
英語科の短期留学レポート  2016.12

My experience in Australia     

 5F No.5 Mayu Ishikawa

I went to Australia for 1 month to study abroad.    It was very valuable experience for me.  But it was not only happy experience, but also sometimes I felt hard, at first.  Of course, I have a lot of happy memories.   I had a few trouble, for examples, I cried about every night, because I got homesick. But a few days later, I didn’t get homesick, because I was used to spending it in Australia.  

I’ll talk about my host family. My host family was Chinese, I made friends one of 3 sisters. She took me Adelaide city and I met her friends, so I could learn more English. She join Japanese club, so I went there, then I was surprised, because everyone speak in Japanese and that is very fluent Japanese. But I changed host family, because I have some troubles between I and host family.  My new host family is Australian mother and a small dog. At home, I and mother cooked some dishes that is different countries every night. And mother took me football game, then she taught me football rule and famous player in the team and, moreover she lent me some goods. I met mother’s sister, then I talked about Japan, and football, thanks to them I could learn more English. I went to Hamilton Secondary School.  The beginning, I couldn’t make friends, and I didn’t understand class, so it was hard days for me.  But I decided I intended to talk a lot.  So, I tried to speak to a girl who sitting on next to my chair in the Food and Teens class.  She is kindly to me, and I and she took some pictures and videos, it was so fun memories for me! When I didn’t understand the class, she taught me how to send homework to teacher, and what should I do.  When I couldn’t understand that a teacher said and was not able to ask a friend, I went to ask a teacher. She kindly taught me, so I could understand. In the class, I made my original olive oil and gift box.  During studying abroad, I found a lot of things.  First, my English pronunciation is bad and my vocabulary is a little.  When I talked with my host mother, I couldn’t tell some wards to her want to say, then I was very frustrated. Then, I change the ward, and explain the ward.  In the conversation with mother, sometimes I didn’t understand her wards, she guessed that I didn’t understand the wards, then she taught me the ward’s mean, so I could learn a lot of wards. Mother always told to me, “You’re English is good, so try you’re best’” Then I felt hard, because my English didn’t come, her words gave me guts to speak English. Second, before I went to study abroad, I didn’t decide what to do after graduation. Through studying abroad, I found that I want to do. Third, it is important to spend a time with friends. Because, I think that one of the reasons that were able to study abroad happily is to spend time with a friend. Finally, I really thank my parents who let studying abroad reach, the friends who supported it.



私のホストファミリーの話をします。私のホストファミリーは中国人で、3姉妹の1人ととても仲良くなりました。彼女は私をシティに連れて行ってくれ、彼女の友達に会いました、そのおかげでたくさんの英語を学べました。シスターは日本語クラブというものに参加していてそこに私も行きました。そこではみんなが流ちょうな日本語で話していたのでとても驚きました。しかし、私とホストファミリーの間に問題があり、ホストチェンジをしました。私の新しいホストファミリーはオーストラリア人のマザーと小さい犬でした。家ではマザーと毎晩一緒に様々な国の料理を作りました。マザーは私をフットボールの試合に連れて行ってくれたり、ルールを教えてくれたり、チームの有名な選手を教えてくれました。そのうえ彼女は私にグッズを貸してくれました。私はマザーの姉妹と会い、彼女たちと日本の話やフットボールの話をしました。彼らのおかげで私は英語をより学べました。私はHamilton Secondary Schoolという学校に通いました。最初、私は友達を作れない、授業が理解できないなどで辛い日々でした。しかし、私はたくさん話しかけようと決め、Food and Teensの授業で隣に座っている子に話しかけました。彼女はとても優しくしてくれ、一緒に写真を撮ったり、動画もとったりしました。それはとても楽しい思い出です!授業が分からなかったとき、彼女が私に今は何をやるのか、先生への宿題の提出の仕方を教えてくれました。私が先生の言っていたことを理解できず、友達に聞けなかったとき、先生に聞きに行きました。すると先生は優しく教えてくれ、私は授業を理解できました。その授業ではオリーブオイル、ギフトボックスを作りました。そのとき私はたくさんのことに気づきました。まず1つ目は、私の英語の発音が悪いということと知っている単語数が少ないということでした。私がホストマザーと話していたとき、伝えたい単語を伝えられなかったのです。それがとても悔しかったです。そのとき私は違う言葉に変え、その単語についての説明をしました。マザーとの会話の中で私が時々単語を理解していない時があり、マザーは私が理解していないのを察し、その単語の意味を教えてくれました。そのおかげで、私はよりたくさんの単語を学べました。マザーは私にいつも「あなたの英語は良いからベストを尽くしたらいいよ」と言ってくれました。そのとき私は英語が通じなくて辛かったですが、その言葉に勇気をもらいました。2つ目は、私は留学する前卒業後の進路を決めていませんでした。留学を通して私がやりたいことを見つけられました。3つめは、友達と過ごす時間は大切だということです。私は留学を楽しくできた理由の1つが友達と過ごせたからだと思います。最後に私は留学に行かせてくれた両親、支えてくれた友達に本当に感謝しています。

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What I learned in Australia

5F No.4 Natsumi Igawa

I spent precious time in Australia Adelaide.  I learned wonderful things for life in society. I learned importance to try everything as well. I could felt many differences of culture, way of thinking and diet etc.

 I am so negative character, and I always think about only worst result, so I was scare to speak to someone. Before we leave Japan, we have a chance to ask our seniors about worries to visit Australia. Then, almost our seniors said, “Probably Australian people will speak to you actively at school”, so I did not prepare common topics, but they did not speak to me, so I wanted to go back to Japan then. However, I could smile of my own power little by little after thinking by myself or getting advices from my Japanese friend who I went to the same school in Australia.  Almost Australian people smiled back, it was lead up to my confidence. However, I regret not to talk family and students in English a lot. This study was only one month, so I had to speak English more. To write and listen to English is important, but the best important point is assertiveness. I had difficulty to communicate someone, but I made a few of friends, I am keep in touch with them at e-mail and instagram. They say their own opinion frankly, so sometimes I get hurt, but I enjoy conversation. My Japanese friend is a sociable, so she made many friends. I should do the same thing as her. I learned importance to speak to by myself and smile. If I have next chance, I want to make use of this experience.

My host family is father, mother, two foster children, French exchange student Mailys and me. My host family taught me many things. My family is like playing games, so I learned the rules.  We played game almost every night. Our favorite game is “RUMMY-O”, the game use brain, and we need to observe moving. They gave me the game before I went back to Japan. Then, I was sad because I was able to feel the reality of remaining days to return to Japan. My host mother is very good at cooking, so I was always looking forward to eating her cooking every day. She told me some recipes. My host father is very kind person. He helped me many times, and he made me laugh.    I stayed with another exchange student Mailys from France. Sometimes, she taught me some French, and I taught her some Japanese. When I felt depressed at school, she encouraged me. Someday, I want meet them, so I want to keep growing. I am looking forward to meet children


This study was not only fun memories, but also I had many hard times, for example, when I could not explain well, I felt irritating, I had said some disgusting words.  Now, I can think those experiences became my profit. I am really appreciate this study what made me realize myself and my family who sent me off readily. Thanks to helping by many people, I could change. 



私のホストファミリーはファザー、マザー、2人の子供たち、フランスからの留学生Mailysと私でした。 私のホストファミリーはたくさんのことを教えてくれました。私たちはほとんど毎日ゲームをしました。よく “RUMMY-O”というゲームをしました、そのゲームはとても頭を使うゲームで、常に周りの動きを観察している必要がありました。日本に帰る前にそのゲームをもらったとき日本に帰る日が近づいていることを実感して悲しくなりました。私のホストマザーはとても料理が得意な明るい人で、私は毎日彼女の料理を食べるのが楽しみでした。そして、いろいろなレシピを教えてもらいました。ホストファザーはとても優しい人でいつも助けてもらい、笑わせてもらいました。フランスからきた留学生もいて、時々フランス語を教えてもらったり、私が日本語を教えたりしました。私が学校でうまくいかなかったときは、いつも勇気づけてくれました。



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No.3 Kahori Hashimoto



まだシスターやブラザーと距離があるかなと思っていたとき、なんとシスターのRebekah の誕生日がありました。一緒にケーキを食べたり、その週末にはパーティーをして外で音楽をかけながらノリノリで騒いだり、話したりして、より仲良くなれました。


シティーから車で30分くらいに位置するBanksia Park International High Schoolという周りは緑に囲まれている自然豊かで夜になると野生のウサギを見れてしまうくらいです。家から学校までは徒歩10分くらいで目と鼻の先の距離でした。シスターのBrianaと一緒の学校で彼女は同い年ですが車を運転できるのでときどき車で送ってもらいました。


私の学校はInternational School だけあって日本、中国、台湾、イタリア、ドイツ、スイスの留学生がたくさんいていろんな文化や国についてより深く知ることができました。




Report about study abroad

No.3 Kahori Hashimoto

What I learned

The study abroad for one month was not only fun. I was able to grow up. There were only apprehension and fear before I want to Adelaide, and I thought that it is impossible that I live to use diffrent language in a diffrent house for one month. However I thought that I have to enjoy and no regrets for one month because I came here when I arraived at the Adelaide Airport and met my host family for the first time.

My host family was David of the father, Helen of the mother, Briana and Rebekah of the sister, Cameron of the brother. My host mother always teach me many thing every day. For example the famous TV show in Australia, sometimes we talked about Donald John Trump. She made a chance to talk with my host sister and brother for me, and took me somewhere every weekend.

When I thought there were still wall between me and host sister and brother, that day was Rebekah’s birthday. We celebrated her birthday and ate cake. On the weekend we had party. We played some popular song and talked, so we could become good friends.

I gave her the key holder of sushi for her birthday. I was so happy because it seems to me she was really happy and it decorated her room. After that I taught them Japanese or they taught me slang and popular dance and song. I was very lucky because I really enjoyed with my host family.

I went to the Banksia Park International High School for one month. It takes about 30 minutes by car from city to here. There are full of nature and at night, we can see a wild rabbit. It was just a stone’s throw distance from our house to a school in a 10-minute walk. Briana of my host sister and me are same school and same age. She can drive car, so sometimes she drive me to school. I didn’t know the classroom when the school begining soon. I was so confused, so I asked the student. She duided and taught me. After that we sometimes talked during recess.

This school is international school, so there are many foreign students for example Japan, China, Taiwan, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland, so I was able to know the countries and culture deeply.

Every students grew up in diffirent place, but we share something or talked each other’s opinions to use English. I feel It was really wonderful, so I want to learn English more.

“Do not afraid of failure” “Ask anything” “Do not forget thanks” This is what I learned for one month. I was negative against everything, and I always waited to be asked first. I was afraid of failure and kept on understanding it. Therefore I felt very ashamed when I made a mistake. Then I knew that it was my fault. I kept it in my mind and try to hear to understand more if I didn’t understand it.

“Do not forget thanks” is important because I could realize that I have been fortunate in the new environment. Also I was able to notice that I was always helped someone.

I will keep it alive with positive atitude in vorious scenes.まだシスターやブラザーと距離があるかなと思っていたとき、なんとシスターのRebekah の誕生日がありました。一緒にケーキを食べたり、その週末にはパーティーをして外で音楽をかけながらノリノリで騒いだり、話したりして、より仲良くなれました。

シティーから車で30分くらいに位置するBanksia Park International High Schoolという周りは緑に囲まれている自然豊かで夜になると野生のウサギを見れてしまうくらいです。家から学校までは徒歩10分くらいで目と鼻の先の距離でした。シスターのBrianaと一緒の学校で彼女は同い年ですが車を運転できるのでときどき車で送ってもらいました。
私の学校はInternational School だけあって日本、中国、台湾、イタリア、ドイツ、スイスの留学生がたくさんいていろんな文化や国についてより深く知ることができました。


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What I learned? 

I learned many things in Adelaide.

On first weekend I walked around my home with my host mother, and she told me about Australia.  She likes moving so she can walk faster than me.  Australia is huge and there is wonderful nature so I didn’t feel bouring. 

 When I go to Aberfoyle Park High School(APHS), Mr. Hoffman introduced about the school and eating Timtam with him.  Also, we learned about Australian history, but I learned about that so I could understand easily.  APHS is very big high school so it’s confused.  Third day of school life, I was smashed banana and orange!!  I was surprised because I never have experiences like that!  I feel scared.  However, my friends help me so I got over.  After school, I was waiting for my mom at library.  This time was important for me because I could do my homework, draw pictures, talk my friends, and read books.  If I was free, I went to coles near my high school, and I bought many snacks.  Especialy, I like timtam, daily milk, and skittles.  All of Australian food is delicious and so sweet! So I cannot eat Japanese snacks such as pocky because I eat these, I feel bitter.   Most I like kangaroo meat!!  I’ve never eaten it so I wasn’t going to eating it, but when I ate it, it was so delicious!!  I love Australian food.

 I have many classes at school.  For example, Math, Cooking, P.E., and English.  I introduced about some subjects.  First, about P.E. class.  I love moving my body so I was looking forward to moving, but it is hard more I thought.  It is because about 2hours keep up and down to use step.  One more thing I did, it is dancing!!  Cheaf student thought dance, and taught us how to dance, and dancing!  It was so fantastic!  I loved P.E. class.  Second, about cook like a chef class.  The teacher was very kind to us.  Last class, she gave me a present, a nice magnet, and she said to me “Your English skill is improving, so good luck!!  I love ya!”  The class is almost cooking.  I made two chocolate cakes!  First cake was to practice so no decorated, but second cake is perfect cake so I decorated this cake oranges coted by chocolate.  My teacher and my friends helped me.  I missed the milk amount, but my teacher said to me “We have more milk! So you don’t have to care!”  Thanks to this help, I could make cake.  I could so many frieends in this class!!  I’m glad to meet them!  Finally, about English class.  There was many discovery in English class.  We didn’t learn pronunciation or grammar.  We watched movie, and discussed music and lighting effect.  That is interesting and amazing!

 I took other subject but I didn’t use paper and pen.

 I learned one thing.  It is important to accept differences.  To be honest, I study about it at hokusei, but it is not truly understand.  First, when I found a difference, I thought it is crazy, but now, I thought it is not crazy.  It is difference.  There is many differences between Japan and Australia of cource other country.  We shouldn’t think that I don’t like because there are differences.

 I think the thinking spread all over the world, there is no segregation or war.  Thanks to my study abroad, I could learn most important things, maybe.  I hope peace of our world.

 Thank you for reading.


5F-2 Ayaka Hamada




 私はAberfoyle Park High Schoolという学校に通っていました。まず、ホッフマンという留学担当者の先生が学校を案内してくれ、一緒にお菓子を食べたりもしました。またビデオでオーストラリアの歴史も学びましたがすでに知っている内容でした。この学校はとても広かったので慣れるのに時間がかかりました。ちょっと不良っぽい子たちが多くて怖がっているとなんとばななとオレンジを投げられるという壮絶な体験をしました笑ですが友人が助けてくれえて学校が怖いという恐怖を乗り越えることができました。放課後は毎日マザーが送り迎えをしてくれて、いつも学校の敷地内にあった市民図書館で待ち合わせをしていました。私にとってマザーを待っていたこの時間はとても大切なもので宿題をしたり、ぬり絵をしたり、地域の方や友達と話したり、本を読んだり、と、とてもっ有意義な時間でした。また近くにスーパーがあったのでお菓子を買ったりもしていました。最初は食事が合わなくて食べることが大嫌いでしたが、だんだん慣れていき、今ではオーストラリアの食べ物が恋しいです。

 学校ではたくさんの授業をとっていました。例えば、数学や家庭科、体育、英語などです。いくつか授業について紹介します。まず体育の授業についてですが、私は体を動かすのが大好きなのでとても楽しみにしていたのですが思っていた以上にハードなものでした。二時間ひたすらステップの昇降運動をしたり、ダンスをしたりしました! 日本の体育の授業とは少し違って楽しかったです。次に家庭科ですがほとんどが調理実習でした。また先生がとても優しかったので特に困ったこともありませんでした。ミルクの量を間違えたりと失敗もあったのですが現地の方々のサポートでなんとかチョコレートケーキを作ることができました。また最終日には先生にあなたは英語が上手だからこれからも頑張って勉強してね、大好きよ。と言われ、嬉しかったです。最後に英語の授業についてです。まず日本とは全く違う授業の形式に驚きました!日本の英語の授業って文法などを板書したり教科書を読んだりするのが多いと思うのですが、そんなことは一切しません。ほんの一部の例ですが、例えば映画やその予告編を見て照明や音響の効果、登場人物のこすちゅーむなどについてディスカッションしたりしました。とても面白い体験でした。またどの授業でもノートとペンはあまり使いませんでした。他にもたくさんの違いがみられて毎日が新しい発見だらけでした。


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My memories in Adelaide 1 Nana Dekura

I went Adelaide to study for 1month.  I write about school, family, and a little advice for students who are going to study abroad next year.

I write about my school at first.  I went to the Charles Campbell College.  The principal was a woman, and she welcomed us with a smile.  We could choose subject we wanted.  The week started with Art class, and finished with Sports class.  That was easy, so I didn’t have homework.  I especially liked Spots class, and I played Basketball and Volleyball.  The students were big, so I was the smallest in the class.  I thought I could not play well because of my height, but unexpectedly I could!  My classmates were kind and dependable.  They gave me high five.  The cooking class was fun too.  Cooking class needed to talk with my friends because I had to cook with a foreign student.  Talking with English was difficult for me, but I could cook well.  Moreover, there were Korean and Chinese students at my school.  They said to me, “you can ask us for help whenever you’re in trouble.”  So I was helped by them when I could not understand English during classes.  School was the top priority, so I was worry, but there were no need to think.  Everything was going to be fun. I tried to anything with positive attitude.  Actually, I didn’t like paprika before go to Adelaide.  However, I could eat paprika pizza cooked with my friend in cooking class.  I thought I can do anything in here!

Next, I write about my host family.  My host was only a woman.  She was smiling when we met at the airport, and her house and car were very beautiful, cool, and fashionable.  My first impressions of her were rich and gorgeous.  I have loved her even 1month have passed since I left Adelaide.  Memories make me nearly cry when I am thinking about her.  We were talking about Japan, Adelaide, and family.  I think my English skills surely improved because we were just two in home.  We cooked dinner every day.  She was good at cocking.  I took pictures of dinner, so I will place those pictures bottom of this page.  After eating dinner, we were talking with hot coffee or green tea.  Sometimes, we went to her friend’s home, and ate dinner with them.  I met elderly couple.  They love Japan, and they like to trip to Japan.  They were impressed with coming train in time, and the four seasons in Japan.  I was so happy to hear that.  I thought I am lucky to be born as Japanese.  Moreover, Momo stayed my host’s friend’s house, so we could hang out with each host family.  We enjoyed shopping in Rundle mall, eating big food and ice cream, singing beside a campfire, going to the South Adelaide Museum and Glenelg beach, watching movie in the theater, and jumping on the trampoline.  And, I want you to touch koalas and kangaroos.  Their skins like a cushion.  They were so cute!  You should take pictures with them.  Anyway, my birthday is 18th August, so my host family and Momo celebrated my birthday.  They prepared nice dishes and cake for me.  I was so surprised and happy.  I thought they didn’t have presents for me, but they gave me an amazing note book and many snacks.  When we at the airport to say goodbye, we were crying.  I didn’t want to leave Adelaide and her.  We promised to keep in touch.  Thanks to her helps and encouragements, I didn’t feel homesick even I was thinking about Japan.  I really appreciate her supports. 

I think that if I can speak English, I can do anything all over the world.  And, I could understand importance of English.  1month went by with a lighting speed, so I want to go to study abroad again at the university.  Thank you for everything. 


日本と同じように毎日学校に通っていたので、まずは学校のことを書こうと思います。私はCharles Campbell College というところにお世話になりました。校長先生は女の方で常に笑顔でとても親切な方でした。授業も好きな科目を選ばせてくれて、その結果、私の1週間は美術で始まり、体育で終わるという楽しい時間割になりました()特に私は体育が楽しくて、バレーボールとバスケットボールをやりました。アデレードの生徒はみんな背が高くて同い年に見えないので、最初は自分が小さく思えて消極的になっていました。でも実際にやってみると、逆にボールをひょいと取れたり、身長が低い分下のボールが拾いやすかったです。クラスメートもやさしくて良いプレーをするとすぐにハイタッチしてくれました。ほかの授業もおなじで、特に料理の授業ではアイデアを出しながら作るのですぐに友達ができるし親切な人ばかりなので友達に困ることはありませんでした。だから不安になる必要はありませんでした。それに私の学校には韓国人や中国人もいてもし困ったときはお互い様だよ、と言ってくれたので私は授業中に困ったときはいつも彼らに助けられました。本当に親切なひとばかりで救われました。私は学校に通うことが1番ドキドキしていたけれど、自分の頑張り方や考え次第で楽しくなると思いました。堅苦しく考えないでどんなことも挑戦しようと思えばなんでもできると思います。私は苦手だったパプリカも友達と作ったピザに乗せて食べたら苦手を克服することができたのです。()



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