







前回のレポートから約4ヶ月の間、Thanks giving、クリスマス、旅行やテストと…全てをここに書くことはできませんが、私の3回目のレポート、最後まで読んで頂ければ嬉しいです。









もう1つの事件は、ホストマザーがスキー場で車のカギを落としたことです。これには家族中がビックリしすぎて怒るどころか笑ってしまいました。だってスキーをするのに、鍵の入ったポケットを開けっ放しにしますか?笑 もちろん鍵が見つかる訳もなく、スペアキーが届くまでホストマザーはコロラドに残らなければならなかったので、私たち家族5人はギュウギュウで一台の車でアリゾナまで8時間かけて帰りました。学校に行かなければならなかったからです。まあ良い思い出ですね笑笑








学校は、1月4日から2学期が始まりました。私は今、Life Connection(家庭科と保健が混ざった感じ)、Peer Tutor(障害者の子どもたちに数学を教えるクラス)、Algebra、English、アリゾナとアメリカの歴史、生物をとっています。正直な話、最初より成績を維持することが難しくなったように感じます。何故なんでしょう?未だに苦労しまくっています。この中のPeer Tutorというクラスについて少し話させてください。このクラスは2学期から新しく取ったクラスです。日本語のクラスが嫌いだったので変えました。私の一番好きなクラスです。彼らに〝障害者〟という言葉を使いたくありません。彼らは普通の高校生です。他の人が3分でできることに10分かかってしまうだけです。普通に恋のお話や映画のお話もします。このクラスでは、数学を教えるだけではなく、週の初めには週末のことを作文にしてシェアしたり、ゲームをしたり、色々なことをするので私の英語の勉強にもなります。いつも彼らが問題を解けた後にはハイタッチをします。このクラスから本当にたくさんのことを学んでいます。








P.S.  5Fのみんな、英語劇がんばれ!アメリカから応援しています。見たかったなぁ。



Hi guys! How have you been doing? It’s me Rio. Should I say ”Happy New Year!” or ”Happy Valentine’s Day!” or something? Well….I know it’s been too late. I feel time goes faster than last year. I’m sorry for late to send the report. Aw this is the word that I had decided never say before I leave Japan. But…I was such a busy girl recently these days so please forgive me. I’m making an amazing one so…


I’ve experienced so many stuff since when I sent the last one such as Thanks giving, Christmas, trips, and exams haha. You know I can’t write about everything but I’d be happy to share my experiences w/ you guys. So please keep reading.


The first thing that I need to tell you guys is about the”trips”. I went to not only Phoenix and Tucson which are the two biggest cities in AZ but also my HF took me to Colorado, Las Vegas, and California. I know I always say that, but my host family is JUST AMAZING. They always take me tons of places that are such incredible. Any words can’t explain how much I love my ”family” and how much I’m thankful for ‘em. All the trips were amazing but let me talk about two trips in Colorado and California.


I enjoyed skiing for two days in Colorado. That was great cuz it took only couple minutes to get to the house that we borrowed from the ski ground so we enjoyed it all day. But this is not the thing that I wanna tell you guys. Incidents always happen when we’re having fun. I enjoyed skiing w/my oldest host brother for two days but I got lost. I was like it doesn’t matter. Because I had my phone! However, anybody didn’t answer the phone even though they said to me ”If you get lost, just call us.” So, I tried to find my house for like an hour while crying cuz the ski ground was HUGE. Anyways, don’t worry about that. I could find and go back to the house.


Also there was one more incident. My host mom lost the car key. We were like far from got angry, just laughed lol. Of course it wasn’t possible to find the key and then we went back to AZ by one car for 6 people cuz we had to go school. Anyways, that was such a good memory haha. 


Next, let me talk about the trip in CA.

We were there for 6 days and we enjoyed shopping, sightseeing, and of course Disney land. Do you guys know that Disney land is in the city called Anaheim. That’s not true in Los Angeles. I didn’t know that also there is one more Disney land called ”California Adventure.” I prefer California Adventure to Disney land bc it’s like more Disney sea in Tokyo which has big attraction so…absolutely both of ‘em were awesome tho. The water show which was in California Adventure was the most incredible show ever in my life. I was crying even I’m not kidding. I wish I could show you guys the video that I took. My host mom and her friend LOVE Disney so we could enjoy all of attractions without waiting bc they got fast passes for ‘em. Honestly I wanted enjoy more slowly but it was still so much fun though. My HF is amazing! I love them. I love my American house! They’re already figuring out about the trip during the spring break. I’m so excited!


Anyhow, I need to talk about ”school” right? It has started the second semester on January 4th. I’m taking Life Connection, Peer Tutor, Algebra, English, U.S. AZ history, and Biology. Idk why but it’s still hard even more getting harder. I’m usually not only teaching Math to the disability kids but also sharing about our weekend each other and playing the game so it’s good for improve my English. They are super nice and that’s why it’s my most fav class. 

Also I’m doing Track and Field after school as a club. That’s my enemy cuz it’s so hard. Really. But I’ll just do my best!


Can you believe that I’m going back in three months! I seriously feel like it’s been only couple months. I’m actually very confusing now because it’s true I’m exciting to go back. But it’s also true I don’t wanna leave here bc of my family and friends. But either way I have to go back soonish. So, that’s all I gotta do just keep learning, having fun, and thinking a lot:-) 

So, see you guys in my next one. Thank you so much for reading. Love you guys!



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学校生活はすでに3学期に突入しました。3学期はIndependent Living, Integrated Math, World Food, American Literatureを取っています。Independent Livingは高校を卒業してから一人暮らしをするために何が必要かどんなことを知っておくと役に立つかなどを学んでいます。American Literatureは色んな話を読んで自分の意見を持ったりアメリカの歴史も学んだり、私にとって難しいクラスです。だからこそ自分のためになると信じて頑張っています。








Hello! This is Rina Amitsuka. I already spend time here about 7 months since I came to America. It’s March, recently the snow melts and warm days are continuing in North Dakota where I live.


The school life has already started for third semester. I’m taking Independent Living, Integrated Math, World Food, and American Literature right now. I’m learning what is necessary to live alone after graduating from high school and whether it’s useful when I know what kind of everything in Independent Living class. I read various stories and have own opinions and share to classmates. And also learn about US history in American Literature class. This is the difficult class for me, but I hope that will be good for oneself.


The cheer club season was over, so I entered the track and field club. I’m looking forward to do practice from March. I never do cheer and track and field before. But it’s awesome because I could do my favorite sports.


February begins, everyone’s topic about the prom. My school has prom at April 2nd. I went to Bismarck with host family and exchange student from Germany for buy prom dress at the end of February. We could buy our favorite dress. I have done a slightly expensive shopping but I will enjoy it by just that much! And also I’m looking forward to go after prom party.


I experienced the hard thing but now I like to spend time here and this year makes me grow up. It means mind. And I can realize the gentleness of a lot of people with skin. I’m really happy to see these nice people. I want to spend last 3 months without forgetting my original intentions.


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Hey guys! I’m Nana. I usually try to be fine and write positive thing. This time, I’ll try to tell you what I feel these days. It’s embarrassing to show myself being weak, but I’m going to be honest with you and myself. Though I’m sure that some of other students are also feeling like me, I’ve been homesick more than I’ve ever feel, and I’m still weak to face myself recently.


I’ve skipped class once, I’ve skipped a whole school day few times, and I also have been sick thinking about going to school because I really didn’t want to. It’s not what is supposed to be as a foreign exchange student and a Hokusei girl. Haha I reflect on what I did seriously. I’m not involved in any club, I don’t have many friends, and I’m stacking on my bunch of assignments. Those are big reasons why I don’t want to go to school. I realized I’m not outgoing without my close friend or someone who cares me, I’m a perfectionist, and I’m a kind of dreamer through my life in here. So I don’t feel that I accomplished something, and I don’t have confidence. Then I was getting frustrated with myself, I sobbed suddenly or spent the time idly.


I knew that I have to do something to change that situation. What I did for it was to communicate with everyone who can listen to me. I talked with my host family, called my family and friends in Japan, texted Mr. Tanabe and my area rep. That was only what I came up to do, and those worked well. Every person’s word healed me. I’m still struggling though, I think everything is going to be okay thanks to those people.


In my life in here, things I thought that are going to happen don’t, and things I have not imagined happened. But it’s not too bad. I believe everything is going to be alright with my effort. I’ll keep growing up so people can see brand new me when I go back.

See you soon!

Nana HIrabayashi


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それで、今私はアーチェリーチームに所属しています。私はあまり上手ではないのですが、他のチームメイトやコーチが教えてくれるので、練習を頑張らなければいけません。4月に大きな大会があるので、ちょっと緊張しています。同じ4月に「Into the Woods」を上演しますが、どうなるか想像もつきません。もう少しでここを離れるのがとても悲しいです。私だけでなく友達や家族も悲しいと思います。皆が私がいなくなるので寂しいと言ってくれたので、とても嬉しいです。本当はずっと皆と一緒に居たい気持ちです。


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Hello. I am Hazuki. I am sorry for being late to send this report. I spend really busy time at here.  I will give you about valentine day.  At first, some students including me were called, and we went to gym this time.  And then I was surprised because gym was full of presents from parents. I got some candy, flowers, and a doll.  I was really happy cuz I realized my host family love me a lot! Next day was real valentine day, I spent it with my best friend.  We went to mall and I gave him shirt and just a little bit surprise, because it’s a valentine day but American valentine day is different. Boys give something to girls.  So I went to a shop and I decide what I want, but he said he will get it for me. I was so surprised.  He is really nice for me always ( I promise we do not have relationship though :p) 


Anyway, I am in archery team now. I am not good player but other teammate and couches help me so I just have to practice.  We have big competition in April. I am kind of nerves. Also I will play “Into the Wood” in April. I really cannot guess how it will be…

I fell so sad for I have to leave here. It is not only me but also my friends and family too. I fell happy for they say they will miss me though I really do not want to miss them. I just want to stay with them forever.


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帰国するまであと四カ月、ということは私は七カ月もここにいるんですね!前よりも自分に自信を持てている気がするし、人生をもっと楽しくする方法を学んでいるような感じがします。素敵な家族と本当に素晴らしい友達に会ったし、セント・メアリーハイスクールが大好きです。でもそれのおかげで、どれだけ自分が日本の友達と学校のことを好きなのか気づいた気がします。ここに来なかったらこんな考え方絶対にできなかったと思う。マザーと私はいつも「I love my life!」っていいます。I love my life! そこそこ。皆が恋しいです。あと四カ月で帰りますね。五月ごろにまたレポートを書く予定なので、その時まで皆さんさようなら!


The second semester has started from February 1st and everything has changed. Now I’m taking ELA, Native Studies, Gen Tutorial, Food Studies and Graphic Arts. ELA is the class to study how to write correct English. It is pretty hard for me because we need to know lots of terms that I don’t know, but my teacher and my friends help me. In Native Studies, we learn about Indigenous people all over the world. This is my favorite class because one of my best friends is taking this class and we can work together, and I love my teacher. She is an Aboriginal person from Canada and she knows a lot of things about First Nations. I like to learn how people who have different identities see the world, and how they live. I’m excited because we are going to learn about Ainu pretty soon. It is good feeling that when I see the people learning our cultures. In first three days in February I used to have a spare for period 3. But I was called to the office and the teacher said that I couldn’t have a spare because I needed to be in the class to spend more time to use English. So I changed to Gen Tutorial, which is not as much as different from when I had a spare. When the third period begins, I go to the library and just sit anywhere I want to and work on my assignments. That’s what I used to do in the spare! The teacher asks what I’m going to do every time when the class begins, but that’s it. He doesn’t walk around during the class to check whether we’re working on our assignments. It is the easiest class in the classes I’m taking. And then we have a lunch time for an hour. I always have the same lunch every day; a sandwich, a vegetable bag and a soup. It’s like $2.25 for all of these and it’s pretty cheap. I think we need a cafeteria like this school has in our school in Japan so that our moms don’t have to rush every morning. I have taken the Food St. 20 in the last semester, but now I’m taking the 10’s as it seemed to be difficult for me to take 30’s, but I couldn’t take 20’s again. In that class I found my best friend, Meryll. She’s from Philippine and she’s really nice. She speaks English so good and I respect her. Kendra is nice to me too. She likes Japan and she said she might come visit me! I’m so happy that I can find people who like Japan. The last one is Graphic Arts. We’re making the year book in this class. I was mistaken to think that this class is easier than others. I need to take a picture of students, interview people, and decide the layout. I had known my teacher because she was my teacher in Food St. last semester. She helps me a lot and I like her. This is the best timetable ever and I can stay here forever. Just kidding.


I got a kitty from the animal shelter. Her name is Gracie and she has a gray hair with white spot on her neck. I’ll explain how we found her. My mom wanted a dog or cat, because Opie, the dog that we’ve been taking a care of, is going to live with my host sister’s house in a few days. So we went to the animal shelter to find a new pet, and we saw a fluffy puppy in one of the rooms. She was really nice and cute, but unfortunately she had such a shaggy and long hair, that when she pooped, the poop stuck on her butt because of her hair. That smelled so bad. So we gave up adopting her and went the other room. In that room there’re seven or eight cats in there and I saw my favorite one. I have seen her before as I’ve been there several times, and my mom knew that I loved her. So, we fostered her! Why we didn’t adopt her is that if she’s too sick or too bad, we can return her to the animal shelter. So we just foster her to see if she’s ok to live with us. She’s little bit scared of new place, but I think she’ll be ok. She often hides downstairs, but she comes out when I call her. I like her purring.


Four months left until I’ll go back to Japan, which means that I’ve been here for seven months! I feel my English is getting better. Just a little bit. I think I’m more confident about myself than before, and I’m starting to know how to make my life more colorful. I got a wonderful family and adorable friends, and I like St. Mary high school. Those things I’ve got here reminds me how much I love my friends and school in my country. I would never know this point of view if I didn’t come here. I and my mom always say ‘I Love My Life! ’ when we cheer up each other. Yes, I love my life! I miss you guys. Four more months and I’ll see you. I’m supposed to write the other report on May, so until then, good bye folks


Gracie Liza and me



みなさんこんにちは。そしてあけましておめでとうございます、もう2月ですが…。皆さんどんな大晦日と新年を送り、迎えましたか?今まで日本を恋しくなったことはなかったと言っても過言ではないほどでしたが、大晦日と新年はやっぱり恋しくなりました。日本の大晦日と元旦の説明をしていると、また余計に去年までを思い出してしまいました。私のファミリーとの大晦日と元旦は、食べて、食べて、食べまくりました笑 エビとカニが食べられたんですよ!実際、大きなイベントとは感じられませんでしたが、今まで16年間同じ文化を感じてきた私にとってはまたひとつの素敵な経験になりました。








あとまた歴史の話になってしまいますが、今季から第一次世界大戦に入りよく日本の名前を聞きます。この時代、日本は決して ”良い国” ではなかったので、日系人が…なんて聞くと未だにドキッとしてしまいます。自分が何をやったわけでもないのに悪い気分になってしまうんです。慣れないとダメなんですけどね…。日本で日露戦争のこととなると条約がどうでこうで…って感じだったんですが、アメリカ視点になると、仲裁するために何をふまえて…という感じでさっぱりでした。恥ずかしながらアメリカ視点でなんて考えたことありませんでした…


あと今季になって新しい授業を取りました。経済法といって、アメリカの政治の仕組みから、法律、裁判所のこと、本当にあった事件を調べてレポートを書いたり、討論したり。まだ討論にはなじめていませんが5月までそんなことにならないように頑張ります。これもまた最初は後悔しました、かなり。ニュースを見ていないと授業についていけなかったり、TEDをよく見たりします。でも毎日ボキャブラリーがほんとに増えていくんです、日常生活では使わないような単語が笑 でもこんな単語も勉強しないと、テストでいい点とれないんです。そのテストと言うのは ACT と言って、ざっくり言うと模試、のようなものなんですが。一月に一度受けたのですが、悲惨、悲惨…。数学は何故だかそこそこ取れたんですが。国際学生ならアメリカの大学に入るためにACTのスコアが使えるので、少なくとも平均は取らないといけないんですけどね。次は四月にあるので勉強しないとです。


この間まではあと8カ月、半年、だったのにあと少ししか生活する時間はありません。もっと日本語を教えられるように、興味を持ってもらえるようにただ自分が英語を勉強するだけではないことを忘れずに文化交流しようと思います。クワイアの時間では今、日本語の歌を歌っているんです。日本に留学したいんだ、って言っている人もいて、私なんかよりも知っていることが多かったり。あとこの間個人的に驚いた文化を聞いたのです。知っている人もいるとは思いますが、アメリカでは赤ちゃんが生まれると職場にシガレットを持っていくそうです。シガレットよりもキャンディバーを持っていく人もいるそうです。今ではあまり多くは見ないそうですが、また新しいことを知れました。教えるだけでなく、アメリカのものを吸収することも必要ですし。と言うことで、この間髪を切りました。アメリカで笑 見た目はもう、カッパみたいな、こけしみたいな。友達にはきのこだね、って言われました。ただのきのこじゃなくてトリュフだよ!大丈夫!って高価なきのこにしてもらえましたけど、どう答えたらよかったんでしょう…笑






Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! it’s February yet…How was your New Years? It’s not too much to say that I almost never miss Japan , but I really missed Japanese New Year tho. When I explained Japanese New Year to everyone, it made me more isolation additionally lol My New Year with host family was in a consistent way to eat, eat, and eat! I could eat shrimp and crab! In the fact, it was not felt big event, but it was gonna be my great memory for me living at same culture for 16 years. In last year, I had a lot of things I experienced for the first time, they were so tough which are final, small test, anything and everything, During December to January was peak escalating stress. It went so fast till December, but first few weeks when 2 semester started were felt super long and slowly. Now it backed the same as before, which reminded me and could appreciate that I have friends, once again.  I completely get used to 2 semester’s class, I can’t still be a big mouth tho, I can talk with some people who we had bad relationship few months ago. Impression is very necessary, always be a friendly, with that, you’ll be alight, probably.


Some activities almost done one more month, and new activities are coming. If I have started more early, got more information, I might be able to get better score. I lack a feeling of accomplishment now, at least regret is bigger than satisfaction. Exchange students who are gonna go next year,  if you guys want to do something unknown things, just go and do it, first. You don’t have to look ahead, you never know. Don’t do wanna do that tho, but too late. 


On February, we had Valentines! I sang love song related Valentines in the school. There were Soprano 1, Soprano 2, and Alto were consisted by 6 people. it was very fun, and I’ve heard many exchange students belong choir, I think choir is very good for you. 


And I am gonna talk about history again, I often hear about Japan because we study WW1 since 2 semester. At that time, Japan is ” not ” good country. I didn’t do anything, but I care about Japan and mine despite I don’t have to. For example, in Russian Japanese war, we were author of the war, but in the America, they were mediator to both. I’ve never thought position of America in our war. 


Also, I’m taking Business Law this semester. I study US government, law, court, crime, case study, and discussion. I am so discombobulated, I am not still fitting in the discussion, I will hard to talk for don’t be like that to in May. We watch TED, and if I don’t watch news, I will not be able to understand about the class, I extremely regretted to take it first, but it is supposed to be good for me one day, I believe in. It should be, right? At least I am sure that because I get so many words just one class, which is like don’t use in the daily life. 


I am gonna live here just few months, it goes too fast. I would like to do cultural exchange to teach more Japanese and Japanese culture. Also don’t forget I don’t come to here just I study English. There is a person who wants to study abroad to Japan. He likes Japanese culture, and food, like fish. He knows a lot of things about Japan better than me. 


I cut my hair in America! lol. It was like mushroom that I was said by friends. but they said it is not normal mushroom, it is truffle! You’re all right! I could be more expensive. What should I answered back to them…lol


Just one more report to go back Japan, LIKE IT UP! GUYS!

Thank you for reading.

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Hi. The snow has melted and the weather has been mild. It’s like spring. Probably, there are still a lot of snow in Sapporo.


I went to dance party on New Years Eve. It was fun, but missed NHK Kohaku Utagassen, oranges, and Osechi.


And the new term has started from February. I take Math, Food, Cosmetology, and Society. In Food class, I make cookies, cheese buns and pizza pretzel. I like cheese buns and cookies. These are so good. I have turn to serve school foods every Tuesday and I can eat cookies and buns for free. In Cosmetology, we wash and curl hair, and apply nail polish. I had my hair washed and curled by same class girl. I did same things, but it was difficult for me.


I went to buffalo jump. There are some little cliffs, and long time ago, they lured buffaloes to near the cliff, and buffaloes ran rapidly, and they fell , and they got them.


And we have kept a puppy since a week ago. We have not decided his name. They hesitation which name, “Rocky” or “Lucky”. He is so cute! I don’t like dogs, but I love him.


I joined jazz band this term. I play xylophone. We practice for music festival. We are going to go to B.C. I’m very looking forward to go to festival.


I have only about four month. I can’t believe it. I want to live quality study abroad.


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最後まで最善を尽くして頑張ります。 皆さん良い一日を。 もうすぐお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。


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Hello. What’s up everyone? This is Mayuko. I’ve been really busy lately but I’m living a full life. I’ll write on my school life. It’s just super fun more than last semester. I do have speech class as a new class. It’s really good time to improve my speaking skill. I’ve done my second presentation last week. I was working on chose some us news and make own commercial. It was a bit hard work for me but I think it went well. My teacher told me you have a nice voice and good job so I was as happy as can be. I’ll do my best. Also I’m taking Economics as a new class as well. I’ve just learned about Asian economy. As a matter of fact, it is the hardest class for me but thanks to my gentle teacher and wonderful friends, I’m doing well. It’s one of the best class I’ve had.


I’m being so busy person at school it is because I have some friends who like Japan so much, so I always teach them Japanese, folding paper, and so on. Some people often ask me about Japanese Anime but I have no acquaintance with that so I want to give them some information but I can’t. LOL Rather than they have a load of information about it I think. And Japanese candies are really popular over here. Everyday people ask me “mayuko, give me Japanese candies!” not only friends but also teachers. Anyway I’m super enjoying my school life. There is no end if I write about school life so I’ll stop.LOL

I went sightseeing in Chicago the day after Christmas with exchange students from same organization. It was the first time of visit there for me. That was amazing and terrific place for me. I love it there a bunch. We enjoyed shopping. Technically we did just shopping. LOL Also we went to the tower that we can see the view of Windy city. It’s like Tokyo sky tree.  Unfortunately it was so bad weather so we couldn’t see the beautiful view. I would love to go there one day. Besides I went to the basketball game with exchange students from same company.  It was great day. Players were so tall and handsome. LOL These are one of my best memories!!!

I’ll do my best until the very last minute:) Have a good one and take it easy.

Be seeing you soon!!!

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1学期が終わり、2学期がスタートしました。今学期から卒業するために必要なgovernmentのクラスを受けています。宿題は自分で教科書を読んでノートを作ること。これがすごく大変で…でも、時間は掛かりますが勉強になります。私の先生は基本ホワイトボードに手書きという授業スタイルなのですが、正直字が綺麗な方とは言えないので「他の先生はパワーポイント使っているのに〜!」と心の中で毎時間嘆いています(笑) 凄く優しい先生なんですけどね!


JAPANESE FOOD DAY‼︎ ということで、この前お好み焼きと稲荷寿司を作りました。ホストファザーとマザーは凄く気に入ってくれましたが、シスターはどちらも口に合わなかったようです(笑) 今度はオムライスを作ろうかと計画中です!…え?誰が食べたいか?それはご想像にお任せします(笑)








Hi, how are you guys doing? About six and a half months have passed since I left Japan. I just noticed it’s already February. Time goes by quickly, doesn’t it? By the way, the temperature was -13°F(-25℃) a couple of days ago in Iowa.


The first semester is already over, and the second semester is starting. I’m taking a government class this semester because I have to take it to graduate Valley High School. Homework is reading the textbook and taking notes ourselves. It’s hard, don’t you think? It takes a long time, but it’s also helpful for learning English. My teacher’s handwriting is hard to read, so I think, “Why don’t you use power point?” whenever he writes something on the board. He is really nice though:)


The other day, I made Japanese food, Okonomiyaki and Inarizushi. The host parents liked them, but host sister didn’t like both though. I’m planning on making Omuraisu next time! Who wants to eat it? “ME” haha


One of the purposes of my study abroad is to find my dream. I still haven’t been able to find it, but I think I’m changing like I started to dream in English. I’ll keep thinking about my future. I also think about myself more than when I was in Japan. I’m trying to find and understand who I am. I think I have to have my own opinions whenever I talk with my host family or friends here. I should think more deeply about things and try to act accordingly.


Even though I experienced many bitter things so far, they are making me grow, so I’m thankful for this study abroad.


I’m enjoying my life in America and glad I’m here!

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