




 私が取っているクラスは、US History, Study Hall, Biology 2, English 9, ESL, Jewelry and Algebra 2です。ちなみにlunchも授業として合計8時間クラスがあります。朝は730から始まり、240に授業が終わります。最初、授業が終わる時間を聞いて小学生か!って思いました。() まず、historyは私の大嫌いなクラスです。私は歴史を勉強するのが嫌いでアメリカの歴史なんて頭に入ってこなくて最初のほうは成績もボロボロでした。ですがまずいと思い頑張って成績を上げるために勉強していましたが、1か月に2回くらいのテストとworksheetで成績をあげなくてはいけなくて、なかなか上がらなくて、焦って先生に聞きに行きましたが、教科書を読んで。と言われるだけ、全く協力的になってもらえず、留学生だからって容赦なし。本当に大変です。私は本当にhistoryの先生が嫌いです。study hallは簡単に言えば自習のクラスです。宿題をしたり、友達と勉強をしたりするクラスです。Biology2はseniorの人と勉強しています。最初はほんとに何を言っているのかわからず大変でしたが、先生が優しくてたくさん助けてくれるのでいい成績をとれています。また、そのbiology の先生がイケメンなんです!毎日かっこいい顔を一番前の席で拝んでいます。(笑)Englishfreshmanと取っています。Freshmanしかいないので落ち着きはないし、うるさいし、めっちゃぶつかってくるしうざいです。私のほかにももう一人留学生がいて、2人で助け合いながら頑張っています。彼女はとても優しくて好きです。私の5時間目はlunchです。私の学校は人数が多いので、lunchの時間が3時間に分けられています。ESLEnglish Second Languageの略で、先生がわからないところを教えてくれます。Jewelryはその名の通りjewelryを作るartのクラスの1つです。最後にAlgebra 2は私の一番好きなクラスです。私は数学が得意だったので割と簡単に問題も解けるし、教室の雰囲気もいいので好きです。



また、この2ヶ月でたくさんいろんなことがありました。まず、友達の誕生日パーティーに2回行きました。一つは私のsisterので、もう一つはsisterの友達のです。とても楽しかったです。また、11月にはthanksgivingBlack Fridayがあって、たくさん食べて、たくさん買いました!thanksgivingにはTennessee州のNashvilleというところに行って、shoppingをして、イルミネーションを見に行きました。今月の初めには、Santa Switchという学校のパーティーに行きました。私の州にはHomecomingがないので、代わりにSSがあります。アメリカに来てから踊っていなかったので、暴れて踊りました。本当に楽しかったです!!ですが次の日にひどい筋肉痛に襲われ大変でした。ダンスとヨガやりたい!!!!()

次のレポートは、来年ですね、時がたつのが早く感じます。あともう少ししかないと思うと自分の英語力に焦っているし、もっと頑張らないといけないなと思います。次のレポートまでに少しでも成長できていたらいいです!では、皆さんMerry Christmas & Happy New Year!! また次回のレポートで


Hello everyone. This is Fua Matsumura and I live in Indiana. I’ll tell you about my life in school and my life with my family.

My school is very big and high leveled school, so it’s very herd for me to keep my grades up. However, I’m starting to get use to my life over here and class is very fun.

The classes I take right now are US History, Study Hall, Biology 2, English 9, ESL, Jewelry, and Algebra 2. Lunch is also one of the our classes, so I have 8 periods in all. 1st period starts at 7:30 and 8th period ends at 2:40. When I heard about this, I thought it was just like Elementary school!

US History is my worst class, and I hate my history’s teacher. I don’t like history and learning American history is very hard for me. The teacher doesn’t even try to help me when I ask him for help! Study Hall is time for me to study for a test or finish homework. Biology 2 is a class with seniors. I didn’t understand what was going on in the class at first, but the teacher was very nice and helped me with my classwork, so I was able to get a good grade. The Biology teacher is very handsome too! English 9 is a class with freshman. Freshman are very immature and they can’t stay calm. There is another exchange student in my school, so we help each other out with school work. She is very nice and I love her! My next period is lunch. My school has many people, so we are all separated into one of the lunch periods. ESL is an abbreviation of English Second Language, and the ESL teacher helps us with school work that we don’t understand. Jewelry class is an art class where we make all kinds of jewelry and learn about the history of it too. My last class, Algebra 2 is my favorite class. I’m good at math so it’s an easy class for me. I still have trouble with English in school, but I’m enjoying my school life here.

Last month, I changed my host family to my friend’s family who was worrying about me and said that they will take care of me if I ever needed help. My good friend is host sister now, but it still doesn’t feel like it and everyday is like a sleepover. I’m having more fun everyday after changing my family and I’m starting to speak more English now, so I am very thankful for my new host family. I love them so much!!!!!

In the last two months, I made many memories. I went to two birthday parties, one for my host sister and one for my host sister’s friends. I had a great time there. I got to experience my first Thanksgiving and Black Friday during November, and I got to eat and shop with my family. We also went to Nashville, Tennessee during Thanksgiving break to see beautiful illuminations, In December, I went to my first school dance called Santa Switch. I haven’t been dancing since I came over to America, so I danced like crazy! It was so much fun!! However, I had horrible cramps the next day. Last week, I had a Christmas Party with my friends and we ate like pigs.

The next report I will write would be next year. Time flies so fast. Thinking that I only have a few months left in American makes me nervous about my lack of English skills, and I feel like I need to work harder. I hope I would be better at English than I was before on the next report I will write. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! Let’s meet again in my next report.

Fua 5 Fua 4 Fua 3 Fua 1




朝ごはんの話が長くなりましたが、私の取っている授業について話そうと思います。私は、psychologyspanish1economicsEnglish3algebra2culinaryenvironmental systemを取っています。私が特に好きなクラスはSpanishculinaryです。私のファミリーはママとシスターがスペイン語が喋れるので、Spanishの宿題で困ることはないし、クラスにもスペイン語ペラペラの友達がやっとできたので、その子に聞きまくっています。でも嫌な顔もしないで毎回教えてくれるのでついつい頼っちゃいます笑でもそのクラスでは言葉だけじゃなくて、スペイン語圏の文化とアメリカの文化を比べてみんなで意見をシェアする時間があってその時に、日本ではどうなの?とか日本にこれってあるの?とか先生が聞いてくるので、みんなの前で話さないといけないことがたくさんあって、すごくヒヤヒヤする時もあります。テンパっちゃう時もあるけど、落ち着け!っていつも自分に言い聞かせています笑なんか緊張したりすると、いつもより言いたいことが言えない気がするというか、いつもなら言える単語が出てこないってことが私は結構あって、誰かと話すときは、落ち着いて話すことが大事なんだなって最近気づきました。Culinaryのクラスでは一週間に一回くらいのペース調理実習みたいなのがあります。しかもおかし作りが多いのでどんどん太ります。順調です。でもホームメイドのお菓子はやっぱり売っているやつより全然美味しいし、他のクラスに持って行って友達とシェアしたりもできるので、一番お気に入りのクラスです。でも楽しいクラスだけで私の1日は終わりません笑私が特に苦戦しているのがEnglishのクラスです。授業はそんなに難しいことをやっているわけではないんですけど、やっぱり、同い年のアメリカ人の子と比べると英語力はもう全然低いので、みんなが当たり前に解ける問題にすごい時間がかかったり、みんなが当たり前に知っていることを知らなかったりしてなんか取り残されてるみたいな気持ちになる時がしょっちゅうあります。この間テキストのストーリーを順番に音読しているとき、私に順番が回ってきて、読み始めたら後ろの方で笑って私のイントネーションを真似してくる男の子がいて、読みながら泣きそうになりました笑今まで私の周りには間違っていても発音が変でもバカにしてくる人がいなかったので初めての体験をした、というか差別?ではないかもしれないけどそんなことがありました。なんかその時は、悔しいとか恥ずかしいとかうざいって思う自分もいたし、反対にその男の子の思っていることは正しいっちゃ正しいからもっと勉強しないとなって納得している自分もいました。全力でやれること全部やっていたらこんな風に思わないはずだし、やれるだけのことは全力でやっておかないとなあって思います。授業はまあそんな感じでなんとかやりきっています。




Hello from Texas!! This is Momo. How are you doing? It is my second report. I’m going to talk about my school life here in this report.

There are about 2000 students in my school, it’s very big school, but building is smaller than Hokusei so it’s always clouded everywhere. Let me introduce my daily life. I always get up at 6:30 in the morning, go take a shower and then leave my house 7:20 and go next door to pick up my friend Marta who is an exchange student from Italy and take a bus together. I eat breakfast at school cafeteria every day. At first few weeks, I eat breakfast quickly before I leave home because I used to get up early but now I don’t have enough time so I eat breakfast at school. It’s convenient and many students eat breakfast at school because it is free. I wish Hokusei had free breakfast too!!! Anyway, let me talk about classes that I’m taking. I take psychology, Spanish1, economics, English3, algebra2, culinary and environmental system. Spanish and culinary are my favorite classes. I never have trouble doing homework from Spanish class because my host mother and sister speak it and help me a lot. Also in the class, I made a friend who speaks Spanish so I ask her many questions during the class. In the class, there is a time to discuss the differences between the English-speaking countries and Spanish-speaking countries. It is interesting for me because I can learn many things that I’ve never learned before, but teacher knows that I’m from different culture, so she usually let me introduce Japanese things in front of the class. Sometimes I get nervous, but I get used to do it recently. In the culinary class, we make something once a week. We often bake something so I can take them to the other class. It is ok to eat something in the class in my school so I usually share them with my friends. That’s why I love my culinary class. These are my favorite part of my school life, but I can say for sure that there are some classes I’m struggling in. English class is one of them, it’s not hard, but I take long time to do the tasks that everyone is able to do quickly. One day, when I was reading a text in front of the class, one boy made fun of my accent and laughed at me. It was my first experience because there was no one who make fun of my English pronunciation before. I felt uncomfortable, embarrassed and got angry at his behavior at that time, but it is true that my English is different from native speakers’. I need more speaking practice. Practice makes perfect!! After the 3rd period, I eat lunch with my friends. My lunch table is always funny and I love them. There is no one who drives a car so we cannot go get lunch outside school, but I love lunch time because we talking a lot while eating free lunch! After the lunch, I have four classes and go back home by bus. After I get home, I have free time for a few hours until my host mother got home. After she gets home, I usually help with making dinner or cleaning house. And sometimes my friends invite me to go out after school. I really like to hang out with my friends. I feel very fulfilled every day. My school life is not all good, sometimes I don’t feel like going school or doing something, but I have just 6months to go back to japan so I have no time to stand still.

A month ago, I went to homecoming dance with my friends. I had so much fun and good time. Someone said that prom is going to be more fun and amazing so I cannot wait for it!! I’m lucky to have a great time and wonderful friends in my school life.

I have just one more week until the end of the first semester. Time went so fast and it’s almost 2019 already. Have a nice winter break and be sure to take care of yourself. See you next report!

もも1 もも2 もも3



私の学校は200人くらいのとても小さな学校で、先生方も生徒も親も小さい頃からお互いを知っていて、仲良しです。フレンドリーで優しい人が多くて、すれ違う時に“Hi,Biei!” って言ってくれる人がたくさんいてとてもうれしいです。中には3分という短い移動教室の時にわざわざ私のところまで走ってきてハグしてくれる人や、日本語教えて!と言ってくれる人、教えた日本語で話しかけてくれる人がいて本当にみんな優しくてこの学校の人たちが大好きです。アメリカの学校はfreshman(1年生)senior4年生)が一緒に授業を受けます。先輩後輩、関係なくみんな仲良しで年齢を気にしないで一緒にいるのがアメリカの学校のいいところだと思います。

私がとっている授業はGirls Choir、留学生用の授業、数学、英語、社会、グリーンハウス、心理学です。Girls Choirは合唱の授業で、私が一番好きなクラスです。英語で合唱するのはなんか新鮮な感じがして楽しいです。

留学生用の授業は、First languageが英語ではない人たちのためにある授業で、私はクラスで終わらなかった課題に取り組んでいます。基本的に個人作業で、分からないところがあれば、先生が助けてくれます。









学校が始まって3ヶ月経って思うことは、日本にいるうちにもっと英文を読んで訳さないで理解する練習をするべきだったとすごく思います。こっちに来てから膨大な量の英文を読みましたが、読むスピードも理解するのもとても遅いので、なかなか次のステップに進めません。そしてもう一つは英文を自分の言葉で書き換える、ということです。こっちに来てから何回“Rewrite in your own word”という言葉を聞いたかわかりません。内容を変えないで言葉を変えて言うのは意外と難しくて苦戦しています。あとは、英文の要約文を書いたりするのも難しいです。コピペが得意技だった私にとっては全部いっぺんに襲い掛かってきて大変すぎて、過去の自分を殴りました。長期が決まった4年生は練習しておくことをお勧めします。







Gのみんなも、日本の家族も友達もみんなよいお年を!Merry Christmas!!!


Hi!  I’m Biei Motoki in Oregon.  It is getting cold here and rainy season started.  I’m going to talk about school. 

My school is pretty small with 224 students.  Most of students and teachers have known each other for a long time.  Many students say to me “Hi! Biei”.  Even friends who I’ve never talked with do.  I’m so glad.  Many friends give me hug, talk to me, and say Japanese word.  Some of them say “Please teach me a Japanese word a day.”  Everyone is so kind and friendly.  I love them.  This school has hosted some foreign exchange students, so there is no bullying.

American school, all grades take a class.  They don’t care about age.  I like it.  I take Girls choir, English for foreign students, math, English, social studies, greenhouse, and psychology.  Girls choir is the class we sing.  I have several concerts.  This is my favorite class.  Singing in English is so fun.

English for foreign exchange students is the class I can keep working any classes like study hall.  Teacher helps me.

Math is so difficult.  In my school, teacher doesn’t teach us how to solve the problems.  We have computers and work on individual problems.  When I can’t solve the problem, I ask teacher.  I heard before I came here that math is so easy in America because you’ve already learned what they learn.  In my case, my teacher asked me “What have you learned in Japan?”  So teacher gave me problems that I have never learned.  In addition to, most of problems are sentenced.  I don’t know math at

all.  I have tests end of the unit.  Even though test, I can ask teacher how to solve.  It’s good for me. 

English is the hardest class.  I thought I learned grammar in this class.  However I don’t learn that at all.  We watch videos and read story, article, and novel, and answer questions.  I have assessments after a unit.  I have to include what I learned this unit such as writing a story.  It is very difficult for me.  The teacher is very kind, she always gives me Japanese version by google translate.  Also she lends her iPad to me for using translation.  Now I’m learning a novel.  She ordered a Japanese version one for me. Those are very helpful.  I appreciate it. 

Social studies is also hard.  I learn a topic such as Industrial revolution, Great Depression, Amendment for two or three weeks.  I learn how the topic influenced people, environment, and America.  In this class,   we divided us into groups of four or five and we read article that are involved in those topics.  After reading, I have to explain other groups.  They don’t know my article.  I hate it because I have to explain whole story and I have no confidence in my English.  Also the time to read article is too short for me.  So sometimes I can’t understand whole story.  This class is not my favorite.  However a girl always sits by me and asks me “Can you understand?” She always helps me.

Greenhouse is the class I plant and learn about growth of plants.  This class is my favorite because my close friends are in this class.  Also I don’t “study” in this class.

Psychology is the class I learn about brain and behaviors.  Those are interesting.  However I have so many assessments and it’s difficult for me to understand because there are many technical terms.  One day, I couldn’t finish my work in the class, so I kept working at home, but it was difficult for me.  Then my friend said “You can call me anytime.”  I called her and she give me hints. Those were so helpful.  I didn’t know what to say.  She is so kind.  I thought if there was a foreign exchange student in Japan, I wanted to do for he/her same thing.  The only thing I want to say to her is thank you very much.  She also checks this report!!!!!!

There is the advisory class between 3th period and 4 th period.  Basically I can work any subject, but I always talk with my friend.

I eat lunch with my close friends.  Lunch time is the best time. They teach me about America.  They are so funny.

The first day of school is hard because I didn’t know everything, but many friends helped me.  A friend introduced me to many people.  I was so glad. 

Three months have gone sine school start.  I regret my life in Japan.  First I had to read more English books, sentences, and articles.  I’ve read many English sentences here but I need many times and it’s still difficult to understand. Second, I had to practice that I rewrite the story in my own words.  Writing summary is also difficult.  Copy and paste was my thing in Japan, so I’m struggling now.  I want to punch my past self.  If you are going to study abroad, I recommend that you practice those.

Next, I’ll talk about club.  I was a part of the volleyball club from summer vacation to October.  I played volleyball in Japan, so I had a great season.  When we had an away game, we skipped the classes and headed other school.  I like away game the better because I could skip classes lol. 

Also I belong to another club.  If you know me, you will be surprised.  I’m a cheerleader.  My host sister invited me.  At first, I didn’t like it because I didn’t know about cheer and members’ conversation.  I couldn’t ask anybody because my English was very poor.  I was going to quit.  However now, I love doing cheer.  Gradually I was able to do new stuff.  It is kind of hard to remember dance and formation, but I practice at home with my sister.  I love the team.  Cheer doesn’t have a season.  So I’m going to have fun until I back to Japan.  If I were in Japan, I would have never tried cheer.  So I think studying abroad is a good chance to start new things.  

Lastly, I’ll talk about my English.  I thought in Japan my English was getting better after five months.  It’s not true.  My English is still poor.  However one day, my host mom and sister said “Your English is getting better before.”  I was so happy.  I want to improve my English more. 

I had been said “She doesn’t understand English”, and I didn’t want to talk very often, so I was silent.  At that time I’m always said “I forgot you were here.”  I’m sad every time, but I realize why am I down because of those people.  I have a goal.  “I will get them back.”

I’ll talk about my host family little bit.  I feel that we are getting closer.  I’m so happy.  My host mom and dad love me like real daughter.  I am getting closer my host brother! I asked him,“ Please kill the spider.” It’s good relationship, isn’t it? lol.  My sister and I always are together.  She is like my friend.  My younger host brother is so pretty.  Also grandparents treat me like a family.  Even if those are not big deal, I am so happy every time.  These days, I often think that I can live them ONLY NOW.  I want to treasure my life here. 

I leave about a half a year.  I don’t know it’s long or short, but I know I have to cherish every day. 

Thank you for reading.  Everyone Merry Christmas!!

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さて、今回のテーマは学校でしてっけ?もう前回のレポートで結構話したような気がするけど今回は詳しく話したいと思います!まず私の学校は生徒が2~3000人です、そして私はPE Dance, US History, Biology, Algebla2, Intro film, Englsh12を取っています。私の学校はセミスターごととかで教科を変えないんですね。だから私が帰国まで全く同じ時間割が毎日。退屈そうって声が聞こえそうです、、、。(笑)来週からFinalが待ち受けているので恐ろしいです。勉強します、、、!では教科ごとの説明を少しずつしたいと思います!

PE Dance, これ本当は私、普通の体育を取りたかったんですけど、勝手に選ばされてダンス。でも大したことはしません。(笑)ただダンス好きの生徒が前に立って生徒にダンスを教えてたまにそれのテストをするだけでA+がもらえちゃうっていう素敵な教科。次!US History,これはジュニアの子たちと一緒に授業を受けているのですが、ノートとかそもそも板書をしなくて、口頭で言ってそれを聞き取るというまるでListeningtestの様な時間。最初は全く聞き取れなかったけど最近は全部聞き取れることが増えてきました。そしてこのクラスには仲がいい友達がいるため、その子たちとグループワークをしたり、そのままスナックタイムを過ごしたりと、楽しいです!でも今は第二次世界大戦について学んでいて、さらに12月7日は日本が真珠湾攻撃を開始した日であり、なんだか日本人として申し訳ない気分になりました。次!Biology,この授業 Freshman, sophomoreがたっくさんいるんですね。もううるさくてうるさくて。やっぱり専門用語は難しいけど、「あ、これ三浦先生から習った!」(懐かしの三浦先生ですこんにちは、お元気ですか?)とか思いながら日々生きています。次!Algebla2,これめちゃめちゃ簡単(笑)みんな天才になれます(笑)もうこれ何年前に習った公式~とか思って解いています。次!Introduction Film,これはなんか情報みたいな授業だけど、情報よりも鬼畜です(笑)今はsilent filmを作っているのですが、カメラワークからドラマの編集がやるCG(これは言い過ぎだけど)みたいなのまで自分たちでやっています。ここでも専門用語が多くて割と大変です(笑)宿題はないですが(笑)最後!English12,タイトルからお察しの通りSenior only の英語を知らなきゃ鬼畜授業No,2!だと私は思っています。(No1Civics)ほぼ毎日映画を見ていますがすごい古い映画で話すのが早くて聞き取れません。そして字幕もつけてもらえません。でもここでは先生に聞いたりしてついていこうとなんとか食らいついています。帰るころには聞き取れるようになるといいなあ。話変わるけど、私、実はすっごい他の言語を英語で習いたかったんです。そして楽しみにしてたんです。でも悔しかったなあ。ホストファミリーがだめって言ったんです。なんでか?うちのホストファザーがACで私の英語力で学校の授業についていけないと思ったから。いまだに友達の会話に入るのは難しいし、みんなコミュニケーション能力も英語力も高いなあとたくさんの留学生と自分を比べて、毎日悔しいです。でも前よりは話せるようになったと信じています(笑)静かだねとは言われないけど、友達からの会話は理解しているのになんて返せばいいのかわからない自分が悔しいです。でも自分で気づいた進歩は、電話はもう難なくできること。朝起きてすぐ英語が思い浮かぶことですね、成長!!そして毎日こんな私と一緒にランチを食べてくれる友達には感謝です🙂

ホストファミリーに関しては、慣れのせいからかすごい今は正直住みやすい環境ではありませんし、Final が終わるまで今ホームレス(いろんな事情があり)(笑)になったタイからの留学生の男の子が私の家に暮らしています。これら問題に関しては早く解決したいのですが、なかなかうまくはいきません(笑)友達の留学生の家に行くたびに、「ああ、ここに住めればいいのにな」なんて思ったりしてしまいます。比べちゃダメってわかっていてもやっぱりホストシスター、ブラザーとかいる人見るといいなって思いますよね(笑)


次のレポートまでにLA, Disney ,knot’s merry farm, Universal studio, San Diego に行けることを願って!(頑張って70の親父を連れ出します笑) ここまで読んでくださってありがとうございました!また次回のレポートで!あ、少し早いけどメリークリスマス!and よいお年を!


Hola! Como estas? This is Madoka who is living in middle of desert where takes about 1.5 hour from LA, but unfortunately, I’ve been there yet! I can’t believe that I’ve been here for 5 months. Recently, I really want to eat Japanese snacks. But I’m trying to be patient for eating JUNK FOOD, you know? Haha!

Anyway, theme of this report is about school, right? I feel like I already told about my school, but I’m going to talk deeper than last time. There are about 2000-3000 students in my high school. I’m taking P.E. Dance, US history, Biology, Algebra2, Introduction film theory, and English12. Our school doesn’t change the classes each semester. So, it means I have to take same classes for 1 year every single day. I can guess what you think… I know this is really boring. Anyway, I’m gonna talk about each classes detail. P.E. Dance is easy and such a fantastic class for me, because if I am there during class, I can get a A, but I don’t really like it. It is really boring for me lol I wanna play sports!! Next, US History. I’m joining junior class, and this class is like LISTENING TEST. Teacher doesn’t write on the board for us. So, you know? I have to listen and write what my teacher said. Recently I can write everything correctly, but it is really hard for me. Next! Biology. My teacher was really tough, but she is sick now, so now we have young, kind, pretty teacher. She is so kind, However basically, I have to take notes and remember. They have bunch of biological words, so sometimes it is difficult, but still I enjoy this class. (there are many freshmen and sophomore, so class room is always noisy). Next! Algebra 2. This is fucking easy! (I’m sorry this is not good word haha) Seriously. I already learned this subject when I was a junior high school student. Next! Introduction film. In this class, you can learn how to use MAC computer applications. I had never used MAC computer and I have none about computer things, so I’m always confused. But students who are taking this class are really kind. So, I’m okay with that. Last! English 12. Did you notice what meaning of “12” is? Yes, yes, it means “ONLY SENIOR” Can you imagine how much this is hard for me, but you know, I don’t want to give up and I can’t change this class, because this is one of the requirement class from school. Unfortunately, I have final from next week. And I’m going to die because of English. Can you imagine you have 100 questions and 90 points essay what minimum is 1.5 page? Don’t you understand this is crazy? Whatever, my goal is what I HAVE TO PASS THIS FINAL however I do. Every day we watch the old films. It is interesting but those are hard to understand. I’m always straggling. I wanted to take other languages, but I couldn’t, and right now, I’m really regretting because of that. I wish I could take that class so I want to recommend to take another language class for people who is going to study abroad after reading my report! At the same time, I feel jealous at people who could take other languages classes. I am always disappointed to my English skills, but I hope I’m getting better, at least, when I wake up, I can think something in English first. Nobody says “you are so quiet.” However I know I can’t join the conversation between Americans. Even though I understand what they say, sometimes I don’t have enough confidence to speak up and join the conversation. I just don’t know what I do answer to that. (Of course sometimes I didn’t understand English yet… It’s a shame but I keep improving my talking and understanding skills. I hope I will be able to speak English well like Americans 🙂 NOT I HOPE!!! I SHOULD BE!  Anyway, I really appreciate for my friends who are having lunch with me. They are really kind and sweet. I love them.

I’m sorry. I have to study for finals, so I would stop my second report! I skipped the part what is about my host family, but please forgive me! I hope I’m going to visit LA, Disney, Knott’s Merry Farm, Universal studio, and San Diego or etc… anyway as much as I can until next report. I’m going to ask and persuade to host dad. And also I’m so glad if you pray for my finals lol. Thank you for reading my report! And I wish you have a Merry Christmas and such a wonderful New Year! Have a nice holidays 🙂 See ya soon!

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 ミシガンに留学中の谷川さくらです。さて、前回のレポートから、またたくさんイベントがありました。Halloween, Thanksgivingなどなど。今もたくさん友達と遊んで、たくさん思い出を作っています。本当に友達には恵まれました。だいぶここでの生活に慣れて来ていますが、まだまだだなと感じることも多いので、日々努力です。今回のレポートも、したことやったことを書くのではなく、私の思ったことにフォーカスして話します。

前回のレポートを書き終えてすぐに友達の誕生日パーティーがあり、すごく楽しかったのですが、その時に私のヒアリングスキルが乏しいせいで、私が間違った解釈をしてしまい、少しトラブルになりました。それで、コーディネーターと家族と揃ってお話ししなければならなくて、そこで言われたのが。チューターをつけたほうがいいのでは無いか、部屋からもっと出て勉強ばかりせずにもっと交流するべきだ。と言われました。正直本当に悔しすぎて、悔しくて、悔しくてたまんなくて、こんなに努力しているつもりでも、これでは不十分だと現実を突きつけられた感じがしました。自分が本当に情けなく思えて。そんな時でも笑顔で、ずっと笑顔で何の言い訳もせずただ受け止めることしかできませんでした。コーディネーターは、最後に、私がいつでも笑顔でいることを褒めてくれました。どんな辛い時でも笑顔でいることで、事はいい方向に行くと信じて、私は常に笑顔でいます。それからは、自分のできる限り、妹と遊んだり、リビングルームで宿題をしたり、たくさん交流しようと努力しています。今は、この私の努力がいつか報われると信じて、続けるしか無いです。その次の週にそのコーディネーター主催のHalloween partyがあって、その時も、自分の英語のできなさに本当に悔しくて。アメリカに来てほとんど悔しいとしか思わなかった3ヶ月でした。周りと比べてはいけないと良く言われますが、どうしても比べてしまいます。でもそれが私の頑張るきっかけになってくれますが。






Hello, I’m Sakura writing report from Michigan. It’s been already three months since I came here, and Christmas is coming up soon. I think My English is getting better little by little, but I don’t think it’s enough to say “I can speak fluent English.” Anyway, after turning in my first report, I had a lot of events like Hallo Ween, and Thanks Giving. I hang out with my friends really often and make tons of good memories. I really appreciate my friends who make my days better. I’m getting used to where I’m living in, but I still need making more efforts to be a fluent English speaker. I would like to focus on what I thought throughout my experiences just like my first report and write this report. On finishing my first report, I had my friend’s birthday party which was really fun. However, I misunderstood what she said, and a trouble occurred between my host mother and me because of my poor hearing English skill. Therefore, I had to talk to my coordinator and my family, and she said to me “why don’t you have tutor.” And you should not only study and do homework in your room but also interact with host family more.” To be honest, when I hear these two things I almost cried, because I was so frustrated. I was literally really frustrated, because I thought I’ve done well and worked so hard, but it made me realize that’s not enough still. The only thing that I could do is just keep smiling and accept what she said. After that, I’m trying to talk to my host parents more recently. I’m playing with my sister as much as possible, I’m doing my homework in the living room. I’m getting on well with my host family these days. I hope these my efforts will pay off someday. I think all I can do is to believe myself and keep working hard. Even if I face a hard obstacle I’ll never forget to be smile, because I know there is no use crying about that. It is not that easy, but I know being smile makes things go better always. My coordinator praises my smile always. My host family often says “Everybody likes you because you are always smiling.” that’s why I can keep doing it even though it’s hard.

Next week, I went to the Hallo ween party organized by my coordinator. I really wanted to prove that I don’t need tutor, but I was really frustrated again when I saw an exchange student from Germany enjoying talking to coordinator and other host parents. I know it is not that good to compare myself to others, but I can’t help doing this. and these experiences make me want to work harder, and t is becoming my trigger of keeping to study English, so I could say comparing is not that bad thing.

I was said that American people can’t get what people feel and think, so unless I don’t tell anything, they can’t understand what I think. However, one day when I guess I looked so tired on the way go home after school, and then my friend who go to school every day with me spoke to me “would you like to go to store to get something eat?” at that time I wasn’t really hungry, but I knew that he was considerate of me. I responded “yes.” In this way, there are many friends who can consider of everyone else like Japanese people. It was a surprising and bland new thing. Are you ok?” and “Are you tired?” every time when I look tired my friends speak to me something like that. I realized that just because they are American people, doesn’t mean they can’t consider of people’s feelings and thinking.

              One of my best friends is a boy from Ukraine who adapted by American family. My host mother can’t move too many because of her disease, so his mother take me to many places to do something almost every weekend instead. I could call her my second host mother. I really appreciate her and him. It was really interesting to hear why she decided to adopt him from Ukraine, and how did she adopt him…etc. she cares about him so much in spite of she has two her sons already. His real mother and father dead, and he hasn’t contacted with his brothers for a long time, but he is always positive, and live confidently everyday even though he lives in different country. I have my family who is waiting for me coming back, so I have to appreciate this comfortable environment. I just remembered that I have to write about my school life. Few weeks ago, I had a presentation about my country in English class. It was really fun, but really scary to speak in front of a lot of native speakers. There are some teachers who are interested in Japanese culture and differences between Japan and America. Every time they ask me about something like that I really enjoy seeing their reaction about culture differences. I’d like to advance my English skills and explain way better than now though. For now, I get A in every subject somehow. I hope I can keep my grade.

I’ve experienced so many things that I couldn’t even write just a little bit of my experiences on it, and it’s been extremely busy this week. I had to write another essay for essay contest, it’s just for Asian exchange students, so I tried in this great opportunity. And unfortunately, it was same due date as this report, and I had to prepare for my history test and do my homework, but, If I get first prize I can get tickets of California trip, so I worked on the essay really really hard. In the end, I had my host mother correct my essay, and submitted it safely. After reading essay she said ‘I was so impressed with your essay.’  I was really happy to hear that. If I can get my trip tickets I will let you guys know about that. My Japanese part was longer than English in my previous report, so in this time, I’ve tried to write English longer. I didn’t have enough time to make sure if my sentences are correct. Please don’t care about my messy parts… thank you for reading, see you next report.

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私の学校は生徒数が2000人以上いる大きい学校で、前のレポートに書いた通り、留学生もたくさんいます。通い始めは広すぎる校舎や人の数に圧倒されていましたが最近は慣れ、学校での移動が苦にならなくなりました。私は家から学校がとても近く、スクールバスでの登校よりも車のほうが速いのでいつもマザーが学校まで送ってくれます。しかも、1時間目の授業が始まるのが855分からなので日本にいたときよりもいっぱい寝ることができてうれしいです(笑) いろんな先輩からアメリカの学校は朝早いよ~って聞いていたのでちょっとびっくりでした。授業時間は1コマ90分でそれが1日に4コマあります。大学みたいな感じ?です。あ、そして私の学校はシニア(12th grade)しかプロムに行けないらしく、私は最高学年のシニアになりました(笑)

授業について書きますね。私がとっているのは、Chemistry(科学), US study, American Pop Culture, Algebra2(数学), Musical, Choirです。Chemistryは日本でやったこととほぼ同じ内容ですが、専門用語がたくさんなので辞書やインターネットで調べながら勉強しています。最初は、違う授業をとっていたのですがその授業は地質学で難しすぎたので変えました。1回目の授業でテストを受けて、全然わからなくて困ったのと、クラスの雰囲気が悪かったので変えて正解だったなと思います。最初のほうに授業を変えたことで、変えた授業で特に授業についていけなかったりはしなかったので、これから留学に行く人は合わないと思ったら、すぐカウンセラーや先生に相談したほうがいいと思います!!多分そのほうが自分に合わないけど先生と仲良くなってしまったから変えづらいな~とかならないです!きっと!


私が1番苦労しているのは、US studyPop culture です。US studyは英語の単位と社会の単位を同時にとれるのでカウンセラーに勧められ、とりましたが、アメリカの歴史をわかっている程で授業が進むことが多く、授業前にプリントや参考文献などを読んでおかないときついです(笑)あと、エッセイやグループワークが多くてこれもまた私にとっては一苦労です(笑) Pop cultureは一応Englishの授業で、内容がとてもおもしろいです!アメリカのティーンの動画を見たり、今アメリカで流行っているカルチャーについて討論したり、ビルボードやアカデミー賞などの研究をしたり、あとはNetflixの動画をみてエッセイを書いたりしています。おもしろいのですが、ほぼ毎回授業内に1エッセイ書かないといけないのでめちゃくちゃ大変です。


最後にhomecoming について書きます。アメリカで私の楽しみにしていたことの1つだったので、ドレスを着てヘアメイクして友達と踊って、深夜に帰宅っていうのが現実感が無くて楽しかったです。日本にもあったらいいな~と思いましたが、アメリカだからいいなって感じるんですかね??(笑)一緒に行った子が送り迎えをしてくれ、変な人がきたら言ってねってずっと言ってくれていたのもいい思い出です(笑)



Hi, guys!!  This is Satsuki, staying in Columbia, Missouri.  How is Hokkaido’s winter??  My town is pretty cold, but this town doesn’t get very much snow.  This weather is comfortable for me!  Anyways, I introduce to you guys my school life.

My school is pretty big because my school’s population is over 2000 and a lot of  foreign exchange student are there.  School is not easy for me but recently I’ve become more comfortable than I was during the first few months.  My home is very close to my school.  I can sleep in for a long time, I’m so happy lol However, this is a surprise because most of my seniors told me that American schools start very early.  I have 4 classes every day, and all classes are 90 minutes.  And I’m in my senior year.(12th grade)

I take Chemistry, US Studies, American Popular Culture, Algebra 2, Musical Theatre, and Choir.

Chemistry is not hard, because I learned most of the material in Japan.  However, it use a lot of technical vocabulary, I always use a dictionary and the internet.  Actually I changed my geology class to chemistry, because geology was too hard for me and other students were not good.  Fortunately, this choice was good.  Chemistry is easier than geology and because of this I can understand it better. All of the students are not mean.

I think American math (Algebra) is not as hard as Japanese math.  I’ve already learned most of materials.  And most of the students use calculators for every problem.  This was surprising the first time I saw it.  However, I think it’s a very easy way to learn the math.

US Studies and Pop Culture are incredibly hard for meI have to try everything for the first time for both of these classes.  For example some of these assignments include discuss with classmates, write an essay, and analyze some American culture.  Those are very difficult but my teachers are awesome.  They help me every time and they put in effort to understand my culture.

Musical theater and choir are my favorite classes.  I have made friends in those classes.  All of the students are nice and cheerful.  One of my friends, Aubrey, is a nice person.  She always helps me, and she asks me about many Japanese things.  Actually I eat lunch with her and her friends. 

I really want to write about home coming!!   My school’s homecoming was in October.  It was the first big event in my American school life.  I was looking forward to go to that when I was in Japan.  My host mother helped to get me a dress and accessories.  And It was so fun to put on makeup and do my hair.  I got home close to at midnight.  It was a very exciting experience for me, because I can’t do it in Japan.  However, I should have taken more pictures. 

Thank you for reading my report. Have a great Christmas and New year.  See you next time!!

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11月にThanksgivingがありました。Thanksgivingは簡単に言うと11月の第4木曜日に親戚やおじいちゃんおばあちゃん家族みんなが集まってTurkey(七面鳥)を食べたりする日です。収穫に感謝するとか宗教がどうのこうのって色々説明されたけど、まあ私にとっては9日間という長い休みが貰えたラッキーな行事でした(笑)休みの間はまだ11月でしたがクリスマスの飾り付けを開始しようとなって、なんとダンボール’約7個分!!大変、、!いや正直いうと私はツリーの飾り付けしかしていないので大変そうだった、が正解です。家の外見から内、リビング・食器・クッション・パジャマ、毎週みる映画も全部クリスマスに関する内容で一気にクリスマス気分に。あとはキャンプへ行く予定だったけど寒過ぎたので急遽ホテルをとって近くのシティSan Antonioへぷち旅行しました。この時期のイルミネーションが有名らしくてどこを見てもどの建物入ってもきらっきら!!レストランなんてもう目がちかちかするくらい天井も壁も輝いていました。San Antonioいい所!そしてthanksgiving当日の日は私の誕生日会に来てくれた人達とまたパーティーしました。Turkeyにパンプキンパイにと皆で食べ物を持ち寄って、ゲームしたり、、、人狼ゲームもしました。英語バージョンは中々難しかったです(笑)

そんな9日間もあっという間に終わって先週は私のコーディネーター主催の、Austin周辺にステイしている留学生達でちょっと早いクリスマスパーテイーをして昨日はラクロスのチームのクリスマスパーティーに行って来ました。そのパーティーの帰りにファミリーがイルミネーションに連れてってくれました~思わずSan Antonioの景色がフラッシュバックしたくらいそこもきらきらして綺麗でした。イルミネーション見ながらふと去年は寮生の子達とイルミネーション行ったなあと思い出し写真あさってみたらまさかの去年の今日、ちょうど1年前かあ、、、あっという間ですね。






ここで色んな経験をさせてくれてる家族に感謝!応援している言葉をかけ続けてくれている友達に感謝!ここで心地よく過ごさせてくれている今のファミリーに感謝!そして私の人生にとって大切な大切な出会いをしたミズーリのファミリーに感謝!感謝、感謝、感謝の2018年です。メリークリスマス と 明けましておめでとうございます。またね!


Hey guys. How’s it going?

Five months has passed since I came here and this is my second report. I’m going to talk about the event on November and December. December is my favorite because there are birthday of a lot of my friends, Christmas and New Year’s Eve. I have already done two Christmas parties. I’m going to talk about it the first.

I went to the exchange student’s Christmas party last week. It was really fun. We were doing the secret Santa, played game and ate many food. My most favorite part of the party is chopstick tournament. It is the game, player competed who can take a lot of thing the most. Of course I could be winner because I’m Japanese! Then we were beginning the secret Santa. I got lovely mugs as Christmas present from German girl. I appreciate the opportunity because I was inspired by them at party. There are all exchange students but I didn’t feel that because their English skill is great. They speak like native. I compared my English with their English skill and I upset about it.

Moreover I experienced same thing at second party. I went to my lacrosse Christmas party as my second party yesterday. I really like there guy’s because they are really kind and loud lol but I can’t help being shy. I know it is bad and I have to stop it right now. I upset about it for a long time and I said that to friend at the party like I disappointed my English sill, i want to talk with you but I can’t. And then she encouraged me, it was like No, your English is really good, I can understand your English and you understand what I said. Don’t worry, you are very well! She is not first person to say that to me. I was really glad and realized I have a lot of supper sweet friends around. i must not be shy and I want to be myself. I promise to keep doing the my best here.

Actually, there was a thanksgiving on November. I was going to camping again but i didn’t become it was too much cold for the camping. So I went to the San Antonio during the break with host family and it has become my favorite spot in USA. I ate a lot of Mexican food, we went to shopping and I saw the beautiful view at there. Then we had a thanksgiving party at my host dad’s friend’s house. I spent great time there. I are turkey, cranberry cheese and pumpkin pie. I was really excited the party because I could see Rylan again. She is super girl for me. Actually, I had TX party on August but when I go to the party, I still couldn’t speak English better. But she didn’t care that and when we meet, she always call me loud voice like “Hey! Kanon, I miss you!” I can talk without worrying my bad English when I talk with her. I already miss her! Probably I can see her at the party of New year’s eve. I can’t wait that.

Thank you guys for reading my report. Probably when I write third report, it will have passed seven month since I came here. I hope your safe and I can’t wait to write the next report!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  See you.

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カナダのマニトバ州カーベリー高校に留学中の仲条 奏さんから第2回目の留学報告が届きました。







Hello, I am Kanade Chujo.  I’m staying in Manitoba.  Three months have passed since I came here.  I want to tell you a lot, so you should to read when you have time.

Well, I wrote I was able to make friends to have a lunch but stopped to do it with them because they were always talking about them friends and passed memories.  I could not to follow them conversation.  When they talked to me, I was happy, but I thought I don’t want to spend to talk with them for 10 months.  Even though I stopped to have lunch with them, they talk to me while in class.  I really appreciate that.  New my lunch partner is refugee from Africa.  I heard she came here two years ago.  She is a bit weird person.  I can’t tell her about want to say, so I and she can’t communicate but she doesn’t care about my English pronunciation and grammar.  That’s why I can talk with her without concern for that.  To be honest, I don’t have friends who are like I can feel free to talk. When I have to make partner or group, I always like atmosphere.  Maybe, they are thinking that Kanade is quiet person.  Actually, I am crazy person in Japan lol.  I just cat’t express to you what I want to say.

I think language important thing since I came here.  I’m surprised that other exchange students can speak English well.  The other exchange students are Spanish, and Filipino who are eating lunch came from same country, and sister, so I’m not relating with them at all.  Especially, exchange student in English class is only me.  The class has a lot of group work, and discussion.  I don’t like the class, but if it’s in Japanese, it’s so fun because this class have a lot of acting, I also keenly feel that my poor English skill.  I always think I had to go to English conversation school, and Japan have to put a lot of efforts into English education.  However, I’m proud of born in Japan because when students see my dictionary, and when I write my name in kanji, they said me “Cool!”  I thought that I have been learning calligraphy. 

By the way, new exchange student from Australia came to our house.  I don’t know why she came from Australia for three months to be honestly.  Besides, she was going to stay here 6 months.  Actually, I was felt relieved to hear that lol.  I heard my host family did host a lot of Australian before.  She could get used to school, and host family.  She always talks with them, so I feel alienated, but I thought at the same time if we can get through languages, we can do everything!

Well, this report may be negative.  I don’t know content of next report because everything depends on my action so I will do my best next two months!  Thank you for reading my English report.  I have to write different content in English report lol.  See you next report!

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次はサッカーのことを話します。私は今サッカーをやっているのですが部活ではありません。まだ時期ではないので。なんか地域みたいのでサッカーをやっています。つい先週に初の試合がありました。コーチが試合には出させてくれたもの、納得いくプレーが出来ず泣きそうになっていました。() 北星のサッカー部5年の前では部活中ちょくちょく泣いて、その度に慰めてくれたり、部活帰りにアイス買ったり、オータム行ったりってサッカー部5年のことを思い出しました。本当に大好きな人たちなので早く会いたいですね~~~。




Hey guys! This is Airin from Missouri State. This is my second report. I hope you will read this report to the end. In this report, I’m going to write about my school.

I’m gonna tell you about my classes. I took band, music appreciation, American government, PE, alegibra2, English ll, and Earth science. I’m really enjoying my band class. I’m playing Euphonium which is like small tuba. I’ve played it since when I was 3rd grade. There is a guy who is playing same instrument as me. However, he is not good at it. That reminds me of my friend who played it very well in junior high. Music appreciation is not interested. We just learn music history. American government is not interested too. I’ve hated society since when I was in junior high school. However, my grade of government is not bad. So, I guess I’m doing pretty well. I’m enjoying my PE class. we play volleyball, basketball, baseball, etc. I like all sports but I’m sue that if I play these sports with 5G member, I can enjoy more. Math class is really easy to me. Because I’ve already learned these things when I was in Japan. My English teacher is really nice and she always kind to me so I like my English class. The most difficult class is Earth science. I hate it. It is really hard to me. Teacher talks very fast and there are many tests that means I always have to study for that. That is suck but I’m trying to do well. Next! I’m going to talk about my friends. I don’t have a bunch of friends. But I am proud of my few friends. Last week, I spent night with my friend. Early evening, I played with so many people. We played card game, watched American football, and sung many songs outside until 11 p.m. I could feel like I am in America. This experiens is one of my good memories.

Next, I am going talk about soccer. I am playing inside soccer this season. My school doesn’t have soccer club until next semester, so I don’t play soccer as a club. But my team has many people who go to same school as me. So, I feel like I join the club. By the way, last week, I had soccer game which is my fist game. It was really fun but I couldn’t play well. Then I was almost crying. That reminded me of my Japanese soccer team members because I’ve cried many time front of them and they always care about me. I really love them. I always think about them. I miss them!!!!!

I’m gonna talk about these days. Today is Thanksgiving Day!! So many people came to my house and we talked a lot. I didn’t like turkey, but I really liked other food. I hope Japan has Thanksgiving Day lol. This morning, I run 3 miles as an event of thanksgiving. There were thousands of people. I finished a full marathon and it took 28 minutes which is not bad. I had fun time and I wanna do again.

I have one more thing what I really want to tell you guys is …… My host family decided to go Disney world for Christmas. I am really excited!!!!!! And I can’t wait. We are going to use car to go there and it will be takes 11 hours. It will be long trip but I’m still very excited!!!!!!!

Thank you for reading this report to the end ♡♡ see you next report.


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私の学校は生徒数2100人くらいの大きい学校で、1科目90分の4時間授業です。私はmath2artcivic/economic 、そしてAmerican history Iをとっています。90分って本当に長いんです。だから、どの授業も最後の方はみんな(先生も含めて)疲れていますね。


math2にはブラジルからの男子の留学生がいます。彼は面白くて人気者です。彼とは比べないようにしているけど、やっぱり比べてしまって凹むこともあります。math2 2年前に習った内容なので単語さえ理解できれば大丈夫です。それで、聞いて欲しいことがあるんですけどね、毎日のように「宿題見せな」って偉そうに言ってくる上に、見せてあげてもありがとうさえ言わない嫌いな生徒がいたんですよ。でもちゃんと3回目で(2回も見せたんかい)、「自分でやりな」って言ってやりました!よくやった自分!artmath2では評価Aを取れました!

Civic/economic は覚えないといけない言葉が沢山あって大変です。でも最初の頃と比べたら4ヶ月たって理解度がグーーンと上がったのが自分で分かるのが嬉しいんです。テストは電子辞書を使っても40~50%くらいしか取れないんですけどね。私が64%とった時は「みんなよりいい点とってるよ」とクラスメイトに言われたので驚きましたね。みんな勉強してないんかい()だから期末テストをもっと頑張ります。でもそのかわりノートを取るのを頑張った甲斐があって、ノートチェックでは満点とれました!最初の頃、隣の席の女の子が怖かったんです。でも勇気を出して質問してみたんですね、そしたらその子超優しい子でした。だから、話しかけてみることって本当に大事です!前1人の男子にノートを見せてもらったんですけど字が汚すぎて全く読めなかった時は超焦りましたね()

私のお気に入りの教科はAmerican history です!最初の2週間は臨時のおじいちゃん先生(ミスターS)で、ミスターSに会ってなかったらやさぐれてたんじゃないかって思うくらい、私の人生の中で一番の先生です。ミスターS90分間ずっと生徒の意見とか聞きながら喋って、ノートを取るということがありませんでした。新しい先生が来てから授業がガラリと変わりました。その先生の授業はノートの量が半端なくて、一人でワークシートに取り組むことが多いです。だから最初の頃は全然ついていけなかったし泣きそうになったこともありました。でもやっぱり人間って慣れるもんですね。書くスピードがすごい速くなったし、みんなと同じタイミングでワークシートを終わらせられる時もあります(その時は超嬉しい!)。それで一つ大事なことを発見しました。この新しい先生は全然笑わなくて一見怖そうに見えるけど、それは違いました。そう見えるだけで、私の事情とかを考えてスコアつけてくれたり、サポートしてくれたりしていました。そしてこのクラスメイトが面白くて大大大好きでザイアンっていうベスフレできました。みんなとたけのこの里をシェアしたこともあります() テストでは 頑張っても50%くらいしかとれません。だから私は「絶対civic/EconomicsAmerican history は絶対Fだ」と思っていたんですけど、テスト以外を頑張ったらなんとBをとれました!先生方優しいありがとう!

からかわれたりされたことは一度もありません。正直学校初日がとても怖くて、傷付かないように悪い想像ばっかりしたんですね() 案の定予想通りでした() 学校の1日目はすごく大変で、家に帰ってから初めて泣きました。日本にいた頃は友達とどんな話しして笑ってたっけな〜なんて悩みましたね。慣れるまで1ヶ月半くらいかかりました。最近ようやくクラスメイトと馴染めてきたのにもう12月で前期が終わります。あんなに、学校始まる前に頑張ろうって決めていたのにやっぱり勇気を出しきれなくて後悔しています。本当にあっという間だから後期は一瞬なんだろうなあ、だから後期は同じ後悔がないようにします。言い訳できないように今ここに書いときますね。ランチタイムは最初の2ヶ月間くらいは、いろんな友達と食べていました。1ヶ月前くらいにようやく毎日一緒に食べる友達ができました。私はボランティア部に入って結構友達が増えました。彼女とそこで出会ったので、やっぱりクラブとかには入った方が絶対に良い!学校が始まったばかりの頃は、優しい人なんて誰もいないや、、と本当に思っていたんですけど、いました!どの学校にも優しい人は絶対います!これ私が自信もって言えます。でもそれを見つけるのが正直難しいんですよね。わかりますよ。私が感じたことは、みんな怖そうに見えるけど、話してみると親切だし面白い人が多いです、先生も生徒も。ノート見せてって頼んで、嫌な顔する人はほとんどいないし、そんな人は友達にならなければいい話ですよ!あと、質問されたら出来るだけたくさん答えるようにしています。私的にこれ超大事です。


ファミリーにのこともちょこっとお話ししますね。私のファミリーは優しくてあったかくて大大大好きです。私がこの家に来てからデザートを食べる頻度が増えたらしく、マザーが、「ズボンがきつくなってきている」って言ってて可愛かったです()私の誕生日には、私がカラフルなケーキいいなあ〜って言ってたらなんとマザーが紫と水色のケーキを注文してくれていました。1人のブラザーはクラリネットでバースデーソングを演奏してくれて、もう1人は日本語で書いた手紙をくれて、シスターは削りかす入りの鉛筆削りをくれました() マザーとファザーは、私は猫が欲しいけど、家で飼えないのをしっていて、だから猫柄のパジャマをくれました!!あとなんと帽子と手袋とミュージカルのチケットも!ブラザー2人とシスターとも最近ようやくすごい仲良しになれて、ビデオゲームも教えてもらったりして、5人全員大好きです。マザーとファザーに嫌な気持ちを抱いたことが一度もありません。2人のことをとても尊敬しています。あと、最近、日本にいた頃みたいに家で鼻歌をするようになりました()家が居心地よくなっていっているのが嬉しいです。なので、ファミリーに関しては私は本当に恵まれました。



       Hi! How are y’all doing? It’s Toko staying in Clayton, North Carolina. It’s hard to believe It’s already December, Isn’t it. In this report, I’m going to talk about my school.

       There are about 2,100 students in my school, so it’s pretty big.  We all have 4 classes every day, and each classes are 90 minutes long. In this first semester I’m taking math2, art, civic/economics, and American history1. As you know, 90 minutes is too long for the students and also for the teachers. So everybody gets tired at the end of the classes.

       The first 2 weeks of school, I was taking PE instead of art class because I’ve heard that It’s easy to make friends in PE. There were about 40 boys and only 8 girls in the class. I noticed that the most of the girls who take PE have boyfriends who also take PE. We were made into some teams, but there were no other girls in my team. I didn’t enjoy my classes at all, so I switched it to art class. I was worried about be in a same situation, but fortunately I could made some friends who live in my neighborhood.

       In math class, there is one other exchange student from Brazil. He is very friendly. He is more outgoing than me. I try not to compare myself with him, but sometimes can’t help getting disappointed with myself. I’ve already learned math2 2 years ago, so it’s not too difficult as long as I understand the words. I want to tell you something. There was one girl who asked me to pass her my homework every day and she didn’t even say thank you. I showed her my homework few times but on third time I was asked to do so, I sad “Do it yourself”. I’m so surprised that I said so. She is the only one person who I don’t like in the United States but she made me brave. I appreciate her. Anyway, I got an A on math2! Hooray!

      I also take civic/ economics. For me, maybe this class is the hardest in this semester. I have so many words to remember that I don’t even heard of them. But now, it’s much easier to understand the class compared with the beginning of the school. Normally I only get 40 to 50%of the tests even my teacher lets me use my electronic dictionary. Once I got 64% on the test, two of my classmates told me that I got better than most of them. I was surprised because they didn’t study as hard as I expected. So I’ll try to get good scores on the final exams. Since I can’t get enough grade on tests, I tried hard to take notes, and it worked! I got 100% on note check.  The first 1 month of school, the girl who sits next to me, she looked unfriendly and I hesitated to talk to her. But one day I asked her to let me copy her notebook, I knew that she is nice. Talking to somebody is really important. Once I asked one boy to show me his notebook, but his handwriting was too bad for me to read. Something unexpected happens every each day. That’s why our lives are amazing.

       My favorite subject is American history. It’s surprising isn’t it? Mr..S taught us the first 2 weeks of the school. He was old and the most amazing teacher I’ve ever met. He changed my view of the world.  In his class, he mainly talks listening to the students’ opinions. However the new teacher came and his class was completely different from Mr. S’ class.  We take so much notes and most of the time we have to work alone. So the beginning of his class, I really couldn’t keep up his class and I have almost cried. But now I’m totally fine. I can take notes faster than other students, and sometimes I can finish my work as fast as they do. Through his class I discovered one thing. Here is the thing. Many people don’t look friendly but they are not as unfriendly as they look. This is what I learned so far. He understands that English is my second language and supports me a lot. And guess what! I made a best friend in this class!! His name is Zion and for me he is the funniest guy in my school. I have shared Takenoko no Sato with my classmates and they loved it.  In American history class, I only get 50% on the test as well as civics ones. But my civic teacher and history teacher gave me Bs! I’m so fortunate. 

        To be honest, I was really afraid of the first day of school. As I expected, it was really tough. I wasn’t made laugh by someone but when I got home I cried. I forgot how I enjoy conversations with friends. I made some friends in the classes but the first semester is almost over. I regret not being myself and outgoing. The first semester passed so quickly, and I’m sure that second semester will pass more quickly. I have to make friends all over again but I try to think its good chance to meet new people.

      In lunch time, I eat with my friends who met on a club meeting. I made some friends through the club so I highly suggest you to Join clubs.  The first few days of school, I thought nobody is nice to me but I was wrong. I’m sure that there are some nice people every school, finding them is quite hard though.

      4 months have passed already and I got have experienced many stuffs including hard one. On the first day of school, I talked to one girl, and she ignored me, or me and my friends went to the football game but I couldn’t join their conversations at all. Then actually I gave up joining the conversations. But This was totally bad idea. It’s still hard to keep conversations but not impossible. I was ignored one, yes ONLY once. So I try not to think negatively. There’s no Japanese family or friends nearby but we’re still living even we’re living with our host families. I want to be able to make conversations as well as American teenagers.  Any way I like my school!!

       I’m going to talk about a little bit of my host family. First of all, I love my host family. I want to tell you about my birthday. My host mom ordered a birthday cake with purple and blue frosting since I have never tried it. One of my host brothers Thomas, he played birthday song with his clarinet. The other one William, he gave me a letter written in Japanese. My host mom and dad know that I want cats but I can’t take them to back to Japan, so they gave me pajamas which cats faces on it. They also gave me a hat, mittens, candy corns, and a musical ticket!!  Words can’t explain how much I appreciate them.  I’m pretty much getting along with my host siblings. My host brothers train me playing video games called fortnight. I really respect my host parents and they gave me good impression of the United States. It’s getting really comfortable to live with and I often ham at home like I was at home in Japan. I’m super fortunate to live with wonderful, amazing, and fantastic host family.

        Anyway, that’s all for my second report! I hope y’all enjoyed it. I’m going to enjoy the rest of my days in the United States cause It’s my first and last experience in my life. See you on third report!!

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