















また、アメリカに来て今一番大変なことは、勉強です(笑)特にUS HISTORY が難しいです。教科書も日本のものよりはるかに大きく分厚く、何かの図鑑かと思うほどです(笑)宿題や小テスト勉強など、ちょっとしたことでも何時間もかかります。ですが分からないときはホストシスターが助けてくれます。彼女はこのUS HISTORYの授業をとっていないのですが「いつでも頼っていいからね!」と言ってくれています。本当に優しいシスターで感謝です。






Hello from Florida! It’s Akane Sato. This first report is about life in America, and goal of my study abroad.

First, I had stayed in Colorado for 3weeks. It’s my first study abroad, so I was very nervous when I met my host family. I saw my friends who was talking with their host family at the airport, then I again realized my first study abroad has started.

My first host family members were Lindi, David, Chase, and Jackson. Chase is 6years old, and Jackson is 4 years old. they were very cheerful boys!

Lindi is my host mother, she is very kind and beautiful! She always said to me “You are like my precious child or my sweet sister. I love you so much”. I was very happy when I heard that! And we cooked dinner together every day, and we talked about our favorite singer, hobbies, and girls talk, it’s about her first love♡lol And we like shopping very much, so we went many place.

David is very gentleman and smart person. He taught me many things, for example American cultures, American popular things, new English vocabulary, and English grammar. Also he likes music, it’s same to me. So we often played the guitar and sang songs together. He is very good at singing songs, it’s awesome!! He also loves talking, so one day, we had talked each other around 12a.m. lol And we never run out of things to talk about! I had a very good timeJ  And he practiced with me to learn how to pronounce the difference between R and L. It was so fun for me!

And they love Japanese food, so I cooked for them many Japanese food! Also Japanese food makes me happy too, because it relieve my homesick feelings! Lol

By the way, this is off the topic, but I’m going to talk about our hobbies. My host family’s hobby and my hobby matches! Watching movie is one of the same hobby, so we watched movies every day!! Also my host mother’s favorite movie is TITANIC . Also she said, she watched this movie 7 times at the movie theater when she was teenager. We watched it together. I like this movie too! Also she is photographer, and I love taking pictures. So she taught me how to take good pictures, and she always praised for my pictures! I was very glad!

We had a lot of fun, and I felt passing the time is very quickly. The day before leave Colorado, she gave me special presents. These are very gorgeous rings. It used to be her mother’s rings. She said “I hope it will be your charm. I wish your study abroad goes well.” I was very glad, and these rings will be treasure for me forever.

As you can see by reading at this my report, I had a very wonderful time in Colorado! And I could learn many things from my first host family. I’m so grateful to have met them.

The day of leave Colorado, I was nervous so much, because I had to take an airplane alone. Finally, I arrived at Florida safely. And I could meet my next host family at the airport. My next host family members were Aynne, and Amber. Also there are 3 big dogs and a cat.

Aynne is my host mother. She is very kind, and she is good at cooking. And her hobby is renovation of house, so she often painting wall when she has free time. It is amazing!!

Amber is my host sister. She is same age as me, so we go to high school together every day. She is very beautiful and smart. She always helps my homework if I struggle for it. And she is so funny, so I love talking to her! Also she teaches me many things.

And they like Japanese food especially YAKISOBA. We enjoyed eating many Japanese food!

The other day, Amber took me to the beach! It was awesome! We took a lot of pictures, and I had a very good time there. But we god sunburn lol It still hurts lol And we love shopping, so we often go shopping mall. American mall is very big, so I was surprised!

By the way, now, I would like to introduce my high school. My high school started 2 days after I arrived at Florida. I was very nervous, when I went to American school for the first time. My high school is very big, so my host sister showed me around the school campus the day before that day. But I got lost several times lol

I’m going to talk about my class. I take STUDIO ART, CREATIVE PHOTO, MARINE SCIENCE, US HISTORY, ENGLISH 3, ALGEBRA 2, and CERAMICS. I took SOCIOLOGY, but I thought it’s too difficult for me. So I changed the class. I think US HISTORY is one of the most difficult class for me, because teacher speaks English very fast. And this class’s text book is very thick lol I take a long time to understand, and even I have to remember these a lot of information in English. It is very hard… But, my host sister always helps me, she is very smart and kind. I appreciate it.

Also in the class, many my friends helps me to do assignment. Some friends always ask me “Are you okay? Do you need help? Do you want to work together?. They are so kind to me, so I really grateful for that.

Also some friends give me a hug when I pass them while move to the next classroom.

I’m very happy, because I could make these very nice and kind friends!

By the way, I sit with my friend from Ukraine during lunch time. She is very nice girl, and she helps me when I need someone’s help. She also has been studying English for a year. She can already understand English almost perfectly. So she taught me how she studied English. But she has very strong accent, so I couldn’t understand what she said when I talked with her for the first time. I couldn’t understand what she said even “ How are you?” lol That’s how much she has strong accent. But, these days, I’m starting to understand her English pronunciation, and what she’s talking about. I’m very happy, because I can communicate with her than before. And I think it mean is my listing skill has been growing than I met her for the first time.

Also I have some Spanish friends, so they teach me Spanish little bit. And they are interested in Japanese, so I teach them Japanese. They already remember some Japanese word! One day, my friend saw me writing Japanese. He said to me “ Japanese word form is so cool! And it’s amazing!” I felt very happy at that time!

All my American friends said Japanese is one of the most difficult language to learn. It is because Japanese has the three categories of characters, and it has honorific language characteristic of Japan. They always said Japanese is so cool. It makes me confident, and I’m proud of being Japanese!

And my teachers are very kind, and they are interested in Japanese! Also I was surprised about American people often talk about Japanese! For example, about Japanese culture, like anime or manga, Japanese politics, songs, etc. So many people asked me about Japanese manga or anime, but I don’t know well about kind of these things. So I was stuck in trying to figure out how to answer at that time.lol

By the way, I went to the homecoming party!! It was for the first time for me to go like this kind of dance party! I went to there with my host sister and her friend. I enjoyed dancing with them! Also I dressed up with my host sister to go homecoming! I had a lot of precious experience. The day were really wonderful! I could enjoy American high school specific eventJ

Finally, I would like to talk about goal of my study abroad. Slogan is “try everything”. I want to challenge many things even I think difficult. I believe it is the most important thing for me to improve myself. Also there are many people who support me any time, so I should try anything, and I think I have to make effort every day. I want to believe I can do it. I came to America to change myself and make my dream come true. So I don’t want to miss this precious chance!!

Anyway, I enjoy American life! And I made very nice friends! Studying is hard for me, but I’ll do my best believing in myself. Also my host family is very kind to me. They help me anytime. I really grateful to them. And I love them so much! I never forget my feelings of gratitude, and I’ll keep making effort from now on!

Thank you guys for reading my first report!

Akane Sato

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 まさか一か月でこんなにいい思い出と関係を築けるなんて、思ってもいませんでした。アリゾナでの生活とGrizzle ファミリーはきっと私の中で永遠の宝物です。帰国したら会う約束もしています。その時にLanguage barrierなしに彼らと楽しく時間を過ごすために今頑張っています。目標が一つ増えました。


 Hi. I’m Ayaka Fukushima in Arkansas.

I can not believe it’s time to write this report. I’m going to write about the greatest memories in Arizona. I know two months have passed since I left Arizona, and I have to write about Arkansas. But I really want to tell you about my wonderful memories in Arizona. So I’m going to write about Arkansas next report.

 There are four people and a dog in my host family, father, mother, 22-year-old sister, 16-year old sister, and Maxx. In a word, they were awesome.

 First, I am going to tell you about my daily life. My mother drops my sister and me off school. My mother often prepares for her breakfast five minutes before we leave. I was really surprised. lol  My sister’s school and our house are very close, so we didn’t have enough time to talk a lot. But I talked with mother a lot. Especially, I really loved to talk about the slangs I learned. There are sometimes strange words they never heard. It was one of the favorite time for me.

 We usually eat out for dinner. My mother always tells me about all menu. When I sat clear of her, she came to me and told. She is very kind. So I was always able to eat delicious food for me. We spent many times with Aya’s family and Yuria’s family. We went to skate, painting, Dutch, a few restaurants. Also we did sushi party too. We had lots of fun.

 Next, I will talk about the day before I leave Arizona. I had thought I miss Japan until I came to America. But I didn’t feel I miss Japan, and I wasn’t feel lonely. I cried a lot for the first time because I felt lonely and sad when I thought about I had to leave Arizona. I really wanted to live and spend all time with them. When I was crying, my mother gave me great hug every time. Also she said if that I could have you for a year, I do that. I was really happy to hear that.

 I got many gifts which including wonderful album from them. I cried more and more. I left some gifts without saying anything because I wanted them to be surprised. But they did same thing. They put their letters into my bag. I was really surprised. lol I was really glad because I felt we had same feelings just like real family. I loved them so much and I will love them forever.

 In the end, I want to tell you something. Thank you for giving a chance to get wonderful experience. I won’t forget that I am in Arkansas to waste long time, precious chance, a lot of meeting. So I’m doing my best ,and I will keep it up.

3C453103-F5B5-466E-A122-9BC421DD8792 C66FF7CF-E76F-4CBA-A051-5B993DA2C8E9 DCB9DB4B-51AF-43BE-BB74-BD9D67407425 E74C21ED-0E60-425F-8A77-D8F7547EF5CA



 出発前の気持ちは今でもとても覚えています。正直期待0で行きました。部屋はスーツケースも置けないくらい狭くて、食べ物は合わなくて、家族はずっと仕事でコミュニケーション一つとれないんだろうなあって思っていました。ほんとです。それでも、日本にいるときは、留学のことをなるべく考えないようにしていました。考えたら不安と行きたくないっていう気持ちばっかりでてきたからです。もちろん、楽しみにしていました。でも、3,4日前には楽しみなことも浮かばないし考えるだけでオエッてなるくらいでした。よくわからないけど、その時一番怖かったのは留学生活ではなく家族と別れることだったと思います。自分泣いちゃうのかなあとか考えていました。結局は、ばいばーいで終わりました。まじか。ですよね。話に戻りますね。私はテスト期間など不安になると全く寝れなくなります。留学前ももちろんそうでした。家族に寝なさい!って言われたけど寝ようとして寝られない時間が自分にとって一番つらい時間でした。出発二日前くらいだった気がします。すごく尊敬している先輩にすごく不安っていうことをLINEしました。そしたらすぐに電話をかけてきてくれて、もし本当に辛くて帰ってきたかったら帰ってきたらいいんだから、帰ってくることなんて一つもかっこ悪くないでしょ、ここまでの努力と勇気は消えないしここまでやってきたこと佳乃を本当にすごいと思っているよって言ってくれました。人生楽しんだもの勝ちだし、自分の道なんて自分以外他誰が決めるのか、自分の道は自分で決めるのが一番ベストだと思います。私は電話が終わった後すぐに寝れました。笑 自分にはずっと今不安になったってなにも変わらないんだから不安になる必要なんてないってずっと言い聞かせていました。それでも不安なものは不安です。ほとんどのみんな不安になります。ふつう、当たり前です。自分だけじゃないです。クラスメイトみんな一緒ですよ。だってこんなにビッグなことに立ち向かおうとしてるんです!!自信がある人もそうそういないと思いますよ。私もまったく自信がなくて今からなに勉強したらいいの?!どの単語覚えていれば生きていけるの、って考えていたくらいほんとに自信はなかったです。それでもここにきて英語が伝わらなかったことはありません。もちろん全部すんなり伝わるっていう意味じゃなくて、諦めないだけです!だから、出発前に無駄に不安になりすぎないでください!やる気ですよ、やる気!笑




 Hello, I am Kano who live in Saskatchewan.   This is my first report, but anyway I hope it will be helpful for someone who are interested in studying abroad or whatever. I’m going to write about things I wanted to tell me who will go studying abroad soon, because it might be helpful for the students who are feeling nervous to study abroad.  That’s only 3 weeks ago for me, but I hope so!

 I left Japan on Aug 25, so it is short time since I came here, but I have a lot of things I am thinking about studying abroad, so it might be a long report, but I am glad if you read my report through. I remembered that I really hoped to come new report wrote by students who was studying abroad early on Hokusei website.  I had often read them during or before the classes.

 I can still remember delicately that my feeling before I come here.  To be honest, I had no expectation for studying abroad.  The room is too small to put the suitcase, I would really miss Japanese foods, the family would be so busy that I can’t talk with the family at all.  Really.  I tried not to think about studying abroad when I was in Japan.  When I thought about this, I became very nervous and I don’t want to go studying abroad.  Of course, I was exited but it was changed before 3 or 4 days I go.  I don’t know well, but I think that reason was the time to leave family, not to live in Canada. I wondered if I will cry or not.  After all, that was like,” Bye!” with no tear. That was surprising, wasn’t it?  Let’s get back on track.  I become to be not able to sleep at all when I feel nervous like the exam week.  I became it before I am gone.  My family said to me, “Go to sleep early!” every day.  I don’t like the time that I try to fall asleep when I can’t asleep.  I think that was before 2 days I go to study abroad, I became so nervous, so I sent message to the person I really admire.  She gave phone call immediately, and said, “It’s okay to go back to Japan if you became to want to go back.  It’s not lame at all to do that, right?  Your efforts and courage will never disappear, and I am very proud of you.”  I became so pleased.  I thought it is the best to enjoy.  Who decide my way, there is no person expect me who decide my way.  I think it is the best to decide our way ourselves.  I could fall asleep immediately when I got off the phone.  I told myself many times, no matter how much worry, it does not change, so I don’t need to worry about studying abroad.  But I became nervous, it’s impossible not to be nervous.  Almost of classmates become nervous. It’s not only me.  You feel same feeling as your classmates.  It’s usual because we are trying big thing.  There are not a lot of people who have confidence.  I didn’t have confidence, so I wanted to know the vocabularies for survival.  I have never experienced that I couldn’t say what I want to say.  Of course I need the time, I mean I never give up to tell my feeling or whatever.  I don’t want you to be very nervous.  I want you to bring big enthusiasms.

 I didn’t have training in abroad for the exchange students, so I met my host family for the first time with big nervous.  My mother took off a week for me, and she introduced a lot about here.  I have mother, father, 2 brothers.  My mother works at a big hospital, my father is a boss of the airport.  My brother who is 20, he works in construction, and he had received the prize for the people who is good at studying every year.  The other brother who is 19, he is a Canadian National gymnast and, also a coach at the gym.  They are awesome.  I often go to the gym to watch his practice, it is very cool, awesome, and crazy. Lol  He showed me his medals and trophies, the number of them was so surprising.  They love each other so much.  They also do volunteers and recycling, and so activity.  We often sit outside around the fire, it is my favorite, anyway, so I can lead a full life because of my family.  I had been looking downward a whole time when I had a supper with family foe the first time. I thought it is so bad for me and my family, so I stopped it from second time.  And then I could join the conversations during the supper.  I thought listening attitude is so important.  My house is not in town, so we need the time about 15 or 20 minutes to go shopping or whatever.  I became to be able to talk with family a whole time recently, I mean silent time was disappeared.  I was so glad because I already felt to improve my English skills, but I will try harder to improve it more.  My host family have already had the exchange students 5 or 6 times.  My mother told me that they are so nice, but you are the best I’ve ever had.  You are not shy at all and going out, so we were so glad that you came our home.  When I heard it, I became so happy and want to try harder.  My family said to me many times “Don’t be shy here, you don’t have to be shy here. Just relax.”, the day I came here.  When my mother introduces me to her friends, she says she is my Japanese daughter.  It makes me very happy.  I don’t want to go back to Japan already.  I will write a little bit about my school.  It doesn’t have a lot of students and small.  But it is so organized and stuffs are so kind to me even the person who has no relationship with me, they say to me,”Hi, kano” and ask me a lot about Japan, and support me my studying.  They are so welcoming, so it is easy to talk, and I can ask them anything easily.  I think my success for studying abroad depends on my efforts, so I will try hard as a possible the other 9 months.

 I hope you enjoyed my first report.  Thank you for reading.  I will write about my life in here in more detail.     17E1543ECD4B40C8BE47B7377BD6EB4C 177876725AD548B78D0EB269E6FFB4BE A44E249643E4454B808DBFAADE323D0D







 あとこの家庭では飲み物=ソーダらしく、私が夕食で水を飲んでいたら5歳のシスターに「え!?水飲んでる!?」みたいな感じで驚かれました。 たしかにこの家族が家で水を飲んでいるのをみたことないかもしれません()


     ノースカロライナのローリー空港で初めてホストファミリーにあった時、マザーが泣いて喜んでくれたのを見て絶対素敵な人たちだと思いました。私の長期のホストファミリーが住んでいるクレイトンはとても自然が豊かな街です。車から見える景色は高い木か、とうきび畑か煙草畑です() ここに着いて学校が始まるまで3週間くらいあって家族とのんびり過ごしました。


     彼らは朝9時ごろに起きて10時くらいに朝ごはんを食べ、2時ごろにお昼ご飯を食べるという、比較的私の日本での生活に似ているのでとても過ごしやすいです。日曜日には教会に礼拝に行きます。マザーは知り合いが多いので、色んな人と会う機会があります。どんどん知っている人が増えて行くので嬉しいです(顔と名前を覚えるのが追いつかないんですけどね!())  夜ご飯はマザーかファザーが作ってくれて、ほとんど毎日みんなで一緒に食べます。1人ずつ楽しかった事と、そうではなかったことを言ったり、家族でしたいことを話したりします。夜にみんなでアイスクリームやポップコーンを食べながら映画を見るのがとても楽しい時間です。私のホストファミリーはとても優しくてあったかくて居心地が良いです。

     長くなったんですけど、読んでくれてありがとうございました!学校生活についても書きたいことがたくさんあるので楽しみにしていてください()   ではまた次回のレポートで!

           Hi! it’s Toko staying in Clayton, NC.  I’m going to write about English prep in Arizona and my life in North Carolina.

            There were 5 people and 1 dog in my host family, my host mom, dad, the 15-year-sister, the 9-year-brother, and the 5-year-sister.  My host parents had a lot of tattoos in their bodies, so when I met them for the first time at the airport, I was surprised.

            My host father drove me to the church every day.  In the car, we sometimes didn’t talk and sometimes talked a lot.  One day he showed me a picture that made me super surprised. It was a picture of him before he lost 220ld! It was one of the unforgettable pictures.

            My host mom works full-time job.  She  leaves home at 5 am and comes back home early because she wants to spend her time with her children as much as possible.  She told me that when she was a little, her parents were so busy that she couldn’t spend with them. She doesn’t want her children to feel lonely as she did. She is a great parson and also a mother.

            I got along with my host sisters and brother. Especially I played with the 5-year-sister almost every day.  One day at the dinner, I was drinking some water, and she got surprised and said “Why are you drinking water?”  I was very confused because water is something to drink! I have never seen people in this family drinking water in their hose. What they drink is soda. It’s very American culture I felt.

            I went to a pool, garage sale, Mexican food restaurant, lake, and etc. Sometimes I couldn’t join their conversation at all but I loved this family. This English prep was very valuable and gave me special memories. I hope people who I’v met in Arizona (including my friends) are doing well!

           When I met my host family for the first time at the Raleigh airport, my host mom cried because she was happy to meet me. I was sure that they are great family. Clayton, the town my host family live in is very nature. All I can see from the car is tall trees, corn fields, or cigarette fields. I had 3 weeks until my school started, so my host family and I went rock climbing, and camping.

           There are 5 people in my host family, host mom, dad, 13-year-brother, 10-year-brother, and 7-year-sister, and 2 cats. Both of mom and dad work from home so usually they are at home all the time.  My host dad likes to tell a joke. He went to a boys high school when he was young, so I felt affinity with him. My host mom has good manners and she is interested in foreign countries’ culture. She is respectful and really kind. The oldest brother likes to make us laugh. We sometimes bake together, and every time, he adds extra sugar. The other brother is humorous, too. He always shows us magic tricks. He wants to study in Japan! I got so happy to know that. My host sister says “I wanna show you something!” to me every day, and we play together. It’s fun. One day host mom showed me a print which host sister wrote about her family. She wrote “I have a big sister” which means me! I almost cried when I saw it.

           In weekends, we wake up at 9 o’clock and have breakfast around 10 am. We have lunch  at 2 o’clock.  Every Sunday we go to the church. My host mom has many friends and introduces me to them. I’m happy to meet new people, but it’s not so easy for me to remember their names and faces. Either mom or dad makes dinner and we have dinner with family almost every day. We talk about school and friends. After dinner we often watch a movie eating popcorn or ice cream together. It’s my favorite time.

           I can tell easily how much they love each other. My host family is super nice that words can’t explain. I feel happiness every single day to be a part of this family.

           Thank you so much for reading my long long report!  Actually I want to write more about everything. Next report will be about my school so maybe it’ll be longer than this one. See you next report!IMG_0750 IMG_1211 IMG_1547 IMG_1567 IMG_5061








Hi everyone! I’m Ako, staying in Wisconsin. One month has passed since I came to America. In this report, I will write about language camp, host family, and school!

I stayed in Ohio for language camp. My host family was father, mother, and brother. They were really really kind to me, and I went out to lots of different places. At home, I watched American football game with my host father, I watched movies with my host mother, and I made animals using balloons. I had a wonderful time with my friends and host family in Ohio! I’m sometimes missing Ohio…lol

I’m in Wisconsin now! My host family is father, and two sisters. I’m in cheerleading club with my sister, and she is 15 years old. I told my host family that I want to do cheerleading before going to America, so I could join practice the next day I came to America. I made friends before school started, so I had no trouble on the first day of school. Thanks to my friends and teachers, I can understand classes somehow.

School was not all fun. In biology class, a boy threw me gum, and he made a fool of my name. I could not talk to anyone about it. Finally, I had a fever. I talked with my host father, principal, and counselor. Thanks to them, I could solve the problem. I’m having a fun school life with my friends now. Lastly, my goal of study abroad is to challenge everything! Thank you for reading it to the end. See you next report!

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  私がアメリカに来たのは約2ヶ月前の721日で最初は研修地であるコロラドに3週間ステイしていました。コロラドのファミリーは、とっても優しいファザーとマザー、いっつも元気な7歳と11歳のブラザー、おちゃめな3匹の犬、、、優しくてとても素敵なファミリーでした!今は7歳のブラザーが誕生日を迎えて8歳になったみたいです!コロラドのファミリーとの思い出は今でも忘れられないかけがえのないものになっていますし、この家族のおかげで私の研修期間は1度も重いホームシックになることなく楽しく過ごすことができました。Thank you so much:)

 さて、3週間の研修を経ていざフロリダに出発!!!ですが、私はアメリカに来て初めて大きい壁にぶち当たり、フロリダに来てすぐの時にホストチェンジをしました。ホストチェンジをするにあたって本当に色んなことがあり、そのことについてコーディネーターと話をした時は、私は一生懸命話してるのに、Your English is really really really bad. と言われたり、Your English is too slow. と笑われたこともありました。新しいファミリーが見つかるまでの期間は本当につらくて、毎日クローゼットの中で泣いて、人生でこんなに流したことないだろうってくらいの涙を流していました。いくら泣いても、助けてって言っても日本の家族に会うことなんてできないし、泣いたって仕方ないのに涙は止まらなくて本当に辛かったです。




パパはジョークが大好きで、この前はゆで卵なのに生卵と嘘をついて、catch! と言いながら卵を投げてきたり、よく私をからかって大爆笑しながら楽しんでいます(笑)また、とても綺麗好きなので、夜ご飯の後はかならず掃除機をかけたり、洗濯をしたり、毎日お風呂にも入ります(笑)私たちにはお風呂に入るときに言うある特別な合言葉があって、意味はよくわかりませんが、その合言葉はHop in!! です(笑)外から家に帰って来たらHop in!! です(笑)毎日お互いに言い合っています(笑)

ママはとても優しくて料理が上手で、いつも私を助けてくれます。また、何かあるたびに、I love her. she is so cute. とたくさん言ってくれてたくさんの愛を注いでくれています!



  私のファーストスクールデイの前の日にフットボールの試合があり、そこでたくさんの友達を紹介してくれました!でも、ブラザーの友達なので男の子が多く、女子校通いの私には挨拶のハグでさえ緊張していました(笑)学校で会うとhi と言ってくれる優しい人たちです!US historyはマジでむずい!!先生なんて言ってるか本当にわからない~(笑)勉強の毎日です~~~(笑)



 Hi I’m Arisa stayed in Florida.

  I came to America about two months ago. I stayed Colorado for three weeks for studying English with my CCI members from Japan and Thailand before I came to Florida. My Colorado’s family is father, mother, two brothers and three dogs. They are so kind and cheerful. I think they are wonderful family. I never forget a lot of memories with them. This three weeks were good experience for me. I really appreciate them. Thank you so much:)❤︎

   After this three weeks, I left Colorado for going to Florida. However I had big problem for my life when I came to Florida. So I changed host family. I had various hard things for changing family. For example, when I tried to talk hard to my local coordinator about my problem, but they said to me like “Your English is really really really bad.” and “Your English is too slowly (and they were laughing).” I was so sad to hear that, and I said “I came here for studying English.” to myself many times. I had painful memories until my new host family is find. I cried in the closet every day.

   However, now, I spend the time with my new host family, and I enjoy my life every day!:) My family is dad, mom and brother of same age with me. My dad has allergy of many animals, so they don’t have any animals in the house. However my dad gave me a doll of dog because he knows that I have two dogs in Japan. My family likes sports and beach. My dad is wrestling coach and my brother wrestling at school. They also likes watching sports, so we go to the school for watching sports. I’m not bored after school because they go to the various place. We have plan to go to the NY at Christmas!! My dad likes joking. He also likes cleaning, so he always use vacuum cleaner and laundry machine after dinner. I think American people are not always taking a shower, but its not true in this house lol We have watchword when we take a shower. It is “Hop in!!” I don’t know the meaning about this, but we always say this word when we have take a shower. We have to take a shower after go back to home from outside. My mom is so kind and good at cooking. Also she always say “I love her.” “She is so cute.” She give me many loves. My brother is very shy, so we can’t talk a lot. But I try to talk more!lol

   We are usually watching movie at night, so I will know many movies until I go back to Japan. I hope that my English skill is better than now by movies. I think “Titanic” is the best of all movies now.

   I could meet many brother’s friends at the football game before my first school day is start. So my first school day was so good for me because my brother’s friends who met at football game said “hi!:)” to me when we met at the school. They are so kind. However they are almost boys, so I was little tension because I’m going to girls school in Japan, and I forgot how to talk with boys…lol US history is difficult for me to understand. I don’t know what teacher says, so I study hard every day.

   Two months has passed since I came to America. I have already had many experiences, so I wanna write all of them which was happened, but it’s too long, so this report is done… Thank you for reading to the end. See you next report.

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不安を抱える暇もなく、8.27から学校がスタートしました。ランチは前夜に自分で作り、朝はベットメイキングから始まり朝食を簡単に済ませ、7:15に家を出ます。木曜日はゴミ出しがありさらに早くなります( ;  ; )授業が8時間もあって大変だけど、そのかわり私の学校は金曜日からお休みです!


 ファミリーも、私の英語力を伸ばす為に食事中にゲームをしようと提案してくれて本当に本当に感謝しています。ブラザーは私の小さな英語の先生です。笑 私のファミリーは家族でいる時間を大切にしているので、1人の時間があまりなくて、最初はそれで逆にホームシックになってしまいました。でもみんなでゲームをしたりアイスを食べたり、その時間も私は好きです。


 とにかくとにかく応援してくれている人たちの期待に私は全力で応えたいです!それに人生の壁は乗り越えられない人にはやってこないらしいです!だから私は大丈夫です!5Gのみんな、留学している全ての仲間はきっと大丈夫です!正直心の中はネガティブな気持ちで溢れているし今も夜に何かわかんないけど泣きそうになる時があるけど、こうやってポジティブなことを文字にするのは大切なことと思います。笑 5Gのみなさん、英語を勉強しにここに来ているのにこんなこと言っちゃあれかもしれないけど、世界の共通語は英語じゃなくて笑顔だよ!!!だから笑っていてください。一緒にがんばろうね

 話は変わりますが、私の家では日によって誰がディナーを作るかが決められています。初めての私のターンで、オムライスを作りました!が、、、。お鍋でお米を作ったのですがまぁ結果から言うと失敗しました!笑 何日も前からお米の作り方を下調べして、YouTubeで動画を見て、手順通りつくったつもりだったのに美味しく出来なくて半ベソかいちゃいました~笑(恥ずかし)でも、ファミリーがプラクティスプラクティス!って言ってもう1回作るのを手伝ってくれて、ちゃんと美味しく出来ました!もっと料理上手くなりたいです。週末に掃除機をかけることと洗濯物を回すことも私の仕事です。日本にいた時はやらなかった事がここにきて当たり前になっていることはとてもいい経験と思います。それと同時に日本の両親の有り難みと苦労と存在の大きさを今になって知りました。これはもう日本に帰ったらもっといたわらねば。。。笑 学校から帰ってきてどんなに疲れていてもブラザーと遊んだり断る事も大切だけど、日本にいた時はあまり弟と遊んであげてなかったなと思って反省することもできました。笑 健人、帰ったらいっぱい遊ぼう(;_;)





 Hi guys! Im Momoka Matsui and I studying abroad in CO, Peyton.  This is my 1st report!

1 month has passed since I came to USA. Time flies by too quickly!!

A member of my host family is a father/mother/two sisters/brother/four pets.

 I was staying in Ohio until 8.15-8.25, and arrived at Colorado on 8.25 night. First, I joined sister Anna’s birthday party. I made cake for her! I had a great time, thanks! My school life started at 8.27. I didn’t have time to feel uneasy. My school schedule has 8 classes every day, so Friday is day off! Happy Happy  Even now, I struggle with the language barrier. But! I’m happy to have friends who are teach me study and have lunch with me. And family and I play games every dinner. They taught me English to improve my English skills. Host brother is my little English teacher. HAHA  To at to that, I have a lot of friends in Japan who are supports me when I am feeling down and having hard times. I have a family that turned me down strictly. That’s why I wanna live up to their expectations!

 I make lunch by myself, prepare breakfast by myself, wash clothes by myself, and make dinner by myself. What I didn’t do when I was in Japan, now it’s normal things. I think that’s a good experience.

 At the same time, I noticed about the blessing of Japan parents. Sometimes I feel homesick and lonely, but I’ll do my best every day!! I’ll continue to keep smiling and be thankful.

 Thank you for reading my report to the end!

See you next report!

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  私の長期のホストファミリーはマザー、ファザー、双子のホストシスターであるエイバとビー、同い年でベトナムからの留学生のキム、ファザーと同級生で仕事に行くためこの家に住んでいるジョンです。兄弟がいない私にとって沢山の家族に囲まれて暮らすのはとても新鮮です。エイバとビーはとっても可愛くて、分からないことがあると教えてくれます。そして、留学生のキムとは正直言うと上手くいってないです。マザーに相談したり、キムと2人で話し合ってみると考え方が真逆な事が分かりました。凄く簡単に言うと私は”Open mind!” という感じですが、キムは”Close mind!”という感じです。彼女の考え方に反論したい気持ちを抑え、理解し、尊敬することは簡単な事ではありませんが頑張って乗り越えます!マザーとファザーはとても頭が良くて勉強をいつも教えてくれます。また、沢山相談に乗ってくれて、心に響く言葉をかけてくれます(笑)とても助かっています。





               Hi! I’m Ayane Yamamoto! I finished 3 weeks program in Colorado, and I’m staying in Alaska now.

               The program in Colorado was so fun! We basically studied how different between American culture and Japanese culture and how to tell a host family about Japanese culture. Also, every Wednesday we didn’t have a class instead of doing activity. I learned many things which is very important for exchange student. My host family was very funny so we laughed every day. I made slime with my host sister, Shelly and played game with host brother, Dan. Also, I made traditional Japanese food with my host family. These were really good experience. I spent much time with Eden who was my host sister. She taught me many words that I don’t know, and understood my feeling so she was always beside me. Now we are best friend, we could talk about problems each other. Shelly was only 10 years-old but she also helped me a lot, I appreciated her. We went a Japanese restaurant a day before I left. It was very delicious. After came back to home I was very sad because I didn’t want to say goodbye. When I was crying, everyone encouraged me. Then my host father and mother said “We asked your exchange student company to stay longer with you, but they said “No” so…We also don’t want to say goodbye but we have to do that…” It’s impressed me because I noticed that I could stay with this host family as an exchange student, so it gave me courage. When the time to left, everyone gave me a big hug and we cried. However, they told me that they will go to Japan in year so I’m excited now.

               Then I had gotten on a plane alone for 5 hours. I started crying when I opened a present from Eden. It was very impressed me, but also I thought that I must not give up!

                 My host family in Alaska is mother, father, Ava, Vee, Kim who is an exchange student from Vietnam, and John is a friend of father who lives in this house to work. Ava and Vee are my host sisters, and they are so cute. Also they help me if I have problems. However, I don’t built good relationship with Kim yet. I talked with mother and Kim, then I could figure out that my way of thinking and Kim’s way of thinking are completely different. For example, I usually talk my honestly feeling to my mother and friends, but Kim doesn’t. Therefore, I want to argue against her way of thinking, but I know that I have to understand it and respect her. It’s not easy to do that, so I’ll try to do my best. My host mother and father are very smart and kind, so they teach me anything every day.  Also, they give me many advises if I have problems, it helps me a lot.

 By the way, a school life is very fun. However, I cannot understand what teacher and friends said if they tried to tell me about something. It’s difficult to catch up these classes, especially English seminar and US History seminar are the most difficult class for me. It’s because, basically discussing is a main thing of a seminar. If I don’t understand contents of a class, I can’t discuss, but it’s interesting to know the difference between the viewpoints and thinking of Americans and Japanese. Therefore, I’ll continue taking these classes. At lunch time, I ate lunch with a girl who is very shy so we could not have long conversation. It was kind of uncomfortable for me, so now I usually do my homework with my new friends while I eat lunch. However, I don’t decide who to eat lunch with so every day it changes. That’s little scary, but I can make new friends everyday so I will continue doing it.

               My goal for studying abroad is “Having fun”. It’s because, my friend said me “You’re going to Alaska!? Oh, poor thing!”, and some of my friends laughed at me. When I heard this I thought that I have to have fun more than these guys. In addition, sound of my goal is easy, but actually it’s very difficult. It’s because now I’m living in America without my Japanese family and friends, this situation is way harder than I thought. However, I think I’m spending very precious time that anyone can’t have. That’s why I want to enjoy the time while thinking that is valuable. If I could think like this way, my English skill and my minds should be very good and strong. It passed a month since

 I came here, but I’m not able to feel yet that my English skill gets better. Therefore, l have my hands full with believing myself. If I have problem, I cannot tell my host family, friends, and teachers very well so my brain is always filled with Japanese. Therefore, I think I’ve been doing my best, I’ll never give up! See you later: )

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 まず私のファミリーは、ファザー、マザー、ブラザーが3人の5人家族です。子供達はまだ小さく4、6、8歳で毎朝とてもうるさいのがまだ慣れず子供が苦手な私にとってかなりのストレスになっています。ですがとっても可愛いのです。笑 さらにわたしのファミリーは日本人を2回ホストしたことがあるみたいなので日本人の性格とか考えをよく理解してくれます。とても優しく毎日どこかに連れていってくれるし、好きなものを買ってくれます。さらには、学校のランチまでも朝作って持たせてくれるのでほとんどお金を使うことがありません。ですが、いい事ばかりではなく辛いこともたくさんあります。カナダやアメリカはほぼ全ての家と言ってもいいほどアウトドアです。なので、湖や公園、森など色んなところに行きます。私は、外が嫌いで尚且つアレルギー体質のため外にいるとかなり辛く大変です。わかっていて留学前に病院などにも行き、薬をもらったのでかなり深刻になることはないですが、自分の身は自分で守らないといけないのでかなり苦労しています。動物も基本アレルギーなのでファミリーの友達の家には行けないし、それに合わせてファミリーも行けなくなってしまっているので申し訳ない気持ちが日々膨らんでいきます。それでも、ちゃんと言ってくれて嬉しいと言われたので良かったです。そんなこんなで着いて1週間かなりのホームシックに陥り、毎日一睡もできず尚且つ常に泣いていました。沢山の人から励ましてもらい、親にも背中を押してもらいなんとか今は普通に暮らしています。寮生なのに初めてのホームシック、自分でも動揺が止まりませんでした。今ならこんな話も笑ってすることができます。英語力は、まだ来て2週間です、そこまで変わっていません。ですが、日に日に一つの会話から話を広げようと努力するうちに少しずつですが聞き取れるようにもなったし、すぐに質問に答えられるようになりました。こんな辛いこともあるけど楽しいこともあって、まだ来て少ししか経っていませんが少しずつ留学して良かったと思うようになりました。最初、私の留学の目標はただ英語力の向上だけでした。ですが、実際ここに来て見て少し違うなと思いました。確かに英語力の向上は大事だし、話せるようになったら嬉しいと思います。ですが、それよりも自分の人生において何か考えが変わる、何かをするときにここで得た経験があったからこそ踏み出せるようになったとか、この先の人生のターニングポイントになったらいいなと、そんな留学にしたいと思うようになりました。夢なんかなくて困り果てている私に何かヒント与えてくれる、そんな気がします。ここにきて一人で生きて行くことはできないし、たくさんの人が支えてくれていると言うことを痛感しました。待っているからねと背中を押してくれた日本に残っている友達や、なにかあったら質問していいよと言ってくださった先輩、それぞれの場所で頑張っている5Gのみんなと、何回でも相談に乗ってくださる田邊先生、誰よりも応援してくれている家族。私はここで10ヶ月、全力で突っ走りたいと思います。長くなってしまいすいません。多分2回目から短くなっているかもしれないです。ではまた!


 Hello, everyone. I’m Rino living in Manitoba. This is my first report. How about everyone? I heard that there a big earthquake and many people suffered    from the damage. Canada is always very cold.  Everyone, please take care of your physical condition and tha earthquake and live. This time write about my host family and my goal of study abroad. Please read this report if you have time.

 My host family is a family of five with parents and three brothers. The boys are young and are noisy every morning. But they are very cute. Also, my host family had hosted the Japanese twice. So, they understand the character and idea of the Japanese. They always take me away and will buy me whatever I like. Also, my host mother makes to me the lunch to eat at school every morning. So, I don’t need to use my own money. However, there are not always good things. There are also painful things. For example, most of Canada and America houses are outdoor. So, they always go to lakes and parks, forest and so on. But I don’t like outside and I have allergies. When I go outside, it is painful and hard. I knew that, so I went to hospital and got medicine before going to study abroad. However, in studying abroad, I have to protect myself so I’m pretty hard now. Anyway, like that I got a homesick for a week since I got to Canada. I always couldn’t sleep and I was crying. During that week, a lot of people encouraged to me every day. Now, I’m living normally. I was a dormitory student but I got homesick, it was surprised. I can laugh and talk about it. My English skill, it is only been two weeks, it has not changed yet. When I tried to talk with people, I became able to hear it day by day. There are things that are difficult, but there are also fun things. I think that it was good to study abroad. First, my goal was to improve my English skill. But after I went to Canada, my goal is changing. Improve my English skill is very important and I am happy when I can talk in English. But I don’t think so. I want to study abroad so that I can do my best in my future life because I have this experience of study abroad. I was able to notice we can’t live alone and a lot of people supported to me. My friends and seniors at school and my teacher, family and so on. I want to do my best for ten months here. I’m sorry it has become long. See you.

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Hello everyone. I’m Azuki Toda, staying in Florida.

I heard there was huge earthquake in my hometown. Luckily, my family was safe, but I was surprised how big the affected area was. Getting information from screen made more grief and anxiety than I thought. I hope it returns to origin life as soon as possible.

Now, I’m going to write about life in Florida.

My large host family is constituted by mother, father, a younger sister, four younger brothers, and two dogs. My real family is quiet so I was bewildered at first. However, I’m acclimated now. They talked to me a lot, though I can’t speak English well now. I feel I am blessed my host family. I’m a lucky girl.  Especially, my 12 years old sister is so careful. We made dinner together, and she told me the rule of board games. Sometimes I feel that she is older than me. Therfor I am going to cook Japanese food soon.

With the family, I went camping and went to the beach. Whole of my body was horrible by sun burn and bug bites on the last day, because I had spent time there still in staying at Hokkaido mood. (There isn’t many bugs and no hard sunlight in Hokkaido)  During camping, we swam in the river, rode on the canoe, and floated with tubes. I experienced a lot of things for the first time, like, finding a huge spider, and eating smore every night during camping (three days). At the beach, we swam, swam, and swam. Sand was extremely white. My brothers and sister enjoyed diving into the water and grab the other’s foot secretly. I was sitting ducks because I can’t dive to the bottom, so I will revenge next time.

Now, my goal is doing things what I should do now. I know it is kind of usual, but also easy to forget without paying attention, too. Here, in America, what I need to do is not watching my smartphone, but having relationship with people and touching English as possible as I can. I’ll do my best!

I have more topics that I want to tell you. I’m going to write next report.

Thank you for reading.

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