












 Hello everyone:) I’m Momo staying at TEXAS! It’s getting colder in Hokkaido, right? It’s also getting colder in Texas. It was so hot until last month. Anyway, I’m going to write about the life with my host family and my purpose of this exchange and I’m sorry I couldn’t make the deadline.

              Before I came to Texas, I stayed at Colorado for 3 weeks to took part in the orientation. My host family was the immigrant from Ethiopia. Their native language was the Amharic, so they talked in both English and Amharic, it made me confused sometimes. While I was staying them, I ate some traditional food from Ethiopia, they were all good but spicy at the same time, and all Ethiopian food seemed spicy. I never imagined that eat these kinds of food in the U.S. so it was a valuable experience for me.

              My family was cheerful and cared me like I was their real daughter. Especially, host mother was so nice to me. She has stayed Germany as an exchange student before, so she always gave me an advice and cheered me up. We talked a lot on our way home from school. I’m so lucky because my first host mother was her. Host brother was younger than me but he had a car license. He always played music loud so we talked in big voice in his car, but it’s part of memory with him. Host father always took care of me and took me many interesting places. He was interested in Japanese culture and asked me some questions about it. I realized that there are many things that I don’t know in Japan because sometimes I couldn’t answer his questions. My host sister was also younger than me but she seemed more adultlike than her real age. She cooked macaroni and cheese well and I loved it so we often eat it together. She gave me a perfume and body lotion as a present last day in Colorado. This 3 weeks went by so fast and I want to say thank you to all friends who stayed Colorado with me. I got strength from them and they helped me a lot. Thank you so much.

              After the orientation, I arrived at Texas on 8.12. It was so hot, humid outside when I arrived, but in the house and school were freezing cold because the AC was too high so it took long time to get used it. However, it didn’t take long time to get to know my host family. My host family members are father(Billy), mother(Elvia) and younger sister(Laylah). They love watching football game, Japanese food and party. They often take me to the Japanese restaurant, it’s so good and that’s why I don’t miss Japanese food. Every weekend, we held party at my house and watch football game with neighbors and friends. I meet new people every time but I don’t remember their name correctly because I’ve met so many people since I came here. However, people in my town are so fun and nice to me and I like people in here. There is an exchange student from Italy lives in next door(Marta), we go to school together and often go hung out together outside the school. She makes me laugh and happy. Also Elvia’s mother and sister accept the exchange students from Brazil and Moldova, me and the girls often go shopping and watch movies. We all became friends in a moment and can’t stop talking and laughing when we are all together. I love them so much!!!!

              However, I experienced something hard. About 2 month ago, the boy from Thailand came to stay my house for 2 weeks as an exchange student. I felt differences with him a lot. Especially, life style was the biggest difference. He always wakes up and goes to bed earlier than me, so one day when I was using a hair dryer at night he came to me and say like “it’s too loud”. I was really surprised because it wasn’t midnight, like 9 or 10. Also I shared the bathroom with him and one day he used my stuff without asking me, so I asked him about it. Then he said “I thought it’s ok to use because it was there.”, but it wasn’t ok for me to use without asking me. It was big difference for me and took long time to understand how each other was thinking about that. Also we couldn’t communicate well because of the accent so he sometimes used the google translation, but it wasn’t correctly words and too long every time so I felt the language barrier strongly. I tried to use body language to communicate but it didn’t work well. I was really frustrated about that and my heart was going to broke off. lol I felt so long that time.

              I’ve experienced something happy and hard this 3 months. I strongly feel that it’s important to say or act something by myself. Without saying or acting, no one help me. I don’t know what’s going to happen from now on, but if something wrong happen, I’ll try to say something. It’s simple, but the most important for me.

              Thank you for reading and see you next report!!

momo 1 momo 2 momo 3






 このファミリーと私の合言葉が、“Don’t worry, Be happy”(恐れるな、ハッピーな気持ちでいろ!的な)です!私がいちばん初めの日にこれからが心配だって話をしたら、これをファーザーが言ってくれました。孫が子供劇でライオンキングをやるということでライオンキングの映画をみました。その時劇中にでてきたのが“HAKUNA MATATA”Don’t warry, Be happyという意味です(笑)私この言葉座右の銘にしようって思いました(笑)ファザーのギターレッスンでたまたま練習した曲のタイトルが“Don’t worry, Be happy”だったり(笑)3週間の間で何回も出てきたこの言葉は私の一生の宝物です!

 このファミリーはなにも知らなかった私の土台となってくれて、たくさん笑わせてくれて、ただありがとうっていいたいし大好きで大好きで大好きです!本当の家族みたいに大事な存在です。残りあと5!ってくらいのときに、マザーがあなたのおかげで毎日が楽しいよ私の家に来てくれてありがとうって言ってくれたのがほんとに嬉しくて、今でも思い出すと会いたくなります。 たくさん話して、たくさん自分から行動もできたのでとても満足のいく3週間にできました。いつかまた会う約束を別れ際にわんわんなきながらしたので絶対にあいたいです!

 そして私はワシントン州エレンズバーグにステイしています!!!ここに来る時、ひとりで三本飛行機乗りかえたのはさすがに褒めて欲しいです。ファミリーはファザーとマザーとウクライナからの交換留学生のKateです。学校はいつもKateと行っていてクラスもほぼ一緒なので1人になることはないです。学校は小さくてたくさんのスペイン人の生徒がいるので、異文化に対しての壁はないです。日本語教えたり、折り紙教室開催したり、日本のお菓子一緒に食べたり、たくさん質問してくれたり、ただの日本人なのにアメリカにいると日本人!?え!?まじ!?寿司好き!?KanjiWow!みたいな特別な存在になれて不思議な感じです。お昼の時間はだいたい大人数で食べているし、わたしとKate2人で座ってたりしたらスッとわたしたちのテーブルにきてくれる友達もたくさんいます。私は環境に恵まれています、小さい学校で中学生も同じ校舎内にいるし、bandの授業も一緒にやるので中学生の友達もいっぱいできています!フットボールのゲームではいつもpep bandのメンバーとして演奏しています。バンドのメンバーはほんとにみんな楽しい人ばっかりで一番大好きな授業でもあります!次のシーズンはバスケットボールの試合で応援として演奏するのが楽しみです。








  Hey guys! I’m Mana Suzuki, I am staying in Ellensburg, Washington state. Finally, I’m writing a studying abroad report. (It was due a long time ago… lol) I can’t believe that 3months has passed since I came to America. Time passes so fast.

  First, I will talk about my welcome family in Columbia, Missouri. Fortunately, I met a really nice family. My welcome family consisted of a father and mother, which means they don’t have children in their house. They always took care of me and gave me loves, so I could avoid feeling lonely my first 3weeks. They made me smile by their joking and dishes that my host mom made. Also they are musicians. It is an unforgettable memory to play songs with host father and their grandkids.

  I learned a power word from them, that is, “Don’t worry, Be happy”. They taught me this phrase on the first day when I told them that I’m worried about staying in America without my family and friends. One day, we watched children’s play “Lion King”. In this child play, they used the phrase “HAKUNA MATATA!”, which means Don’t worry, Be happy. In addition, my host father’s guitar teacher gave him a song, it’s called “Don’t Worry, Be happy”. I think it is destiny! Now this word gives me courage.

  I just want to say Thank you and I love you for them because they made my experiences nice and a perfect foundation for my life in America. They are my real family! 5days before I left, host mom said, “I’m enjoying every day because of you!” I was so glad to hear that. We promised we will meet again someday. I couldn’t stop crying at last day.

  Now, I’m staying in Ellensburg, Washington. My family consists of a father, mother, and Kate, is an exchange student from Ukraine. Kate and I go to school together every day and have almost the same classes, so I don’t get lonely in school. My high school has a lot of Spanish students. They don’t have the barriers of a different culture and people from other countries. They are interested in learning about other culture. I taught them some Japanese words, Japanese food, and how to fold Origami. I always have lunch with 7 or 8 friends and we talk about some interesting topics. It’s one of the fun times for me. I had really good times in football game with pep band members. My school band includes junior high school students, and that’s why I have many friends who are junior high students. Everyone is so friendly and loving.

  Kate inspired me by her action. She can speak Ukrainian, Russian, French, English, and little bit Germany. I was so surprised when I heard that. If I study 5 languages, my brain is going to panic… I have never met people like Kate before I met her. I confused how to be good friend about 1month because she has opposite personality with me. She makes me happy but sometimes makes me mad. It’s a usual thing to see not good points in her personality easily therefore we always stay together. Then we didn’t stop understanding each other. So now, I think we are nice siblings! I want to help each other a lot and make good memories until we go back to each home country.

  My host family has strong family ties for family. When there was a big earth quick in Hokkaido, I was worried about my precious family and friends and cried all day. Then my host mom prayed to God to recover their lives and be comfortable soon. I was glad that my host mom tried to help them and me. At the same time, I realized how important my family and friends are to me.

 My host family has many grandkids. Three of them live in the same city. They come to our house and play together every day. They are crazy, so I call them “Three Bosses” .lol. They are my power souse. They are actual tiny, but they have become crucial to my happiness and sanity.

  Honestly, My English skills are still terrible. I’m surprised that exchange students from other countries can speak English fluently. Because Kate is good at speaking English, then other people think exchange students can speak fluently. American friends think just I’m quiet person. I’m trying to speak, however, she can speak a lot. I would become good English speaker as soon as possible! I don’t want any regrets when I go back to Japan. I have cried many times already, but it’s not a bad thing! I have many opportunities to try anything, which mean I have opportunities to make many mistakes! I hope my unpleasant experiences will makes me stronger.

  5G girls! I hope you guys are having great days. When your heart is filled with pain, please remember that you have 45 strong supporters including Tania! Don’t forget to keep smiling:)

 Thank you for reading my long report. See you soon. Have a good day!

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 みなさんこんにちは。佐藤萌花です。今回で二回目のレポートとなります。北海道はもう寒くなって来ている頃ではないでしょうか。アリゾナはまだまだ暑いです。おかげで来年の夏は涼しく感じるでしょう!() さて、今回は「学校生活」について書きたいと思います。

 前回のレポートにも少し書きましたが、私のホストスクールは8月2日に始まりました。多分5Gの誰よりも早かったと思います。私の時間割は、一時間目がダンス、二時間目は合唱、三、四時間目が英語と歴史、五時間目はお昼、六時間目は数学、七時間目は陶芸(図工のような感じです)となっています。驚いたことに日本の学校と違って毎日違う時間割ではなく、学期が終わるまでずっと同じなのです!また、クラス制ではないので毎時間移動教室なので廊下はいつも渋谷のスクランブル交差点並みに生徒が行きかいます。最初は教室がわからない&人混みで教室に行くのにも一苦労でした。さて、肝心の授業ですが、皆さんが想像している以上に大変です。ダンス、合唱、陶芸といった実技教科は特に心配いりません。数学は日本より全然簡単なので先生の説明がうまく理解できなくても何とかなります(実際私は何とかなっています)一番大変なのは歴史と英語です。歴史は私たちが世界史で習わないようなマニアックなところをやるので、理解するのに時間がかかりますし、英語はストーリー(A4裏表)を読んで感想を書く、という課題がありましたが、まずストーリーを読むのに莫大な時間と苦労があります。普通に小テストがありますが、なめてかかると大変な点数を取ります。小テストなんてチラッと復習すればいける!というのが通じるのは日本だけです!定期テスト並みとは言いませんが、ちゃんと勉強しないと成績が死にます。() 留学生だから特別なんてことはありません、アメリカの生徒と同じ基準で付けられます。自分に合った勉強法を見つけるのがコツですね。私の場合は、日本語で書かれた要約をネットで見つけて、英語と照らし合わせて勉強しています。あとはこの単語はこれ!と結びつけると覚えやすいです。

 さて、910月はイベントが沢山ありました!9/12は私の誕生日で、友達がバースデーソングを歌ってくれたり、教会ではサプライズでケーキを用意してくれた上に日本語で「お誕生日おめでとう!」と言ってくれました。私のために一日練習したそうです!土曜日にはhome coming party(以下hoco)がありました。私は友達5人と行きました。驚くことに4人は私より年下なのです!(白いリボンのドレスの子が年上)アメリカ人恐るべし。何回もfreshmanと間違われました(笑)hocoでは2時間ちょこちょこ水飲み休憩をしながらただひたすらに踊っていました(笑)おかげで足がすごく筋肉痛なったのを覚えています。10/8-15は秋休みでした。Mamdad が旅行を企画してくれました。この旅行ではカルフォルニア、オレゴン、ネバダ州に行きました!とても楽しかったし、歴史や各地の違いを感じることができました。イベントや出来事が多くてついつい書きすぎてしまいました。()ここまで読んでくれた方、ありがとうございます。次のレポートも長いと思いますが、また読んでくれると嬉しいです!次のレポートでお会いしましょう!See Ya!

 Hello guys! This is second time report. I think Hokkaido have cold now. Arizona is still very hot. So, I feel colder next summer in Sapporo! This time, I will wire down my American school life.

 I wrote before, my host school started August 2nd. I think it was fastest in 5G. I have dance, chorus, history, English, algebra and ceramics. In America, we have a same schedule till finish school! In addition, we have to move our class every time, so the corridor confuse every time. First time, it was hard for me to go to my class because I didn’t know where it is and crowded. Well, I will talk about class. It is so harder than your image. Dance, chorus and ceramics don’t have too much trouble, math is easier than japan, so no problem. But history and English have it. Because the history class learn deep things that we didn’t learn in Japan. So, I need many times to understand. In English class, we read long essay and answer the questioners. But I spend many times to read it and difficult to make understand. In addition, it has quiz, so I have to study, like examination. If didn’t study, the grade become so bad. I’m exchange student, but teacher didn’t treat me especial. They make grade same American student. In my case, I look for the summary that written in Japanese in internet and compare the English. And, it is easy to memorize to make connect the words and act or person.

Well, I had many events in September and October. In Sep.12th was my birthday. My friend’s song birthday song and prepearing cake for me in church. They said “happy birthday” in Japanese. One of men, practiced the word all day! In Saturday, my host school has homecoming party. I went it with five friends. Surprisingly, one of friend is older than me, but others are younger! (the oldest girl wore white dress with ribbon.) I got mistake that I’m freshman again and again. We were dancing in two hours while drink water little time. After, I got hurt for my leg. Oct.8th to 15th was fall break. Mam and Dad were planning trip for us. We went to California, Oregon, Nevada. I felt historical and had a good time. I wrote too much because I had got many experiences. I might next report will be long, but I’m happy if you read next time. Then, we will meet next report, see ya!

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 Hi! こんにちは!ミズーリ州のコロンビアに留学している久保田彩月です。


 最初に研修地アリゾナでのマザーの忘れられない言葉について書きます。ミズーリに移る1週間前くらいの夜、ファミリーとおやすみをして自分の部屋にいるとマザーが急に私の部屋に来て、あなたと離れるのが本当に寂しい、短い間だったけどあなたは私の本当の娘のようだったよ、ありがとう、愛しているよと伝えてくれました。そして、今まで何人か留学生を受け入れて来たけど実はファザーが留学生に対してあまりいいイメージもってなかったんだ、でもあなたに会ってそれが変わったんだよとも言ってくれました。それを聞いたときに自然と涙が出てきてマザーと2人で号泣しました ( )

 次にミズーリでの生活を書きます。私の住んでいるコロンビアはミズーリの真ん中にあるまぁまぁ大きな街です。大学が有名なので留学生も多く、こっちに来てからたくさんの日本人に会いました ( )

 ミズーリのファミリーはマザー、ファザー、大学生のブラザー、犬2匹です。他にも結婚していて違う場所に住んでいるシスターともう1人ブラザーがいてよく家に来ています。孫たちもよく泊まりにくるので私のことをさつき〜!!と呼んでくれて懐いてくれています ( ) ファザーはいたずら好きでよく私にちょっかいを出してきます。私の名前を変な風に呼んできたりもします ( ) そして、1回課題に追われすぎたり色々辛いことが重なって私が泣いてしまったときマザーがずっとこの経験はとてもいい経験になるからといってずっと側で励ましてくれました。実をいうと、私のファミリーは娘さんを1人亡くしていて私と娘さんが踊ることが好きだったりいろいろ重なるらしくすごく大切にしてくれています。私はすごく恵まれていてこの家庭がとてもあっていると思います!大好きです!

 そしてここからが私の慣れるまで地獄だった学校の話です。めちゃくちゃ正直に思ったことを書くので嫌かもって思う人はとばして下さい ( )

 私の学校は生徒が2000人以上いる大きな学校でアジア人も結構いて、留学生も10人くらいと多いので特に留学生だからっていう特別扱いもなく私が日本にいるときに抱いていたイメージとは真逆でした。日本人の留学生が私を含めて3人もいて、1人は同じ北星の4Bのみなみなので他の人よりもちょっと特殊な状況で少し戸惑いました( ) 初日の授業でスペイン人の留学生2人が同じクラスだったのですが、2人が答えられた質問に変な答えをして一部の子達にクスクス笑われたり、クラスの子に質問してみたらハァン?というこっちの人特有のちょっと怖い聞き返し方に恐怖を感じたり、ランチも1人でぼっち飯でした。そして、スペイン人の女の子が、私が友達と話しているとき会話に入ってくるのはいいのですが、あまり私に興味がなく私以外の人にスナチャやインスタを聞いたり、話すときも私のことはガン無視という感じでした。今も私はその子が苦手です、しかもめちゃくちゃ素行が悪くて留学会社が私の会社のグリーンハートだったら強制帰国なんじゃない?といつも思っています ( ) でも、その子は英語を喋れるしなんでも発言するのでみんなその子に話しかけます!悔しい!( )いろんな洗礼を受けたアメリカンスクール初日でしたね今思えば。そんな中、学校初週の金曜日にフットボールに誘ってくれた子がいたのですがスナチャを交換して、テキスト送るね〜って言われたのにいつまでも来なかったので自分から連絡すると、繋がらず既読もつかずでめちゃくちゃ人間不信になりました ( ) ( ) 結局その子は例のスペインの留学生と行っていてすごい落ち込みました。最初の12週間はマザーが学校に迎えに来てくれるまでの間日本にいる母に電話してずっと泣いていたり普通に学校でもトイレとかで泣いていました ( ) でも、そこで母にそんな電話して来ないで!心配になるから!って喝を入れられたりしたことで逆に助けられました。母も留学経験があるので私の事を思って言ってくれているんだと思ってこんなことでメンタルやられたらダメだっていう気持ちに変えることができました。あと、自分から行動しなきゃやはりなにも変わらないということも身を持って知らされました。そのあと、自分から誘えばいいじゃんと思って友達を誘ったりしました。(3人中3人みんな行けなかったので結局みなみと1回しか行ってない)とりあえず結果は置いといて自分から動くってことを少しは実践できたかなぁと思います。ネガティブなことばっかり書いてごめんなさい!でもこれが私の現実ですってことを伝えたかった!!ポジティブなことも書きますね ( ) 各クラスではないけれど助けてくれる人はいるし、歌のクラスではみんなが I like your〜とほぼ毎回私の服を褒めてくれたりあなたのアウトフィットいつもいいね、大好きと言ってくれます!あなたが日本に帰るの寂しい!(気が早い)言ってくれる子もいて、それがすごくうれしいです!

 今は最初よりは学校に慣れてきたのですが、勉強は全てを理解できるのには程遠いし、お泊りや放課後どこかに遊びにいく友達はできていないのが私の現状です。放課後どっか行きたい! ( ) そして私はいつも他の留学生や今留学している他の5Gのみんなと自分を比べてしまいます。ですが、比べても何も変わらないし、時間のムダと思って自分らしくいること、自分のベストをいつでも尽くしてたのしむことを大切にしようという気持ちに変えることができました。


 Hi! I’m Satsuki, staying in Columbia, Missouri since August.

 In this report, I’ll write about precious my memory in Arizona and my student life in Missouri.

 First, I’ll introduce about my AZ mother, Patricia.  She was very nice person and, every day she considered me like my English skill and of course my life.  I enjoyed the host family very much.  One night, a week before I left AZ to MO, she knocked my room door and told me awesome words.  She said “I’m gonna miss you and already very sad thinking of your departure.  You are like a real daughter.  Thank you, I love you.”  She also said “ My husband didn’t have good impression towards exchange students we have hosted so far.  But he changed his mind since he met you.”  I was lucky to have met them.  I love my AZ family!!

 Next, l’ll write about my MO life.  (my host family and my school) Columbia is a pretty big city and located middle of MO.  Many foreign students go to University of Missouri.  Also my host school has some exchange students.  They are from Spain, France, and Germany.  There are 3 Japanese exchange students include me. Because my school is huge.  We have to speak up and make some actions whenever we need any helps.  I learned importance of expressing myself in this situation.  Studying at the school is very hard for me because all classes are difficult.  I get a lot of assignments too.  Luckily most of teachers are very nice and kind.  My host family also help doing my assignments.  My host family members are mother, father, brother and 2 dogs.  My host mom Cyndi and host dad Steve have 3 more children.  Two of them are married and live nearby with their family.  Another daughter has passed away 2 years ago.  Their married daughter and son often visit us with their children.  We have dinner together on weekends and I hang out with sister Leslie and her kids.  They’re very cute.  My host parents always say I remind them of their lost daughter.  They cherish me and I feel happy to be able to ease their sadness Cyndi is very supportive and always kind.  She’s like my real daughter.  Steve is very funny, cheerful and smart.  He always helps me with my assignments.  He often makes jokes and makes me laugh too.  All of my host family are very nice.  I love them very much.  You know my report is very long, thank you for reading!! I’ll end my report for now.  See you next time!

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Hi, I am Kaho Takeda at TX!

I went to Missouri as training. My Missouri’s host family was host parents, three host sisters. They were really kind to me. I spend a lot of time with my host mother. She gave me many experiences and taught many things about America. She taught me all things that we saw even during riding a car. She took me many places every day after school. I saw a lot of nature in Missouri. There are many caves. I went the lake with my host family and host sister. One day, I walked around our house with my host mother after dinner and we watched beautiful sunset. I was moved. I can feel more nature in Missouri than Sapporo. So, I love Missouri. My host family likes Japanese food. There were many kinds of Japanese seasonings and rice cooker in their house. I talked about Japanese food with my host father, and we went to Asian store. It is my favorite memory we make Gyuudon each other, and compared my Japanese Gyuudon and My host father’s American Gyuudon. My host family said that my Japanese Gyuudon was better, but I liked my host father’s American Gyuudon. My host oldest sister and second sister are play in band. They talked on radio and played at music events. I really like them music. I respect them because, they know what they want to do, and they have dreams. Third sister and me liked to watch Terrasse House. I went St. Louis with her. She always cared about me, so I was so happy. My host youngest sister was so cute. She always makes me happy. The school in Missouri was fun because, I was with Japanese friends. My Missouri’ s host family gave me beautiful phrase. I won’t forget it. I am so happy and, I want to tell them thanks because, I spend good time with them.

Next, I will write about my life in Texas! I came to Texas alone! I changed my airplane alone! I was afraid all. I was in Louisiana’ s host grandparent house next day I arrived TX, and I want Florida next day. We stayed one week front of white sand and beautiful beach. I went beach every day, I spend fun time with many people, I saw dolphins, and I did parachuting. My first one week was awesome! My Host family is host parents, two host brothers, and host sister. They welcomed me. So, I can relax with them. I love my host families. The school started after one week we came back from Florida. First one week, I couldn’t understand anything even class and conversation with my friends. I asked again every time. It was hard to get used to all of school. I couldn’t understand anything about my class, so I tried to hear about only “test” and “homework”. I can hear most things now. I can hear and say everything without concentrated in Japan, and I did not think about me. I think I missed a lot of opportunities in Japan. I cannot like that in America. I am interested to experience a lot of things. Sometimes I made mistake or fail but, I am enjoying in America, I am enjoying in America!

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Hey guys, this is Yuria Saito. I am staying in Maine. It’s been about three months since I came to the US; time flew by. I really enjoying study abroad. The temperature where I live is one digit and frosts is falling in the morning, I feel cold.

This time, I will talk about my school life. My school always begins at 7:50 and finishes at 2:10. I have 4 classes in a day, and a class is 80 minutes. It’s not hard for me, because I can come back home very early. I am taking physical science, communication skills, gym, Spanish, algebra, American history and study skills. Study skills is self-study time, so I can almost finish my homework. My favorite is gym class; it is very different from Japan’s school. I am doing tight muscular strength training using dumbbells and some tools. I really love it! The most difficult one is American history, it’s hard to understand, but classmates are kind, so they help me. At lunch time I always eat lunch with two or three friends. At first, I was nervous to talk them while eating, but I still try to have conversation this time. My host mother always makes my lunch and I usually eat sandwich, a wrap, or sometimes sushi. It is delicious.

  I think it was hard to make friends; I needed to start conversations with classmates. However, I tried to talk to them with my just a little bit of bravery. Of course, not everyone was friendly and still some people are laughing at my English, but there are also more people who are friendly to me, and some people do high five and say” Hi, friend what’s up?”, when we meet. I really like them.

I have many quizzes and tests, but I really enjoy them. Studying in English is not easy, but my host family, teachers, and friends help me. I really appreciate them. Thank you for reading, see you next time!

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まず私の大好きなホストファミリーについて紹介します。私は、ママとパパと3匹の犬、オウムと暮らしています。ママとは、ずっと一緒に行動しています。一緒に家を掃除したり、ご飯を作ったり、ショッピングに行ったり、ママとパパの寝室のベッドで横になってお気に入りのショーを見るのが日課です。パパは、私がマスタードが嫌いなのを知って茶化してきます笑 ママとパパには娘が2人います。私のシスターは、30代です。2人には子供がいます。その子たちが本当に可愛いんです。3歳の男の子キャッシュは、私のことをハルカと言えずにルカとよんでいます。私を見つける度に、ルカルカルカってとびっきりの笑顔で呼んでくるので私の癒しです。彼と初めてあった時、私に「こんにちわ」と言ってくれました。可愛いでしょ?

それはさておき、8月25日、私は研修期間のホストファミリーから本家のホストファミリーに移りました。初めてママと出会った時、初めて出会った感覚は全くもってありませんでした。それも、私たちはしょっちゅうメールをしていたしFacebookで家族全員が繋がっていたからです。8月27日に私は学校がスタートしました。私の学校は、今年私しか留学生がいません。留学生仲間が居ないのは、ときに辛いです。なぜなら、私の気持ちを分かってくれる人は居ないからです。でも、たくさんアメリカ人の友達ができました。結果オーライです。私は登校するとき隣の18歳の男の子が運転する車にのさせてもらっています。その子の家族と私の家族はとても仲がいいんです。私が最初に取った授業は、Ceramics/Spanish1/Living Skills/Student Aide/ Performing Arts/Lunch/American History/English1/Math です。私は、American HistoryPerforming ArtsEnglishが苦手です。なので、私はPerforming ArtsSymphonic Choirに変えました。なぜなら、先生の話すスピードが異常に早いんです笑 とても良い先生だったし、友達も居たので変えるのは迷いましたが、全くわからないのでしょうがなく変えました。でも、変えて良かったです。Symphonic Choirを取ってから、素敵な友達が出来たことと、先生がなんといっても情の強い良い先生なんです。私のお気に入りの授業です。もう一つのお気に入りの授業は、Student Aideです。私の力になりたいと言ってくれた心優しいEnglishの先生が二人きりの授業を作ってくれました。この時間に私は宿題をしたり、終わらなかったテストをします。何気無い話をしたり、私の悩みを打ち明けることのできる私の大好きな先生です。私は、夏のシーズンにテニスをしました。テニス仲間で、お泊まり会をしました。私は彼女たちと出会ってから、少しずつ楽しくなってきました。私は、そこで日本語を勉強しているセイラという女の子と出会いました。彼女は本当に素敵な女の子なんです。私のBest Friendです。彼女は来年日本に留学をする事を考えています。それも、私の家に滞在するかもしれません。家族一同ワクワクです。もし、私たちの学校に通うことになったらみんな仲良くしてあげてね!次は、ソフトボール部に所属しようと思っています。楽しみです。

私はアメリカに来てから約3回泣きました。1回目は、北海道に地震がきた時です。私は、心配すぎて毎日電話やメールをしていました。自分が、違う国にいて家族と友達の状況がわからないことほど怖い事はありませんね。2回目は、友達の会話に入るのがとても大変で孤独感に駆られたことと、Mean Girlsによる私への心のない言動です。まず、留学して初めて悩むのは友達の会話に入れずに孤独感にかられること。特に彼らが悪いという事はないんです。ただ、私たちは留学して日数も経っておらず英語力も低い上に彼女たちの会話の話題は自分の知らないことばかりで盛り上がっている。これが結構辛い。寂しくなります。Mean Girlsは本当にどこでもいますね。私は、彼女たちにStupid Fuck Youと言われたり、私が何か話すと真似してバカにしてきたりします。本当に辛かったです。私は、自信もなくし負の連鎖に陥りました。私は、Study Aidの時間に打ち明け大泣きし、その日は一日中ブルーでした。その次の日の朝、私はまた大泣きし学校に行くのが怖いということをママに打ち明けました。ママと少し話した後、その日はママと登校しカウンセラーの先生と話しをし、落ち着いた後にいつも通りに過ごしました。Study Aid の時間に、セイラから応援メールが来ました。そして次の授業は、Symphonic Choirでした。歌っている最中私は、涙をこらえるのが必死でした。そんな時に、心配したセイラが授業を抜け出してまで私に会いに来てくれました。彼女は、私に“Are you ok?”と聞き私は涙が止まらなくなりまた大泣きしました。彼女はたくさん励ました後授業に向かい、もう一人の友達は授業を休んでまでそばに居てくれました。私は、その日を境に前よりもたくさん話せるようになり友達も一気に増えMean Girls による心のない言葉も気にならなくなり、堂々として居られるようになりました。

その次の日は、セイラの家で私ともう一人の女の子と一緒にお泊まり会をしました。その次の日はHomecomingでした。3人でドレスを着て、派手なメイクをして中のいい友達と写真を撮りまくりました。みんなで円を作って音楽に合わせて好きなように楽しく踊りまくりました。そのあとは、ピザ屋さんに行ってピザを食べ楽しい刺激的な1日が終わりました。戻れるなら、もう一度Homecomingに戻りたい!!!それが私の今の気持ちです。でも、私の学校はDance Partyが後二つあります。もう、待ちきれませんね笑


もちろん意地悪な人は中には居ますが、それでも私に対して”You are nice.” “You are sweet.” “I love your smiling” “I’m happy to see you.” ”Thank you for coming to Lorgan”と優しい言葉をかけてくれる人や悲しい時や困っている時にそばに居てくれる人がいます。悩みを打ち明けたり人前で泣く事も間違える事も、恥ずかしい事ではありません。バカにしてくる人は所詮そんな奴です。アメリカの良いところももちろん見つけました。それは、年齢を超えて仲良く出来ること。敬語が少ない特権ですね。それと同時に、日本人であることに誇りも感じるようになりました。理由は多すぎて言えないので書けません。あなたも留学したらわかりますよ笑


Hello! I’m Haruka Nakamura. I’m staying in Lorgan, Ohio. I passed two month when I came to America. I have been through a lot of things. First, I’m going to introduce my sweet host family. My family member is mom, dad, three dogs, and parrot. I spend all one’s time with mom. We usually do cleaning, cooking, shopping, and watching TV on the bed in my parents’ room. My dad is always make fun of me about mustard because I don’t like it LOL They have two daughters. They are in thirties. They have children. They are really pretty. The three years old boy is Cash. He can’t call me “Haruka”, so he call me “Ruka”. If he find me, he always say “Ruka Ruka Ruka Ruka” with his cutie smiling. When I met him for the first time, he said “こんにちわ” for me. Isn’t he cute?

Anyway, I moved from first host family to second host family on August 25th. When I met my mom for the first time, I felt like it was not the first time to meet her. It is because we sent e-mail a lot, and we knew each family. On August 27th, I started my school life. There is only one exchange student in my high school. It is me. It is sometimes hard because they don’t know my feeling. But, I succeeded to make a lot of American friends, so everything is ok now. When I go to school, I ride on my friend’ car. He is eighteen years old. His family and my family is good term. I took nine classes. They are Ceramics/Spanish1/Living Skills/Student Aide/ Performing Arts/Lunch/American History/English1/Math. I’m not good about American History, English, and Performing Arts. Therefore, I changed Performing Arts to Symphonic Choir. It is because teacher’s speaking is very very fast. So, I couldn’t follow. But, she is very kind and I have some friends in that class. I wondered what to do. However, I thought that It was good choosing. When I took Symphonic Choir, I met nice friends. Moreover, teacher has passion. It’s my favorite class now. I have another my favorite class. It is Student Aide. Teacher wants to help me, so she makes class for me. I do my homework, test, and talking in this time. I can tell my concern to her. She is my favorite teacher. I did tennis in summer. I did sleepover with them. When I met them, I’ve started enjoying school life. Moreover, I met a girl who are studying Japanese. Her name is Sarah. She is nice girl. She is my best friend. She wants to study in Japan next year. She might stay at my house, so my family is exciting. If she go to our school, be friend with Sarah. I’m going to join softball. I’m exciting now.

I cried three times, when I came to America. I cried at first time when earthquake hit in Japan. I did calling and sending e-mail to my family every day. I just worried my family and friends. I scared that I didn’t situation in Japan. Another time, I felt lonely when my friends were talking a lot and Mean girls made me sad. My friends are very nice. However, my English is low and I didn’t know their topic. So, I couldn’t join their conversation. It was very hard for me. At any place there are mean girls. They say “Stupid” “Fuck You” for me. Everywhere and anytime. If I talk something, they make a fool of me. I didn’t have confidence, and I fell into a downward. It was very very sad. I talked about it at Study Aid and I cried a lot. I felt blue this day. Next morning, I scared to go to school. I talked about it to my mom, and I cried a lot. When I became cool down, I went to school with my mom. And then, I went to counselor room with mom, and we talked. And then, I performed usually behavior. However, Sarah sent e-mail about cheering to me at Student Aide. At Symphonic Choir, I held back tears when we sang. At that time, Sarah came to our class room, and she asked “Are you ok?” for me. I couldn’t hold my tears when I met her. I cried a lot again, she encouraged a lot. A girl stayed with me at whole time. I appreciated them because I don’t care everything from that day. They made me strong. Moreover, I made friends a lot from that day.

Next day, I did sleepover with Sarah and a girl. And next day, we had homecoming. We did dress up and make up, and we took pictures a lot. When music started playing, we made circle. We danced with the music. It was free. And then, we went to pizza restaurant. It was wonderful day, I want to do Homecoming day again. It’s my feeling now. But, we have more two dance parties. I can’t wait LOL

There are good person around me. I’m very glad to meet them. Of course, there are some mean girls around me too. However, they say “You are nice” “You are sweet” “I love your smiling” “I’m glad to see you” for me. If I need help, they help me. If I feel sad, they stay with me. I think that it’s nothing to be ashamed of these. I ignore stupid people now. Of course, I found good things. It is that we can make friends different age. It’s a perk of being English. At the same time, I am proud of being a Japanese when I stay in America. There are many reason, so I can’t write LOL If you do study abroad, you can understand.

I’m going to write my goal. It is that I’m going to join conversation by force. I’ll do my best.

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 正直、いざレポートを書くとなったら何を書いていいのかわからない…(-_-;) 最近寝ても疲れが取れない!()何時間寝てもいつも疲れています。(^_^;)まぁ、こんなこと書いても誰も面白くないと思うので、では思い出話をしたいと思います。





 Hello, everyone. This is Fua Matsumura and I’m in Newburgh in Indiana. I will tell you about life of US.

 About the 2 months have passed since I came to Indiana. I have had a lot of experience in these 2 months. First, my host family is father, mother, and older brother. I have another older brother, but he is a college student, so he is not in our house. My school has 3000~4000 students. It is very large school and the scholarship is high, so the class, assignment, and test are so hard, but I have friends who help me study and hang out with me and there are various difficult things, but it is fulfilling every day. American school is too different from Japan and interesting for me. Taking many pictures of themselves on their phone during class and sending it to their friends, to make up in front of a teacher, and on Friday, ordering drinks and taking classes while drinking and so on, it will not end if I write all of things.

 To be honestly, I don’t know what to write when I write a report…. (-_-;) I can’t get tired even though I sleep these days. If I sleep for a long hour, I’m always tired (^_^;) Well, I think that nobody is interesting even if I write such a thing, I will tell about memories.

 I went to an amusement park with my family last month. It was not such a big amusement park, but the American roller coaster was really scared. I was screaming all the time, so my brother looked at me and laughed. My host mother also works every day and my host brother has club and work, so we go to eat out almost every day. We go to eat Mexican food many times and to be honest, I get tired of eating Mexican food. I already have known five Mexican restaurants in Newburgh lol

 I caught a cold from the temperature difference and was very painful.

 The rest of this month, I’m looking forward to Halloween party and my friend’s birthday party. I think I will write about that. See u soon

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 最初の1か月間は、オレゴン州の州都Salemというところで研修がありました。その研修期間では、アメリカの高校でよく使うフレーズだったり、会話練習という真面目なことだけではなく、truth or dearをしたりいす取りゲームをして遊びもしました。また、研修の時に私たちに英語を教えてくれた先生のいとこ?の方がcapital buildingで働いていて、そのおかげもあってそこへ行くことができました。今思えば研修すごい最高でとても楽しかったです。ファミリーもとてもやさしく温かくいい方たちだったので本当に本当にとても感謝しています。

 最初のファミリーはファザーとマザーとブラザーのBeaversが好きなBruceとゲームが好きなLanceとそしてきらきらしているものが大好きなsisterGraceで、アウトドアが大好きでよく川や公園に行ったりまたファミリーがクリスチャンなので夜ご飯を食べる前にはlets prayっていってお祈りしたり日曜日には教会へ行ってバンドみたいな人たちと一緒に歌ったり、ダンスしたりこんなにぎやかな教会あるんだなって思いました。




 またよくマザーのマザーの家にも行ってとてもパワフルなマックスという犬とたわむれたりマリオカートしたりもしました。ちなみにホストグランドペアレンツの家がMount Angelというところにあるんです!すごいかわいい名前ですよね。


 マザーはとても家族思いの優しい方でまた明るく強くたくましく、また温かみのあるという最高の方でした。マザーは家族の話をするのが大好きで、よく私にマザーの家族の話をしてくれました。またキルトとクッキングが好きで、よく一緒に夜ご飯を作ったり、スイーツを作りました。平日の夜はファザーとマザーと一緒にHawaii Five Oを見てから寝るのが日課でした。たまに見ている間にソファーで爆睡してしまったのですが、それでも Tamami! You were sleeping! と笑いながらそっと起こしてくれたファミリーに感謝しています。マザーはマザー自身のおばあちゃんのお世話をしながらまた子供たち3人の面倒を見ているとてもすごい方です。英語以外にも大切なことをマザーからたくさん学べました。



 そして、とうとう長期のホストファミリーの方の家に到着しました。今のホストファミリーの方々は、日本との混血の方々なので、日本語はそんなに話せませんが書き方のシステムは知っているし、お家にはたくさん日本食があるので、正直に言うと日本食シックにはなったことがありません、、、これからどうなるかはわかりませんが、、。マザーとファザーとシスターのSydneyMiki、そしてブラザーのJacob (Coby)がいます。Sydneyはサッカーと新体操とテニスとバレーバールをしていてMikiはサッカーと新体操とテニスをしています。CobyEdu careというプレスクールみたいなところに通っています。




 教科は、French1, US History, Concert Choir, English 3, Financial Math, Biologyをとっています。どれもそこまで難しいというわけではないのですが、レポートを書く宿題はちょっと大変です。またUS Historyの授業では授業内で教科書を要約してまとめたり、またニュースを調べてそれについてまとめるクラスワークもちょっと大変です。ですが、難しいことにチャレンジするのは楽しいです。Mathの授業内容は結構簡単ですが、復習しているみたいで楽しいです。


 Hello everyone!! It’s Tamami Matsuda staying in California. In this report I’m going to talk about the orientation in Oregon for a month and the present life in California.

 First, I was on the airplane for about 9 hours from Narita Airport to Portland International Airport. An woman who was sitting next to me was an American who came to Japan to learn Japanese, and I could talk with her a little, which was FUN. However, I was too nervous to talk with her, so now I feel sorry for her. Anyway, there was an orientation for a month in Salem, Oregon before I came to California for a whole school year. In the orientation, we not only learned English phrases which are often used at school, slung, how to communicate with people, and vocabularies about many kinds of stuffs but also played truth or dear, musical chairs, and some games, which were so much fun!! ( Moreover the teacher who taught us English was so nice and beautiful) The cousin of our teacher worked at capital building of Oregon, so thanks to her we could go there and learn about a system of senate, the house of representatives, what is called politics. That was a very good opportunity for us. Recently I realized that the orientation was super fun and unforgettable, and even now I sometimes do miss the orientation actually. Also my former host family was so so sweet and nice to me so that I really can’t thank them enough. My host family was consisted of father, mother, two host brothers called Bruce who likes Beavers and Lance who likes playing games and one host sister called Grace who likes something shining, and they all like outdoor activity so that we often went fishing in lake and rode on a boat in the river, which were so fun, and also they are Christian, so we went to church every Sunday and had prayed together after host father said “Let’s pray” on every time we ate dinner. The church which I went was relatively sound and there was a band group which was playing Christian songs and I sang songs and danced to the songs. They were valuable opportunities for me because if I were in Japan, I wouldn’t be able to experience them, my host family gave me a lot of precious memories which I will treasure forever. On weekdays we had an orientation for school life in America from 9am to 3pm and during the lunch break we would often go to such a drag store as T J Max and overall we had so much fun in the orientation!! For the orientation, many exchange students from several areas in Japan gathered so that I could make many friends there and we promised to keep in touch, to send New Year Card each other, and to see each other again after this exchange year. Everyone was nice and I thought that I’m really blessed with this good environment. In addition to these good memories, I took the ELTiS during the orientation!! Actually I had predicted that I would take ELTiS before I came to America, but I was surprised when I was told that I have to take it!! Though I don’t know if I can say it and it’s an good information, but let me say that if you are thinking to study abroad for one year, it might be good to keep in mind that some people have to take ELTiS not only in Japan but also in America!! After school I sometimes went swimming in the pool which the host family who hosted Biei and another exchange student has, and also I made a fruit pizza with Miina. Though the story goes back to the first day I came to Oregon, on the day I went to the state of Washington to celebrate my host father’s mother’s birthday, and there were many Mexican people because his mother’s boyfriend is Mexican man so that I could interact with them and know some Mexican culture and they asked me about Japan, which was a very good opportunity for me. Also the experience reminded me that there are many people from many countries (melting bowl) and I’m an exchange student from Japan. On weekends my host family took me to the airplane museum, farmers’ market on Saturday, and wedding party!! And the wedding party was so ritual and held at the oldest Catholic church in Oregon, which was a valuable experience for me and I appreciate my host family who took me to these places. On the day I went to the wedding party, I could see Mars and a shooting star with the naked eyes, and I still remember them and will never forget them. Though I don’t know why we can see planets with the naked eyes in America, that was so good and I was surprised a lot. Also, I often visited to my host mother’s parents’ house and played with a powerful dog called Max and Mario cart. By the way my host grandparents’ house is in the area called Mount Angel!! How cute it is!! Moreover, with these wonderful experiences, my host family also took me to Portland to see landscapes at night from the bridge whose colors are changed frequently, and of course the view was amazing. Portland was like a city in the future for me because it was so developed and urban and I had never seen lots of higher buildings before. Also, I would often go to Dutch Brothers with my host family after worship at the church on Sunday which was our routine, and I loved it because people work at the store are so nice and for me taste and price are better than Starbucks. I hope there was Dutch Brothers in Japan.

 Second, let me talk about my sweet host parents. My host mother always considers about her family and kind, nice, strong, cheerful, and,,,,,if I try to describe her with one word, I would say she’s amazing!! She likes talking about her family, so she often told me about them. Also she likes quilt and cooking, and I often cooked dinner and made sweets with her. It was a routine for me to watch Hawaii Five O with my host parents before going to bed. I sometimes fell in asleep while watching it, however they always woke me up and told me that “You were sleeping” with laughing. Lol She takes care of not only her children but also her grandmother, therefore I’m really respect of her and could learn many important things which is not related with English from her.

 My host father was so funny and treated me as if I was a real part of this family and I thought that it was really good for me to have him as a host father! He loves fishing, so he owns two boats and always wore a T-shirt printed with a picture of fish, which made me think that he loves fishing so much. Due to he loves fishing, he took me to the Oregon Coast and there I could experience fishing on a boat on the ocean for the first time!! Though I couldn’t catch any fish by myself, he gave me one of fish he caught and it seemed to be like I managed to catch fish lol, but as you know, the truth is not. Anyway I had so much fun with fishing!!!!! Also, nearby the Oregon Coast there was an aquarium and one of my host father’s friend works there, so I could see backyard of it and see many fish, sharks, and jellyfish from above the water tank. Actually it was a little bit scary for me because there was no cover or fence on the edge of the water tank, so if I should slip or fall down to the ground, I might be falling down into the water tank, that would be so scary. One day, he asked me about WW2, and at that time, to be honest, I got a little nervous to talk about it, because our perspective is of course different from Americans’ perspective and if I talk about it in a wrong way, he would misunderstand my thoughts, so I tried to be careful when I talked about it. Eventually I could convey my opinion to him and also I could know what he thinks about it which was good for both sides. It was a really good opportunity for me to talk about it, actually which was one of what I wanted to do ( to know what Americans think about it). This opportunity also reminded me of the importance of knowing about what Japan has done deeply and considering about such kind of stuff.

 In Oregon, I could experience many wonderful things which will be remained in my mind forever and I really appreciated all of people around me. The farewell party held on the day before we left for several areas in the U.S. still remains in my head. At the party I couldn’t stop crying because I realized that I won’t be able to see my friends until next June next year, but I really appreciate my friends who supported me and always offer me to help. But I have to be independent more! Also, on the same day as the farewell party, we took a picture as a family and my host father told me that “You’re always welcome” which healed my heart from the bottom. I also realized that I will not be able to do he routine of giving a hug each other before going bed, which made me so sad, but my host siblings gave me a tightened hug on the day!! Them the day when I left Oregon came and on the day, my host brother Bruce got up earlier to make me breakfast!! which was cinnamon toast, cereal, yogurt, and a glass of water, of course it was so so good. At the airport I had kept hugging for a long time, but the time of leaving Oregon came and I left for California.

 Third, I’m going to talk about my life in California!! Finally I arrived in California and met host family for one year. They are mixed race with Japanese, so actually they can speak Japanese just a little bit and there are many Japanese foods in the house. That’s why I haven’t missed Japanese foods so badly. I don’t know if I will miss them though. I have two host sisters Sydney and Miki and one host brother Jacob (Coby). Sydney plays soccer, tennis, gymnastics, and volleyball, and Miki plays soccer, gymnastics, tennis, and baton, and Coby commutes to Edu care what’s called preschool. As you can tell, this family is always busy including my host parents!! My host mother runs even in the house! That’s truth!! This family is crazy for good meanings. Lol  My host mother cares of my future and often tells me something important for my life, I really respect off her. By the way let me explain a crazy schedule which I experienced on the day I came here that right after I arrived at the airport, I went to home for the first time for just a few seconds and we rushed to Miki’s soccer game in Davis. This family is usually so busy, but because of it I feel time passes so fast. Unwittingly September was over and October has come, I have no time to waste! My host mother has studied abroad to French and from her experience she thinks experience is really important, so y host family took me to Disneyland ln last month and festivals held by the company which my host parents work at. On weekdays I usually can’t hung out with host sisters because they are so busy, but on weekends we sometimes go to park and they teach me how to play sports. They’re my good coaches. They also learn Spanish at school and I take French at school, so we often teach many languages each other, which is so fun!! Of course I sometimes feel difficulty and there have been some little problems, but I try to solve them with my host family or by myself. Here I have to meet problem by myself and it’s quite hard for me, but it’s a challenge.

 Forth, let me talk about my school life in America! Finally!! I know you’ve read a lot of my report since you started to read this report, to be honest it takes more paragraphs and sentences than I expected. Anyway, my school is relatively big though there is a school which has more students than that of my school nearby my home. Actually I couldn’t enroll the nearest school because it was already full when I tried to enroll it, that’s why I commute to just a little bit far school from my home by biking. My school has almost 1500 students, and when I went to the school for the first time to talk about which classes to take with my counselor, I was so surprised by the size of it and I felt a little scary. However, now I’m doing well, I could make sweet friends whom I eat lunch with and have learned to move each classroom to classrooms easily. My friends are interested in Asian culture like k-pop and they even know Terrace House, hanadann, your name, and so on. Actually I like to watch Terrace House, so I can enjoy talking about such kind of a stuff, which is so wonderful, isn’t it?? They are also eager to learn foreign languages and one of them can already speak English, Spanish, and French!! She’s so cool!! Last day I went to Korean and Mexican restaurant and burrito which is one of Mexican food, and it was so delicious. Of course I sometimes have difficulty during classes and doing homework, but if I ask people how to do homework or classwork, they always tell me what to do and I have never met mean people. Before I came here, I expected that US History would be the hardest class for me, and it was true. I usually write a summary of current news, essay, something like that during the class. It sometimes can be difficult for me, but I’m enjoying it. It is so fun to challenge something difficult. On the other hand, math class is quite easy and the contents of it can be like a class for elementary school students sometimes.

 Finally, since I came here, I’ve realized many times that I was relying on people around me in Japan and was not independent at all. In Japan, there were always people who supported me and I didn’t feel hard at all and my parents always helped me every time I needed their help. But now there are no one to help me or care of me, but thanks to this circumstance or environment, more or less I have been able to grow up and found out that how precious my family and friends are. I cannot thank enough to my parents who agreed with this exchange program and allowing me to go to America for one year. It’s a very precious opportunity that ordinary people cannot have. Therefore I don’t want to waste this opportunity and try everything not to regret not having tried many things and learn many things which are only in California, which are my goals during this exchange program!! By the way I joined to Science Club. Lol Like this, I’m trying to do many things! We got this!! See you on next report!!

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 皆さんこんにちは! Bonjour! アメリカのコロラド州オーロラに留学中の北山茉優です。不安がないことが不安で始まった留学は約3ヶ月過ぎました!毎日が充実しています。iPhoneSIMカードが上手く機能せず2日ほど使えなかったり、iPhoneを落として新しいのを買ったりと色々とやらかしていますが(笑)


 私は研修もここコロラド州で3週間、北星ガールズ7人と関西圏・九州ガールズ4人、東京ボーイ、タイボーイズ2人と私達の愛してやまないMr.K(先生です)、サポートで入ってくれていたアメリカの高校生達と過ごしました。私達は他のグループの研修とは違って本当のアメリカの学校、スモーキーヒル高校で研修が行われました。その時はSummer Breakだったのでたまにクラブの生徒がいるくらいで、慣れるのにいい環境でした。1週間に1回学校外でTripがあり、University of colorado Denver, Downtown Denver, 有名なRed Rocksへ行きました!大学でランチを食べた際にアメリカのマックのナゲットは普通が10ピースに驚いたのも、Downtownのシックスティーンストリート街でオシャレなピッツアを食べたのも幸せな思い出ですが(笑)、Red Rocks Tripが一番印象に残っています!名の通り、成分により赤い岩が侵食されてできた観光名所で、Red Rocksに囲まれて作られたステージがあるんです!あのビートルズがきてコンサートをしたとか!私達はハイキングをした後、少し登ったところにある景色のいいレストランでランチを食べ、Red Rocksが創り出す絶景と共に写真撮影をしました。北星の仲間はもちろん、会って3週間しか過ごしていないことが信じられないくらい仲良くなれた研修の仲間が大好きです。

 私の研修のファミリーは1つ上の私の大好きな先輩が以前ホストしてもらっていて、会う前から話を聞いていました。家族構成はパパ、ママ、同い年のシスター、2歳下のブラザーでした。私よりも年上と同い年の従兄弟が5人いて、彼らも彼らのパパ、ママも可愛がってくれました。会った時はハイ、マユ!アメリカの生活はどう?などと聞いてくれたり、モールに連れて行ってもらったりしました。ママが子供の頃にベトナムから移住してきたらしく、アジア旅行によく行く家族でした!もちろん日本にも来たことがあり、今回のSummer Breakでも東京を訪れていたそうです!家族みんな中国語を話すことができ、家族間では英語、おばあちゃんおじいちゃんと話す時は中国語を話すので2言語が混ざっていました。ステイ中にはマザーが中華、ベトナム、アメリカ、日本、韓国の料理を食べさせてくれて、毎日本当に美味しくて幸せでした。また私自身、中国語を将来的に学びたいと思っているので貴重な体験でした!

 次に私の生活について書こうと思います!私はインディアナ州に1年間行く予定でしたが、変更がありコロラド州で1年間過ごすことになりました。3週間の研修中に出会ったファミリーが、長期のファミリーが決まるまで約5週間ホストしてくれました。その家族はマザー、ファザー、年下のブラザー二人でした。日本に興味を持ってくれて、食事の際に「いただきます」「ごちそうさまでした」を言ったり、ブラザーのうち一人は日本語を勉強していて「これはなんていうの?」と聞いてきてくれたり、ひらがなを一緒に勉強したりしました。日本食も5回ほど作りました!日本の文化を知れて嬉しいと言ってくれて、私もアメリカとの違いを一緒に知ることができました。私にとって最初で最後のHomecomingにも大好きな友達と行きました!それはそれはもう楽しくて日本にないのが悲しくなるくらい、私にとって大きな思い出になりました!3時間半ハイヒールでずっと踊った私の足は悲鳴をあげていましたが(笑)友達に留学のなかで一番楽しい思い出かも知れない(笑)と言うと、もっともっと楽しい、思い出に残ることしよう!と言ってくれました!アメリカの友達はとても優しくて、出会った最初の授業で、ねぇ!ホームカミング行く?行こうよ!と誘ってくれたり、You are so cute! I like your English! と積極的に話しかけてくれたり、ハグしてくれたりします。英語を話してコミュニケーションをとれることが本当に楽しいと感じています。素敵な友達を持てて本当に幸せです🙂

 そんな中残りの期間をホストして下さるファミリーが決まり、移動することになりました。最後の日、車の中で新しいホストファミリーのお家へ向かっている時、私は泣き虫なので車に乗る前からうるうるしていました。泣いたらせっかく決めてくれた新しい家族に申し訳ないと思い、こらえていましたが5週間ありがとう、と私の大好きなナマケモノのぬいぐるみをもらった瞬間、涙を堪えることなんてできませんでした。そのぬいぐるみはファミリーと動物園に行ったとき買うか買わないか本当に迷ってやめたものでした。そのあと動物園の駐車場に向かっているとき、マザーが何かを買いに戻ったことを思い出し、聞いたら、一緒にいたからお会計できなかったのと笑って教えてくれました。最後は涙涙のお別れでした。ファザーもマザーも涙ながら応援しているからね、いつでも遊びに来てねとハグしてくれました。お家に移ったときに”You are special.” と照れながらチョコをくれた一番下のブラザーも、一緒に数学で競争したり日本に興味を持ってくれたブラザーも、本当に私にとって可愛くて可愛くて仕方がありませんでした。”寂しくなる…”と抱きついて来てくれてやはり涙が止まりませんでした。新しいファミリーに見守られながらお別れをしました。新しいファミリーもまた素敵な方で、「素敵な時間を過ごせたんだね、私達も嬉しいよ」と温かく出迎えてくれました。家族構成はファザー、マザー、年上のシスター2人、年上のブラザー1人、同い年のブラザー1人です。愛犬のスクーターに毎日メロメロな日々を送っています(笑)ファザーが作ってくれるご飯も、マザーが毎日作ってくれるサンドウィッチも本当に美味しくて大好きです!学校にはマザーかファザーの車で送ってもらって、通っています。ブラザーも同じ学校に通っていて、日本語を選択しています。私は留学生ということで時間割が決まるのが1週間ほど後になってしまいましたが、その間全日本語クラスのサポートに入っていました。日本語を選択している人達と友達になることができ、私自身日本語について改めて考えることもありました。日本語のクラスを通して知り合った友達の日本語が大好きな男の子に、なんで日本語好きなの?とふと思って聞いてみると、”日本人はリスペクトする心を持っていて、その心が言葉に表れているでしょ?僕はお互いを尊重し合う、そんな日本の文化が好きなんだ、だから友達になれてすごく嬉しいよ!ありがとう!”と、教えてくれました。英語の勉強で行き詰まったとき、なんで私は英語が話せないんだろう、なんで日本語なんだろうと思うこともありました。ですが、その友達の言葉を聞いて、日本をもっと好きになったし、日本人として生まれたことを誇りに思いました!








 さいごのさいごに!さあやが書いていたから私も書きたい!(笑)5Gのみんなと日本で支えてくれている田邊先生が大好き!WE GOT THIS

 ここまで読んでくださってありがとうございました! ではまた次のレポートで!

 北山 茉優

 Hi, It’s Mayu and I’m in Aurora, Colorado. In the daytime white and fluffy clouds float and the twinkling stars are spread all over the night sky. I already love it here, Colorado! In this report, I will talk about my three weeks for studying English, my American life, and the goal of studying abroad.

 We had three weeks for studying English before our schools started. Colorado’s group has girls, a boy from Japan and boys from Thailand. I like the classes to learn about American culture. There are many American students who like Japan and it’s a good opportunity for us to make friends and introduce Japanese culture. In addition, we had three trips that happened once a week that I especially enjoyed. We went to University of Colorado Denver, Downtown Denver and Red Rocks. I liked the Red Rocks trip the most, and it’s a special memory for me. We hiked in Red rocks for two hours and then, had nice meals. After that, we could see the scenery that is made by Red rocks. It was magnificent, and I felt if I have worries, those should feel quite insignificant. I’m happy that I could be there with them. They make my desire stronger to succeed in studying abroad, and we made a promise that we would meet up when we got back to Japan. I swore that I would do my best to make the year wonderful.

 Also, my three week’s host family was very nice. There was the father, mother, sister who is same age as me, and younger brother. They’ve visited Japan twice and are able to speak Chinese. When they talk with grandparents, they used Chinese, so I would hear their conversations in English and Chinese. I’m interested in Chinese, so it was good for me. Also, the mother made me Chinese, Vietnamese, American, Japanese, and Korean dishes that were delicious! I thank them to support me to get used to life in the US.

 I was supposed to go to Indiana, but it changed, so I am staying in Colorado for the entire year. The family that I met in the first three weeks hosted me until my long placement is decided. There was the father, mother, and two younger brothers in the family. They hosted Arisa for three weeks, so I met them at a welcome party. They are interested in Japan, and accepted Japanese culture in their daily lives. For example, we said “Itadakimasu” and ”Gochisousamadesita” to thank the people who cooked and for the food when we started a dinner. I also cooked Japanese dishes five times. They really liked Japanese dishes, and it made me so happy. One of the brother loves learning Japanese and math, I sometimes taught him hiragana and compete to solve a difficult problem. I learned how to speak with children through the conversations with them. I made a lot of fun memories with them. They took me to the Denver zoo, the aquarium, and a stadium to watch a baseball game. On my way to next (present) family’s house, they gave me a stuffed sloth doll which I didn’t buy at Denver zoo when we went there. I was so surprised and it made me heart warm because I remembered that the mother went back to the building to buy something. When I asked about that, she said to me, ”Then we were together, so I couldn’t buy it”, with a smile. I tried to hold back my tears, but I couldn’t. Happy memories came back to my mind and I noticed that they always gave me chance to speak English. Brothers hugged me with tears and said, “I’m gonna miss you”. They always make me smile, and I love them. When I met first them, the younger brother gave me a chocolate and said to me, “You’re special”, and the older brother always ran up to me when I studied math. They are so cute, and I appreciated them accepting me as their sister. They gave me big hug and wonderful words when I left them. The present host family welcomed me warmly. Mother saw my tears and said to me, “You could have good time with them, I’m happy about that”. I’m always blessed with people and filled with gratitude to everyone who support me.

 There is the father, mother, two older sisters, older brother, brother that is the same age as me and a dog named scooter in the family. They are so nice. One of the sisters has visited Japan, and a brother is taking Japanese at the school. I’m happy that they are interested in Japan. Also, l can always ask questions about English or the different cultures. I am thankful that they care for me like I’m their real daughter. Only three weeks have passed, but I already love them!

 I go to the school that I spend time for the first three weeks. Making the schedule was later than regular students, so I was helping all of Japanese classes. I could meet lots of people who like Japan and the Japanese culture. One of the people who really love Japanese culture told me why he loves Japan. It was good points from a foreigner’s perspective. I again realized that Japan is amazing and also I thought I would like them to know more about how beautiful Japan is.

 I’m taking French, Algebra, English, Pottery, Psychology and US history here. I wanted to take Spanish, but couldn’t because it was full. American students are very nice, and I appreciate them that they accept and support me. One of my friends invited me to go to homecoming when we met for the first time! I went to homecoming with her and her friends. My first and last homecoming was just fun! We dressed up and danced for three and a half hours. I also made new friends and I thank them for such an amazing night. I want to make an event like homecoming in Japan, lol.

 I like French class the best. Learning languages is interesting for me. My friend said to me, “So you are learning the third language by using the second language?! That’s so cool!” I don’t want to lose, so I am trying to study French hard. I got first place on the test with my friends! I was very happy about that!

 I can talk with friends without problems in my daily lives. But, it’s difficult for me to join a psychology discussion. They talk so fast by using many technical terms. I feel like my listening skills are getting better day by day. I’m trying to understand and speak up my mind.

 Lastly, I talk about my goal. My goal is to be able to effectively use English as a tool for communication. There’s so much to learn and I find something new every day here. Also, I sometimes get discouraged by my English and there are times when I get nervous or stressed out. However, I have amazing people who support me like my host family, friends, teachers, and of course my Japanese family too. I know in my heart that without challenge there is no growth. I feel that I need to face my weakness and pursue my ambitions.

 In addition, I want to study abroad that only I can do. I’m proud of being Japanese and I want to do everything that I can do as an exchange student. As long as I’m afraid of making mistakes, I can’t improve myself. I don’t know what will happen in the future, but I will do my best!

 Thank you guys for reading my first and long report! lol, See you next report:)

 Mayu Kitayama

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