
英語科の短期留学レポート  2016.12

5F No.15 Hinako Muto

October 6, 2016

What I learned

First, I want to talk about “School life”.  My school’s name is “Sea View High School”. I saw the introduce video on YouTube before I go to school.  My first impression was “Wow! Cool! They have many international students!”  I made many friends. (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, German, Italy, Afghanistan, African, Vietnam etc…) I learned other country language as well (not only English).  For example, “Graze”.  This is Italian and the meaning is “Thank you”.  Anyway, I took mathematics, Health and P.E, Music, English (only international student), Japanese, Dance, Visual arts.  I hate mathematics in Japan so I don’t want to study it, but I did it.  I was surprised because everyone used laptop and they didn’t use any textbook so I couldn’t understand some questions.  In Health class we watched some movies.  I learned about “1980’s Medical hospital” and “How to save psychosis”.  Topic of that movie was dark so I didn’t to watch it.  However, we discussed about it, but some of my friends didn’t understand so I explained them.  I thought, think about these things is necessary for us and maybe teacher wanted to think all about the problem deeply so we should discuss more.  P.E and Health teacher was same and I really love his personality because he is kind and he is funny and he understood about international student, so I like him.  I did badminton, tennis, and basketball.  First time I feel embarrassing to play sport with strangers, but when I played basketball, I did good work, so everyone praised me.  Last day, two boys fight in class (it was stupid) so I cannot stop laughing with my friends… maybe everyone thought they are stupid…  Music class inspired me.  This is because all of student has to choose own instrument. Before I go to Australia, I was looking forward this class.  I like to singing and my friend plays the guitar and piano so we tug a team.  Teacher gave us task (Blank Space / Taylor Swift, Stay / Rihanna).  Our music opinion was difference so it was hard to explain how to express my ideas, but her guitar and piano getting well and also we are get along more and more!  She always blush me because she said “Your English is good and I like your voice!”  Last day, our music teacher doesn’t come to class so we couldn’t show our music performance but they showed me their performance so I was moved.  In English class, I designed a model car.  Our group named “Pineapple express”, and our group member account of Chinese so sometimes I was mistaken for a Chinese (haha).  We put together a model car.  English teacher is kind but she always angry because some of student don’t hard work, just talking in class, and use laptop or iPhone, but I like all of them! Only in Japanese class, I grade to 11 years because I’m Japanese.  The teacher was polite and I thought she study Japanese mind as well.  I love everyone in the class because almost of student talk with me (I talked to them positive) and I could teach Japanese!  In Art class, I learned about “cray”.  First, when I took the Culture in Hokusei, I don’t like to express or explain to someone in English because my English vocabulary is really poor.  However I have to do it in this class so I feel I’m not good at doing this one, but I have to do it.  Art teacher didn’t remember my name and almost student hate her.  I think I did well in art class because I could understand teacher and local student words.  In Dance class, it was the first time to learn the different type one (Indian dance and Jazz) so I excide to do that.  In fact, I cried in this class because the teacher said “You can’t join this performance with us because you only stay in Adelaide one month.” I was really really shocked to hear about it.  As you know, I really wanted to study abroad one year, so I feel sad and I remember my painful memories (last year)…but my friends (Japanese) helped me, like how to stay longer in Adelaide. Not only one person (3 ~ 4 people).  One of my friends takes me to the city library and listen my story and search study abroad company.  I’m glad about it.  Now I can’t go back to Adelaide but I’m proud that my first study abroad finished successful and I made many many many great, wonderful friends.  I will visit Adelaide again, and I will study abroad in near future!!!!  Definitely!!!!!!!!!!!

    Then, I’ll talk about “My Daily life”.  My host mother is 24 and she is nurse.  My host father is 26 and he is teacher.  I like both.  Mother loves music and she always listen to music or singing, and she likes training.  She always said me, “How was your day?” and she talks me lot, so I like her.  Father likes to play soccer and he join in the local soccer team.  He is tall so first time I’m afraid to talk with him but I notice he is kind and funny person.  My family is 日本語から翻訳

Christian.  I went to church once.  It was really nice place.  There had band like one person sing with the guitar and others played their instrument.  Minister use the IPAD and big screen.  People in church talked me lot and they said “Your English is better than other Japanese”, “You speak English very well! I think you talk well than my brother” (maybe joke).  I feel comfortable and I thought I want to speak English more!!!  My host mother makes me blush because she praised me as well.  I visit church only once because I always hang out with my friends every weekend!!  Now, I little bit regret about it because I like the people in church, but I love my friends as well so I can’t chose…  Anyway, I did well in Adelaide!  


もう1か月前のことですが、言いたいことがあまりにも多すぎて書ききれません() 私は日常会話をはじめ、授業でも英語にたくさん触れ、すごい良い経験をさせてもらったな。と実感しています。また、友達も他校の友達もいたりなど。。。たくさんできて、今でもチャットや電話をして交流できているので幸せです!!私の学校は多国籍の人たちがたくさんいたので彼らと話すときは彼らの言語を軽く話してみたり、教えてもらっていました。まず、彼らと交流するうえで学べたことは、英語のほかにも世界中にはたくさんの言語がある。日本語にも独特な表現があるように相手の言語にもそのようなものがあり、もっと深くコミュニケーションするには他の言語にも興味を持ち人々とかかわることによってもっと自分の視野が広がる!ということです。当たり前なことかもしれませんですが、留学前、私はずっといろいろな人と英語でコミュニケーションしたいと思っていて、それが叶ったわけですが、現地へ行って一番に感じたことはそれであって、英語以外の言語にも興味を持ちました!また、自分から積極的に話しかけることは英語力向上の一番の方法だと思いました。たとえ文法が間違っていても伝わればこちらのものです!()「伝える」ということはとても大事です。なぜなら人と関わるときに一番必要で、「伝える」からこそ「伝わる」、そして人の温かさやぬくもりを感じるのだと思います。アデレードに行きみんな私によくしてくれてかけがえのない出会いのチャンスをつかめた私はとても幸せ者だと思います。つらかったことといえばみんなと一か月という短い時間しかいれないということが私にとって一番つらかったことでした。そしてそれだけ自分がみんなに対しての気持ちが大きかったのだなと感じます。一年留学を希望していて金銭面の問題で行けなかったときはすごく悔しくてどうしようもない気持ちでしたが、今思うと、一か月留学を選んでみんなに出会えたことに感謝でいっぱいです。「一年留学に行けなかった」ではなく、「一か月という短い期間を通して自分がどれだけ何かを得たのか」ということを考えると、「あぁ。内容の濃い良い留学だったなぁ。」と深く感じます。留学に行かせてくれた保護者たち、英語を教えてくれた先生方、また応援してくださった多くの方々に感謝します。ありがとうございました。

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What I learned in Australia                        5F MIZUNO KANAKO

I stayed and went to school in Australia during summer vacation. There are many students since kindergarteners up to specialized course`s, school is so big. In addition to many new students came to school the first day, so there are troubles of computer system. For example our time tables were made mistakes, wrong homeroom class, subjects and not existence classroom. We got it the second day, we could not notice it. When we noticed it, we did not know who we should ask. We cried. Then Japanese students helped us. They taught us school`s rule in English. They told us several time until I understood. I saw their attitude they are doing their best, I made up my mind to change the current my school life`s situation. Next day I told teacher in charge of exchange students “ If you do not become clear, I do not want to come the school. Please fix our time tables.“  “I am sorry we were a lack of preparation. I will do my best for you “ said teacher. After that day we got new time tables. After we could take proper classes, I had inner peace of mind. Little by little I could talk with students.

But I had other problem. It is about homeroom class. I was poor at classmates. They looked mature for their age . Two weeks had passed since I come Adelaide, a Chinese student came to my class. I was scared to talk him because he is too tall {probably over 180 cm} and fashionable person. However, one day, I tried to talk him, conversations with him are very fun and he amuses me. Since then, I pass meaningful homeroom class. First I had many worries, I could enjoy day by day. I made many friends until the last day. They said me “I miss you“. To change the subject, I talk with Chinese student he was classmates in Australia after I came back Japan. These days we talk about PPAP. {He told me PPAP is so popular in Australia than Japan.} I introduce about my host family. My host families are from Nigeria. So I spent a valuable experience than I think. For example, do not use shower head. We store water in a bucket before we take. I used only a cup of bucket water. It was too cold for me but I can treasure water.  Next is I could understand African pronunciation than before. It was difficult to understand conversation with host father. Thanks to he said me again and again and Nigerian movie, I could at least.

The most wonderful memory is spending with host brother. He is three years. Firth he was shy, I was avoided him. My host parents was busy, because of it, I played with him. I am appointed his best friend. He always showed me his toy, tablet and drawing with explanation. And he gave me his favorite cookies. To visit Adelaide zoo, Adelaide Oval to watch Australian football was very interesting too.

Though this program, I experienced a great many situations. These are not only merry. Accordingly I grew up. Besides I noticed the importance of brothers and parents. Be living away from my family, I learn about a family in warmth. And it supported me through difficult time in Australia.

 But I have regret. If I know more expression, I can see other sides to all. I will learn more, I want to study abroad at not only Australia in the future.

私は夏休み期間中オーストラリアでホームステイをし学校に通いました。学校は幼稚園児から専門学生のような学生までいる一貫校で、とても大きかったです。更に初日にはたくさんの転校生・留学生がいてコンピューターのシステムでトラブルもあったそうでした。例えば私たちの時間割に間違いがあって、違う学級、教科、また存在しない教室が書かれていたとか...私たちがその間違っている時間割を手に入れたのが登校二日目で気づけませんでした。それに気づけたときも誰に相談すべきなのか、わからず私たちは泣いてしまいました。そのとき助けてくれたのは日本人の留学生たちでした。彼女らは私たちに学校のルールなどを英語で私が理解するまで何度も英語で教えてくれました。彼女らの全力・本気で。しかも英語で教えてくれる姿勢を見てこの学校での現状を変えようと決心できました。次の日、教えられた留学生担当の先生の所へ行き、時間割を直して欲しい。またトラブルに気づいたときに誰に相談すべきなのかはっきりしてほしい。そうでなければ学校にくるのが辛い旨を伝え、先生から謝罪と迅速に対応すると言われ、後日正しい新しい時間割を貰いました。本来の授業を受けられるようになってから少しずつ余裕がでてきました。しかし私はほかに悩みがあって、それは学級についてでした。クラスメートは思ったより大人っぽく雰囲気に流されてしました。アデレードに着いて2週間経った頃、ある中国人の生徒が学級に入ってきました。私は初め180㎝以上もあっておしゃれな格好をした彼に怯えていました。このままではいけないと思い、ある日彼に話しかけてみました、彼との会話はとても面白く、いつも私を楽しませてくれました。それ以来、有意義なホームルームを過ごせました。最初は心配事も多かったけれど日に日に楽しくなっていきました。話はかわって、その中国人の友達と帰国後もLINE を通じて話をします。最近はPPAP について話し、オーストラリアでは日本以上の人気があるようです。


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 Experience in Australia life.

I went to Australia to study abroad for one month.  I think not become homesick, but I miss my family more and more each day and I might have known that something would I was fat and return to Japan.  I tell a one-week flow of such me. 

Monday is I went to bakery, I spread bread all into large case, so after that my host mother is deliver bread for her friend.  Incidentally, I never seen that her paid money at bakery.  Tuesday is the grandsons of my host parent come to my house.  I do not understand it for some reason, they always watched the TV earnestly so I cant speak to them.  But second older grandson was played the card game with me last Tuesday.  His name is Jake, so he was moved with blanket, but he always wear shorts and T-shirt haha.  The most surprising thing that they said Todays so cold, but open the door of balcony in my house.  At first, I thought Why dont you close the door?.  Before I knew it, I used to common scenery.  

  Wednesday is most favorite a day of the week, because I joined to Boys & Girls scout.  The children who are there is so cute, friendly, cheerful and powerful.  Scout turn into a topic a week.  The most impressive things in scout topic is Dark night.  That is do coloring, look for a toy star and play the bowling in the dark.  It is so fun.  I make friend with Rani at scout.  She is go to Japanese school so she good at Japanese so she always announced a speak to Japanese.  Last scout day, she said please dont go back to Japan with a sad face.  I am really glad to hear that, but I was become sad of that time is still clear in me. 

Thursday, Friday and Saturday is nothing special so I played card game, puzzle, and go to shopping. 

Sunday is I got up early so I went to market.  There were a lot of vegetables, clothes, general goods and delicious food.

I had the impression that people in foreign country were not friendly, but after visiting my opinion changed since I encountered a lot of nice people there.  I think its wrong to judge whole people with an image.  As mentioned, I was able to have many good experience and moreover I learned how I live in a happy environment in this study abroad.  I appreciate everyone involved with me.  For example, my host parent didnt let me feel reassured, and taking me a lot of place and showed me beautiful of Adelaide city.  And my family had me waiting in Japan etc.  Finally, I thought most important thing in study abroad is live and let live.  Theres not need to do everything like everyone else, that was my senior taught me.  I want to tell a junior going for studying abroad in the future.  Thanks for the lucky chance to meet everything, I would like to finish this report.        


そして火曜日は孫たちが家にやってくる日でした。彼らはいつもテレビを見ていてそして尚且つ無口で私は話すことができませんでした。でもアデレードで送る最後の火曜日には二番目の孫が一緒にカードゲームをやってくれました。彼の名前はJakeで、移動するときは必ずブランケットを持っていたのに、彼はいつも短パンにTシャツでした(笑) オーストラリアに行って一番びっくりしたのは寒い寒いとみんな言っているのにおうちのベランダの扉が開いていたことです。「いやじゃあ閉めようよ!」と最初のうちは思っていましたがいつの間にかそんな風景に慣れていました。

水曜日は私が最も好きな曜日になっていました。なぜかというとボーイズ&ガールズスカウトに参加できたからです。そこの子供たちはすごく可愛くて、人懐っこくて、元気でパワーに満ちあふれていました。スカウトは毎週ごとにテーマが変わって、私が一番好きだったのはDark nightというテーマでした。それは暗闇の中で塗り絵をしたり、星型のおもちゃを探したりボウリングをしたりして楽しみました。私はそこでRaniという女の子と仲良くなりました。彼女は日本語学校に通っているので日本語が得意でした。なのでよく私に日本語を披露してくれたんです。最後のスカウトの日には悲しい顔をして『日本に帰らないで』と言ってくれました。それを聞いてすごく嬉しかったのもありますが私もとても悲しくなったのを今でも鮮明に覚えています。






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5F Hinako MIKAMI




私はBlackwood High schoolという留学生がたくさんいる学校に通いました。私は登校初日から授業があったのですが、初日からいるはずのバディが来なく、先生方も混乱している状態から始まりました。教室はどこなのかもわからない、今何したらいいのかわからないというような感じで、助けを求めたくても行動に移せず、混乱と焦りと不安でいっぱいでした。そして登校初日からホームシックになり、その日家に帰ってから沢山泣きました。その日の晩マザーが親身に相談に乗ってくれて、次の日からの対策を練りました。マザーにはたくさん迷惑をかけてしまいました。そこでわたしは、自分から行動を起こさないと、授業も受けられない、友達も作れないと考えさせられました。そして次の日から勇気を出して現地の生徒に声をかけると丁寧に教えてくれました。毎日そのようにして声をかけると、だんだん慣れ楽しんで登校することもできました。またP.Eの時間の授業がソフトラクロスで試合をしたりしていくうちに、たくさん友達を作ることもできました。そしてちょうど最終日の授業で実践プレゼンみたいなものを発表したのですが、それが自分たちでラクロスの技能を使ってゲームを考えて発表するもので、それがすごく楽しくて、日本でもあればいいのになぁと思いました。

 色々大変なこともあったけれどたくさんの国の人と交流できるBlackwoodでよかったなと思います。一番の思い出は中国人のOliver,Howard,日本人のMizuki 4人グループで仲良くし、会話はもちろんお互い英語で、時々お互いの国の言葉をシェアできました。そして中国語を勉強しようかなと思えるきっかけにもなりました。


 I studied abroad in Adelaide, Australia during the summer vacation. My host family are mother, father, brother(11),sister(9),(7) and Kiser(dog).I am only child, so it was very fresh to me, and I didnt feel lonely while I am at home. Also they are Vegetarian, so I couldnt eat meat and fish, but it makes me review my diet in Japan, so it was good experience. In addition, they are interested in Japan, so they asked me about Japan everyday. Especially, I was happy that mother asked me Are there any rules when you have dinner? Because I didnt know the timing when should I eat. So I told her When we start the dinner, we must sit their seat all of members, after we must say Itadakimasu. After then, we said Itadakimasu when we eat.

 I was glad to tell them Japanese.

I went to Blackwood High school that there are many study abroad students. I have classes first day, but I was supposed to have my buddy, but she didnt come, so teachers are confused. As a result my first school is worst starting that I didnt know where is now, where is my class room. So I felt impatience, confusion, and anxiety.

 I became homesick from the first school day, and I cried a lot when I got home. Night of the day, mother said me How was your day? What happen to you? If I can help you, please ask me. So we worked out countermeasures. I gave her some trouble. Then I thought if I dont take action, I cant make friends, cant take classes. From the next day, I tried to call out local students. Then they taught me carefully.

 Little by little, I was used to life, so I could enjoy. Also I had a P.Es class that it was soft La Cross. So when I took part in a game, I could talk many friends. Also, last school of day, I had practice presentation. It is that everyone make game by skill. It was a lot of fun, so I thought we should do it in Japan. I had some trouble, but Black wood High school was so good for me.

 My best memory is that I got along with Chineses Oliver, Howard and Japaneses MIzuki. We shared each others country language. Of course we talked in English.

 Therefore, it gave me a chance to study Chinese.

Last school of day, I hung out with my friends, and departure day, Oliver, Howard and Mizuki asked me to go Marion Mall. Then we took many pictures. I cannot thank enough for my host family and friends. Thanks to them I could great return home.

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5F 11 Yuria Matsunami

What I Learned At Australia

Having a 1 month study abroad, I learned a lot of things from Australia.

I ate a lot of Australia’s original foods.  I ate fish and chips, some sort of meat, snacks like chocolate or else, ice cream with caramel and sprinkles on it, and I ate Australian sushi!  There was a lot of different original sushi at there.  The kaki age sushi was one of my favorite.  I went some kind of restaurant, and ate some shrimp soup and rice, that’s was so tasty and good!  At the beach, we ate an ice cream. That was really big for kids and Japanese people. But it was so yummy so I ate that all! My host mother was very surprised! There were a lot of delicious foods at there.  But, most of all, I loved my host mother’s dinner and my host grandmother’s apple crumbles.  That’s was nice and I loved it so much!

     Australian school is different to Japanese schools.  There were a lot of primary kids to high school guys in one school.  At school class, you can choose what you want to study.  I took some of the class, and I like the Art class the best.  Well, some of the students and teachers were very kind to us! (But, not everyone.)  We made friends at some classes, and talked at lunch time. Also, there were other Japanese study abroad students, so we talked with them too.  At the class, it was hard to understanding the words for studying, but it was fun.  At school, we can use a device at some of the classes, and drink some juice when they were thirsty.  But one of the things I didn’t feel good was, the morning break time and lunch time.  At that time, we need to eat at outside, and it was too cold at winter.  But, I think the school was nice.  I’d like to have a snack time in Japanese school.  At lunch time, some of the students were eating noodles.  We could buy that at Australian school store and it’s popular to them.  I want to eat that at my school too if I could.

     Now, I’ll talk about my greatest fun memory at there.  First, my host family was so nice and lovely!  They were so kind to me, and the food that my host family made was so delicious, and playing with kids were so fun that I didn’t want to go back to Japan…  We spend a really good days at there.  At every weekend, we went to a lot of places!  We went to a Zoo to watch some Australian animals.  And guess what, at that time I held a koala!  It was so fluffy and cute!  The other day, we went to the beach and ride a horse tractor!  At there we walk the island and buy some souvenir for my family and my host brother and host father was playing the mini golf.  That was so fun.  At the last week of staying, at Monday I swim at the pool with host brother and sister.  They were really good at swimming and it was so fun, I could forget the time.  The few days later, we went to my host family’s friend’s farm.  We ride on the tracks back space and watched the farm animals and wild kangaroo over there.  After that, we went to my host grandma’s house and eat dinner.  The last day of the study abroad, I cried because I was so sad to saying goodbye to my host family.  They cheered me to smile.  It was a really nice Australian life at there, and I want to go back there one day…

   Australia is a good place to live.  The weather is nice, the life is peaceful, people are nice, and foods are delicious.  I spend a great days with learning English and cultures.  There was a lot of hard thing to do, but that’s doesn’t matter.  We just need to understand and find out the problem each other.


Thank you for reading my report.




オーストラリア留学で様々なオーストラリア独自の食べ物を食べてきました。魚フライやオーストラリア限定のお菓子、エナジードリンク等… どれもおいしかったのですが私にとって一番おいしかったのはホストファミリーの手作り晩御飯とホストおばぁちゃんの作った手作りアップルクランブル(アップルパイのようなもの)が好きでした。







5F 10 Hina






学校は最初から最後までともだちや先生に助けられっぱなしでした。私の学校はHeathfeied High School で科目はP.E., science, math, design, DIY, volleyball を選択しました。授業で大好きなバレーをできるのは幸せでした!!!みんな背が高くて足はスラーっと長くて隣に立つのが恥ずかしかったくらい、、、(笑)その上スパイクが強烈で!逆に私は背がないのでレシーブに専念しました。少し自慢ですが、オージーのみんなにとっては私はすごくレシーブがうまいらしく「バレーうまいね!」って言われた時は北星バレー部がほめられたみたいで鼻が高かったです!栃木からの日本人留学生の「ともえ」がバレーのクラスにいました。ともえは私にとって日本語使っちゃだめだけど話しやすいし、安心感の塊でした。バレーで一緒になった子はみんなアクティブで言葉通じなくても超楽しかったです!!!


35 girls of 5F studied in Adelaide, Australia for one month.

I was nervous in airplane to Adelaide, and thought “I want to go back to Japan…”, “What can I do for just one month.” “Can I make myself understand in English?”. After I met my host family, I was nervous. Then, I noticed my shyness.

My family is father, mother, Elisa from Italy who is my roommate, three dogs and a cat. Elisa is 18 years old. She resembles Taylor Swift. She is very beautiful. And, she is good at speaking English.  So, I envied her at first. I wanted to get along with her. But, I was afraid of her. One night, I had a chance to talk with her in front of fireplace. At that time, we talked about Italy and Japan, volleyball and school. I belong to the volleyball team. She is too.  I was nervous, and cannot speak English well. But, she commended for my pronunciation and grammar. She stood by me! I noticed she is kind! Therefrom, I was not tense.

For such a feeling, I could get along with my family. Thanks to them, I could spend a really awesome time!!! Of course I went to the city with my mother and Elisa. Then, we went to the China town. Moreover, they took me to the zoo, beach, church, restaurant of great pizza!!!  In the morning of return to Japan, they took me to various places until the meeting time.

My mother always cooked a delicious dinner. For example, lasagna, pavlova, tacos and chocolate cake! Elisa cooked for us carbonara! That was very delicious. So, I was fat. She sometimes invited her daughter and daughter’s boyfriend. There were so many people. Therefore, they talked with very fast English. It was too fast for me to hear. Also, it was good memory. They always loved me!

In the school, I had been helped by friends and teacher. My school is Heathfeild High School. Subject is P.E., science, math, design, DIY and volleyball. I was happy because play volleyball in the class. All of volleyball players are taller than me. And, their legs are very long. So, I was ashamed of standing next to them. Lolololol And, attack was so strong. But, I am not tall. So, I apply to receive. Then, they commended for my receiving. so, HOKUSEI Girls Volleyball team seems to be prosed, and I was grad!!! There was Japanese girl from Tochigi who named Tomoe is kind for me. I like her smile. It made me feel relieved. The volleyball girls in Heathfeild are very active. They made me happy!!!!!

Actually, My study abroad was not only hard time and isolation but also worth and a lot of enjoyable things! I remember them when I am writing a composition. Thanks to my family who let me to go studying abroad, my host family accepted me, friends, HOKUSEI teaches lead me to Adelaide. I will never forget this experience. Thank you very much!!!!!!!! 

10-2 10-3 10-1

What I learned

In July 2016 I went to Adelaide, and I spent 4 weeks there.  When I left for Sapporo, I felt lonely a little, but there were a lot of friends together, so I didn’t cry.  I was so enjoying while I go to Adelaide with my friends.  I haven’t ever been abroad, so everything was the first time for me.  However, I felt lonely too much when I arrived in Adelaide.  This is because I think “I am alone from here.  I must part from friends.  I must communicate in English.”  Also, I became very uneasy with loneliness.  I could understand the importance of friends.

I have had many good experiences since I started life in Adelaide.  When I eat meals of Adelaide for the first time, I think it isn’t bad, but I like Japanese food.  In my host house, I had to cook for breakfast myself, so I always ate yogurt and cereals.  They were so good.  I wanted to bring to Japan.  My host family is mother, father, and two exchange students from Hong Kong and Malaysia.  They were so kind to me.  My host father did housework for us, so I was not trouble very much.  However, he always made sandwiches for my lunch, so I got tired of eating sandwiches…  My mother always makes lunch for me, I don’t get tired.  I appreciate her. 

My host family went to many places with me every holiday.  The best part of the study abroad was the Wild Life Park.  It was great because I held a koala, and I got to feed kangaroos and wallabies.  The koalas were bigger than I expected. 

My school is Wirreanda Secondary School.  This is not big school, so I think there are not many students in this school.  First day of school, I was so nervous, but teachers and students were kind to me.  When I was trouble, some of students in the class helped me.  I like English and math class.  Both of classes were easy and exciting for me, and teachers and students were very kind to me.  I made a magazine cover in English class.  It was very exciting, but reading words was very difficult for me, so I asked friends.  When I was taking math class, I met good friends.  One of friends’ names is Talia.  She is very kind to me.  She is interested in Japan, so I told about Japan.  She gave me chocolates and dolphins.  She said, ‘This dolphin is symbol of friendship which means as long as you have it we will be friends forever.’  I was so glad to have read it.  She wants to visit Japan and my school, so I’m looking forward to hang out with her.

I have learned about not only English but also Adelaide, friendship, and importance of family.  This study abroad was very good experience.  I appreciate my parents.  I like English more.  I want to speak English well.  I will keep studying English to be satisfied with mine.



ホストファミリーは、お休みの日は必ずどこかへ連れて行ってくれました。私のお気に入りは「Wild Life Park」というところです。私はそこで初めてコアラを見て、初めてコアラを抱っこしました。コアラは私が思っていたよりも大きかったです。カンガルーやワラビーなどに餌をあげることもできました。

私が通っていた学校は Wirreanda secondary school という学校でした。そんなに大きい学校ではなかったので、少なくはないですが、生徒は思ったよりたくさんいなかったと思います。初日は本当に緊張しました。でも、先生も生徒も優しくしてくれました。私が困っていたら、同じ授業を受けている人たちが助けてくれました。私が好きだったのは、英語と数学の授業です。どちらもとても楽しくて、先生も生徒もとても優しかったです。英語では、オリジナルの雑誌の表紙を作りました。これもすごく楽しかったのですが、説明文を読むのが難しくて、友達に何回も聞いて理解していました。数学では、とてもいい友達に出会えました。そのうちの1人はTaliaといいます。Taliaも本当に優しかったです。Taliaは日本に興味があったので、パンフレットをあげたり、日本のことをいろいろ教えてあげたりしました。Taliaは私にイルカの置物とチョコレートをくれました。イルカは、永遠の友情の印だそうです。これを聞いたとき、本当に嬉しかったです。Taliaは日本に来て、北星女子を見てみたいといっていたので、いつかまたTaliaと会うのが楽しみです。


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5FAyuko Kiyose

My Experiences in Australia

In English

Hallo everyone!! My name is Ayuko Kiyose. Nice meet to you.  I went to Australia of Adelaide for a month. I will talk about study Adelaide. 

First, my host a family are of four peoples father, mother, brother, and sister.  There isn’t my host father because he going on business to Melbourne, so I was sad. However, he came back home for only a week, so I talked many about something and he was very kind and interesting.  Mather’s hobbies are cooking food and gardening.  Dishes cooking mother were so delicious. For example, taco, beef stew, chicken dishes, and others.  19 age of brother is people very interesting. He was always dancing in front of me.  However, he was busy for working, so I can’t almost talk with him.  Sister is very beautiful women like the actor, so Are you 13 old ??I said ha-ha.  She likes also cooking.  Especially, like to cook cookie, lunch box of sandwich, and salad.  They were so delicious!  Also, I played board games, Origami, smart phone’s application, and others. They were nice!!  I went to Glenelg Beach and Central Market with my host family.  Beach is very beautiful like the jewel, so I want to go again.  There were a lot of vegetables, fruits, meats, and others, so host mother asked me What food do you like??.  I like meats and fruits!I said, so I can eat their every day.  Also, I went to Cleland Wildlife Park.  There were koala, kangaroo, and others.  Also I can touch the koala.  I was happy.

Second, I went to school’s Golden Glove High School by walk with my host sister and Japanese friend.  This school’ students were very kindness, interesting, and funny.  To be honest, I was filles with uneasiness before go to school, but school students or teacher teach me everything.  I took subjects.  Especially, I like math, P.E., art, and music.  I studied math of quadratic function and graph.  They were very easy, so my friends said You are smart” and I felt embarrassed to be praised.  I leaned health education.  I heard that study P.E., so I thought that do moderate exercise in the outdoors ha-ha.  I studied person’s body about people’s muscles and heart.  They were very difficult.  Art was study about how to write shades and lines.  Also, I could make a lot of friends and I talked about Japanese culture.  For example, I introduced idol group AKB48to my friends and they were say Their girls is very cute.  I was enjoyed and want to see them again!!  Last, music!  This school can’t enter to play only instrument.  However, I played the piano from ten years ago, so I can enter it.  Also, I can enter the concert in the last week. I was nerves, but my friends said in JapaneseDaijobuso I didn’t neves and the concert succeeded!

I thought so that was good gone to study Adelaide!  This is because, I could think many things.  For example, host family, school, and English.  Especially, I learned a lot of English. When I didn’t understand English, I used the dictionary or host family were spoke more slowly, so I can to lead a present life, If I have a chance, I want to go study Adelaide again.

                     Thank you for listening.

In Japanese

はじめまして、みなさんこんにちは!! 私の名前は清瀬 愛優子です。私は一か月オーストラリアの留学に行きました。この一か月間どこに行き、何をしたかについてお話します。 

私のホストファミリーは、ホストファザー、マザー、ブラザー、そしてシスターの4人家族です。ホストファザーはメルボルンでの出張でいませんでした。とても悲しかったです。でも、一週間だけ帰ってきたのでたくさんお話することができました。とても優しくて面白いファザーでした。マザーの趣味は、料理を作ることとガーデニングです。タコス、ビーフシチュー、チキン料理など、マザーが作る料理はとてもおいしかったです。19歳のブラザーはとても面白い人です。毎日私の前で変なダンスを踊っていました() しかし、仕事のため忙しく、ほとんど一緒に過ごす時間がありませんでした。シスターは女優みたいに美人でした。なので「13歳なの?」と聞いてしまいました() シスターも料理が好きです。特にクッキー、お弁当のサンドイッチ、サラダがおいしかったです。また、一緒にボードゲーム、折り紙、スマートフォンのアプリで遊びました。とても楽しかったです。ホストファミリーと一緒にGlenelg BeachCentral Marketに行きました。ビーチは宝石のようにきれいだったので写真をたくさん撮りました。マーケットには、野菜や果物、お肉などたくさんありました。もう一度行きたいです! あと、Cleland Wildlife Park に行きました。そこにはコアラやカンガルーがいました。そしてコアラを触りました!とてもうれしかっです。

私はGolden Grove High School という学校でホストシスターとななちゃんと徒歩で行きました。正直、学校に行くのが不安だったけど、この学校の生徒はみんな面白くて、優しくて、おかしな人ばかりで毎日が楽しかったです。私のお気に入りの授業はmath, P.E. art そしてmusic です。Math では2次関数やグラフを勉強しました。とても簡単だったので「愛優子って頭いいね」と言ってくれたので照れてしまいました() Health education を学びました。P.E. を勉強すると聞いたので、外で運動するのかとおもいました() それとは逆に人間の筋肉と心臓について学びました。難しかったです。Art では、影と線の書き方について勉強しました。また、友達をたくさん作ることができ、日本の文化についてお話しました。例えば、アイドルグループのAKB48の動画を見せたら「かわいい」と言っていました。最後はmusic! この学校では楽器ふける人しか入ることができません。しかし私はピアノが弾けるので入ることができました。また、最後の週コンサートに出席することができました。緊張しましたが、友達が「大丈夫」と日本語で言ってくれました。なので、緊張しなかったですし、うまくできました。

私はアデレードに行って良かったなと思いました。なぜなら、英語という大きな壁と戦うことができましたし、日本ではできない経験をたくさんしたからです。おかげで 英語をたくさん学ぶことができました。しかし、英単語がわからなかったときは、電子辞書を使いました。また、ホストファミリーにゆっくり話してくれました。もし機会があれば、もう一度行きたいです。         



My nice experience in Adelaide Australia              5F  Hibina Kawasaki 

I had beautiful time in Australia. Before I go to Australia, I was very nerves and anxious but my host mother hugged me when I met her first time. So, thanks to its doing, nerves and anxious there were in my heart was disappeared.

My host family stay with is host mother, host father, their two son, host mother’s parents and two dogs. It is big family just this number of people, other was also had their daughter and son, her children and husband. Language was spoken Spanish and English in my house because my host mother is from Chile. So, I could hear real Spanish and English. It caused to be interested Spanish for me.  My host family was all gently and funny people. My host family gave me taken souvenir shops, beach, some restraints, supermarket, gym, boxing gym that my host father manages, KFC, cinema, liver, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and party etc…

Being sport gym with host mother and her friend first time, I experienced Zumba there. It is like easy dance and it was a little difficult for me but it was fun. My father often gave me chocolates. It made me happy because I love it. And him too!! Sometimes he taught me about Australian history with using youtube, books and talking because he has a lot of knowledge of history and others. When I don’t understand English, my mother often wrote English on the paper for me. Thanks to her, I could understand English step by step. I often played a trampoline, puzzles and playing in the sand with children that host mother’s grandchildren. They are very cute and cool so, I gave powers from them. One day, we went to nice restraint 「Jungle」in city because it was birthday of husband of host mother’s daughter. It was big and atmosphere was tasteful and there was a long slider there. I played it with children. Dishes I had was delicious.

Having great time such those, day that I have to say Good-bye to host family came. The former day that I come back to Japan, my host mother and father gave me taken mother’s sister house to say Good-bye. But I didn’t want to it because I wanted to stay more here and I love host family. So, I cried. Then my mother hugged me and she said “if you want to come back here, come on any time. You are my family. I love you.”and I cried more.

Next day, it came day that I have to leave Australia. My mother and her daughter and her children gave me taken to Adelaide airport. Previous day, I wrote letters for family and I gave them when I leave host family’s house. Yeimy that mother’s daughter was cried to read my letter and her son also cried when I leave at Adelaide airport. So, I cried because I was sad. But I was glad to cry for me. I was blessed with a wonderful host family and being to Australia, I became to love my host family and Australia. If I get anywhere door now, I want to go to see my host family right now.

School that I went to was Salisbury East High School. I went to school by car because my host mother gave me picked up every day. Exchange student were less there. Japanese exchange student that stay long Australia was three. So, I was surprised to hear that other school’s exchange student were many. I have thought making Australian friends is easy but it was different and difficult than I have thought. So, I could not make many friends. The most fun was class is class of Wood. Teacher of wood is very kind and he taught me easily every class. Thanks to him, I could make nice plate of wood. I gave it my mother after I came back to Japan and she was glad.  So, this is one of my nice memories.

Finishing study abroad, I thought those became good experience for me. I was able to know cultural differences not only language and every day was the discovery of Australia and Japan’s differences. It was so fun. I am looking forward to the day to come back to Australia and seeing my host family again!!!!!!!!!!


私の一緒に住んでいたホストファミリーは、ホストマザー、ファザー、2人の息子とその彼女、マザーのペアレンツと2匹の犬です。これだけの人数でも大家族ですが、他にも娘と息子が1人いて、またその子供やマザーのシスター、その子供など本当にたくさんの家族がいました。マザーやそのペアレンツがチリ出身だったので、家の中ではスペイン語と英語が話されていました。そのため、リアルなスペイン語と英語を聞くことができ、今まであまり興味がなかったスペイン語に興味をもちました。私のホストファミリーはみんな優しく面白くて、私を様々なところに連れて行ってくれました。その中で私にとって初めてだったスポーツジムはとてもおもしろく、そこではズンバを体験しました。ズンバとは、簡単なダンスのようなもので、音楽にのりながらステージにいるトレーナーさんの動きを真似し踊ります。少し難しかったですが、とても楽しむことができました。ファザーはよく私にチョコレートをくれました。私はチョコが大好きなのでもらうたびなんて幸せなんだ♥と思いました。でも彼もチョコレートが大好きだったのでベッドで一緒に食べたりもしました。そんな私のホストファザーはよくyoutubeや本、ネットなどを使ってオーストラリアの歴史を教えてくれました。歴史以外もよく知っていてとても物知りなファザーでした。私が英語を理解できなかったとき、マザーはよく紙に英語を書いてくれました。そのおかげで、だんだんと英語が理解できるようになっていきました。マザーの孫は3歳と5歳のboysでよく彼らとトランポリンやパズル、砂遊びをし、とてもかわいくてcoolで会うたび会うたびとても癒され元気をもらいました。私たちはある日、マザーの娘の夫の誕生日だったのでジャングルという素敵なレストランに行きました。そこは、大きなレストランで雰囲気がオシャレで長いスライダーがありました。私は3歳と5歳のboys とスライダーで遊んで楽しみ、おいしい料理やケーキを食べました。



私がオーストラリアで通った学校はSalisbury East High Schoolという学校でした。毎日マザーが送り迎えをしてくれたので、私は車で通っていました。私が通った学校は、留学生が少なく、ロングステイする日本人留学生は3人しかいませんでした。なので、もっと留学生が多かったよ!50人くらいいた!!と友達から聞いたときはとてもびっくりしました。私はオーストラリアの友達を作ることは簡単だと思っていましたが、意外と思ってたよりも違って難しくあまりたくさん友達はできませんでした。最も楽しかった授業はWoodで先生がとても優しく、わかりやすく授業を教えてくれました。そのおかげで、素敵な木のプレートをつくることができました。日本に帰ってから、それをお母さんにあげると、喜んでくれ、これもいい思い出の一つになったなと思いました。



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My Study Abroad in Australia

My study abroad was very wonderful. I had a great time in Australia.

At first, I talk about daily life. My host family was very kind. Mother is very kind. When on weekend, mother took me shopping, play (it’s Hair Spray), and beach. Mother send me messenger even now.

Father cooked dinner for us many times, but he was busy with work, so I can’t met him every day. My brother and sister are very cute. Brother’s name is Jemal (10 years old), and sister’s name is Tia (5 years old). I play with them every day. My host house has big trampoline, so we were jumping there. On the beach, I and Tia running near the beach. Another day, I and Jemal and father and Su-fan (10 years old Korean boy) play like the Olympic game. It’s so exciting! I became representation from Japan on this game! I love Australia’s beach!! I really enjoyed daily life with family, so I didn’t want to leave Australia. When the last day, I felt very sad, so I cried in the airport. I love my host family. 

Next, I talk about my school. My school name is Banksia Park International High School. It’s an international school, so my class was international class, so I could make many countries friends, Chinese, Korean, Germany, Australian, etc. I choose subject that SENSATIONAL FOODS, MATH, P.E., JAPANESE, ENGLISH, and ISEC SCIENCE. My most favorite subject is SENSATIONAL FOODS. This class is cooking class, so every Thursday, we cooked spring roar, spinach triangle, minestrone, and like a gyoza. I think spring roar was most great dish. It’s taste very good. It was very fun subject. Australia’s MATH is very easily than Japan. I don’t like math, but I thought I can do only Australia’s math. In P.E. class, I played Netball. It likes basketball, but it has a little different. Netball decided the position, and don’t dribble. At first, I couldn’t understand this rule, but my teammate and teacher taught me the rule and my position, so I could become do Netball. I like Netball now. ISEC SCIENCE is for the international students, so this class use very easy English, but we can speak only English. This class was so interesting because I could talk other country’s student, and I could exchange own idea to them in English. It was so excited for me. After school, I went to Tea Tree Plaza (we call TTP. It’s big shopping male) with my Japanese friends. This school has many Japanese students, so I made Japanese friends. We went to trampoline on weekend, and TTP. It was so fun. However, I could make many countries friends in this school too. I still keep in touch with them on Facebook and Instagram or Snapchat. I think it’s my study abroad achievement. I had two goals. First goal was “make many friends”, so I could effect this goal. Second goal was “enjoy my stay in Australia”. I went to many place, beach, shopping male, café, out eating, and so on, and I met many people, and I eat many things. I really enjoyed my stay in Australia, so I could effect second goal.

My study abroad became very wonderful experiment for me, so I want to thank all of the people who have been involved with me.  


始めに、日常生活についてお話します。私のホストファミリーはとても優しい人達でした。マザーはとても優しくて、週末にはお買い物に連れていってくれたり、ヘアスプレーという劇を観に連れていってくれたり、ビーチに連れていってくれたりしました。今でもマザーはFacebookのメッセンジャーで私にメッセージを送ってくれます。ファザーはたくさん夕食を作ってくれました。でも、ファザーは仕事でいそがしくて、毎日会うことが出来ませんでした。私のブラザーとシスターはとても可愛い子達です。ブラザーの名前はJemalといい、10歳で、シスターの名前はTiaといい、5歳です。私とJemalTiaは毎日遊びました。私のホストファミリーの家には大きなトランポリンがあり、私達はそこでたくさん飛びました。ビーチでは、私とTia はビーチのそばを走りました。ある時は、私とJemalTia とファザーと韓国からの留学生のSu-fan で、オリンピックごっこをしました。それはとても楽しかったです。私はその遊びで日本代表になりました笑 私はオーストラリアのビーチが大好きです!私は本当に日常生活をファミリーと一緒に楽しむことが出来たので、オーストラリアを離れたくありませんでした。最後の日、私はとても悲しくて、空港で泣いてしまいました。私はファミリーが本当に大好きです。


Park International High school というところです。そこはインターナショナルスクールだったので、私のクラスはインターナショナルクラスでした。なので、中国や韓国、ドイツ、オーストラリアなど、たくさんの国の友達を作ることができました。私が選んだ教科は、SENSATIONAL FOODS, MATH, P.E., JAPANESE, ENGLISH, and ISEC SCIENCEです。私のお気に入りの教科はSENSATIONAL FOODSです。このクラスは、料理をするクラスで、毎週木曜日に料理をしました。春巻き スピナッチトライアングル(生地でほうれん草とチーズを包んだ料理)、ミネストローネ、そして餃子の様なものを作りました。私は春巻きが1番上手に出来た料理だと思います。 これが1番美味しかったです。

オーストラリアの数学は日本数学よりもすごく簡単でした。私は数学が嫌いですが、オーストラリアの数学ならできると思いました笑。体育のクラスでは、ネットボールをしました。これはバスケットボールに似ていますが、少し違いがあります。ネットボールはポジションが決まっています。そして、ドリブルをしてはいけません。最初はルールが理解出来ませんでしたが、チームメイトや先生が私のポジションとルールを教えてくれたので、私はネットボールができるようになり、今ではネットボールが好きです。ISEC SCIENCEは留学生のための授業です。なので、授業では簡単な英語を使います。でも、英語しか使ってはいけません。この授業は他の国の生徒と話すことが出来て、そして自分達の考えを英語で交換したりしたのでとても楽しかったです。それは私にとってとても面白いものでした。放課後はTea Tree Plaza(私達はTTPと呼んでいます。TTPは大きなショッピングモールです)に日本の友達と行きました。この学校は日本の生徒がたくさんいたので、私は日本の友達もたくさん作ることができました。私達は週末にトランポリンに行ったり、TTPに行ったりしました。とても楽しかったです!でも、私はこの学校でたくさんの国の友達をつくりました。今でも友達とはFacebookInstagramSnapchat などで繋がっていて、連絡を取り合っています。それは私の留学の成果だと思います。



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