
英語科の短期留学レポート  2018.10





I went to Adelaide, Australia to study abroad for one month during summer vacation. I had really good time there so I’d like to write about it here.



First, I’ll talk about my host family. There were host mother, father,2 sisters,1 brother, exchange student from Germany and the dog named Choco in my host family. They were nice and lively because they had 3 small children.

Mother liked running so we went running together. Father was a doctor and had many topics to discuss. We discussed about daily news every night. Children loved Netflix and we watched a lot of movies every day. Especially they loved Shrek. So we watched it over and over. My host father is German and host mother is Australian so they talked with their children their own language for education. When I listened their talking in Germany, I really confuse but it’s common thing in Foreign country that children learn several languages at the same time. I could experience different culture from Japan.

They took me to the beach on every Saturdays. We took a walk over hot chocolate. The hot chocolate drunk there was exceptional.

 On last week of my staying in Adelaide, we visited Victor Harbor in 3 days and 2 nights. We went Granite island and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. I climbed the top of the island. I could see coast line of Australia.

As I said, my host family had an exchange student from Germany. Her name is Helen. She was like my older sister in Australia. We went same high school and took same bus. I’m so bad with direction that I always went the wrong way. When she saw me, she always guffawed at me and help me. We went many places such as city, beach (after school for 4 time), ice cream shop, shopping…. I had really good time with Helen. I think I spent most of my free time with Helen.



Second, I’ll talk about my school life. I went to Mitcham Girls high school. Nobody went girls high school in Australia from Hokusei except me and another student. I think many people can go to mix high school so I had an interesting experience.

At Mitcham, there were a lot of exchange students from various countries like India, Pakistan, France, Germany, China, Korea, Bulgaria … and Australia. we have many differences from Japan like We had recess to eat snacks or lunch before lunchtime, we took class by using laptop. So we don’t have to take notes in handwriting These differences are inspiring to me.

We had buddies from India and Pakistan. They taught many things. We grew up in different culture so we had many kinds of discovery. Maybe everybody know that Hindi people don’t eat pork meat. We have food class and we cook fried rice. Then the class were divided into Hindi people (include don’t eat pork meat) and others. My food class’s teacher said it’s also common things in the country which has several regions. I was surprised because I knew about Hindi but it’s only in my head. I could experience it on my own. By this experience, I came to thought no matter I have knowledge, it should be meaningless I don’t use them.



       Maybe the people reading up to here will know that I’m interested in cross country cultures. I think learning new things are very interesting, aren’t they?

I had valuable experiences for my life and I’ve changed. I’m shy and not good at talking with someone . I just waited to be talked by someone. So I decided my goals for this study abroad before I went to Australia. For example, I decided to talk with everyone which had eye contact. It doesn’t have to be long sentence just like “Hello! “or “Have Fun!” I tried starting to conversation. I thought I stayed only 1 month in Australia so I don’t have to pay mind to be nervous and ashamed. Then, I came to try everything that I wanted to try. In Japan, I didn’t take any picture with my friends. However, in Australia, I took many picture with my best friends, teachers in Mitcham and my host family. Maybe I couldn’t say “Can I take picture with you?” before I went to Australia. It’s big change for me. I have no regret my study abroad.




Finally, I want to say thank you to my parents. I couldn’t go to Australia and had the most wonderful time of my life Without their cooperation. Thanks mom and dad, I love you!!














           次にオーストラリアでの学校生活について書きたいと思います。私は Mitcham Girls high school という女子高に通いました。北星から女子高に行ったのは私ともう一人の生徒だけでした。多くの人は共学の学校に行くことができますが、外国で、しかも女子高に通うということはなかなかできないことで、貴重な経験ができたと思います。学校には世界各国からの留学生がいました。2時間目が終わるとリセスがあったり、授業はノートをとるのではなく、ラップトップを使って受けたり、日本の学校とは違う点がたくさんあり、興味深かったです。











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I went to Australia for a month and I learned a lot in there. Aussie culture is little different from my culture, it was interesting time for me.

              Before I go to Australia, I was little concerned about my life in Australia, but my host family and my friends in Australia welcomed me. They relieves my concern about my life in Australia.


              My host family members are Sarah and Ivan. They are so friendly and kind. They have so many good friends and they like a real family. My host family is Filipino Christian and they have many friends of their church members. I met and took time with them every week. We enjoyed spending our time to eat dinner, to watch a movie, and to sing together. I was really happy that they talk to me like real family.

I thought that is little different from my culture. I’m also Christian, but I and my family don’t go out with our church member so much, like real family. We just meet on the church and don’t go out with them. I have thought that is usual since I’m child. However, my recognition of my friend’s relationship was changed by this experience in Australia. I thought we are too polite and it cause narrow relationship for us. We should open our mind more and more, and then we can know each other, trust each other, and love each other even more. I think it can make our relationship truly, deeply, and happily.


              I have commuted to Modbury High School. When the first day of Modbury High School, I really surprised that they are independent from other people. It is because they have their own class. Japanese school almost has same class with their classmate, but Australian school almost has different class with their classmate. I think it’s so similar to university style. In addition, I thought there are many class that I have to tell my opinion. I had to make several presentation and express my emotion for others.

              I thought it is different culture from Japan. I was surprised that I was requested that show my thinking. Before I go to Australia, I haven’t thought that is important to show my opinion for others. However, I knew that importance. I thought I have to respect for others even more.


              Australian life gives me a lot of experiences. These experiences a not only happy things. I struggled to understand and speak English faster so many times. I wanted to understand and speak English more. Around people in Australia are so kind, so they tried to understand my poor English for many times. But I really wanted to understand their English completely. It was bitter memory for me.

However, I found some another way to communicate with people in Australia. I could communicate by expressions, actions and songs. I could know that English is a tool of communication. We have many tools of communication not only English. It is very important suggestion for me. At first, I struggled to communicate with them by English. If we use English, we can understand expression more correctly, but most important thing is trying to communicate with people. I thought great wish to communicate connect to actions. Actions connect to relationship.

              I thought I want to interest in others more. So, I want to value around people, and their emotion, and show them my love. Like Australian family and friends do that.



              わたしは一か月間オーストラリアに行き、そこでたくさんのことを学んできました。 オーストラリアの文化は少し私の文化と違う部分もありましたが、それは私にとって興味深い一か月間でした。






              わたしはオーストラリアでModbury High Schoolという学校に通っていました。学校生活1日目、わたしは生徒1人1人が独立していることに驚きを隠せませんでした。彼らは一人一人違う授業を取っていました。日本では、ほとんどの授業がクラスメートと一緒ですが、オーストラリアでは、ほとんどの授業がクラスメートと違っていました。自分の受けたい授業に自分で行く、大学のようなスタイルでした。そして、オーストラリアでは自分を表現する授業が多く、いくつかプレゼンテーションをすることもありました。









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I went to Adelaide in Australia for studying abroad for a month. Before I want to there, I think a month is too short for studying abroad, but I felt it’s a little long. On the other hand, I could get some experience in Adelaide.

My host family is father and mother, and two Chinese exchange students. My host parents always went to somewhere at night, so I couldn’t talk to them so much. I ate same food which my host family bought from same store every day. Two Chinese exchange students are usually kind, but they talked each other in Chinese. I wanted to talk to them in English, so I gave them chocolates. They said “Thank you.”, so I feel happy at that time. In addition, there are two dogs, Lily and Mercy in this family. They were so kind to me, because they came close to me when I feel sad. I think they can understand people’s expressions. They cheered me up every day until I leave the home. Therefore, they barked sorrowfully when I said “Good bye.” I could hold out, thanks to them.

In the local school, I was surprised at many things. Especially, many students didn’t study seriously at the lessons. They played games on their laptops and ate bananas during the lessons. I could know the differences of Japan and Australia. I had a buddy, she is Japanese who lived in Adelaide for six years. She can speak both Japanese and English, so she always helped me at the school.

On holidays, I went to some shopping center like city, Marion shopping center, and Westlakes with my friend. I have many memories about them, but I will introduce one of them. When I went to Marion shopping center with my friend, we got lost at the bus station. We had to leave there at 4p.m., so we started finding the bus station which we should to get bus at 3p.m. We continued finding it for about two hours with rains. We asked a bus driver if the bus station is correct for us when we think that we could finally find it, but it was wrong. So, we couldn’t catch the bus at 4 p.m. Therefore, we could catch the bus at 5 p.m. It was too hard, but it became one of the good memory for us in Australia.

Through the study abroad, I think I can become stronger than before I went studying abroad in Australia. This study abroad was a little hard for me, but I could have some good experiences. In addition, I was helped by my friends and Japanese family. When I was painful, they always encouraged. Especially, Yuri is my friend who went to same school as me. She always helped me, and her host mother also helped me when I had some problems. On last day that we leave for Japan and go to the airport, she took me to the airport. I couldn’t go to there without her. So, I should be grateful to her, and I want to say “Thank you.” Also, I want to say that for my family of Japan. I could go studying abroad, thanks to them. So, I want to improve my English skills for them, and I want to came true my dream in the future.









荒関 李音 の留学レポート

 I studied abroad in Australia for a month. I had a good experience and precious memories. First, one month ago, I wasn’t able to speak English positively but my English skill have grown up just a little by studying abroad. For example, I have gotten to be able to speak positively. There were a lot of opportunities to speak with a lot of people in Australian. So I spoke English with them a lot every day during studying abroad so I became to be able to speak positively. I also improved my English skills and talk skills. The reason is the same as the reason of the above.

 Secondly, I could make awesome friends. Many students that I met in Australia always helped me when I was in trouble. I really enjoyed my school life thanks to them. I already miss them. I keeping in touch with them though I left Australia. Finally, I realized that I could live by supporting by many people. For instance, my host family is always concerned about me. My family also cheer me up when I was struggling. I thought that I was blessed with the people around me. I definitely visit Australia again to meet wonderful people that I met there. I’ll study English more to be able to talk with them more fluently. Thank you for reading my report.


私は、1か月間オーストラリア留学に行ってきました。香港やメルボルン空港にいる時はまだ留学という実感がなく、友達もいたことで旅行気分でした。しかし、アデレード空港に着き、ホストファミリーのところへ行くといきなり実感が湧いてきてみんなと離れたくないという感情が込み上げてきて、楽しみという感情がファミリーや学校の子達とちゃんと話せるか、まず友達ができるのか、1か月無事に過ごせるのかという不安に変わっていきました。しかし、そんな不安も留学1週間目で消え去りました。なぜなら学校の子たちから積極的に話しかけてくれて、話すときもファミリーも学校の子たちもわかりやすい単語を使って、私がわからなくてももう一度話してくれたからです。私はオーストラリアの人たちはとても親切なことを知りました。バディーが2日しかつかなかったので、クラスの場所がわからず、迷っていたら一度も話したことがない子たちが私のクラスの場所まで連れて行ってくれたり、聞いていないのに「この授業はここの教室だよ。大丈夫?」などと聞いてくれました。とても心強かったです。私は、週末同じクラスのゆめ、ふみか、いくみとMarion Shopping Centerに行ったり、りこと学校の友達SimonRohanRundle mallに行ったり、ボーリングなどをしたりしました。それらの時間はとても楽しくて、留学当初は早く帰りたいなあなどと思っていたのに、1週間後には帰りたくない、ずっといたいと思うようになっていました。それほど留学生活が楽しかったです。私がオーストラリアで驚いたことは、3つあります。1つ目はとても寒いということです。寒いということは知っていましたが、寝てるときに凍えるほどだとは思わなくてびっくりしました。シャワーもすごく寒かったです。それも3日ぐらいで慣れました。2つ目は、授業でLaptopを使うことです。私の学校ではほとんど授業Laptopで紙とかペンを使うことがありませんでした。こっちのほうが楽なので日本でもLaptopでの授業がいいなあと思いました。3つ目は、生徒がとても大人っぽく見えることです。私は一つ下の学年に入ったのですが、みんな一つ下とは思えない程大人っぽかったです。日本に帰国して写真を母に見せたところ先生に間違われるほどです。(笑)私がこの留学で、話す力と話しかける積極性を少しでも上げられたんじゃないかなと思います。毎日英語で話す機会があったので、話す力もあがり、もともと日本でも知らない人に話しかけるのは苦手だったのですが、今は留学前よりも人に話しかけることへの抵抗が少なくなりました。楽しい思い出もできたし、英語力も少しは上がったと思うので、私はこの留学でとてもいい経験ができたんじゃないかなと思っています。

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