












 I feel its coming summer pretty soon, and I’m sure you guys feel same way too.

In summer, I perfectly remember that Japan has so nice smell at the outside, and my eyes will get a little bit burn because of nice smell smoke. What I just wanna say Japan has Sumibiyakiniku, and I really miss that so much.

That is so different than any American BBQ, and I need to eat it right now. The huge difference is flavor. I like to taste a little bit better of burn and, Sumi makes meets such a wonderful juicy and tasty, you can feel the summer wind, and eat the wonderful meets…. You guys can have that right now if you want for tonight. If you are reading this, you should do it for tonight. I’m telling you that you guys should appreciate that you are in Japan. Sometimes you will feel hard to live in Japan or any situation, but you should know that Japan is such a wonderful country and you should feel happiness even that is a small thing, so you guys are so lucky. I will definitely have Sumibiyakiniku when I go back.

Anyway, how are you doing?

I’m Luluna, and I’m staying in California. I found out couple weeks ago that my name is actually Italian. Lulu mean is moon and wonderful in Italy, Luna mean is moon in French. Italian and French are so similar, so I can’t tell which is better for my name but, I think Italian is better for my name because people call me Lulu.

I can’t believe this is the last report from USA.

Think about when I came here, I was so nervous for everything. That is hard to stay here without my parents for 1 year and, it’s takes a long time to get used to every stuff for a Japanese high school girl, and I had to survive by myself. People think that we have host family, so they will support me but, it is not. I mean they will support me a lot but, we have to know each other first and, they will find the reason why they will help me. I mean GIVE AND TAKE.  We needed to create good relationship, and it is not easy that you think.

I did a lot of things in the America. I tried what I think I can’t, and I made a lot of mistakes. I felt disappointing of me and sometimes, I felt sad for people of around me, and I learned what sadness, hardness and happiness is from that.

If you don’t know how you feel terrible, you will never know what the happiness is. I needed to know what is terrible, and I needed to realize how I can handle it. When I was in japan, I couldn’t realize that, and I learned from a lot of mistakes that no baby will never know. That is my benefit, and that made me better.

I really appreciate that I had environment, and my family, friends and teachers. When I had difficult situation, someone definitely helped me. I couldn’t handle that without their support. I have no idea how I can show my appreciation to them, but I think I can show them that I become great adult.

I have university exam when I go back to Japan which is really nervous, but I have confident because I know who I am now.

 I still need to know different world, more different mistakes and more fears because I’m still kid, but I am here even still 17 years old by myself, and I can survive in America. I should believe myself, and I’m proud of myself to be honest.

I’m looking forward to seeing family and show how I grown up. It might be small changing, but it was hard to change myself. I’m so excited to go back to my country, but I will miss America. I’m sad that I leave here. I love America, and I want to come back again. I will come back here.

Anyway, I visited Florida recently, and that was great. I went Disney world of course, I stayed there about 1 week. I had really good time. That was kind of humid and warm there, and I saw many Japanese people for some reason. I guess that was golden week, so that why I saw many Japanese people, or I was just missed Japanese people.

I had prom next day when I came back to CA, and also that was great. I didn’t like music very much, but I had good time because of my friends.

I don’t have any exciting invent except Final. I did Final and finally, I can go back. What I’m going to do is just enjoy rest of my America! So, see you soon! I love you guys!




先週プロムがありました!私とダブルプレイスメントと他2人の友達と行きました。プロムは学校ではなく州都のデンバーで行われてホームカミングよりも盛大で華やかなものでした。会場には友達もいて一緒に踊ったりたくさん写真を撮ったり話したり、楽しかったです。何人かの友達から「日本の学校にもプロムはあるの?」と聞かれて「ないよ、だからこれが最初で最後」と答えるたび驚かれました。8時から12時前までやっていて私たちは11時半位まで会場にいたので帰りの車では皆疲れて爆睡してました() 正直アメリカにきた当初はプロムに行くつもりは全くなかったと言っても過言ではなかったんですが行って正解でした。日本の学校にもプロムが必要だと思います!()

プロムが終わった次の週にFinal Examがありました。American Literature, Spanishs1, ESL, Algebra2で試験がありましたがどれもすごく難しかったというわけではないので成績は大丈夫だと思います。American LiteratureESLはプレゼンテーションがFinalの課題だったんですがあまり緊張することなく終えることが出来ました。American Literatureのクラスでは先生がシニアへ花をくれました。渡されるときに先生が「頑張ったね」といってくれて少し泣きそうになりました。




Hi everyone, this is my last report, and when it comes out on Hokusei’s website, I might be in japan.

Last week, I had a Prom! It was held in Denver and I went with my friends. It was better and better than Hoco. I danced, talked, took a lot of pictures, with my friends. It was really fun. When I said that we don’t have prom in japan, most of my friends were so surprised. When I came to the US, I didn’t think I would go to prom, but now, I think we definitely need Prom in Japan!

A week after prom, I had my Final exam. I had American Literature, Spanish1, ESL, and Algebra2. I think my grades will be fine. My final exam was some presentations in American literature class and ESL class, I wasn’t too nervous and I did it well. At the end of class in American Literature, my teacher gave seniors including me the flower. My teacher told me that I did well in this class. When I heard it I almost cried.

When I came to school in August, I was afraid to everything even speaking English. I couldn’t catch up with some classes but I didn’t ask anything to other students, and I couldn’t catch up with the classes more. I was crying a lot because I disappointed with my English, but I realized just crying was useless. Comparing myself with others has no future in it. I realized it through my exchange year. It was not easy to spend 10 months with foreign language, and different culture, but the reason my exchange year became awesome was people around me. I’m really thankful to all of my families and teachers and friends, in the US and in Japan. Goodbye!

Ayana5-1 Ayana5-2 Ayana5-3


Hello! I am Hinako Nakao ,stay in North Bay, Ontario. First, I have to apologize to Steven because I forgot to write the report at all. I am sorry about that.

Anyway, I have a lot happenings these days ,so I gonna tell those.

I joined a drama festival in my area as one of staffs of my high school. It was really fantastic time because that was the first time to see other high schools’ plays. I could know characteristics of each high schools though the times. We could go region competition ,but could not go to Ontario competition. That was kinda sad ,but I experienced such fabulous times as a one of stuffs of the drama club for about  7 months. I finished my drama club so, now days I joined girls’ soccer team in my high school. To be honest, I am not very athletic ,so I thought It was not possible to pass the tryout ,but I did because of super miracle. I cannot believe it even now lol. However, sometimes, I have felt uncomfortable when I spend times with my girls’ soccer teammates because some of teammates are so mean. For example, Even if one of people is next to me while making a pair in practices, they try to escape me. That is not funny and It makes me alone. Of course, some of teammate is friendly, but you know, I just want to tell about the kinda discrimination for you guys especially, 5G students. But, I really do not wanna give up making a good relationship including some of mean people.  However, actually, I have had fun with friends ,so don’t too worry me lol.

Do you guys remember I was suffering form my host family. I told my problem to my local coordinator but I couldn’t change. However, now is fun so far ,so don’t worry me again lol.

 Next is about Florida. I went to Florida while a spring break. It was so fun ,but you know I always live in cold places ,so Florida was too hot place for me to be honest. Florida was complete different place compared with Canada. The place was like a movie.



まず、ドラマスタッフの裏方としてドラマフェスティバル(高文連みたいなもの)に参加しました。他の高校の劇を始めて見たり、各それぞれの高校のドラマクラブの特徴などが知れて本当に楽しかったです。地区大会は突破出来ましたが、オンタリオ州の大会出場には出場出来ませんでした。もう、このドラマクラブの活動が無いと思うと悲しいですが、ドラマクラブのメンバーの一員として約7ヶ月間、とても良い経験をさせてもらいました!本当にドラマクラブのみんなが大好きです!!ドラマクラブの活動が終わってしまったので、今は、運動音痴のくせに奇跡的にサッカーチームのトライアウトに合格したため、サッカーチームに所属しています。でも、正直、サッカークラブのチームメイトの中に意地悪な人がいて、居心地が悪いです。でも、日本に帰るまでに、その意地悪な人達にも「日向子やるやん!」みたいな感じに挽回してやりたいですね。負けたく無いです。笑 でも、普段の学校生活は無茶苦茶、安定して楽しいのでご安心を笑


 そして、最後にホストファミリーと春休みの間、フロリダに行ってました!! 正直ずっと寒い所に住んでいるので、なんだか、新鮮でしたね笑。あと、行くと事どころが、映画みたいで、無茶苦茶楽かったです!!!


 HinakoN4-1 HinakoN4-2 HinakoN4-3


こんにちは。モンタナ州ユリーカに留学中の益子珠里です。みなさんはいかがお過ごしでしょうか。私は元気ですが、とても忙しい毎日を過ごしています。これは私の最後のレポートです。まず最初に学校生活についてお話ししようと思います。私は今、先生方のアシストをする授業、英語、美術、アメリカ史、数学、体育を取っているのですが、どの教科もとても難しく、特にアメリカ史は授業について行くことでさえとても大変です。私の英語の先生がと手も素晴らしい方でいつも私を助けてくださいます。私は今ソフトボール部に所属していているのですが、部活と勉強の両立は日本にいた時と同じように全く簡単なことではありません。一日七時間の授業を受け、放課後にソフトボールを夜の七時くらいまでやり、帰宅してから宿題をやって、、、毎日これの繰り返しです。宿題がたくさんある時や、ソフトボールの試合がある時などはとても疲れが溜まり, 何度か授業をスキップしたりと、全てにやる気がない時期もありました。ですがなんとかFはとらないように自分のベストを尽くしています。ここアメリカに来てから約9ヶ月になりますが、英語力には全く自信を持てず焦っています。残りあと1ヶ月の留学生活となりましたが、一日一日を大切にします。まだ日本に帰国する準備はできていませんが、帰国前にできることは全力で頑張ります。ここアメリカに来てから日本では毎日欠かさずやっていた勉強もほとんどできなくなり全く生活習慣が変化してしまったので帰国後に対応できるように今から意識していこうと思います。

 Hello. I am Juri from Eureka, Montana. How are you guys doing? I am good but I am spending really busy days. This is my last report. Time flies super fast… I will talk about my American school life first. I am taking TA, English, Art, American History, Computer Programing, Math, and PE. Everything is still really difficult for me and it is really hard to keep my grades. Especially, American History is the hardest class so I am still having a hard time to understand what my teacher’s saying… I have an awesome English  teacher, her name is Mrs. Anderson. She helps me a lot. Not only good at teaching but also she is like my role model ever. I am the lucky one to have her as a best teacher, and such an amazing role model. I will keep trying hard to keep my grades and I will try my best to talk to people in person. Next, I am going to tell you about my club activities. I am on the softball club right now, and I am really enjoying it. The softball practices are so much fun but I have never played softball in my life so it is kinda hard to learn how to play softball and I don’t even know the softball rules to be honest. I can still have so much fun with my amazing friends though. However the softball season is almost over, so I am so sad but I can still go to the practice right after school. It has been already nine months since I came here, I can not believe that. I am not ready to go back to Japan at all. I love being here and it is going to be really hard to say goodbye to my host family and my friends… I really think that I wish I could stay here longer as a exchange student but I have no choice but to go back. I am really being lazy these days so I will change myself and accept the situation and need to move on.

Thank you for reading my report.

Juri5-3 Juri5-1 Juri5-2









Hello everyone, I am Yuri in North Dakota.

Although I am leaving here in 2 weeks from today, I do not start packing yet because I can’t imagine that I am in Japan and how I act there.

I guess I am the one who go back to Japan earliest in 5G. Oh noooooooo.

 Anyway, I had many events to go in this 2 months. One of them is prom which was one of my dream. Most of my money (from my parents) is gone. First time was my school that I go now with my date. Second time was the school that I have gone before with my friends. So I went prom twice. There was a party which is called “after prom party” after prom. It was almost 5:00 when I get home from prom party. It was awesome. I like it.

 After that, Sushi party was held in our house. We made some Sushi roll with salmon and caviar by ourselves. There are more than 15 people in this party which was many and fun. It was busy weekend because the day before we had this party was prom and it was hard to go back to school next day.

 And I have one more event which is going to Mall of America in Minnesota in a few days. I am going to buy bunch of souvenir. I can’t wait to go there!

 This is the last report about my American life and I am going to leave here in less than 2 weeks which I don’t realize yet. I am not sure if I want to go back to Japan or not. I am tired of my emotional ups and downs are intense. I have met many type of people. I have been annoyed many times to myself because I thought I am damn when I had negative thinking because of my English skill. I thought I want to be kind even if I do not have afford myself.

 Anyway, my study abroad in America is almost done. I really appreciate people who are involved this abroad and support me. I am looking forward to seeing you guys!

 P.S. Please don’t bully me because of I gained a lot lol

Yuri5-1 Yuri5-2 Yuri5-3


Hi this is Rina Fujine from Michigan. Time is going fast, this is my last report, so that mean my exchange year is almost over. This time I would like to talk about what I did these day and all the experience in here.

 I’m still busy from softball but I’m having fun. I have game every week and I have practice every day after school, but softball season will over 2 weeks later. How sad is it. This is second time I play softball and its different country, different team, but I still like to play softball.

About one week ago, I had last orientation at my coordinator’s house and this was the last time I could see my exchange student’s friends, because they are all go to different school. We ate hamburger and dessert then we made smore, and I talked with my friends a lot. I had really good time and I already miss them.

 I cannot forget first time I came Michigan. Sometimes I thought I want to back to NC, because I had great time in there. Also, I missed Japan, my friends, and my life in Japan too. I had a lot of hard time in here but also, I spend a lot of fun time too. My friends and teachers helped me a lot I cannot say thank you enough to them. I’ve never have favorite teacher before I came here, but now I have favorite teacher. That’s big change for me. My favorite teacher is super funny, and he helped me a lot. So, I like to go to school to see my friends and teachers.

I’m appreciate who helped my exchange year. I’m kind of excited go back to Japan, because I could see my friends, and I could eat Japanese food every day also I could back to my normal life in Japan, but I’m sure I’ll miss my friends, teachers, and my host school in here. I don’t know how to explain how I’m feeling now.

A lot of new experiences changed my mind and made me strong. My exchange year is the one of the best experience in my life. Again, I’m appreciate my family, friends, and teachers from Japan. 3 weeks later I’m going to back to Japan, and I’m already senior in there, I’m not ready for that.

Thank you for reading my report, see you in Japan.









Rina5-1 Rina5-2 Rina5-3


みなさんこんにちは!アメリカ、ジョージア州に滞在している、きららです!みなさんいかがお過ごしですか?最後のレポートを書く日が本当に来るなんて思ってなかったので驚きです。 あぁ、なんだかこのレポートを書くのに、少し緊張します!笑 とうとう日本に帰るまで、1ヶ月を切ってしまいました。今回のレポートは自分の正直な心境と、感謝と後輩たちへのメッセージを伝えていければいいなと思います。ので少しお付き合いください!プロムとかのお話はしません!私のクラスメートや歴代の先輩方のレポートを見てくださいね。




来る前に手に入れた情報なんてほぼ意味ありません!想像以上にしんどいことあります。想像以上に自分にがっかりします。それと同時に倍、頑張んなきゃってなります。そしたら想像以上に強くなります。今こそ、自分のペースで過ごしていますが、最初は本当、多分誰もが通る道と思いますが、“大変”です。何度も挫折して、帰りたいなんて何度も思いました。来る前は、帰りたいなんて私は多分思わないだろうなぁって思っていました。なぜなら自信があったからです。友達や学校のことで困ったことがなかったんです。今のとこ、人生で一番つらかった時期だったと思います。でもこれは確実に私の大切な経験で、通るべき道でした。来る前の私はHow are you doing?に対してI’m fineしか、返し方がわからないレベルでした。



いや、大丈夫じゃないです。(じゃなかったです笑)この質問は6Gの中で私が一番説得力があるでしょう、体験談です。来て1ヶ月、沢山、友達を作るチャンスが来ます。どこから来たの?なんで来たの?って聞かれます。私はたくさんのチャンスを無駄にしてしまいました。なぜなら英語が全然話せなかったからです。それが世界一悔しかったし、自分がまるで自分じゃないと感じたのが最初の挫折です。まぁ、友達はできます。笑 辛い話をしたくせにそんな簡単に友達できるんかいと思うでしょうけど、できます。絶対優しい人たちはいるし、なんとかなるように自分が努力するものです。なので、あんま変に心配しないで来る前にできるだけ話す練習をしたらいいと思います。一つ、アドバイス。笑顔は世界共通でみんな好きです。ニコニコしてる人に人は寄って来ます。来ればわかります。楽しさは作れます。練習です何事も、マジで。












Hey, how are you doing guys? I’m Kirara in Georgia. I just realized it is my last report. It is sad. I’m kinda nervous to write this report. lol I have about 3 weeks until go to back to JAPAN, gosh I can not believe it. Then, I’ll write about my feeling, thankful and advice. Ok, let’s start.


I’d like to tell you that I made a right decision to study abroad. Before came here, of course I wasn’t ready to go. I was nervous, worried a lot.so I asked a lot. I saw report a lot. but to be honest, that was totally meaningless at all! I am sorry to say that! I swear, you will experience many things you’ve never experienced. And I think you will disappoint yourself at least once. But then you will change, and get better. First time, that was hardest part for me. I experienced failure. I felt I want to go home! Before came to US, I didn’t expect that. I was sure I’m not gonna be homesick.

Because I had confidence and enjoyed my life. but the time was harder than I thought. I could not speak a lot like I can say.. hello and I’m fine. lol

                   Just a few weeks ago, a hokusei student who wants to go study abroad asked me

“ I’m not good at speaking English, is it ok?”

honestly, No, It is not ok. LOL you know what? Because I was not ok. I think you will have opportunity to tell who you are to American or Canada people. They will ask you like Hey where are you from? What’s grade are you in? Why did you choose here?  I couldn’t say any good response. Because I was not good at speaking English. That was my first failure and I really regretted it. After that, I got few friends. Because I changed. Now I have a lot of friends. It because I tried. See?  I think all of my 6G classmate have changed a lot. before you go to America or Canada, just you can try what you need. I can promise you will get some friends, there are a lot of people who is kind or interested in you! (or Japan) so, Don’t worry! ha ha

I recommend you, you should be smile every time. just do it. Smile makes people smiling. People love smiling people lol You will know what I mean, you can make good situation.


                   I realized how Good and safe my life was in japan. My habit changed completely, and got used to it and it became usual habit and natural. I mean I’m living my life just like usually. I forgot Japanese life. I think there is good thing, there is only 1 year. Do you think is it short or long? It is short time. so you can think that you can do anything cause you have only a year, right?

Actually you are allowed to try everything you want. You can make friends everyone who you want to. You can join club which you are interested in. you can be anything you want to be. Do you what I mean? No one know who you are. You do not have to be shy. I know you will feel scary to try. But I learned that I was wasting time. you will get better. I got better than before. So seriously, do not worry. I cried in class when I felt kindness directly. Because I could understood my classmate tried to help me and their words were really soft. And I also learned crying is okay. You don’t have to endure it. every time, My local coordinator said to me “why do Japanese hate to cry in front of people? Americans cry a lot. you can cry. It is ok to cry. “ These words makes me cry lol but she is right. They will accept you.

I learned bunch of things. This year was my biggest experience in my life. I love American friends. They are sweet. These days They say to me that they will miss me almost everyday. It makes me really sad. They will have a party for me. Also My host family are making a plan to trip.  I’m really excited about it. so, I love them.

  thank you guys for reading my report. And my Japanese family, my lovely 6G friends, my friends, teachers, coordinator and host family. I really thank you for supporting me. Already American life was like a dream. That was a moment. And I’ll never forget it.

THANK YOU& I LOVE YOU.       Kirara Doi

Kirara5-1 Kirara5-2 Kirara5-3




お買い物もして、Top of the RockTimes SquareCentral Parkなど観光名所もたくさん行きました。あ、あとトランプタワーにトイレをしに行きました!()3日目の夜にはナイトクルーズがあって、自由の女神の目の前を通って、本当に綺麗でした…..

それに旅行で出会った人たちが本当に素敵すぎて大好きすぎて…. アジア人はシャイで子どもっぽいイメージだったけど、萌衣たちはオシャレでカッコいいよってみんなが言ってくれてすっっごく嬉しかったです。


あまりにも離れるのが嫌で、みんなと別れる時号泣してました() 離れて一人でバスに乗ってる時でさえ悲しすぎて泣いてました()










Hi, guys!! I’m Moe Fujinaka and I stay in Canada,Onario. I’m so sorry to hand in this report lately. But there is the reason why I was late! I went to NY!!  if somebody saw my instagram, you know how much fun it was…. that was the best trip Ive ever had. I had done a bunch of amazing stuff. so I have no idea what should I write first.

I went to shopping and I went to Top of the Rock, Times Square and Central Park… and….! I went to Trump Tower to just go to washroom lol it’s kinda fancy, isn’t it? 

We had a night cruise and that was amazing… that cruise past in front of Statue of Liberty.

Moreover, people who I met in this trip is AMAZING.  they said “Asian people is usually shy and kinda childish but you guys are not, you guys are so cool and fashionable” I was really happy to hear that. I do appreciate everybody who I met in this trip. Honestly, when I had to say goodbye to my friends, I was crying and crying. You know that’s too sad. And even I got the bus by myself, I cried. That’s kinda embarrassing lol I hope I can see them at some point.

If somebody will study abroad in Canada, definitely I recommend you to join the trip!


Anyway…. There is only 2 months to finish my exchange year…Time flies!!

I hope my English skill would be better. And honestly 2 questions stuck in my head. One is “Who I am” and “what I want to be” I hope I could answer this questions when I leave here.


I appreciate my teacher, family and friends who always support me.


See you next report!



こんにちわ!アメリカのニューハンプシャーに留学中のひかりです。これがもう四回目の北星レポートになるなんて信じられません、時間が経つの速すぎです!今回のレポートでは先月に行ったフロリダのことについて主に書きたいと思います、どうぞ最後までお付き合いください。まずはこの間、セミフォーマルのダンスパーテイに他の留学生と一緒に行って来ました。真っ赤なレースのドレスに黒いヒールの靴とお化粧もしてみんなから素敵だよ!と褒めてもらいました。ついでに最近やっと腹を割って話すことが出来るようになったホストファザーからも、フラメンコダンサーみたいだねという愛のこもったお言葉をしっかり頂きました・・・・・。そして、2月に同じ学校に通っている他の留学生とエリアレップで一週間ほどフロリダに行きました。テーマパークに行ったり、マイアミビーチ周辺を観光したり毎日かなり忙しかったですがとても充実したバケーションになりました。マイアミビーチに行ったときはTaylor Swiftやカイリー、ケンドルジェナー、ヴィクトリアベッカムの家を近くから見ることが出来ました! そしてなんと幸運なことに滞在先オーランドでホテルコンシェルジュとお話をする機会がありエリアレップがRitz-Carlton Orlandに連れて行ってくれました!エントランスに入ったときはドアマンの人たちに見られまくったのでショートパンツにシャツと軽装で行ったことに少し後悔しましたが留学生であること、コンシェルジュになりたいと言うと沢山の経験を話してくれました。来週は待ちに待ったNYCに週末行ってきます!


Hikari4-2 Hikari4-3


こんにちは Hi 안녕하세요 你好 عليكم السلام



セカンドセメスターは引き続き中国語、アラビア語、日本語、英語、Geometry, Study Hallに加えて,Philosophy of Thought, Cultural Perspective in Artをとっています。

このArtのクラスはただの美術の授業ではなく、アジアや中東の伝統的な芸術について学びます。なんと水墨画や習字や折り紙もしましたよ笑 やはり日本で生まれ育っただけあって折り紙はもちろん、筆や墨の扱いには他の人より慣れているのでいつも褒められます笑 わあい( ᐛ )

一番のお気に入りはやっぱり中国語のクラスです。先月、先生に「来年はHonors(普通のクラスより少しだけレベルが高いクラス)を取ってみない?」と勧められてとても嬉しかったのですが来年はもういないことを伝えるとすごく寂しがられました笑 語学系の授業は大変だけど大好きなので苦ではないです。日本に帰っても中国語とアラビア語の勉強は続けようと思います。

授業の理解度はだいぶあがっていますが、未だについていけない授業も普通にあります。留学前の予定では、4月頃には全ての授業についていけてるはずだったんだけどな…?笑 とくにPhilosophy of Thoughtの授業では、私の興味のある分野(うまく説明できないので説明は省きますがとても面白い)について学んでいるのに、授業の内容についていけないときがが本当に悔しいです。でも先生や友達のフォローのおかげでなんとか生きてます。焦らずに頑張っていこうと思います。言い訳みたいかもしれないけど、英語力の伸びには個人差があります。周りと比べたり、焦って漠然とした不安を抱いてもしょうがないんですよね。それに気づいてからはだいぶ生きやすくなりました。それにこの留学で自分の英語力が完成するわけじゃなくて、留学後だって英語とは付き合っていくわけですから。自分のペースで頑張って向上させていこうと思います。かといって帰国後に周りと比べられるのは怖いですけど笑


あと2ヶ月で帰国だなんてなんだか不思議ですね。2ヶ月後にどんな気持ちでここを去るのか想像できません。残りの2ヶ月友達やファミリーとたくさん思い出を作っていこうと思います。日本ではもう新学期がはじまっていますね! みなさんの新しい生活を応援しています。そしてもうすぐ留学を控えているみなさん… 勉強は絶対してくださいね笑 毎日机に向かって必死に勉強しろ!とは言いません。ただあなたの留学をより有意義なものにするためにも、今できそうなことはしておくことをお勧めします! それでは次のレポートで!


Hi from Connecticut. I’m Lumina. It’s already late April. I was surprised when my study abroad company told me the date when I will leave here. Actually, My third report was due on February, but I couldn’t submit it because I was quite hectic then to change my host family. Now I’m glad to be here, Bridgeport! It took a long time to change my host family. I can’t thank all of people who helped me. I really appreciate it. I will try my best here rest of my study abroad.


I take Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, English, Geometry, Study Hall, Philosophy of thought and Cultural Perspective in Art during 2nd semester. Cultural Perspective in Art, we learn about the art of Asia and middle east in this class. I never thought I would do Japanese calligraphy, ink painting and origami at school in America. My friends and teacher prize me every time when I do my work. I appreciate what I’ve got as Japanese.

My most favorite class is definitely Chinese. Last month, my Chinese teacher suggest me to take higher class next year. But I’m not going to be here any longer… she looked sad to hear that.

Learning languages is not easy, but I really enjoy it because I like it. I’m going to keep learning Chinese and Arabic even when I go back to Japan.

I find it easier to understand what I should do in the classes than I used to. But there are still some classes I can’t even follow. I had thought I would be able to understand most of what people say before I came here. Especially, I get mad at myself every time when I can’t understand it in Philosophy of thought class which is very interesting class for me. But my friends and teacher always help me.


This might sound weird to you, but to what extent your English has improved varies depending on the person. Comparing others and being worried brings me nothing. Also, I’m not going to be done with learning English at the end of this study abroad. I’m going to keep dedicating to it as long as I can.  All I can do is just to keep trying. (I would be awkward to be compared English skill with others though.)


It’s really strange that I have to go back to Japan in 2 months. I can’t even imagine how I think when I leave here. I want to make more memories rest of my year. I think many of you who are reading this report already started new semester! I hope it’s going to be awesome year for all of you. Also, people who are going to study abroad this year… you should study! I don’t think you have to be too hard at your studying, but you should do what you can do now to enhance your life in America.

See you!

Rumina4-1 Rumina4-2