

アメリカに留学中の 中村遥さん から第1回目の留学報告が届きました。

オハイオ州ローガン高校に留学中の中村 遥さんから1回目の留学レポートが届きました。






Hello, everyone!!  My name is Haruka Nakamura.  I study English abroad in Ohio state.  This is my first report of study abroad.  I can’t believe that I write this report, now lol.

It has been just 8 days since I left Tokyo on August 15th to America.  I didn’t get homesick, and I enjoyed in American life.  However, I got a jet lag which I had headache, and I’m feeling sick.  So, it was very hard.  If I’m feeling a bit under the weather, I should solve by myself.  So, I missed my family.  However, I’m feeling so good now, and I can spend every day comfortably.

I’m staying the first host family at the orientation.  My host family member is mam, dad, old brother, two dogs., a cat, and Riho.  Riho is an exchange student, too.  My brother is 18 years old, and his name is Nick.  I can understand easily because they are talking slowly for us.  We went to the water park and the police office, and we learned Zumba, American cooking, and slang at the orientation.  Water park is the most of fun at the orientation because I did water slider with Nanami.  This is my first experience of water slider. It was so scary, but I want to recommend water slider.  I was going to get hooked on this.  I have a lot of memory with my host family.  Day 3, I went to watch the football game by my host brother’s team.  He is ace, so he is nice player. He scored two runs in the game. Moreover, His team won the game.  I didn’t know the football’s rule, but I enjoyed watching it.  Day 4, I went to host grandmother’s house, and I ate American food with them.  American food is good taste, but they are not healthy.  So, I think that it will takes me some time to get used to American food.  I want to eat my mother’s cooking.

The day after tomorrow, I’m going to move second host family’s house in lorgan, ohio.  I will miss my friends and host family.  However, I’m looking forward to meet my second host family.  I’m excited and terrified about high school at the same time.  I’m going to go to the school on August 27th.  I decided that I’m going to join the tennis club. I think I challenge anything.  My goal is “Don’t be shy.  Challenge anything.  Find my dream in the future.”  I’m trying to achieve my goal.

Thank you for reading my report.

See you again!!

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Hello everyone! This is Hikari and I’m staying New Hampshire. This is my last Hokusei report in my life so I hope you enjoy it…

First I went to New York City on last April with other exchange students and our local coordinator, I have to say it was wonderful except I was having sick in entire trip. We went to Metropolitan Museum, Empire State Building, Central Park and Times Square etc. I definitely come back!!

Last month, I went to prom with friends, well I couldn’t make it to go with partner but we danced a lot and that was really fun. I was glad to go.

There are only a few week left until I go back japan I still remember that I always said “I don’t worry about my study abroad, I’m so excited to go to USA!” before I came here. BUT this ten months was way different that I expected. I couldn’t understand teenagers English in Ohio even I could talk with adults in English very well. After moved to New Hampshire I got new facts that a hong kong exchange student which my host family hosted last year before I came and she is going to stay this year too unofficially. I thought I will hang out with her but it has never happen. I really don’t have memories I tried but she always stays with same ages host brother and even I asked her to play together, they disappeared in minutes. Well, this is kind of sad story lol. But I think I’m doing well with my host family. I laugh a lot with them. I’m so fortunate that I have such a nice host family. if someone ask me that this ten months was long period for me, I have to answer NO. It was VERY VERY LONG for me. I feel like “oh, finally time to go back my country”

There were no time when I don’t have any problem or concern, I always had something to think but sometime I felt sad and wanna cry. I’ve learn so many things here and I totally believe that all I learned will support my future. And the time to use is gonna be soon (university)

Last, I want to tell all people who support and take care of me during my study abroad. I would not do anything this year by myself. Next it will be my turn to work for them in many different ways.

Thank you for reading and see you again in JAPAN

Hikari5-3 Hikari5-1 Hikari5-2



Hello everyone! It’s Aya. Today, I’d like to give you some tips for those who are interested in studying abroad. There are just my opinions so please don’t take them literary. Anyways, let’s get started!

Firstly, I put some my opinions about school work.

Through this studying abroad, I became aware that adhering to get A in every single class is nothing but your self-satisfaction. That is not the point to focus on. You ought to think over what you can do to make the most this rare opportunity to improve your English and what is truly important to you. The only thing you have to keep in your mind is unless you don’t get D or F on your grade, then you are fine. But I know this doesn’t work in some schools like teachers gives you tons of homework and you don’t get around to doing your stuffs. If you would get in that circumstance, you can talk to your counselor and I believe she or he is going to help you out. I am very well aware share with you that there are lots of people who may support your studying abroad life.

Second is how I did make friends. It might be your most concern.

The thing that I can confident to say is that you should join any clubs. I’m suck at sports but I challenged soccer, swimming and tennis. I really enjoyed every single moment of those activities even though I was doing not ok. ( I mean terrible)

It was such good opportunities to make friends and I can’t talk to you my exchange without this.

Lastly, I want to say that if you are going to study abroad this year or yearning to go near your future, you had better study super hard. Some say that it doesn’t matter how much you’ve been studying English in your country and it is how much you’ve done your best during the stay that counts. But I absolutely don’t believe so. I mean, of course it’s really important to do your best during your stay, but you’ll have been going through rough period if you go to America or Canada regardless of you’re ill-prepared.  You should ask yourself to find why you chose this way and what’s the purpose by putting your head down.

Thank you so much for reading and hopefully I’ll see you guys in my next report!

Aya5-2 Aya5-1 Aya5-3



冬休みが明けて、2週間後。私の留学生活で史上最大に最悪な出来事が起こりました。イタリア人の留学生がホストチェンジをし、私のホストファミリーの家に移動してきたことです。つまり私にダブルプレイスメントが出来たことです。彼女とは学校で知り合い、彼女のホストファミリーは近所に住んでいてお互いのシスター同士仲が良く週末は遊びに出かけていましはなしあみた彼女とホストファミリーの間には何も問題は無く感じていましたが、実際はそうでは無かったようです。正直言って、私自身彼女は苦手で、テストが終わると必ず結果を聞いてきます。「あんなの簡単でしょ!なんで理解できないの!?」とまで言ってきます。私からしたら、なんかもうごめんなさいって感じで、そんなに理解できるなら母国帰れ。なんて思ってたりなんかしちゃってました笑 イタリア語にしか聞こえない彼女の英語ですが彼女は自分の英語にかなりの自信があり、毎度毎度私が友達と話していると、会話を遮ってまで割り込んできます。もちろん私の友達も根こそぎ奪ってきます笑 イタリア人って皆こんな積極的なんですか?笑 彼女を受け入れるかをホストファミリーと家族会議を開いたときに誰が彼女のために誰が部屋を移動するか、私は朝彼女とスクールバスに乗らなきゃいけないこと。更に私のシスターと彼女の元シスターの関係は悪くならないか。私だけじゃなくファミリーの今までの生活ががらりと変わりました。 朝もスクールバスで学校に行くために今まで以上に早く起きなければならない。一番上のシスターは彼女のために部屋を開け、ブラザーと共同部屋に。案の定彼女の元シスターと私のシスターの関係は悪くなってしまいました。彼女の受け入れを頼んできたコーディネーターは、こうなる事を予測できなかったんでしょうかね…。これから留学に行く5Gの皆さん。大半のコーディネーターは決して良い人ではありません。ダブルプレイスメントが居るファミリーの人は気を付けてくださいね笑








Hello y’all!! How are you? I’m pretty good. I’m Rena Takada. My depeart day is coming soon. And this is going to be my last report from Houston Texas. It’s so sad:( Anyway I will write it.

First thing, I want to tell you some. One of my frined who is exchange student from Italy. She moved to my host family’s house because she changed her host family. I’m not sure pretty much about what happend to them. But she got some so she and our coordinator tried to find new her host family. However, they could not them around our school. So our cordinator asked my host pairents about admitting her to host as another exchange student. My host family and me talked about it at the night and they we decided to admit her. And next day she moved to my host family’s house. I was so supprised though lol. Because I didn’t think she would come really soon lol. Her English is really good of course better than me. Like pronunciation, vocabuluary,comprehension everything is better than me. So I was like oh my goodness, I’, gonna die soon.And I called my Japanese mom. She said do your best, make your way, don’t care about her. She is so strong right? I want be like a her lol I’m so weak and stupid. I spend so much time at here but I still don’t understand English book, social studies class, test, comversation, any words. Sometime I envy her a lot a lot but I tell me by my self, “she has big and smart CPS in her brain, but you don’t have it. You lost it since when you were born so you gotta make it by your self from begining”. I’ll do my best anyway lol.

Those months  were passed so fast. On Janualy I started studting Government. I love my gov’t teacher but studying it is really hard for me. On February Emily’s birth day, March Mom, Claire, and Valentina’s birth day. Rodeo and youth conference. I loved that rodeo so much! Rodeo is one of Houston’s festival. There are a lot of attractions. I rode them with my friends, I alomost died lol. On April, was prom, my and my birth day, and Emily left to Idaho.  On May, We went to NASA it was so awesome! And Dad’s birth day! All months were so great!

American school will be over soon and start long summer Vacation. But last week I heard news about shooting at another school. That school is 45minuets away from my school. I was so scary. And one of exchange student from Pakistan, she was killed. She has 18 days left to go back to her contry. So she could see her family and friends but she couldn’t. What a sadness.

June,3. It’s my depart day from America. I felt time was passed so first ever. I met awesome family and friends. They are not my real family though, but they are my second family! And I didn’t think I could make a lot of good friends at here. So I will miss them so much when I’m at airport. I’m so excited to see my Japanese family and friends but I’m so afraid of go back to there. I got a lot of special expeariences at here. Those are kind of unrealistic. Maybe that’s why, I have to study so hard to enter collage like a crazy lol. And I don’t know how much my English got better from at bigining my study abroad year. But I’ll do my best and make money to visit to America. So I can say Hi to my host family and friends!! I’m so excited;)

I deeply appriciate to people around me. And I love them so much!! I hope they have great summer ever, and good life! Of course I hope see them again ASAP 🙂

Love y’all 🙂

Rena5-1 Rena5-2 Rena5-3


皆さんおはこんばんにちは!オハイオ州に留学している村中希です。こちらは暖かくなってきてもうすでに夏をかんじます。私の留学生活も残り2週間となりました。早いように見えた10か月、実際も本当に一瞬のように早かったです。今回のレポートではWashington DCへのプチ旅行、プロム、そして私の留学生活を振り返って感じたことをお話ししようと思います。


私は4月の初めに他の留学生とWashington DCへ3日間旅行に行ってきました。私と2人の日本人と、キルギス共和国出身の女の子と行ってきました。まさかアメリカの首都に行けると思っていなかったので行く前とてもわくわくしていました。金曜日のランチの後授業を抜けて、週末をはさみ月曜の夕方オハイオに帰ってきました。Washington DCは桜が満開でちょうど桜フェスティバルもやっていました。一日目は歩いて桜を見たり、写真を撮ったり満開の桜の下で花見をしました。一日中歩いてたくさんのモニュメントを見て回りとても疲れましたが、最近は運動不足なのでちょうど良かったです(´▽`*)二日目は博物館、美術館が周りをしました。宇宙や飛行機についての博物館、動物博物館、アメリカの歴史についての博物館、絵画を見に美術館などに行きました。出来るだけ多くの人に見てもらいたいという理由で、なんと全ての博物館と美術館が無料でした!夜はコーディネーターの家でUNOをしたり、映画を見たり、お互いの国について話したり、たくさんふざけて友達とお泊りをしているみたいでとっても楽しかったです!キルギス出身の女の子は5か国語も話せて、今はフランス語を勉強していると言っていました。優しくてノリが良くて話していてとても楽しいし、もっと彼女と話したい、もっと英語を話したいと思わされました。いつか旅行で彼女に会いにキルギスに行ってみたいです。3日間なんてとてもあっと言う間ですぐ時間が経ってしまいましたが、たくさんの学びもありとても濃い3日間でした!




この前最終成績表がきたのですが、苦手だったGovernmentEnglishBiologyの成績がAB+か何かににそれぞれ上がっていたのと、陸上競技で学校一の記録を出したんです!そして新聞に載っていた私の名前をマザーが見つけたのですが、Honor rollといって成績優秀者に贈られる賞みたいなものをもらいました!先生も皆優しくて、大変な授業も皆助けてくれたので毎日楽しく頑張れました。このレポートを書いている今、あと約1週間で学校が終わってしまいます。あと少ししか大好きな友達に会えないなんて考えられないし信じたくありません。英語もすごい上達してきてこれからもっと楽しくなるっていうときに帰らなきゃいけないなんてほんとに寂しいです。限りある時間を悔いなく楽しみます!


母の日にはファミリーと人生初のサファリパークへ行ってきました。窓がない大きいバスでゲートとゲートで囲われた道を通り、初めて見る動物もたくさんいてとても楽しかったです!ジェラシックパークにいる気分でした(´▽`*)マザーも楽しんでくれたので良かったです。最初のころはマザーが少し怖くてイエスしか言えなかったことも、自分にも英語にも自信がつきファミリーに流されず自分の気持ちを言えたり、やりたいことはやりたいと言えるようになり、去年の冬からはより深い関係になったと思います。話を広げたり、より会話を面白く話せるようになったし、彼らの笑いのツボをがっちり掴んでからはマザーとファザーと笑いのツボにはまって爆笑することもよくあります。最初は怖かったマザーも今では本当のお母さんみたいで、ファザーはいつも私を気遣ってくれて、このファミリーにホストステイできて本当に良かったと思います。この一年を通して何をするにも全て自分次第だなと思いました。最初の1,2か月は学校が終わって家に帰ると二階へ行って昼寝をしていたのですが、昼寝をした後に下に行くのが怖かったり、マザーの反応をいちいち気にしてしまったり、家の居心地があまりよくありませんでした。でもこれじゃだめだ時間の無駄だ、と思い一階のSun roomというリビングルームの隣の部屋でマザーと一緒に昼寝をするようになりました。(会話をするんじゃなくて結局寝るんかいとは突っ込まないでください(笑))自分から相手を受け入れて好く努力をしてからは、マザーへの恐怖心が消えて距離がぐんと近づきました。地道な努力は本当に大切だなと改めて感じました。




Hi, I’m Nozomi living in Ohio. How are you guys doing? It’s getting warmer over here. I already feel summer. I only have 2 weeks left until I get back to Japan. It seems very short time to stay here about 10 months, but the time actually has passed so quickly. It seems as though it was just like yesterday. I can’t believe it’s already the time to go back home. I’m going to write about the little trip to Washington Dc with other exchange students, prom, and what I’ve felt about my life I’ve spent here.


I went to Washington DC with another exchange students who are two Japanese girls and a Kirghiz girl in the beginning of April. One of Japanese girls goes to same school here and another Japanese girl is from same Japanese school. I hadn’t expected that I could go to Washington DC which is the capital city of United State. I was really excited to go there. I left school after lunch on Friday and spent all weekend over there and came back to Ohio on Monday afternoon. It was during the season for cherry blossoms to come out. They had a cherry blossom festival over there. We didn’t go though. We took a lot of pictures with cherry blossom and huge beautiful lake and some like that. We had a lunch under the tree of pretty cherry blossom, because it was really hot and nice weather, even though it was nasty weather in Ohio. We walked all day to see cherry blossom and bunch of monuments. That made my leg’s muscle get sore, but we had really good time there. Next day, We went to many museums which are space museum, airplane museum, animal museum, US history museum, and art museum. Everyone is admitted free to get in there to see those staff. It’s because they want as many of us to see as possible. We played UNO, watched movies, and talked about each other’s countries at night in coordinator’s house. It was like staying at best friend’s house and staying up late. The girl from Kirghiz can speak 5 languages and has been studying French recently. I have known her for short time but it feels like I’ve known her for way longer than that. I love talking with her, because she makes me want to speak English more. I’d like to go to Kyrgyzstan to meet her sometimes when I have time. It was absolutely amazing trip!


I had prom which is one of the biggest events here before graduation at the end of May. I went there with another exchange students from Italy and Brazil. I danced all night and took a lot of pictures at photo booth with my friends. I wish we had prom in Japan too, but unfortunately we don’t have it. They’ve been staying here for about 10 months at same host family. Their exchange company is different as mine though. I sometime go to their house and watch movies and do something stupid with them lol I went to their house for their birthday party. We went to Japanese steak house which is an Asian food restaurant with them for dinner, because Italian girl likes sushi. Other day, we went to lake around their house for lunch. I love talking with them, because they make me want to speak English more than I normally do. They’re one of the nicest and funnies person I’ve ever met. I don’t really care of grammar and pronunciation, and can be confident when I’m taking with them. I’ve been feeling improvement of my English lately since I’ve became closer with them. Fortunately, I have many friends who I can call best friend, but I can be myself most with them. I know it’s only been short time, but it feels like I’ve known her for way longer than that. They’re my best friends. I’m pretty sure I’m going to miss them so much. I always have the best times with them when we hang out or even just talk about something. We promised each other to go to each other’s countries sometimes. I’m already anticipating going there to see them.


I got final grade few days ago. Three of those which are Government, English, and Biology got better grade than before.  I also set up a new record for one of the events of track and field in woman’s fitness. I got honor roll which is supposed to give students who got better grade.  My host mom found my name on the news paper and told me about that. Every teachers are very nice to me and always supportive. That’s why I could enjoy the class every day, even it’s not easy for me to take lesson. I have only a week of school until end of the school. I can’t believe that. That makes me so sad. I love going to school, because of friends who are always nice to me. They always make laugh and put smile on my face even when I’m down. My English has improved lately and it would be more enjoyable to be here if I’m staying here more longer. But I don’t have much time left, so I’m enjoying rest of my time here with them.


I went to Wild which is safari park with family at Mother’s day. I rode on the bus which has no windows and saw many animals I had never seen by passing through each gates. It  was like I was in jurassic park. That was very exciting! I’m glad she enjoyed it. I was scared her in first couple of months, but I’ve been able to say what I want to do and I thought since I got confidence for my English and myself, and then I got closer with them. I can make our conversation deeper and sometime I make them crack up and laugh together. She is like my real mom and host dad has always taken care of me. I’m lucky to have nice  host family like them. I’m so glad to have met them and be part of their family. I learned that everything depends upon myself. I used to go upstairs to take a nap after school. I always got scared and cared what she thinks when I go down stairs after nap. I didn’t want to be with them as much as I could, but I decided not to take a nap in my room and to stay down stairs with them. It’s because I came here to study English, have conversation with people who are in different country, and grow up  myself. I go down stairs and lay on the chair at sun room where is next to the living room when I take a nap. It’s very different how I feel after nap from when I took a nap with her or in my room. Making little efforts to like people whom I don’t really like now is one of the things we should do to make our life better, because I believe everybody can understand each other and get along with together. We might be able to find something good things about them when you’re trying to like them. We never could understand others until you get closer with them. I thought my host mom is kind of mean, but she is actually such a nice mom. We can’t judge someone by appearance at first impression.


I’m writing how I feel right now after ten months here. I used to have ten months to go, but I can’t believe that I only have two weeks left. My exchange life has been really exciting and enjoyable. It was challenging year I’ve ever had. I couldn’t even imagine myself going a year without what I used to have when I was in Japan which are Japanese friends, family, house I’ve grown up for about 17 years, Japanese food, and Japanese custom. I guessed that I was going to have homesick and cry every night. However, I have such a nice host family and friends, and the new home where make me miss and want to go back. In the beginning, I was kind of shocked at people who wasn’t really interested in me even I’m exchange student from Japan. I told myself that they like talking with their close friends who have known for long time and can make their conversation more fun more than talking with exchange student who can’t speak English well. I tried not to make myself down by telling myself it’s fine it’s ok…in my mind. But i don’t think that’s bad to be negative for conversation with people. It’s because what I regretted not having done something make me will be able to try it next time I face same situation.  Challenging and failure is a first stepping stone to success. I read my diary over again from the beginning. First day, I couldn’t recognize where I was at when I woke up on the new bed. Second day, I didn’t really like host mom’s dinner and I was worried if I could live here with them. Next day, host mom didn’t let me go to study camp for exchange students and I went to school. I couldn’t understand what they were talking about in the all class. I thought I can’t make any friends, because it was hard to understand what they’re saying. I was very serious when I was writing diary, but it’s kind of funny to read it again now. It’s because sometime I was worrying about something very small things. For example, lack of confidence for my English or  small mistakes of grammar or some like that, but those failures made my English skill improve. I often sit on the chair outside with family after school. Host dad sometimes tells me that I’m already a member of family, so I can come back here whenever I want. I almost cried when I heard that and makes me don’t want to leave here. I couldn’t imagine myself leaving here few months ago, but now I can clearly imagine that moment.  As it comes close to the day I have to leave here, I feel time is going faster and faster. I’ve learned a lot of new things I had never known.  I’ve changed myself since I came here. It’s important to acknowledge someone’s advantages and disadvantage. It’s simple but Japanese people sometime can’t do that. I was putting pressure on myself in first couple of months and made repeated mistakes and learned from those mistakes. I’ve enjoying my life which is exciting to do new things I’ve never done before. But I’m so sad that it’s almost over. Counting left of days make me so sad. I’ve felt improvement of myself and English lately. I’m going to keep studying English even after graduated from high school to find out what I want to do in the future. I’d like to start doing something new I’m really interested in for job in the future. We only have one life. Stop trying to be perfect and enjoy our own life. We’re unique, so don’t change that. I’m sure this ten months is going to influence my future. I’m really appreciate their kindness. I never forget about my host family, friends, dogs, and everything what I did.


Thank you for reading my last report!

Nozomi5-2 Nozomi5-1



 Hi guys! This is Hinako who stay in North Bay.

I really cannot believe it that this is the last report of my exchange reports, and I am so surprised my classmates who have exchanged in America were already back to Japan.

   Anyway, I was belong senior girls’ soccer team. I thought almost of students hate me and they are so mean, but they were not. When I played hard, they said to me “Hinako! Awesome! Fantastic!”. Usually, I wasn’t praised, so I was so glad every time to be honest lol. And then, when I was in the soccer team, I scored one point of the games. Every teammates, teachers, friends, and my host family said to me “Good job!”. And they gave me high five. I felt like I was full of love at that time. Every teammates were so awesome, so I was really glad to make the team as one of players.

   These days, I am studying for final exams, in fact, cooking and gym are easy cause the classes dose not have exams, just culminating activities! However, English is my kryptonite lol. You know, It is gonna be tough challenge for me because my high school does not have ELS class at all, that is why I have to take usual English classes with same grade’s students. I think I tried do my best in the exam.

 I really think I am super happy to have exchanged in Canada in my life. Of cause, there were a lot of bad memories in my exchange life, but I changed the feeling though a lot of awesome experiences and fabulous people. My personalty was horrible before arriving Canada. For example, I was a so lazy person, and I was always depended on my family, which means I was so selfish.  However, the environment in my experiences of exchange makes me grow up. I really appreciate again my family in cause they allowed to exchange in Canada even they spend a lot of money.

 I still cannot believe I am going to go back Japan soon ,and at the same time, I still don’t wanna reality.












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              皆さんこんにちは。New Jersey州に留学中の田中美羽です。第5回目、すなわちこのレポートも最終回となるわけです。気づけば冬も終わりまだ安定しない気温ではありますが、気温も高くなってきました。そうだ、北星の先輩方ご卒業おめでとうございます。そして中等部、高等部にも可愛らしい後輩たちが入ってきたんですね。おめでとうございます。そしてよろしくね!ということは、私も6年生何の実感もないなあ。留学から帰ったらあと学校に通うのは半年もないのですね。そう思うと寂しいです。












               Hello, everyone. This is Miu Tanaka who is staying New Jersey. This report is 5th … which means the LAST report. Here’s weather is  getting warmer and warmer and I can’t believe that we had snow last month. By the way, congratulation people who graduated from our high school, also new people who entered our high school. I became senior of my school then. I can’t believe it. After I come back the school, we have only less than 6 months to go school. I’m kinda sad.


              Anyways, on this 2 month, I really work hard with music band and softball team. Most day, I have activities of these team. The first days since when I joined the softball, I actually regret about  to join the team because most students started softball since they are 5 or 6 years old, so they are very close and of course they have softball skill much better than me. But the game season started and, then I could be closer with team mates. It made my feeling much better. In addition, I actually play on the games because we don’t have many players. I play softball for only 2 month, so unfortunately I often miss the ball on game, I really sorry about it, but teammates encourage and cheer me. And when I can play well, I feel so good. Now, I love softball and my teammates. I think I’m very lucky because I have good teammates and a good coach.


              Lastly, I would like to talk about what I’m thinking through this studying abroad in U.S.

To be honest, the most time of here is difficult for me. Maybe, it’s like 75%  time of life as an exchange student was feeling loneliness. To live with people who are not family is sometimes very stressful or I have to bear. When I am with host family, or even when I’m with friends, I often feel loneliness. In U.S., students go to school which is decided by areas where they live. Which means most students came from same school since they are students of elementary school. So I think you are possible to imagine how it’s difficult to catch up their conversation if I could speak English perfectly. Like, people talk about the happening 5years ago, I totally have no idea, you know.

But also, I could many friends here. That’s very impressed things and I guess that’s one of evidence how I’ve been spending here. I said I feel been lonely, but it’s natural, and now, also I have many friends. When I walk at school, somebody call me and can go next classroom together. I’m enjoying school life now.


Thanks of I came here, I could notice my weakness point, or good point. I proud of Japan more than before come here. I think I was too shy to speak English especially first time of American life. That’s my kind of regret. But I could spend fulfilling life here and these experiences are definitely big issues in my life. I can’t say just “that was fun” because that’s too cheap word to express my studying abroad.


I really want t say thank you to my friends in U.S., teachers, also my friends who cheering from Japan. Of course my family, and my lovely classmates of Hokusei.


MiuT5-2 MiuT5-3 MiuT5-4 MiuT5-1









 Hi guys!

It is Takeuchi Sarii who is in Florida. It has been less than a month until I go back Japan. Time goes so fast. I can’t wait to go back. Every day I experience exciting things even in a good way and in a bad way, so I feel fulfilled every single day.

 My life is same as you guys, I woke up in the morning just like you guys, then go to school, take classes, have a good time with my friends, and go back home.

 I want to talk about the church. Fortunately, the church which my friends go is really near my house, I have been going there several times in a month, but recently I go more often like at least once a week. From the beginning the people of the church touched friendly, but I was kind of scary, so I could not go to open from myself. Honestly that’s why I was uncomfortable stay there. However, as I got through many times I became friends with those people and kids. Then everyone asked me questions about Japan and trying to know about me. Many kids call my name and run up to me as soon as I arrived at the church. I love taking care of kids so it is a best place. I do not want to regret, but I think I should have gone to church a lot.

 Speaking of the biggest event recently, there was my first and last Prom! A month ago, from Prom, I ran around shops to look for a dress with my friends. It was a pleasant time. On the day, everyone, both girls and boys wore their favorite dresses and suit, set hair and put on makeup, it was beautiful. I have a lot of fun because I have few opportunities to wear a dress. Japan doesn’t have this culture, so it was fresh, I was happy to be able to experience it, and I remembered it vividly. Until late at night, I danced with my friends until my sole hurts (lol)

 There are lots of fun things, happy things, painful things and things that I do not want to every day, but it is up to me that situation is going good or bad, so I will take care of the rest of the days.

So, see you guys till my last report!! Fighting!! Bye guys!!

Sarii4-1 Sarii4-2 Sarii4-3





Englishの授業についてほとんどの人がこの授業で苦労すると思うので少しアドバイスしておきます。まず最初のうちは、授業でやった題材の日本語訳がないかネットで調べるといいと思います。全ての日本語訳がなくてもウィキペディアなどであらすじを読むだけで次の日授業を受けた時の理解度が大きく変わります。慣れてくるといちいち日本語訳を探さなくても間に合うようになります。それでも私が欠かさずにやっていたことは、その日読んだ部分のまとめを英語で読み、その次のチャプターも前もって予習するということです。検索するときは“題名 Analysis または Summary”と調べるとよほどマイナーな本でなければいろんなサイトが出てくるので何個か読んで理解を深めておくと良いと思います。それを徹底すればいきなり先生がPop quiz (抜き打ちテストのようなもの)するよ〜なんて言ったときにもとんでもない点数を取ることはないです!学校によって色々違うのでウィリアムシェイクスピアの作品を読んだりするクラスもあれば現代の小説や詩を中心に読むクラスもあります。でも大丈夫です!なんとかなります(笑)

英文法について、これについてはアメリカの学生も勉強中です。文法の勉強をクラスでしているときはおいていかれることはあんまりなかったです。それでも知って置いて損ではないし唯一アメリカ人に勝てる部門が英文法かもしれないです…私の学校が頭の悪い学校ではない限り! 生活しているうちに自然と仮定法だの何だの考えずにいろんな表現が身につくようになります。

学校も最初は本当に苦労しますけど慣れってすごいです。慣れればなんてことなくなります。手の抜き方もわかるようになります。色々試行錯誤してみるといいです。アメリカでの勉強も全部英語で…ってすごく難しく聞こえるかもしれないですけど、コツさえつかめば成績  A を取るのも難しくはないです。日本で良い成績をとるよりむしろ簡単だと思います。


Hi! I’m Ayane from Mississippi! This is gonna be my last report. I’m finally done with my Junior year, and I’m fixing to go back home in two weeks! I can’t’ believe how fast time flies. Throughout my exchange year, I made lots of friends and memories which I cannot replace with anything else. Looking back from here, I had hard times most of my exchange year but everything was necessary for my huge progress. Now I can tell I made it, I did it, and I am full of accomplishments. I’m so glad that I got to experience lots of new things in here.

I went on a little trip during a spring break with other two exchange students and their host family. We went to the coast and stayed there for three days. I had so much fun! There were lots of Casinos, I took pictures in front of entrances cuz I couldn’t go in. But they looked so fabulous and made me wanna go in. I don’t think I’m gonna be a gambler or something like that in the future though. We rode go-cart, went to aquarium and souvenir stores. I got some postcards there and I sent those to my grandmothers in Japan, they both were surprised to hear from me. Hehe

Oh I really wanna tell y’all something! There was an assignment of research paper in English class, and I chose The Attack on Pearl Harbor for my topic. That was really hard, I had to read through some articles and books to support my research paper and I had to write seven pages in total with my own words, no plagiarism. Eww but I think that was a good opportunity to learn about significant history between Japan and the U.S. And also that was a good opportunity to improve my writing. If anybody wants to read my paper, I got a copy of my paper so just let me know. I did really good job on my paper hehe. (I made a score of 98 even though class average was like 70 or somewhere in there.)

And next is about one of my precious memories in the U.S. PROM!! I went to Prom with a group of girls. It was literally amazing, I can’t tell in a word. I really wanna go back and do it again from a dress shopping. I’m gonna put few pictures from my prom on the end of my report!

Next! Band trip to Atlanta, Georgia!!! I had three-day band trip on the end of April, I had competition on the first day, our band got the highest prize and we went to watch baseball game that night. Believe it or not, that was the first baseball game I’ve ever watched in my life. That game was Atlanta Braves vs. New York Mets. Ehh I forgot which team won. I had to leave before the game end because of hotel check-in. I went to the Six Flags (theme park) on the second day, but it was crazy with bunch of people… I only rode two rides. I had dinner at Nights Show on that evening, I saw white horses for the first time there. I went to The World of Coke on the last day. I found some Japanese people there. There was a taste booth in the coke museum. They had some drinks from all over the world, and there was Japanese one too. But that was some kinda vegetable juice which I had never seen in Japan. And it tasted nothing, with no color, no smell, just like water. FAKE! My friends asked me why Japanese people drink no-taste vegetable juice, and I kept telling them that’s a fake, I’ve never seen it before.

My best friend asked me to go to New Orleans before I go back to Japan, so I went there with her and her parents in the beginning of May. Y’all probably have heard of New Orleans, it’s really famous with music. That city is an origin of jazz and blues. There was music everywhere or course, crazy people everywhere, bad smell everywhere (I guess this is one of problems the U.S. is facing, big cities are not usually clean and neat like big cities in Japan are.) But it was really pretty to see some old buildings from the nineteenth century.

I only got 14 days left till I go back home, till I leave here. Am I ready to go home? YES. Am I ready to see my friends and my family? YES. I’ve been dreaming the day I get to see them again. And it’s finally only two weeks away from now. But the thing is that I have friends and my second family here. I don’t know about my future but I will get to see my Japanese family and friends more than I see my American family and friends. I don’t know, I might not be able to see some of my friends here anymore. That’s just sad, to promise to come back even though I’m not sure about my own future. I don’t know when I will be able to come back, I don’t know how late it’s gonna be. I wish there’s a dokodemo door(どこでもドア) so that I can go and come back and forth anywhere and anytime I want to. I just cannot make my mind, I know I have to leave and I do wanna see my family and friends but I just don’t wanna leave my precious friends and family here who made me smile even when I had a hard time understanding English and adjusting myself into American life. One year might be long enough to improve English, but it’s obviously too long to make friendships. If I’m only staying only like six months or less, it wouldn’t be this hard to leave here.

Anyways I’m finally coming back in two weeks! I’m so excited to see you all again!! This time is not “see you in next report!” It is time to say see you in Japan!!

Ayane5-1 Ayane5-2 Ayane5-3 Ayane5-4






Hi from North Bay Canada! The snow has melted away and the warm weather is right around the corner! How’s the weather in Sapporo?

I’d like to talk about my recent life in Canada.

I wrote that I was going to join the badminton club in the third report but the season is over so I join track and field.

I really like the club because I join the club with my best friend and I made some new friends.

I have a competition on this Wednesday and I’m sure that I will be the worst one but I’m really excited about it lol. I’m going to finish around here.

Thank you for reading my report!! BYE!

 Ayano4-1 Ayano4-2 Ayano4-3