


 皆さんこんにちは!コロラド州のThompson Valley 高校にいる堀江志乃です!こちらは未だに急に暑くなったりする日がありますが、今は雪も降って冬が始まった感じがします。日本はどんな感じなのでしょうか。今回は、学校生活について詳しく書いていきたいと思います!英語と日本語の文の内容は少々違うのでどちらも読んでくださるとうれしいです!!

その前に前回からの出来事をちょっと書きたいと思います!レポートの後すぐにホームカミングがありました。友達と準備をして夜中まで踊ってとても楽しかったです!プロムが私の誕生日なので待ち遠しいです。アメリカで始めてのハロウィンはとっても楽しかったです!私はケアベアのパジャマコスチュームで学校に行きました!!また私はとても怖がりで何回も死ぬ!と思うほど怖い飾りもので好きだけど苦手なハロウィンです笑いまはthanks givingとクリスマスにまっしぐらでブラックフライデーが待ち遠しいです。学校は1000人ほどのアメリカでは小さな学校に通っています。家の目の前に高校があるのですが、その学校ではなく車で20分くらいの高校に通っています。まずは私が取っている授業とクラスの状況を説明しますね。教科は、Spanish 1, Culinary career and nutrition, Aquatics, English 11, Pre-AP Algebra 2, History, Pre-AP chemistry 7教科を取っていて、2時間目に授業を入れていません!まずスペイン語です。将来的にスペイン語を話せるようになりたかったのでちょうどいいと思いとりました。先生はとても優しい先生なのですが、生徒がお調子者ばっかりということもあり、毎回毎回カオスです。でも、新しい言語を学ぶのはすごく好きなので、街とかでスペイン語を見て単語だけでも理解できるようになっているのがうれしいです。Culinary career and nutrition は家庭科のような授業です。しかし、学校があまりお金を出してくれないらしいので、そんなに料理ができなくて悲しいです。作った時はすごい楽しいですよ!でも、玉ねぎみじん切りしただけで天才扱いされます笑。専門用語が授業内で入ってくるので苦労していましたが、今は大丈夫になりました。Aquaticsは私の1番好きな授業だと思います。水泳の授業で、最終試験が1 mile(1,16km)を泳ぐことで頑張っています。このクラスは8人くらいの男子と私含めて2人しか女子がいません。でも女の子と仲良くなれて楽しいです!授業ではもちろん泳ぎもしますが、free dayといって自由な日もくれます。なのでダイビングボードから飛び込んだりしてあそんでいます!今はダイビングボードから全宙で飛び込むのと、ダイビングジャンプができるようになりました!今は1回半のジャンプを練習しています!あと、今まで自分が水泳が得意だと思ったことは1回も無かったのですが、水泳のコーチに水泳部に入らないかと誘っていただきました!なんでも挑戦するのは本当に大事だと思います。English 11は国語が苦手だった私に取って最初はそんなに好きになれなかった授業です。こっちの同い年の生徒のレベルでの英語かと緊張していましたが、先生が本当に面白くて、そして助けてくれるので授業も楽しいと思えるようになりました。今では電子辞書がなくても、わかるようになって来たので凄く嬉しいです。Pre-AP Algebra 2 は数学の割と進学クラスですが、そんなに難しくないです。先生がすごく面白いのと、クラスメイトも愉快なので楽しいです。正直数学が好きになるとは思っていませんでした笑。Historyはアメリカ史です。これは本当に、手塚先生と山川先生に感謝しています。今は第二次世界大戦が始まったばっかりです。もと4Fなら知っている私が日本大嫌いになったところです。でも、その分内容をすごく覚えています。このクラスにはもう1人ウクライナからの留学生がいて、どちらの国も第二次世界大戦に深く関わっていた国なので、私たちは自国からの目線で第二次世界大戦のプレゼンテーションをすることになりました。先生はジョークをたくさんいう面白い先生です。私の学校は携帯が授業中禁止なのですが、この先生は大丈夫で、この前友達がゲームをしていて、クリアできなくて悩んでたら先生が助けてました笑。最後はPre-AP Chemistry です。これは化学の進学クラスです。正直私は化学を楽しいと思う日が来るとは思いませんでしたが、今では本当に好きです笑。化学基礎でやったものの応用編な感じなのですが、友達がわからなかったら助けたり、ボランティアで問題をクラスで解いたり説教的に参加しています。





     Hello! It’s Shino Horie from Colorado. How are you doing? I’m doing prep good. It’s getting cold here and it snowed two times but it melted… Colorado’s weather is crazy so finger crossed that it’s going to snow soon!!  This is my second report and I can’t believe it has been three months since I wrote the first one. Since I came here I don’t want to go home and it’s scary how fast the time passes. Anyway, in this report I will talk about my school life and of course club activities!

      Before I start let me talk about what happened between the last and this report. First I had my first and last homecoming! I went with my friends. We get ready together, took pictures and danced until our legs died. We had so much fun! Prom is on my birthday so I’m so excited. After that we had Halloween… I love and don’t like Halloween at the same time because I love to wear costume but I don’t like scary things. I went as a care bear and I had fun!!

      I’m going to Thompson Valley High School which is in Loveland. There are about 1000 students and it’s a pretty small school.  First I will talk about my classes I take.  I have Spanish 1, Culinary career and nutrition, Aquatics, English 11, Pre-AP Algebra 2, History, Pre-AP chemistry.  I have Spanish 1 and there are a lot of freshmen so the class is always loud.  However we were having fun. I personally love to learn new languages and I’m happy every single time when I walk outside and find sentences or even a word that I can understand.  Culinary career and nutrition is like a cooking class where you also learn about nutrition.  It is fun to cook and through the lab I could make a strong bond with my friends.  Today we made a shake and I spilled it all over the table by accident…well, it was kind of funny and I cleaned it so it’s okay.  Aquatics is definitely one of my favorite classes. There are eight boys and only two girls.  Because of this the girl and I are really good friends and the guys are also funny.  We are not only swimming but also having a lot of free times or days where we can play water games or diving from the diving boards. I got flip turn and jump diving and now I’m trying to do a one and a half turn jump.  I’ve never thought I’m good at swimming but the Couch from the swimming team asked me to join and I started swimming too.  English 11 is probably the hardest but a fun class. At the beginning i had to use my dictionary a lot but now I almost don’t use it and that makes me more confident.  The teacher is really nice and funny so I’m having fun.  Pre-AP Algebra 2 is a math class and it is not that hard.  I like this class because math is “an international language “ so even if i couldn’t understand the sentence i could guess from the Formula.  History is also one of my favorite classes. I like every classes but this class is so much fun.  The teacher is really funny and he helps me a lot.  We are started learning about World War 2. As 4F students know i HATE to learn what Japan did. However I know a lot about this and there is also an exchange student from Ukraine and our teacher would let us do a presentation about what we learn in our countries about WW2.  Pre-AP Chemistry is a pre-college class but it is not that hard. It is the same as math, it’s like “an international language”. To be home I’ve never thought I will like chemistry but since I know how to solve it it’s so much fun.  I love to go to school because I feel I learn something new every single day. 

    Now I’ll talk about my club activities. As probably you know I’m in a cheerleading team and I’m having a lot of fun. I also started joining the swimming team and I like it too.  We have work out day on Wednesdays. The things we do change every time. In today’s work out we had to do three planks until you “die”.  First time I did it for two minutes. The second time was for two and a half. And guess what. I did it for FOUR MINUTES at the third one!! I was so happy that could do it.  It is a hard schedule to do both of them but I’m having fun.

   I want to thank my host mother for hosting me, and helping me with a lot of things, my couches who are helping me a lot, and of course my family in Japan for supporting me. This couple of months are completely different than it used to be obviously. And it couldn’t be the same without every single person supporting me.  

Thank you so much for reading. Hope you liked it and I will see you in my next report.

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Hi, I’m Ayane. It just passed 3 month since I came Alaska. I cannot believe though haha. Today, I’m gonna talk about my American school life.

These days, I’m used to go to Chugiak high which is my host school. However, my host school is very smart and it’s like in top 5! Thus I’m trying hard every day to catch up each class. I’m taking Yoga, Photography, English I, Forensic science, U.S. History, Algebra. Yoga is better than I expected, so it always try to make me sleepy haha. Photography class is kind of difficult cuz the teacher usually use specific words, so my friends or teacher help me a lot. Now for English class, I actually switched a English iiii seminar class to English I class cuz in seminar, the teacher doesn’t teach me. That means basically, students are supposed to teach by using them opinion each other. It was too much work for me, so I switched the class. After changing, I could increase vocabulary, and sometimes I have to write essay as a hw. Due to my English is getting better, I believe. The next is,,,FORENSIC SCIEEEENCE!! That’s my favourite subject! It’s because, I can be like CSI during taking this class. I love CSI that is TV show , so I was kicking up my heels when I had a chance to pretend being an investigator of crime scene. Speaking of U.S. History, I think it’s the most difficult subject of all I’m taking cuz it has SEMINAR;( Basically, we do presentation or discussion by using references which the teacher gave us. It’s pretty difficult cuz I have to have a bunch of opinions about U.S. even if I don’t know so much. However, my host family is intelligent, so I can ask them whenever I want and it’s developed to discussion all the time haha. It’s pretty good though. ANYWAY! I’m studying a lot! The next is,,,oh gosh, it’s algebra. It’s very suck cuz always it’s different the way of solving problems from Japanese one. That makes me confused and annoying, but I like algebra teacher so it’s okay haha. I have a quiz about twice each week, and test is about a month. The first time to take a test, I studied very hard. However, that test was not so difficult, so I was disappointed a little bit haha. Then I thought it’s enough just do hw, so I quite to try too hard.

As to friendship, that’s challenging cuz there is no classroom. I have decided to talk a lot to make monumental amount of friends before I came to America. In America, no one notice I’m an exchange student from Japan. That’s why I decided it, but actually it’s dreadful. I could not talk longer when my friends try to have a conversation with me. Also, especially when I talk with my friends as a group, I only could not join the conversation, it made me sad and feel lonely. Then, I fall in to negative, but my host family encouraged me like they told me what my good point is. It made me very happy, and I became able to think everything in a positive way. Above all, I realized that America doesn’t have a Japanese culture which is called “oseji “. That’s same meaning as paying an empty compliment. I thought no one likes me because of Japan has like that culture, and I cannot speak English fluently. However, that wasn’t point cuz I already could meet many people who try to have a conversation with me or get curious to me without noticing. That can be called friends. In addition, I thought these friends would like me, even if I could speak only Japanese. Thus, personality is the most important thing, so kind or endearing people is always surrounded by many friends who is also nice. I became assertive since from I realized it. Of course, the most enjoyable thing with my friends was home coming party! It was really really really fun, I dressed up and danced. I’ve never had party before, and I guess I would not be able to have a like that kind of party if I go back to Japan. After that party, I did sleep over at friend’s house. We bought shake, and ate pizza. Also, we sang and danced again while sitting around the fire. Also, I dressed up in disguise on the Halloween day when I go to school. I did Halloween party too! I became unicorn, and got bunch of snacks XD. I think my school should allow we dress up on the Halloween day, cuz it’s a Christianity school and dressing up is fun! Please think about it;, )

I feel finally my English is getting better recently. I became able to understand what my friends or teachers said, so I can have a long conversation. Thus I don’t feel lonely, and these days I don’t think I wanna go back to Japan. It’s because, I absorb many knowledge every day in America, so I’m excited to see how different my mind is between before I came here and after go back to Japan. BTW, I thought I need to change my host family. Looking back now the reason was “culture shock”, so I will write about it the next report. Thank you for reading my report, see ya:)

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学校は友達にも先生にも恵まれてとても楽しいです。私は、AerobicsVideo ProductionEnglishAlgebraⅡ、US HistoryESLを2コマ取っています。Algebraの授業では、数学が大嫌いで大の苦手な私は、わからない問題が多々あるんですが、友達がその度に丁寧に教えてくれます。その子はよく日本語で、「わかりますか?」、「かわいい」、「おいしい」と言います。これがめちゃくちゃ可愛くて、私の癒しです。もっと日本のことを教えてあげようと思います。友達はよく私を気にかけてくれたり、うまく聞き取れなくても、もう一度わかりやすく言ってくれる本当に優しくて素敵な人ばかりです。何度聞かれても嫌じゃないから、遠慮しないで!いつでも頼って!と言われたときはとても心強かったです。そして私はESL(英語を母国語としない人たちが英語を学ぶための科目)の授業にとても助けられています。その授業の間、私は大抵他の授業の宿題をやります。宿題の文章や本の内容などを、要約してわかりやすく教えてもらえるので、自分で読んだときより理解度がグッと上がります。また、宿題だけでなくとも、発音を教えてくれたりします。例えば「キャラメル」のようなカタカナ英語には、正しい発音が分からなくてよく困らされています。先生は私のエッセイを褒めてくれたり、相談をすると、私の拙い英語を最後まで聞いてくれて、私を頼ってくれて嬉しいわ、とアドバイスをくれたり、うまくいったことを伝えると自分のことのように喜んでくれる大好きな先生です。私はここにきて本当に色んな人の優しさに触れています。それは友達や先生に限らず、友達の家族や、知らない人でさえもです。今はまだ聞き取れないことや、うまく話せないこともあり周りの人に助けられてばかりですが、その優しさを当たり前だと思わず日々感謝を忘れずに、その人達には私の成長で恩返ししたいです。




Hi! I’m Nanami Tomita staying in Nevada. I’ll write about my life and the goal of study abroad in the first report.

In America, I feel the sky wide because there are no tall buildings around. When I look at the sky, I feel America wide and also the smallness of Japan. At night, the stars are spread all over the night sky. It’s so beautiful. That is one of my favorite part in America. Also, here is too cold in the morning, so when I shivered with cold, my host father said,“You came from snow country….” If you think people of Hokkaido are strong to the cold, that’s greatly mistaken. My host family is Vietnamese, and they are father, mother and thirteen years old sister. My family’s staple food is rice, so I really like her cooking. Host sister is good at teaching my homework and cooking. We sometimes cook together. I’ll positively try to cook because host father asked,“What is your best dish? Cup noodles?”, and made fun of me. Also, I have some rules that put my phone on the first floor until 9 p.m. and on weekends it’s 10 p.m. In addition, I have to get up until 8 a.m. on weekends. I didn’t like getting up in the morning but became to be able to go to bed early and get up early thanks to these. Besides this, there are many advantages to the rules, so I don’t bother it at all. I became to be able to do my own things by myself here, and that’s one of my growth.

I’m blessed with friends and teachers, so my school is fun for me. I’m taking Aerobics, Video Production, English, AlgebraⅡ, US History, and two ESL. In Algebra class, I often have questions I don’t understand because I hate math, but my friend kindly teaches every time. She often speaks in Japanese,Cute!”,Delicious!”, andDoes it make sense?” She is so pretty and healing for me. I’ll tell her more about Japan. My friends are really kind people who always care about me, and even if I can’t catch what they say, they tell me again. I was very glad when my friend said I don’t care even if you ask me many time, so you can always rely on me!” Also, ESLIt’s a class for students who don’t speak English as their first language.always helps me. In this class, I usually do my homework. As my teacher summarizes contents of homework or books and tells me, I can understand them more than when I read them myself. Not only my homework but she also teaches pronunciation. Especially, Katakana English such as “caramel” troubles me because I don’t know correct pronunciation. My teacher praised my essay, and also when I consulted her, she listened patiently in spite of my poor English and gave me advice. When I told her that it went well, she was happy as if it happened to her. I love her. I feel people’s kindness here every day. It’s not only to my friends and teachers, but even my friend’s family and strangers. People around me always help me because I can’t still catch what they say and speak English well, but I want to return the favor to them by my growth without ever forgetting the feeling of gratitude.

Finally, my goal of study abroad is to be confident in myself. One day, host father asked me,“What is it you’re good at?” I couldn’t answer anything because I don’t have anything I can proud of, but I think it’ll lead to my confidence to be able to use English as a second language. Also I think I can grow up through that process. In addition, another goal is to become to be able to make good lasagna. I ate lasagna for the first time in America. It’s so delicious. I like lasagna the best at school lunch, so I’ll get the recipe and try to make. Now I have a trouble, hesitation and anxiety, but I’ll do what I want to do to make me think that it was a good year at the end. Thank you for reading my report.





今回はそのクーラーきかせたがり高校もとい私の通うNature Coast Technical High Schoolについてお話します。




嫌いな授業もあります。U.S. History、米社ですね。最初のころは1から10まで何言っているかさっぱりわからなかったし同じテーブルの人たちはずっと早口で喋っていて、この授業のせいで何度仮病して学校休んでやろうと思ったことか。でも休んだら負けだと思っているので、負けないためにちゃんと毎回歯食いしばって出席しました。だいぶ褒めてほしいです。今はというと家でゆっくり丁寧に復習をすれば1から5くらいはわかるようになったのと、同じテーブルの人たちの会話をなんとなく拾えるようになったくらいです。







Hey guys! I’m Azuki staying in Florida. How are you doing?

It’s 23 degrees now, on November. I sometimes forget it’s still humid outside because of my school which loves the air conditioner. I’ll tell you on my next report if I can wear a T-shirt on January.

Today, I’m going to talk about my school, Nature Coast Technical High School.

The school usually starts at 7:30, but the school bus comes at 6:45 so I wake up around 6:00. I’m not good at morning so I become like a zombie every morning. It’s not time to work my alarm at the time in Japan. Instead of that, the school ends at 2:10. We also have early lunch time, like around 10 or 11 o’clock though I think it is way too early. It’s like a brunch.

We only have 3 classes in a day, and the classes have 100 minutes each. As you know, it’s really different from Japan. One day I couldn’t concentrate whole class and missed an announcement that told us we have no school next day. This happening let me know it’s still hard for me to have usual life in America. My friend helped me at the time, by the way.

About my class, I have a “theater class”. In the class, we just watch movies. The assignments aren’t so hard, and I love watching movies in the class! I would evaluate 5 stars on the homepage of the school if there were popcorns in the class! How sad, I’m not going to do that. I can’t listen and understand whole of stories yet, but it’s my favorite class!

I also have a class that I dislike, such as U.S. History. At first, I couldn’t understand anything what teacher said, and students sitting same table with me talked too fast. Guess how many times I tried to pretend to be sick, and be absent the school. On the other hand, I knew doing that just makes my work harder so I have attended all classes so far. Now, I can understand half of my work with carefully little by little review, and also understand others conversation. I realized studying things that I’ve ever studied before in Japanese, is really hard. I knew it’s natural for me to feel hard right now, because I’ve just being here for couple months, but I feel frustrated, too. However, at once, I got 97 points include 12 extra points, in the class! Though, I’ve got 10 points out of 25 points on my quiz yesterday even I had prepared.

The other day, there was a homecoming! NOT about Spiderman. To explain instantly, it’s a school event during a week and it’s really fun! There were some games and football games, food that students are selling, and some other exciting stuff. On the last day of homecoming, there was a dance party. You know what, I’m not good at dancing but no one cared other people so I could dance with feeling free. Everyone dressed loud, wore high heeled shoes, and dance with no shoes, finally. Here’s America. By the way, it was so funny that everyone asked me why when I talk about that there’s no dance party in Japanese schools.

Since I came here, I have struggled for many times, that I hadn’t expected in Japan. About U.S. history is just one part of experiences. When I get disappointed, I always remember my precious guys are at opposite side of the world and I’m being alone here. However, I have a phone. It means I can take communicate with it, can read my classmates report, and I’m being really blessed situation. Therefore, I can do my best.

This is all. Thank you for reading such a long report! The new goal by next report is to get 100 points in my U.S. history class!!

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 どうもどうも。 9.3017歳になったnew松井百華です!2回目のレポート!

アメリカに来て3ヶ月が経ちました。この3ヶ月は、本当に沢山辛いことがありました。家に帰る事が不安で学校で泣いてしまった事もありました。学校に着いた瞬間、先生に会って泣いてしまった事もありました。笑 私の家は前のレポートでも書いたように、沢山のルールや役割があります。私はこの数ヶ月間と本当に本当にお家のことも勉強も精一杯やってきました。でも、時間に遅れたらスマホを没収されてしまったり、寝るまで自分の部屋に行けなかったりと、自分の時間が無くて家にいてもリラックス出来ないっていう感じです。起きる時間や消灯時間も決まっていて本当に寮のような感じです。もう大変です!笑 今の英語力では上手く伝わらないことも沢山あって沢山泣きました!笑 泣きながらお母さんに電話したのは日本で地震があった時以来です。ファミリーと上手くいかなかったら自分が悪いなと思わなくてもまず自分からちゃんと謝ることが大事と思いました。友達や家族にどんなに泣いて相談しても結局最後にどう行動するかは自分次第なんですよね。だから、沢山辛いこと嫌なこと悔しいことはあるけど諦めたくないです。



でも、授業には慣れてもやっぱり人見知りをしたり、自分や自分の英語力に自信がなかったりしてどうしてもいつも受け身になってしまいます。体育の授業は唯一友達とはしゃいでいます。笑 スポーツって本当にすごいです!だからウィンターシーズンはバスケチームに所属しました。ですが、練習が遅い時間という事や勉強と家の手伝いを両立出来ずファミリーに辞めることを勧められました。本当にバスケを続けたかったです。バスケをやりたいというより、友達を沢山作りたかったし、新しいことを始めるきっかけだったので悔しいです。でも正直全てを両立する自信はありませんでした。一度だけ練習に参加したのですが、一日だけでも何人か今も話せる友達を作ることができました。それは本当に嬉しいです。だから、春にはぜーーーーーったいにtrackに入ってやる!って意気込んでいます。そのためにもっともっと全てにおいて余裕を持てるようにならなきゃです。



寒くなってきていると思いますが、体調崩さないように気をつけてください!私は絶賛風邪引き中です!笑 きっと私が知らないとこで色んなこと起こっているのかなって思いながら応援してます。また次のレポートで!



Hi! How’s it going?  I’m Momoka Matsui. I’m staying in Colorado. This is my 2nd report! 3 months passed since I came to America. I got used to living in America. However these months was very hard for me.

Sometimes I cried because I was so depressed to go back home. I had been keeping our rules, and working hard at my chores and study. But my host father told me that I need stop going to my room until time to go to bed. I did understand it’s important to take communication with them, but I was just tired and wanted time for me. My host sister understands me because she’s also have many things have to do. Teenage girls are so busy!!!!lol But I’m part of the family for this year, so I’m trying to join the family. This is off the topic, but I make dinner every week. I made Bibimbap, Okonomiyaki, Oyako-don, Omelette rice, Udon, Curry soup with nan, and Chicken pot pie so far. I honestly don’t remember any other name of foods, Sorry. Because these dishes were Mexican food or American food. We tend to eat food that can make easily when parents go out.

By the way, I’m also used to school. I sometimes feel to improving my English skills. Honestly my grammar is not so good yet, but speaking and listening are easier than before. Reading is I need to use dictionary many times, so it’s hard to understand contents of story when reading books. Although math was my weak subject when I was in Japan, algebra is my favorite subject here. I have explained how to solve in front of people. I can’t even believe that. lol

    I’m gonna have a sleepover with my friends at the days around Christmas. I’m so excited! I went to watch movie with my friend on weekend. I wanna be able to invite friends to hung out too!

    Just you know, I don’t like school, but I like my friends so much. They always support me. I can’t talk a lot with them, but we are able to share a laugh. I’m really happy to see them!

And also, I joined the basketball team. This was gonna be great experience for me. But I couldn’t continue doing basketball because I can’t keep doing everything perfect. I really wanted to continue basketball because I wanted to make friends and start new thing. Actually my weekend is nothing. I just do my homework, go shopping for get foods, or watch my phone. I just wanna have fun my study abroad. That’s why NOW is really ephemeral. So, I’ll definitely join the tracks in spring.

My goal is to advance forward little by little. It’s ok to cry when I wanna cry, I wanna start with a clean slate from next day again.

Study abroad is not only experience hart times or learn English but also it is able to notice previous to me. I really miss my Japanese family and friends every day every time. lol

Anyway, I must be strong person! I must enjoy rest of my study abroad! I believe I can do it.

Take care of yourself. Don’t catch a cold! I’ll always believe in you. And thank you for always.

Thank you for reading my report to the end. See you next report!!!

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私はEnglish YogaHistory of Rock and RollLit LabAlgebra ll(数学の関数)Spanish Get FitCivics(公民)を取っています。英語のクラスでは、ノンフィクションのジョンクラカワー著”Into Thin Air”(日本語版: 「空へエヴェレストの悲劇はなぜ起きたのか」)を読んで、どのように引用文をエッセイに使うか、どのようにエトス、パトス、ロゴスを使って良いエッセイを書くか、登場人物の気持ちや考えを文章から読み取るなど、私たちが普段国語の授業でやるようなことを学んでいます。しかし、日本にはない、面白い課題もあって、本の2章分を要約してパートナーとポッドキャストに録音するとか、本の内容にちなんで、自分で山を選んで、そのガイドサイトを授業で学んだことを使って、作るという課題がありました。結構よくできていたと思います。今はシェイクスピアの「マクベス」を読んでいて、これは昔の言葉を使っているので少し難しいですが、内容は面白いです。この授業はおそらく1番理解するのは難しい科目ですが、理解できるように工夫したり、わからないことは友達や先生、ファミリーに聞いたりして解決しています。ヨガはおそらく私の1番お気に入りのクラスです。ユーチューブの動画を見ながら簡単なヨガをして、男子も1人しかいなくて、とてもリラックスできるので最高です。History of Rock and Rillと聞いて、なんだこの授業は?と思ったと思いますが、その名の通りロックンロールの歴史について学ぶクラスです。私の父が50年代のロックンロールが大好きで、私は本物のロックンロールとその歴史を聞いて育ってきました。なのでとても興味深いクラスだと思ったのと、日本にはこんなクラスはないので取ろうと思いました。このクラスは8人くらいの小さなクラスでたくさん話し合いがあってまぁまぁ楽しいクラスです。でも同時に難しいものもあって、先生が私とフランスからの留学生にそれぞれの文化をシェアしたがるのでたまに大変なこともありますが、とてもいい練習になっています。Lit Labは一応英語に集中した自習のようなクラスで、普段は、本を読む時間から始まって、残りの時間は課題やプロジェクトに取り組む時間になっています。このクラスは宿題を進められるし、わからないことを先生や友達に聞けるいい時間なのでとても役立っています。Algebra llはすでに日本で2年前くらいには習っているので、基本的にはとても簡単ですが、大変なこともあります。私たちが日本で一生習わないことがあったり、数学用語を覚えるのが大変だったり、英語で説明しなさい、というような問題があったり、意味のわからない計算機を使ったり、このようなことにたまに悩みます。全然このクラスは大丈夫ですが、来年留学行く子にはAlgebra lをお勧めします。このクラスも少し難しいことがあって、先生が私たちに意見とかを述べさせたり、プロジェクトをさせるのが好きなんです。いつも宿題やテストの復習として、それを見て意見や考え、感想を書いて他の人とシェアしたり、数学についてのビデオを見て、それを要約したのを自分でビデオを撮って述べたりします。そして、ちょうど最近大きなプロジェクトが終わったところで、私は有名な数学者について調べてクラスの前でプレゼンしました。スペイン語はお分かりの通り習ったことはないので、Spanish lにいて、まわりはフレッシュマン(1年生)だけです()。先生はとても私に優しくて、いつもテストの時にカンニングペーパーを使うのを許してくれます。このクラスにいると英語がとても簡単に感じます。Get Fitのクラスは、基本的にワークアウトをして残り時間はゲームをして遊ぶという感じで、ワークアウトはハードですが終わったらとてもいい気分になります。そして、私が思ったのはやっぱりスポーツは言葉の壁を感じなくて、一体感を感じます。Civics(公民)は実は私のお気に入りのクラスの1つで、なぜなら、たくさん友達がいて、授業もスライドの質問を埋めるだけだからです。たまにプロジェクトもありますがグループで取り組めて、そんなに大変でもないし、どちらかといえば楽しいです。

私の学校は800に始まって、15:00に終わります。green daynavy dayでスケジュールが違って、それぞれ4科目違う授業があって、1クラス1時間半の14時間授業です。すごく長いように思いますが、でも実際そんなんでもないです。アメリカと日本の学校での大きな違いの1つはパソコンを授業で使うことです。私の学校はクロムブックを全生徒に提供していて、グーグルクラスルームというのを使って、先生はホワイトボードを使わないで画面にスライドを出して授業を進めて、メモを取るのもパソコン、スライドを埋めたり、先生とはgmailでやり取りをしたり、とにかく全てにパソコンを使うんです。私は打つのがそんなに得意じゃなくて、割と機械音痴なのでたまに大変ですが、将来のためには大事だなと思います。私はいつもランチには友達と学校の外に出て、どこかでご飯を買ったり、自分で持って行ったのを食べたりします。私の友達はほとんどみんな車を持っていています。アメリカと日本にはたくさん違いがありますが、私が思う大きな違いの1つは、日本では公共機関が普通ですが、アメリカではそうではないことです。アメリカでは車をよく使うことは知っていましたが、やっぱり来てみて、アメリカでは車を持っている方が便利なんだなと思いました。それが16歳でも車の免許を取れる理由なのかなと思いました。

9月の半ばにはホームカミングがありました。私は友達とドレスを買いに行きました。お店にはたくさんドレスがあって悩みましたが一目見ていいと思った黒いドレスを買いました。アメリカではほとんどの学校でsprit weekというのがホームカミングの週にあって、それぞれのテーマに合わせて学校にドレスアップをします。私の学校では、pajama daytacky tourist daydecade day(50年代、90年代とか)duo day(双子コーデ)、あとsprit day(スクールカラーや学校の服)がありました。正直ホームカミングよりも楽しかったかもしれないです()。ダンスパーティーの日は、友達の家に行って準備をして、他の友達たちとご飯を食べて、写真を撮りに行って、ダンスパーティーに行きました。3時間くらい踊っていました。これは最初で最後のホームカミングでしたが、ダンスパーティーは他にもあるので楽しみです。





Hi it’s Aresa staying in Windsor, CO.  How are you doing guys?  This is my 2nd report, and I will tell you about my school life. 

I go to charter school which has kindergarten through high school, and middle school and high school are in the same building.  My school is small which has 500 students, so people know each other, and teachers know almost students.  People in the school are very nice and friendly, and teachers are helpful, so I really like this school.

I’m taking English, Yoga, History of Rock and Roll, Lit Lab, Algebra ll, Spanish, Get Fit, Civics.  In the English class, we read a nonfiction novel,  “Into thin air” by Jon Krakauer and learned how to use quotes in the essay, how to write a good essay with Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, and analyzed characters’ mind from the text.  We do kind of like the same things as Japanese class in Japan, but there was interesting assessment, like, summarizing the two chapters and recording to Podcast, and making own website of guiding the mountain by using stuffs we learned in the class. I think I did it great.  Now, we are reading “Macbeth” by Shakespeare.  It includes archaic words, so it is very hard to understand, it is pretty interesting story though.  English is probably one of the hardest subjects, so I always try to make it easier by asking my friends, teachers, and host family.  Yoga is probably my most favorite class, because we usually do easy and relaxing yoga with watching the youtube video, and there is only one boy in this class, so it is very comfortable.  I bet you were like “what the heck is that??” , but this is literally the class to learn history of rock and roll.  My father loves rock and roll in 50’s, and I’ve brought up with listening to “REAL” rock and roll and his talk about it , so I thought it was very interesting to learn, and we don’t have like that class in Japan.  This is small class that there are only eight people, and we have a lot of discussion, so it’s pretty fun class, but also this class is challenging because the teacher likes me and another exchange student from France to share our cultures.  It is sometimes hard but it’s very good practice. Lit Lab is kind of like a study hall, but it focuses on English.  We usually start with reading books, and working on project or homework for the left of the class.  It helps me to get done my homework and there is a chance to ask to teacher or friends about the assignment that I cannot understand.  I had already learned algebra ll in Japan about two years ago, so it sometime too easy, but there are few things that I struggle.  There are stuffs that I have never learned and also will never learn.  It is little hard to memorize mathematical words, there are problems that explain something, and we use a calculator which I’ve never seen before and makes me very confusing.  It is okay but I recommend taking algebra l for the students who go to the U.S. next year.  This class is also always challenging.  The teacher likes us to state something and do project.  We write our thoughts about the homework or test and share with other people, we made short video about that we summarize the video about the math and state on the video by myself, and I just finished big project for this semester that was to present about mathematician that I searched in front of the class.  I’ve never learned Spanish obviously, so I’m in Spanish l with freshman haha.  Teacher is pretty nice to me: She allows me to make use a cheat sheet for the test.  I feel like that English is very easy by taking this class.  In Get Fit class, we basically do workouts, and we play the game for left of the class.  It’s hard but I feel really great after workout. I realized very important thing that sport doesn’t need words and we can be together.  Civics is actually one of my favorite classes, because there are a lot of my friends, and we just fill out the slides.  We sometimes have a project, but we can work with group or partner, so it’s not hard, actually it’s fun.

Our school begins at 8:00, ends at 15:00. We have green schedule and navy schedule.  Each schedule has different four classes, so we have four 90-minutes classes in a day.  It seems to be very long but it’s not that long. One of the biggest differences between the school in the U.S. and Japan is that they use laptop in the classes in America.  My school provide chrome book for all students and we use google class room, and teachers show the screen of the slides, so they don’t use a whiteboard, and we take a note in the google document, fill out the slides, and contact with teachers by using gmail, we use laptop for everything.   I am not good at typing and I’m not a technology person, so it’s sometimes hard for me but I think it is very good for the future.  I always go to off campus with my friends and buy something or eat something I bring for lunch.  Almost my friends can drive and has a car. There are a lot of differences between Japan and the U.S., and I think that this is one of the biggest difference that it is common for Japanese to use public transportation, but for Americans not.  I did know that they use car more, but I found it easier if you have car in America.  I thought that this is why they can get a driver license from the age of 16 in the U.S.  There was a homecoming in middle of September.  I went shopping with my friends to get a dress.  There were bunch of dresses and it was hard decide, but I got a black one that I into at first sight.  In America, most schools have spirit week for the homecoming week, which is the week that we dress up for conforming to each themes.  My school had pajama day, tacky tourist day, decade day, duo day, and sprite day.  Actually I loved it more than homecoming lol.  For the dance party, I got ready with my friend at her house, and had a dinner with friends, took pictures, then went to dance party.  We were dancing and talking for three hours.  It was my first and last homecoming, but I have other dance parties so I’m exciting about it.

As I imagined, I thought that they have freedom in America.  You can eat snacks in the class, you can sit on the flour during the class, and you can ditch the class easily haha.  Almost American students have   their own opinion, and they are very good at state them, and they can finish stuffs they have to in a short time.  Also, they don’t stick on the phone as much as Japanese do. That’s what I think that the big differences between American students and Japanese students.  I mean, every teenager is almost the same wherever you are.  I found tons of differences between the school in the U.S. and Japan, so I want to tell you but I can’t. 

Overall, my school life in the States is pretty good, I have a lot of friends to talk, and my grade is good. 

Just as soon as Halloween is over, it’s like it’s already Christmas, but I’m exciting for thanksgiving, and I’m ready for Black Friday.  Thank you for reading my report.  I want to tell you about my school life and life in the States, so I will tell you later!  Next report is going be about cultural differences between Japan and America.

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私はProspect Mountain High Schoolという高校に通っています。学校に通い始めてから2ヶ月と少しくらい経ちました。正直に言って、今、私はこの学校が本当に大好きです。この二ヶ月間本当に色んなことがあったんですが、全部話すときりがないので印象に残っていることなどを話しますね。まず私は学校が始まる前からバレーボールの練習に参加していたので、そこでできた友達に助けてもらい、最初の週は教室の場所やランチなどで困ることはなかったです。正直、ランチ1人だったらどうしようしか考えてなかったので安心しました。ですがやっぱり学校のほとんどの人のことを知らないし、授業も毎回人が入れ替わるのでなかなか名前や顔を覚えられずに最初は毎日が不安で、学校で全然喋らない日もありました。そんな日常を変えてくれたのはバレーボールのホームゲームでした。日本とは違い、自分の学校で試合がある日は学校の生徒達がたくさん応援に来てくれます。たくさんの人の前でプレーするのは初めてですごく緊張しましたが、試合の次の日から廊下で、「昨日はお疲れ様!」とか「すごかったよ!」とか色んな人が声をかけてくれて、本当に嬉しかったです。そして最後の試合の日、senior nightはもう忘れられません。私はシニアなのでたくさん私のポスターを作ってくれたり、日本語の名前で作ってくれもしました。みんなで写真を沢山撮ったり花束をもらったり、そして試合が始まり、最初の方は私はベンチでした。そうしたら学校の生徒達が「we want Kurumi!!」とみんなで何回も声を合わせて言ってくれて、本当に嬉しすぎて逆に緊張しました笑あれは一生の思い出です。バレーボールをやらなかったら友達も出来なかったし、誰も私の名前を覚えてくれなかったかもしれません。






Hi I’m Kurumi staying New Hampshire.  I can’t believe that two months have passed since I wrote first report. In this report, I’m gonna talk about my school so please read this to the end!

My host high school is Prospect Mountain High School. Honestly, I love my high school so much. I experienced a lot of things. I can’t tell you all but I’m gonna tell you a part of it.

First, I played volleyball with my team before school starts so I could make friends there. Therefore I didn’t have any problems. Honestly, I worried about lunch time because I didn’t wanna have lunch myself so I relieved that I could have lunch with my friends. But I didn’t know people in Prospect, so I was nervous every day. There was a day when I didn’t say anything at school. But volleyball game changed it. In United State, students always come to the home game. In Japan, they don’t do like that so I became so nervous. After the game, a lot of students said Good job last night!」「You did great!When I heard that words, I was so happy. At the senior night which was the last game day, people made my signs because I’m senior. There was my name wrote by Japanese. It was great. I took pictures with seniors. At the first set, I didn’t play. And then a lot of students yieldWe want Kurumi!!I was surprised but I was super happy! I can’t forget it like forever. If I didn’t belong to volleyball team, students didn’t know my name. I’m glad I belonged to volleyball team.

Second, my classes are geometry, study hall, English, gym, US history, field ecology, and international cooking. I have seven classes every day. In morning, we get up at 6:30. And we have breakfast together, then go to school by a car. One class has fifty minutes and free time is only four minutes. So we have to hurry up. I used to bumped into someone when I going to next class because it’s very cloud. After seventh period, we have lunch time. I like lunch time because I can talk with my friends. After lunch time, we have two more classes. After school, I used to go to gym to play volleyball, but now it’s over so I’m taking a bus with my host brother. I always arrive at home at 4. If I have practice, I arrive at 7. I’m always hanging out with my host brothers, or doing my homework after school. I’m busy everyday so the time passes by so quickly.

Anyway, I have a lot of friends so I’m enjoying every day. Basketball season is coming!! I’m so excited. I wanna make more friends. So I’ll say something that has been on my mind, always being smile, always trying something.

Thank you for reading to the end! See you in next report:)

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Hello! I’m Kiho Sekine. I’m in Michigan. This time, I’d like to talk about my school life, homecoming, and Halloween.

I forgot to write my goal last time, they are speaking English like a native speaker, and I am interested in what same age people as me that is in America thinking about and what they are affected by.

My school has free lunch and breakfast! This year is the first time to introduce this system. I sometimes eat breakfast at school. I usually eat chocolate muffin and they are delicious. My school has luncheon for exchange students that is like made own country dishes and introduce about own city. We have 4 exchange students including me. One bay and one girl from Brazil, one girl from Spain, and me. October was Japanese luncheon. I introduced Japan and my city, and I chose dishes that simmered pumpkin and teriyaki hamburger. They are completely different taste, but teriyaki hamburger was popular. I thought that I should make them.

I joined homecoming parade as an exchange student. I had Japanese flag and on the car. It was very cold, but very good experience. I watched American football game with the other exchange students and their friends. Many people talked to me and I made many friends. Dance party is the most amazing and wonderful event that I experienced. I was told that I was pretty, and I was happy. I lost my host sister several times, but the other people asked me to join them. I met many people there. It was so fun and I want to join again but this is a first and last time lfor me.

I joined trick or treat for the first time! I wore clown costume, and I went trick or treat with my host brother. It was so fan and I want to bring this culture to Japan. It is good culture because, it was I got a lot of candy.

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そんな感じの研修が終わってテキサス州のオースティンに移動しました。今もファザー、マザー、8歳と11歳のシスターのまたまた4人家族です。学校は生徒3000人ちょっといるらしいとっても大きい学校で、迷うし今だに道は良くわかんないです。授業はやっぱり大変で、ほぼ毎日宿題と小テストと、最近は第1回目の成績を出すための少し大きめなテストに…って追われていたんですけど、ファザーが宿題手伝ってくれたり何より先生方みんな優しくって、、あなたは自分のベストを出してくれるだけで良いからねって言ってくれる先生がいたり、1番苦手でさっっっぱりなEnglishはテストの点数おまけしてくれてたり、大っ嫌いなUS Historyはおっきな重大なテストの時だけGoogle翻訳使って日本語版のテスト用意してくれたりして、大っ嫌いが嫌いに変わりました。このクラス変えようかなって本気で悩んで自分の担当のカウンセラーの所に1歩踏み出すとこまでいったけど、なんせ先生方皆優しいから結局いまだに一つもクラス変えた事ないしこれからも変えることはないと思います。勉強面ももちろんまだ全然分からないけど、少しずつ慣れてきて成績もやっぱり優しい先生方のおかげか結構自分なりには良くて安心できました(笑)

あ、あとラクロスに入りました。ファミリーはラクロスが大好きで道具も貸してあげられるよって結構のりのりだったから部活はラクロスに入る事になるんじゃないかなーと薄々感じてましたが……本当に入りました(笑)した事も見た事もなかったから不安は勿論あったけど、ラクロスなんて触れることすら今しかできない!かなって思ったしファザーが凄い簡単だよって言ってくれたので入ってみました(普通に難しかったけど) 学校以外の時間ができて自分の英語力の低さを痛感する時間も増えたり、最初はラクロスがあんまり好きじゃなかったけど、こないだ試合で初めて1点決められて!!皆褒めてくれたり私が個人的に推しているすっごいモデルみたいな可愛い子がすごい勢いでハグしに来てくれて、試合終わったあとも色んな人の所に走って花音が点決めたよ!って報告してくれて、帰る時にはI love you!って飛びついてきてくれたのが凄くすっごく嬉しくて!あ、今日も学校ですれ違うたび色んなチームの子にこの間はナイスだったね!って声かけてくれて。みんな最低でも4年とか5年間以上続けてきた子達のチームに、こんな触れたことすらない初心者がぽんって入ってそりゃ怖気付きそうな時も勿論あるけど、私は結構ラクロス自体面白くて大好きなスポーツになったし、謎の負けず嫌いが発動しておこがましすぎるのは分かってるんだけどやる気がもっと出るかな、と思って足元にも及ばない子を勝手にライバルにしてその子には勝つぞってやっています。みんなが花音ほんとに上達早いよ!って褒めてくれた時はそれがプレーの自信にもなるし、そうしたらこんな優しい皆ともっと話したいって英語を話す自信にもなったし、あの試合があってから前よりももっと皆と話すようになって、やっと最近初めて練習行きたいって自分から思った事に感動しました。ファザーが日本のラクロスのサークルがある大学を何個か探して見せてくれて、ここに行くのはどう?日本に帰ってもやんなよ!って()このファミリー本当にすごいラクロス推すじゃん。って思ったけど私も割と真面目にラクロス続けたい気持ちになるくらい楽しいです。ラクロスもすっごい面白いスポーツで私的には慣れるのはそんなに難しいと思わないし、だから次のシーズンからラクロスを始める5Gの子いるって聞いたけど、絶対絶対楽しいと思う!楽しんでね!!



Hi! It’s Kanon Hirokawa. NICE TO MEET YOU! I heard that there was earthquake again in Japan…I hope that y’all have a safe.

I’m gonna write about my family, orientation and life in America.

First, I had stayed in Missouri for three weeks. It was really really fun:)) My first host family members were Richard, Tina, Nathan and Blackie. Blackie is white cat. He always come to my side and says MEOW!! I have never had a pet in Japan because my brother has a allergy to cat and dog… So he is first pet in my life!! He is sooo cute and my healing. I loved him, of course still now.

Richard is my father, he is very kind and unique. He showed me a lot of things as American culture, American money…etc. And he was taking me many place during weekends. I like all its place. He often said joke and make me laugh. I was pleasant thanks to him.

Tina is my awesome mother. Host mother? No! my real mother lol

She is a big laugher and very kind, every night I used to make dinner and dessert with Tina. She always gave me words that’s nice to hear, “Your English very well!” ” I think your English skill is improved since you arrived here.” I was so glad. I’m sure I can try to do anything and do the best now, thanks to her. We two went everywhere together, when we went to supermarket and other shops after school every day. We love talking. We talked about Japan, each family, hobby, how did she met Richard. Sometimes we had talked for 3 hours. And she likes music, she is learning to play guitar with Nathan. They showed me them music. I love them music.

Nathan is my brother. He is younger than me a year old, but he likes my older brother because he helped me anytime and taught me a lot of things.

Anyway, that was unique, kind, sweet….awesome! I love Drywater family’s. They treated me like real member of family. I was so happy and always appreciate their kindness.

I spent amazing time with them in Missouri. Then I came to here. I’m staying in Austin, Texas. Here is very hot!! I and my host sisters always say “hot hot hot!!” And there are many raining in Texas. We have raining 5days a week! I can’t live without umbrella lol

Gott family is my host family in Austin. My family members are father, mother, two sisters. Loran is my host father. He had been in Japan about ten times for his work. He is so kind. I always do homework with him. Christy is my host mother. They are so kind and always help me. And I have two sisters. Lily is eight years old and Ella is eleven years old. They love the dolls and have many dolls. They grab it anywhere.

They are taking me to many places. I went to Dallas, Demand, downtown, Japanese restaurant. And I went to camping! It was really really fun because It was my first time in my life. We were relaxing with beautiful views and nature. I met real cowboy/girl and touched many houses. Also they gave me amazing time already!

I experienced many American events of high school. I went to football game as homecoming with my friends. Tristin and Jaice are my bestie. They don’t mind my poor English skill. Jaice’s dream is to visit in Japan! I like PE the most in class because we take PE together and she always listen my story about life in Japan with joyfully. I wanna improve my English skill and talk with them more and more!

And I entered the girl’s lacrosse team two months ago. I’m enjoying there. First practice day, I was so nervous because I had never played lacrosse, but it was not difficult and guys are so kind. Last weekend, I had second game of lacrosse. I made my first score at that game! I was so happy because when I got score, they ran up to me and said “good job!” “You are great!” I’m not good player still now but practice more and I’ll be good player by before go back to Japan.

I’m gonna go Minnesota during winter vacation and go to camping again during thanksgiving holidays. I can’t wait that!! I thought that I can’t skiing this season because there is nor any snowing in Texas… But my father said “you might be able to skiing!” a few days ago. Because we are gonna go to Minnesota and there are snowing!! I’m so happy and can’t wait winter vacation. It must be amazing time.

My English is really bad. Always I’m disappointed with my poor English skill and hope to speak English more fluently. But my family and friends say me “your English very well”, “Your English has improved so much already” I’m so glad by it. I don’t forget to appreciate host family, American friends, American life, my family, and friends who live in Japan and say “thank you” and “please” always. My favorite proverb is “Without haste, but without rest.” As this word, I’m gonna spend each day to the fullest. I have passed three months, I have just started my life in America! I want to work even harder and keep getting better.

Of course I miss my family and friends and Japanese foods but I’m looking forward to see all more than that!! I always hope your safe and make snail. Ohhhh, I cannot wait to meet my lovely guys! 

Thank you for reading and see you next report:)

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Hi, this’s Karen Araseki, I have been staying in Troy, Kansas.

  Recently just 2 months have passed since l came to Kansas, I feel I already have experienced something happy and something hard and tough for just only 2 months though.

  In this my 2nd report, I will tell you about my failures and my growths since I came here! 

  First of all, I will talk about my growths! To be honest I cannot say that I already became good English speaker, but I feel I came to understand what they say more. For example when I was asked by someone, I used not to understand sometimes, but now I feel I can answer without asking what they say again! And it’s increased to talk without translating English to Japanese in my brain!

  But still my grammar is terrible poor like you can see hahaha… I will keep my efforts and I know it’s important to keep doing to master something.

  About my friends, I think I have already made many friends in America because of my sister lol  Fortunately they all are really sweet to me, so I feel so grateful I could come here. 

  Before I came here, I was worry about racial discrimination a little bit because I heard another exchange student of Hokusei about it. But I have never faced such discrimination for now.  In my school, there is no the Mongolian race and even black people, so I have not interacted with various cultures yet than I had expected.

  Speaking of what I failed is that I noticed that me who in America is really different from when I was in Japan.  Now I have been suffering with I cannot be myself because I used to love to hangout, talk, and stay with my friends when I was in Japan. But now, I am really shy, and I cannot even speak from me;( It’s for the first time that I feel I am really chicken… Eventually my host sister said that I am really the quietest person she has ever met…;( This problem has not solved yet though, I think I try to solve it by 3 months!

  Of course I also spent good time here not only sad memories lol

  The middle of October, I went amusement park in Kansas City, there was Halloween parade. It was really scary for me though haha

  While we were line for about 2 hours, I felt sad again because I cannot join my friends’ conversation. I know I have to try to join them, but I came to lose my mind by pasting the time like I felt roller coaster was not scarier than studying abroad lol But that was fun time! American roller coaster was really fun! It’s long, speedy, and scary!

  And there was interview for future job at school. At first I totally didn’t care the score will be because I will not get job in America lol But the day of the interview, everyone dressed formally and looks really nervous. I have never seen they all were nervous like crazy, so I also became nervous. Before my interview start, everyone courage me and said to me “Good luck!” and “You can do it!”.

  My interviewer was really nice and kind to me, so I could be relaxed and answer easily! And the score was 60/60, I was really glad!!

  I think I will not be able to experience this opportunity to interview in America never, so I was lucky that I had interviewed in America! And I could feel my English’s growth!

  Through studying abroad, I feel importance of my family. Before I came here, I had been thinking that I will never miss my mom lol because my mother and I used to fight really often like every time we talk lol. But it was not true, I am really missing my family even though only 2 months had passed;) And I could realize their kindness are not ordinary. I wonder why had I been thinking it was ordinary. I have to do well for them!

  Then it’s time to finish my 2nd report!

  I hope you guys like it my report even though it was like a diary;)

  Thank you for reading till the end! See you my 3rd report!IMG_3916 IMG_4881 IMG_5496