが以前より早く出来るようになったり、授業で使うページの開き方など使い方を覚え、大抵のことは自分で出来るようになりました。


授業は、日本にはないような科目がたくさんありました。私のお気に入りの授業は、Outdoor Educationです。ロッククライミングをしたり、コンパスや地図の見方を学んだりと、アウトドアに関することについて勉強しました。日本の授業では学ぶことが出来ないようなことをたくさん学べてすごく楽しかったです。





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小原 早瑛 の留学レポート


I went to the Seaton high school in Australia.

I chose the metal work, art, and out door.

And I must study English, science, and math.

I had two favorite subjects.

The one is English.

Because English teacher got pregnant, so other English teacher came to my class.

New English teacher is so kind.

His name is Mich Mune.

You know Australia has many types of faces and heir colors.

Also he is right.

For the first time I looked him, I thought he is French.

His face is white, thin and his nose is very high.

And his heir is orange and a little long.

When I talked with him, he said “many Japanese girls has short heir. So if I go to japan, I am looked long heir.”

He is very tall, and his foot is same my chest.

He always found me and talks with me.

I cannot speak and listening English well.

So many teachers don’t know how to contact me.

When I talked with them, their faces were always worried.

But Mr. Mune was only different.

He always smiles, of course during talking with me.

When I a little lost he helped me earlier than all others.

I was so glad for his kind, and when I felt depressed or troubled, I was helped by him many times.


Other one is Metal Work.

Metal Work is like craft using metal.

I can remember vividly about The First Metal Work’s day.

Because when I came into the Metal Work’ class room, there are many boys.

They were kicking a rugby ball or chairs, listening music by cell phone without earphone, shouting and standing on the desk.

I was so surprised about the noisy condition.

And to make matters worse I am only one girl’s.

Almost boys are looked scary.

Their styles of hairs are like Justin Bieber.

Some students are piercing.

I was very anxious.

But I soon like the class room.

The first reason is the teacher is so kind and cute.

He is old and short man.

When only I a little away from him, he soon calls out my name.

It is like “Saya!? Where is Saya!?.”

Some boys were laughing about his panic.

I was laughing, too.

When some boys said “Saya is here!”, he was made relieved by that.

Many boys who I felt scary were kind.

They taught me all about the class with great smile.

For example, how to use some machines, and what is teacher’s words.

When I alone, one boy talked with me.

When I can use the machine, some boy said me “good!” or “awesome!”.

I can make good memories in Metal Work class.


The other, I can have many friends.

And my host family is so good.

Good meal, funny conversation and so on.

Thank you for Australia!



私はオーストラリアで、seaton high school という高校に通っていました。

家から徒歩10分程でその学校には行くことが出来て、その間にはスーパーマーケットやsabwayなどがあり、少し離れたところにはWest Lakes という大きなデパートもありました。



Seaton high schoolで私は、英語、数学、理科、美術、メタルワーク、アウトドアを学びました。
























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西村 真鈴 の留学レポート


I studied abroad in Australia in summer vacation. I learned two important things. That are importance of family and difference of race. First, I talk about first thing. My host family was very kind to me. I didn’t expectation to host family but they were kinder than I expected. Particular, host mother was usually gently touched me. For example, she spoke to me unaccustomed and she care about me everyday. In weekend, they always took me many places. Moreover, they took me around like me to have fun. There are others. Mother or father always cooked lunch for me, mother washed my laundry, and they cared about me when I go home. I thought there were natural in Japan but I being cherished even in Australia, I noticed importance of my family. Even though only a month stay but they cared about me too much enough and they told me < you are our the another family so if you get painful, you can go back here anytime.> when I heard that word, I almost cried because I never thought that they were thinking so much about me. I could recognize importance my family again though host family. I’m grateful for noticing the importance of my family. If I stayed different family, maybe I couldn’t notice that. Second thing is about difference of race. To be honest, I didn’t enjoy school because there was discrimination. For example, I sometimes I had the part which I don’t understand in class but most students didn’t teach me. Of course there were kind students. Other thing I was the most wounded thing that is in drama class, a boy student pointed me and said < look, there is a Japanese. > he told other student to be foolish. Then I thought why do I have to say such a thing just different race. At that time I was very sad so I wanted to consult someone but at that time I didn’t want to say that thing. Thinking now, I should consult someone. There were a lot of hard things to me but I think that these are good experience for me because I can learned that all that aren’t good things and I found out that there are various people. This time, I can let valuable experience. I really thank my parents for making such precious experience. My study abroad this time become meaningful time but reading this sentence, please keep in mind that will not only have fun thing. Thank you for reading.



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西 明歩 の留学レポート

I went to Adelaide of Australia about for a month. I was looking forward to meet them before I meet my host family, but I was getting nervous when I met them in the airport. At first I was happy but gradually became nervous, and only the mother came to the airport. Then, we went to her house. When I went to backyard of house, family and their friends were making sausages. Because my family is Italy and also their friends is Italy, too. I saw making sausages for the first time. That was so strange and interesting for me. And my host family’s member is maybe 5 people, host mother, host father, host older sister and two older brothers. The top older brother got married and lives in Melbourne so they are not live together. Just come to Adelaide a few days. And they have 3 dogs and 5 chickens. Everyone finished making sausages and eating meals in the living room. I was nervous and could not talk much. But they were very kind to me. That is made me happy. Next day, I spent a holiday alone until my family came home. Because every family member is working. So I felt very lonely at sad. And I cannot go to anywhere with my host family. So I only went out with my friends or I spent most of the day in the room and as my family did not take me anywhere, he took me to a zoo or party with a family of Kyoka Nagasawa my family did not take me anywhere, he took me to a zoo or party with a family of Kyoto. Finally I went to school on Monday and decided classes. I could not choose the lesson I chose in Japan. That was so sad for me because I wanted to attend an art lesson. And next day, I went to Charles Campbell College School.. There was a lot of Japanese and Chinese. I think that half of the students are Asians. So I spent a lot of time with Japanese. And I got a few Chinese friends for the first time in my life. I have noticed about Chinese and learned a lot of things from them. I was walking home with a Chinese man every after school because he lives near my family’s house. He is likes Japan very much and he is interesting in Japanese culture. I was surprised because the Chinese thought that they are not like Japan, so I was happy hearing that. He took me to a cat café with his 2 Chinese friends, and I thought that they are so kind to me. Because they were speaking with Chinese while I am with them. He took me to eat Chinese food. That is for the first time for me. It was so delicious. Because I did not have a metro card, I lent the card all day. That day was very fun and became great memory for me. I didn’t have good images to China because Japanese news is always telling us almost bad image, but Chinese was very kind. My image for China was changed. So I learned to have prejudice is not good.