






アリゾナからコロラドに向かうときにハプニングが起こりました。私はあれさと聡子と三人でコロラドに向かいましたが、一度Salt Lake Cityというユタ州の空港を挟む経路でした。飛行機が遅れたので別れた研修の友達と電話をしながら待っていました。もうすぐ搭乗時間だからとゲートに向かったらもう10分前に出たと言われ三人でパニック。すかさず加賀さんに連絡して優しい言葉をかけて頂いたので余計に泣きそうになりました。ホストファミリーだけでなく色々な人に迷惑をかけましたが予定時刻より約4時間遅れてファミリーに会いました。この日あれさは私のファミリーの家でお泊りをして長い一日は終わりました。





              Hello from Colorado.  It’s Shino Horie.  I can’t believe that I will write a report.  In this report, I will talk about my 3 weeks in Arizona, my host family in Colorado, and a little bit about my school.

              My 3 weeks in Arizona was definitely one of my best 3 weeks in my life, and my host family made it even better.  My host father Hiro, my host mother Lesley, 10 years old sister Reika and my 3 years old Emi.  As you can tell from the name from my host father, he is Japanese but he talked to me in English.  He was a really kind person.  My host mother lived in Japan for 10 years so she also can speak Japanese.  She is nice and I could talk to her everything.  Reika is a shy girl so I couldn’t talk so much with her at first but in 3 weeks we are like sisters.  She is in to Fortnite and I played it with her. It was fun.  Emi is a really sweet girl.  When I met for the first time she came to me and hugged me.

              We had school during the orientation.  My teacher helped us with our English and what I learned there helps me right now.  We didn’t only learn, we went to Grand Canyon, Sedona, Baseball game, and Mall.  After the school Emi and I swam in the pool at the backyard. I loved that routine and I miss it.  It was more fun when Reika joined us.

              3 weeks passed so fast and I had to leave Arizona for my 11 months study abroad in Colorado.  It was hard to say goodbye but I am glad that I could spend the time in Arizona with the most amazing people.  Thank you for supporting me right now even I’m far away from you guys.

              I left Arizona with Aretha and Satoko.  Our route was from Arizona from Salt Lake City, and to Colorado. The happening happened in Salt Lake City.  Our flight was delayed so we talked with friends from the orientation on the phone and missed the flight.  We could meet our host families after 4 hours.  Aretha slept at my host family’s house and the long day finished.

              My host family is LeeAnn my host mother, and Alicia my host sister.  We also have a dog named Dove and a cat Salem.   They are nice to me and it’s been 3-4 weeks but we are already like a family.

              There are somethings that have changed since I came here.  It’s not about my English skill.  Before I came here my grandmother cooked me delicious meals every day, cleaning and laundry did the housemaid. But since I came here I cook my meals every day, clean and do my laundry by myself.  It might be normal for some people but these are the things that I grew up.

              I will talk about my school life a little bit.  The school system, rule and the schedules are completely different from the Japanese school. I was confused but after 1 week I got used to it.  I’m in the cheerleading team and flow the first time at the volley ball game last week. It was amazing.  I’m having fun to be in the cheerleading team.  I also got some friends. The best part is that I can understand English with the normal speed. Of course there are some words that are hard to understand but still I’m happy that I can feel my English skills are getting better already.

              I will do my best for the rest of the months and I can’t wait to tell you about my life in here in 3 months.  See you!

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 1個上のブラザーと同い年のブラザーは同じ高校に通っていて、学校の案内をしてくれたり学校について色々と教えてくれます。家でも笑わせてくれたり、優しい人だなぁと感じます。そして私は学校が始まる前からバレー部に入っていて、その練習の送り迎えも毎日してくれました。今はもっと車中での会話を増やせるように頑張っています。シスターは料理好きで、一緒にデザートを作ったりします。そういえば、アメリカに来てから料理ばっかりしている気がします笑 年下のブラザー2人とはカードゲームをしたり、鬼ごっこをしたりします。2人ともすごくやんちゃなので楽しいです!



 Hi, I’m Kurumi staying New Hampshire. This is my first report so I would appreciate it if you read this to the end.

 First, I had orientation in Colorado. To be honest, I don’t have many good memories with my host family in Colorado. My host family members are host mother, host sister, host brother, and host mother’s boyfriend. Host mother worked every day, every night. In addition, host sister and brother went on a trip for a week so I was alone in home after school. I got homesick at that time, and I cried alone. I think that was the toughest time.. but I could get along with my host brother after he came back so I miss him..

 Now, I’m staying New Hampshire and living with new host family. They’re consisting of host mother, host father, older brother, same age brother, little sister, and two little brothers. They’re so big family so I don’t feel alone.

 My host mother is so kind and very good at cooking. She makes dinner every day and that is very delicious. In addition, she is always concerned about me so I appreciate her kindness. My host father is so kind too. When I said “I’m nervous about first day of school” , he encouraged me. I also appreciate his kindness. Older brother and same age brother and I are going to same high school. They guided me and teach me about school. I think they’re funny and nice. In addition, I’m in the volleyball team before school starts and they took me and from the high school. I’m struggling about to talk with them in car more. My host sister likes cooking so we sometimes make desert. I think I cook in America more than I was in Japan. I play card games and tag with two little brothers. They’re funny and crazy so I can spend good time.

 I think I will write about school and volleyball team at next report!

 I will be busy and sometimes feel hard, but I will never give up. In addition, I will never forget feelings of gratitude for my host family and friends, and I will try to speak English more! Thank you for reading my report to the end. See you next report!

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 カンザスに着いてからは、トロイという小さな町でファザー、シスター、ブラザー、犬のozzy 、鳥のsnowky と暮らしています。本当にみんな優しいファミリーで、シスターが花怜にすぐボーイフレンドできちゃうね、なんていうジョークを言ったらファザーが、いや男の子は近寄らせないぞ、絶対だ、なんていう(笑)本当に家族の一員みたいな気持ちでいます(笑)






 Hi I’m Karen stayed in KS, America.

 Passing the time is really early, I think that my life of studying abroad will be passed super early like this.

 The English camp in Ohio was so excited time for me. We enjoyed so much to play at trampoline, go to water park, shopping etc..!!

 And I still feel a little miss my friends;) But I have to focus the life in Kansas because there are no Japanese friends anymore! lol

Then I’ve reached Kansas! On the way during going to Kansas, I had to take two fright. First fright was with my 4 friends from Japan, but last fright was only me to take! It was really scary, I felt so nerves such as I felt just only 10 minutes fright lol

 Btw, I live with my father, sister, brother, dog, and bird! My family is so sweet and have a kindness like I feel they are real my family! I’m so grateful that they picked me as one of their family:)

 Next I’ll talk about my school! I take English,2 types computer, American history, government, College Algebra, and Art! Almost class is with my sister, so I have no worry about being lonely lol The students are very kind to me and theaters are also very kind! But l have worry about studying of course… lol Especially government and American history are too difficult! I can’t do anything even though I studied so much than I ever done;(

 Btw, my goal of this studying abroad is to be a new person as a Karen Araseki including having English skills! There are always many troubles, but I never give up because my friends also work hard as an exchange students like me! Love you guys 5G! We got this!

 Then my first report of studying abroad is done! Sorry that I cut the English ver shorter lol Thank you for reading to the end! See you next report!


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ミズーリ州ヒルクレスト高校に留学中の下山 栞奈さんから第1回目の留学報告が届きました。


 Hello. I’m Kana Shimoyama. I stay in Springfield, Missouri. I have been going school since 3 weeks ago, and change hard host family. My host family is host mother, host father, host younger sister, and 3 dogs. I and host sister usually play game and study together. My host mother and host father like baseball, and they usually take me to baseball stadium. I became to like baseball, and my host parents hold party for me.

The first school day, a girl talked to me who likes japan, and the lunch time, other girls talked to me. I’m so happy to make many friends every day. My host school have many exchange students. In this year, Thailand, Korea, Norway, and Japan. I remember Korean, and Thai.

I go to church which is my host family’s church. This church is so difficult, because there are live by teenagers.

 I think U.S history and Lability and Laws is so difficult in my class. I asked my teacher about electronic dictionary, and my government teacher gave me paper which is written about content of the lesson. It is so hard, but I enjoy, because my teacher is so funny. My school student like Japanese. They talk to me a lots, and help me, but I have not to be able to continue conversation with my friend yet.

 I joined soft tennis club when I was junior high school student, so I join tennis club in my school. It is hard, because we usually join the tournament, but I think correct to join the club, because I can relax. My study abroad start just now, but I enjoy the life, and I don’t want to go back japan. I will be the best to learn English and life in here still go back japan.

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まず初めに、私の留学中の目標を紹介します。実は他にもたくさん目標があって、英語力を上げる、日本の文化を紹介する、アメリカの文化を学ぶ、自立する、たくさん友達を作る、新しい経験をたくさんする、アメリカでの滞在を楽しむなど。それもとても大切な目標ですが、今回は「外から見る日本を知る」というのを紹介します。でも残念ながら実際どうやって見るのかよく分かりません() でも真面目にこれはすごく大切で難しいことです。なので、留学中にその答えを見つけ出して最後のレポートで紹介しようと思います。約束します(たぶん)

私は3週間アリゾナ州で研修に参加しました。他に14人の日本人の子と来ました。平日は英語の授業があって、たまに観光などのアクティビティがありました。みんなで2泊してグランドキャニオンとセドナに行きました。あと、博物館やショッピングモール、野球の試合を見に行きました。どれもすごく良かったです。英語の授業は基本的に楽しくて、スラングや単語、会話文などを実際に使ってみたり、ゲームをしたり、料理などをして学びました。この研修の友達と学べてすごく楽しかったです。アリゾナでのファミリーは4人家族で、ホストファザー、ホストマザー、ホストシスターが2人でした。でも、ホストシスターは2人とも独立していて別に住んでいるので、ホストマザーとホストファザーの2人と3匹の大きな犬と生活しました。ホストマザーは日本人なので日本の文化を理解していて、彼女自身もイギリスに1年留学していたので英語で早く喋られるとついていけないのも、どうやって留学生を扱ったらいいのかもよく理解していたので、とても快適に彼らと過ごすことができました。ホストマザーもホストファザーもすごく面白くていい人たちです。ホストシスターたちにも会えましたが、彼女たちもとてもいい人でめちゃ面白いです。本当にこの家族が大好きです。そして彼らは私のしたいこととか行きたいところとかを全部メモしていて、とにかくいろんなところに連れて行ってくれたり、たくさんのことを体験させてくれました。ハイキングに行ったり、ハードロックカフェ、ナイルサロン、いろんな観光地、山(2箇所)、ダンススタジオ、in-n-out バーガー(2)、映画館(2)、日系スーパー、ドーナツショップ、アイスクリーム、など他にもたくさん。特に何回もショッピングに行きました。いつくかのショッピングモールや、私が行きたかったthrift storeや古着、服屋さんに連れて行ってくれました。毎日授業終わって、そのまま「今日はどこどこに行くよっ!」ってホストマザーが連れて行ってくれました。さすがにお金を使いすぎました()夜は毎日ストレンジャーシングスを一緒に見ました。全部の話を見終わった時と次のシーズンは2019年にやると知った時はマザーも私もすごく悲しかったです。その他にもたくさんいろんなことをしました。ホストマザーはすごく社交的な人で、友達がたくさんいるので私もその人たちに会うことができました。たくさんの人とお話しました。ホストマザーの友達の娘にはティーンエイジャーが好きなところに連れて行ってくれて、学校のこととかについて教えてくれました。近所のナンシーはすごくいい人で、彼女の仕事場である小学校で、休み中に行って、日本語の言葉を教室のいろんなところに貼ったり、お手伝いして、教会に連れて行ってくれました。ナンシーはさよならを言うのに家に来てくれて、プレゼントをくれました。今ではメル友です。そして、私の家で味噌作りワークショップがあって、何人かのアメリカ人とたくさんの日本人が来ました。そこで初めてホストマザーの日本語を聞きました。ほとんどの人は日本語を喋っていて、何人かは英語しか話せなくて、私はホストマザーと英語で話さないといけなくて、すごく混乱しました。どちらにせよ楽しかったです。マザーは日本人だからこそ私に英語を学ぶ機会やアメリカの文化に触れる機会をたくさん与えてくれました。マザーには本当に感謝しています。アリゾナでの滞在について言えることは、楽しい、恵まれた、最高、感謝、愛おしい、幸せ、親切、素晴らしいです。まだまだ言いたいワードがありますがキリがないのでここでやめます() とにかく、皆さんも分かる通り私はアリゾナでとてもいい時を過ごしました。今はアリゾナやホストファミリー、研修が一緒だった友達、アリゾナで出会った人たち、ヤシの木が恋しいです。


とにかく、私は元気にやっています。学校の授業はやはり大変な時もありますが、学校の先生や生徒はみんないい人で助けてくれるのでとても助かっています。また、学校初日にすでに友達も作ることができました。私たちはいつも友達の車の中でご飯を食べています() 学校のことについては次のレポートで詳しく紹介しますね。



Hi, it’s Aresa.  I’m staying in Windsor, CO.  The first report is about life in CO, goal of this study abroad, and mostly about English camp.

First, I will tell you about my goal of study abroad. I have a lot of goals actually, like, to improve my English, describe Japanese culture, learn American culture, be independent, make many friends, experience new things, enjoy staying in the U.S. …etc.  Those are really important goals, but I will introduce a goal “ to see Japan from the outside”.  It is unfortunate I don’t know how to do it now lol.  Seriously, it’s very important but difficult, so I will figure it out during staying in here, and I will show you it with my last report.  I promise (probably).

I had stayed in AZ for English camp for three weeks.  We came to AZ with another 14 Japanese exchange students.  We had English class on weekdays, and sometimes we went to field trip.  We went to Grand Canyon and Sedona, and stayed two days with them.  We went to museum, shopping mall, and baseball game which was really awesome.  The class was basically fu. We learned slang words, vocabularies, and dialogue with game, cooking, or kind of like that stuff. I was really enjoyed staying and going field trip with my friends.  My family was a family of four, host father, host mother, and two host sisters, but host sisters live by themselves, so there was host mother, father and three big dogs.  My host mother is Japanese, so she understands Japanese cultures, and she also had stayed in Britain for a year as an exchange student, so she knows it’s hard to understand people speak so fast in English, and she knows how treat me, so I was very comfortable to stay with them.  Host father and mother were very  funny and kind.  I could meet host sisters, and they were also very nice and funny , and  I really like them.  They took me to a lot of places, and they noted things that I want to do or to go.  I went to mountains, hiking, Hard Rock Café, golf, sightseeing spots, dance studio, in-n-out burger, movie theater, nail salon, Japanese supermarket, donuts store, ice cream stores..and so on.  Moreover, we went shopping so many times.  We went to some shopping malls, and I wanted to go to thrift store, second hand store, and Urban Outfitters, so host mother took me to there.  I ran out a lot of money lol.  Also, we were watching Stranger Things every night.  That was my favorite time.  We were very sad when we finished all episodes and figure out that the next season is going to be released in 2019.  We also did a lot of things other than these.  She is very sociable, so she has bunch of friends, and I could meet them. I talked with many nice people.  Host mother’s friend’s daughter, Simone took me to a lot of cool places that teenagers like.  A neighbor, Nancy is very nice and sweet. She took me to elementary school which was her work place, and I label Japanese words in the classroom, and helped organizing, and she also took me to a church.  She came to our house to say goodbye to me and gave me presents.   Now, we text each other. In addition, there was a miso making workshop at our home.  A lot of Japanese people, and some American people came, and I heard my host mother speaking Japanese for the first time.  Most of them were speaking in Japanese, but some people only can speak English, and I had to speak to my host mother in English, so it was super confusing, it was actually pretty fun though.  Host mother gave me a lot of chances to learn English and to experience the American cultures because she’s Japanese.  I really appreciate host mother in AZ.  All I can say about staying in AZ is fun, lucky, awesome, thankful, sweet, happy, friendly, and wonderful.  I have more words that I want to say probably, but it would take forever, so I will stop here lol.  Anyway, I think you already know I spend really really really a good time in AZ.   Now I’m really miss Arizona, host family, friends, people I met in there, and palm trees.

I came to CO with another two friends from AZ.  We were doing very good,  BUT there was a big trouble.  We missed the flight!! We could take the next flight fortunately, so we were totally fine.  Although we were very shocked, we just had to move on.  Everything won’t go so well.  That’s a thing that I learned by this deal.

My host family is family of three.  There is host mother, father and a sister of the same age as me.  Also, there are two dogs and a cat.  My host family is very nice people.  My school has started on Aug 15th. My host mother usually takes me to the school, and pick me up from the school.  Host sister works at the library, and her school has started on Sep 4th, so she sometimes pick me from the school with host mother.  I sometimes go shopping with them and, I hang out with host sister and her friends.  I ask about the school and I ask for help when I can’t understand the homework.  My host father’s working time is irregular, but I talk with with when he is home, and they like biking, so we sometimes go cycling.  Colorado has a lot of green, and comfortable weather.  The weather is pretty similar to Sapporo.  My host family always care about me.  I appreciate that.  However, I cannot keep up with a gap between the host family.  I know I can’t compare them, and I won’t complain about it. I think it is very comfortable to be with the family in AZ because AZ host mother knows what is comfortable for me, and they are very friendly.  I am okay with host family in CO.  I just have good chemistry with AZ host family more than CO host family.  It can’t change, so now, I’m just trying to show my feelings to them.  We had a three-day weekend, so we went to the festival and sightseeing.  I could spend very good time with them.

Therefore, I am fine and everything is okay.  The class in the school is sometimes really hard, but all teachers and students are very nice, so I’m fine.  Also I could make friends on the first day of the school. We always eat lunch in a car lol.  I will tell you more about the school on the next report.

Thank you for reading my first report.

I was very shocked to hear the news about the big earthquake in Hokkaido.  I hope everyone is okay.  I’ll keep you in my prayers.

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 Hello!  I’m Mitsuki and I’m staying Texas.  I fell strange, because I write report right now.  I will write about preschool in Arizona.  It was 3 weeks.

My host family was father, mother, two sisters, and two brothers.  They were very kind.  I went to a lot of ice cream shops with them.  It is because ice cream is my favorite food.  Also, I went to the Japanese restaurants, movie theater, trampoline place, and yoga.  I could enjoy every day.  American foods are very big and high calories.  Also, sweets are very sweet, but it is delicious. 

 I learned slangs and words with other Japanese exchange students in preschool.  We went to Grand Canyon and it was very fun.  Also, I went to the baseball game!  It was very fun and became very good experience.  It was only 3 weeks, but I could make great memories.

 I realized that my parents are very important for me.  I have to be thankful to them also all people I met.  My goals are having time with smile and thankful every day.  Also, I don’t compare with other persons.  This is very good chance to study for my future, so I want to make a lot of great experiences.

 Thank you for reading!  See you in the next report.

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           I’m Yuria Saito, I am staying in ME. Ive been in the US for a month. I felt like time’s going by so slowly. I already finished language camp in AZ, and came to ME. The temperature is going up and down, It’s hard for me. However, I am having a great time.

First, I’ll write about “Goal of study abroad”. My big goal is “Pour my all into the now”. When I came back in Japan, I want to be a person who can understand many new things, so I must study English now for that. There for I shouldn’t use Japanese, sleep all day, stay in my room. Anyway, I shouldn’t do what I can do in Japan. I must do what I can do in the US. If I can do like this, I will be a person who I want to be. I hope that.

           Next, I’ll write about “Home stay”. In AZ, to be honest I think it was little hard because my host mother was very busy person, so I often can’t see and talk. In addition, my host sister had boyfriend, they were always in their room, so I can’t talk to her. After school, I often stayed alone at home. Also, I often had dinner, and went to somewhere with another host family, but there wasn’t my host family, so I felt very sad. I don’t have memory that I did something with my host family. However, I could have wonderful time in AZ. I am grateful to those who had taken care of me in AZ. First in ME, I was confused many times. The people who met at the airport was different people who I thought host family. In addition, they were temporally host family. I thought “Who is my host family?”. Now, I stayed real host family’s house. They are really kind, so I felt happy.

メイン週に留学中の齊藤有里杏です。 英語でも述べたとおり、この留学での目標は今すべきことを全力ですることです。部屋でYouTube見たり、本読んだり、大好きなお昼寝をせず、ファミリーとなるべく居間で過ごしたり、お手伝いして会話の機会を増やそうと頑張っています。小さい目標だと英語に関するものがたくさんありますが、達成しようとするにあたってやっぱり思うのは、会話をするのがすごく難しいです。書く分には頭の中で好きなだけ考えてられるけど、会話中はそれができないし、それ以前に何を言っているか分からないです。あと相槌がうまくできないことに気づいたので、会話中に使われていた相槌表現をメモに取っています。


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私のホストファミリーは78歳のマザーと81歳のファザーでした。ですが、私は、セカンドハウスにいたのでファザーと話す機会はあまりありませんでした。ファミリーの息子さんの奥さんが日本人で、娘さんの高校卒業&さよならパーティーに招待していただきました。娘さんは今年、スペインに一年間留学するらしく、「お互い留学頑張ろうね!」と声をかけてもらいました。パーティーではたくさんの方とお話ができてとてもいい時間が過ごせました。私の、ファミリーとの一番の思い出は映画を観に行ったことです。MAMMA MIA! を字幕なしで見て半分程度しか理解できませんでした。でも、一年後には全部理解できるように頑張ります!





 Hello, guys. I’m Kiho Sekine. I’m in Owosso Michigan. I had three weeks orientation in Missouri. I had Monday to Friday, and Friday was the daytrip day. It was pretty good for me, because I could learn the words and phrases that can be used when I in trouble or problem. I could meet new people in each day. That was really fan time for me. I went to two university, and I told many interesting things from students and teachers. I felt like I want to go those university.

My host family were my host mother and father. However, I stayed at family’s second house. Therefore, I couldn’t talk my host father so much. I went to the party that their grandchild. She is Japanese American, so she can speak Japanese, too. She was like a translation function. I asked in things in Japanese and she told me English name of them. That is very helpful for me and I learned many words. Also, she introduced her friends for me and I could talk to them. I’m rally thank to her so much.

I’m in Michigan now. My host family are mother, father, younger brother, and sister who is in same grade, but one year older than me. Also, three dogs and one cat. They are so cute and very friendly, so I love them.

My school is Owosso High School. I think that it is little smaller than the urban school, but so nice school. Japanese food month will be held on September. My principal planed it, because for exchange students and the other American students. Exchange students can enjoy their own countries food, and American students can learn the other culture. I think it is good for everybody and I’m really looking forward to join it. I will be an ambassador on September. It will be a good experience!

 See you later!


アメリカに留学中の 荻桃菜さん から第1回目の留学報告が届きました。


まず、familyについてです。私のfamilyは農家でsingle mother24歳のhost sister、馬2匹、ポニー1匹、ミニロバ1匹、羊4匹、鶏約20匹、大型犬5匹、猫3匹です。日本で生活していた頃とは大きくかけ離れた生活をしているので最初はいろんなことに戸惑いました。でも、今は少しずつ慣れてきています。Motherは看護師でhost sisterと一緒に働いています。Sisterは馬に乗るのが得意で馬の大会などにも出場していて、私たちが暮らしている家以外にも馬を飼っています。

次に研修についてです。研修ではNew song churchという教会に毎日通い、そこでAmericaについてや日本との違いなどを学びました。その他にも、警察署、消防署、Columbusの学校などを見学したり、Columbus zoombezi bayというアミューズメントパークへ行ったり、 marketで食材を買い教会でタコスなどを作りました。この10日間はあっという間でしたが、とても内容の濃い時間を過ごせたと思います。



Hello, everyone! I’m Momona and I will be living in Pennsylvania. This is my first report. I came to America in August 15, and I’m staying Columbus in Ohio states for ten days, so I will write just about happenings in Ohio. I will not write about Pennsylvania. When you are reading my report, I will be in Pennsylvania so I will write about happenings in Pennsylvania at next report. So I will write about my host family in Ohio and orientation.

My family are single mother, 24years old sister, 2 horses, 1ponny, 1 mini donkey, four sheep, 20 chickens, 5 big dogs and 3 cats. I’m staying far apart from when I was in japan. But I’m used to it now. My host mother is a nurse and she works with my host sister. My host sister is good at riding a horse, so she was competing in the horse, and she has other horses in other places.

Next is about my orientation. At orientation, we went to church witch is called “New Song church”. We learned about America and the difference between japan. Also, went to police department, fire department, local high school in Columbus. In addition, we went to Amusement park called Zoombezi bay and we bought foods at market and made tacos. The ten days went by so fast, but I think I could have fulfilling days.

 My goal is to not to compare with others, work myself, make my study abroad that I think it was glad to go to study abroad. In addition, appreciate to my family, and even if it’s hard, try not to give up and do my best. Finally, thank you for reading my report to the last.

Then, see you again!!!!

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アメリカに留学中の 佐藤萌花さん から第1回目の留学報告が届きました。









Hi guys! My name is Moeka Sato. How are you doing? I stay Arizona now.

 I feel the day finally has come that I write report.

 This is first report, so I will write my home life and purpose of study abroad.

 First, arriving America, I had training to go to school. It has about 3 weeks, but I have school, so I finished early. The orientation was 10 days, but I could study anything. It held in Missouri. My welcome host family have host parents and host sister. She is 5 years old, and likes Disney. So, she pretended Disney and played in holiday. Especially she likes matching game, so we played it every time. First Sunday, we went to a store that was very huge, and bought food daily necessities. Americans don’t go store every day, so we got 5-6 bag. I said I had ever eaten real American dishes, so they treat me to pizza. It was very big and delicious. Next Saturday, I made dinner with me daily gratitude. I was very happy to get their glad. We were planning to go to pool in Sunday, but we got rain. So, we couldn’t go there, but I could play with my host sister all day. Every Sunday my host father has a soft ball game. So, we see it and cheer up. I stayed here about 10 days, but I had a good day.

 My host family have host parent and host brother in Arizona. He is same age to me. They like baseball and see a sport game, so we saw a baseball game in Saturday. We saw movie another Saturday. American movie theaters are different from those in Japan, there are chair that can push. I felt comfortable. We always go to a church in Sunday. There are some children who are younger than me or same age. When they discussion about the Bible, I feel overwhelming using difficult word and talking first. The church has different point, so I can get enjoy. My host parent takes to school and back. I talk about occurrence in school. I cant catch up with American student and hear English yet, but I can have a good day.

 I want to write more, but time to come. I will write next.

I do my best to achieve my goal that learn culture and diplomacy with teach Japanese culture.

 See you next time!

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