




さて、今回のレポートでは前回のレポートでも書いたように学校のこと、そしてthanks giving、その他諸々お話ししていきたいと思います。


私がいいな、と思うアメリカのテキトーさ、と言うよりも緩い部分は、授業中お菓子や飲み物がokだったり、先生がsnap chatに載せるからといって授業中にビデオを撮り始めたり、自分の好きなことを学校の規則に縛られずにできるというところです。そしてもう一つ、私がアメリカのここがいいなー、と思った部分は「Hi, Friend!」と言って名前を知らない友達(友達と呼べるのかわかりませんが笑)に軽く簡単に挨拶できることです。日本語にすると「やっほー、友達!」でしょうか。なんか変ですね。あまり仲良くない人同士でもこうやって軽く挨拶を交わすことができるのって素敵だと思います。学校関係のことはこれくらいにしておきます。

続いてthanks givingについてです。私はChicago、Wisconsin、Michiganに行って来ました。Chicagoの夜景はとても綺麗でした。シカゴピザというものが有名らしくて食べたのですが厚みががすごいだけで味は変わりませんでした。普通のピザと変わりなく美味しかったです。Wisconsinではホストファミリーの友達に会いにいき、ミシガンでは大学を見て来ました。今年ホストブラサーが大学へ進学するのでそのためです。私のホストブラザーはとても頭が良くて学校のトップらしいんです。大学の話とか聞いていると、ハーバードとかスタンフォードなど頭の良さそうな大学の名前がたくさん聞こえて来ます。私には程遠い話です。



Hi, im Hinata studying abroad in Montgomery Alabama. What’s going on you guys? I can’t believe it’s already been 5 months since i came here and i still can’t comprehend what im in America lol

It’s not like freezing in Alabama, but im feeling very cold.


By the way, have your school started already? It’s changed 2nd semester from 1st semester in my school. Im having classes of psychology, U.S.history, plant biotechnology, algebra, English, Driver’s education and French. I think im getting better to understand their English and get good grade.


Anyway, i have what i want you guys to know about America. We have no shool da becaouse of the snow. I dont know if other states have days like that, but it makes us happy, isn’t it? I think it’s only about 5 cm snow on the ground in Alabama. It’s so weird for me to have no school because of a littele snow lol


Then, let me change the topic and i want to talk about the trip.

I went to Kansas as Christmas trip. It had lots of snow there and was freezing lol i had wonderful time with my host family and its my good memory for my life in America. I really enjoyed getting Christmas present. I got a lot of staffs from many people. It made me really happy. I hope you guys also enjoyed your Christmas and New years day.


Im afraid of i won’t have things to talk, so let me stop to talk lol


I wish will have a good time with my host family and friends in America same as so far.

Thank you for reading



Hi, I’m Miu Saeki and I want to share my routine and I had some events while I didn’t make this report, so I’ll talk about that. My everyday routine is so normal. I wake up at 7 and eat breakfast, change my clothes or staff like that. I usually walk to school at 7:50 and arrive at 8:15 with my host mom. My first period is ESL class which is for exchange students. We used to be work on a lot of assignments but the teacher doesn’t like us because last ESL classmates were so friendly and funny  but we aren’t. So, we don’t have any assignments. Next class is Tourism class. I don’t recommend to take a tourism class.. there is a lot of homework (it’s depends on your teacher), everyone is so smart, I have to know geography, culture, animals, climate, and history. Lunch time is also 11:15 to 11:50and next class is English. I like my teacher because he try to give me a lot of examples when I cant understand what should I do next and he encouraged me when I get good marks. Also we read some books and write reading logs. It’s like hokusei’s reading class! (but I think Canadian reading log is more difficult) I think English class makes my English better. Next class is science class which is my favourite because teacher is so kind and I could get good marks and it’s also easy for me. Grade 10 science class is like all kind of science.. so I did biology, climate, chemistry, colour, light or something like that. Unit test is difficult but I can get extra time to finish that and I can get answer from teacher sometimes. I don’t have science exam and English exam because I got more than 70% and less than 10 absent. I’m actually lucky girl and I’m so happy for that! After school I go back to home with my Chinese friend (Gloriana). I do my home work before the dinner but I usually can’t finish my homework so I work on my homework after dinner too. After homework, I can get free time. (watch Japanese TV or game or sleep) Take a shower and go to sleep at 12 a.m.


My events in here is thanksgiving and homecoming I think. I did thanksgiving twice! I was live with the family which is I introduced last time and I did with my host family(this family means my host family that I’m living with now) ! First time was Canadian style and of cause I eat turkey, potatoes, corns, and carrots. pumpkin pie was so good and I can’t forget about the taste. Second time when I’ve come to my new home after 2 days I think. I didn’t know about everyone even my new host parents! That was good time but I was so shy. Homecoming, I wasn’t sure what’s going on actually. We had a big celemony depends on grade, and I got a seal from my friend and watched football game. However I came back to home before the game was finished so I don’t know which school won.  In Halloween, I  put on a gorilla costume and got some candies from teacher. Actually, I didn’t eat Halloween food but I could get some candies.


毎朝は自分の携帯のアラームかマザーに起こされておきます。朝ごはんは週によってオートミール、トーストを食べます。フルーツも自分で選ぶとマザーが買ってきてくれてそのうえランチバックも用意してくれます。学校に行く時間はだいたい7:55でマザーと一緒に歩いて20分で着きます。学校につくとESLのクラスが始まります。先生のやる気がなくなってきているので特に楽しくはないですがフリータイムが多いので私にはありがたい授業でもあります。ですがセミ2にもあると思うと少し嫌ですが、がんばりたいとおもいます。その次のクラスはツアリズムのクラスなのですが私は先生にもよるけれどツアリズムは絶対にお勧めしません。常識のように知らない単語がテストに出てきます。Outback って出てきたんです。これはオーストラリアの中心部分を表すらしく( Uluruが中心)そんなのもわかるわけでもなく勘で推し進めたら37/40を取れました!快挙ですね!まじめにやってたらきっとこんな点数とれませんでした(笑)

特にツアリズムは天気、地理、歴史、距離を求める計算、時間の計算など、、一番嫌なのは、旅行のプランを立てる課題です。たくさんの英語、知らない言語でもう頭がぐちゃぐちゃで、コスト計算もどれがどの数字かわけわからなくなります。そしてなぜか毎回20日以上の滞在なのです。やめてほしいですね!当日何をするかなんて行ってから決めちゃえばいいのに!そんなこんなでツアリズムはお勧めしません。ランチタイムは友達と食べたり、宿題も多いので一人で勉強したりしています。次の英語のクラスは、先生がとてもやさしくて私が理解できないときは例題をくれたり課題を少し簡単にしてくれたり気遣いが半端ないです。本関係の課題が多くて苦手ですが、読んだ本の映画を見たり、クイズをしたり、ジャーナルを書いたり難しいといえば難しいですが特に大きな問題はありません!4時間目のサイエンスは私の大好きな授業で、先生は優しい、面白い、わかるまで説明してくれる上に質問がしやすくて最高なんです。サイエンスと言っても総合されたもので人の体、天気、色とライト、化学などたくさんしています。あなたは留学生だから何でも質問してね!テスト中でも構わないよと言ってくれてテスト中に質問したらほとんどやり方や答えの導き方まで教えてくれました(笑)そして一番成績もいいのがこの授業なので一番好きです。はなしをルーティーンに戻しますが、 家に帰る時は中国人の友達と帰ります。家に着くと昼寝か宿題をします。用ご飯はアジア料理かアメリカン料理です。(ラザニア、ダーティーライス、日本のカレー、スモークビーフなどなど)とってもおいしいです。食事の後はテレビを見るまたは宿題をします。土日のこの時間は家族で映画を見たりします。宿題の後はシャワーに入って寝ます。大したことはないですが空いてる時間はずっとマザーと話しています。自分の洗濯物を洗うのと、自分の部屋をかたずける以外していることはありませんが、私なりに充実した毎日を過ごしています。






 MiuS2-1 MiuS2-2 MiuS2-3




この二か月間にはThanksgiving, Black Friday, Examination, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Dayといういくつかの大きなイベントがありました。Thanksgivingとは食べ物の収穫や健康に対して感謝する日です。その日私はマザーが作ってくれたturkeyなどの色々な料理を食べました。そしてその翌日はBlack Fridayと言ってほとんどの商品が半額か半額以上割引されるというクリスマスセールで、私はマザーとお店へ行き買い物をしました。Black Fridayの次の日の土曜日はマザーとファザーが他の町へイルミネーションを見に連れて行ってくれました!マザーとファザーは若くないしアクティブなことは出来ませんが、休みの日に何がしたい?と聞いてレストランや色々な所へよく連れて行ってくれるのでとても嬉しいです。最近は夕食後にボードゲームUNOジェンガ人生ゲームをして三人で爆笑したり映画を一緒に観たりとても充実した時間を過ごせています。最初は少し怖いと思っていたマザーもすごく優しくて、ファザーは本当に心が綺麗で広くて親切で、二人ともユーモアがあって毎日がすごく楽しいです。日本に帰国した後オハイオの大学のためにまた戻ってくるんだよね?って冗談を言ってくれたり、日本においでと言ったらいつか行きたいねと言っていました。本当に大好きで帰りたくないし、ここを離れることを想像しただけで泣きそうになりました。ここに来れて本当に良かったと思っています。12月に入って初めの日にはバンドのメンバーとオハイオ州の州都コロンバスへ行き、とても大きいスタジアムでアイスホッケーの試合を見ました。スタジアムのロビーでバンドの演奏をした後、約2,3時間の試合を友達と観ました。音楽がガンガンかかってライトもバンバンで友達と叫びながら応援しました!その次の週末は隣の州West Virginiaへ友達と行きイルミネーションを見ました。その次の日はASSEの留学生のクリスマスパーティーがあり久しぶりに5Gの人に会えました!あきねえさんと会ったとき突進する勢いでハグしました♡いろんな国から留学生が来ていて彼らと話すのがとても楽しかったです!留学生の前だと恥ずかしがらないで英語を話せたので、もっと普段から自信をもたなきゃだめだなと思いました。クリスマス前にはいわゆる期末テストのような大きなテストがありました。日本にいた時は二週間前くらいからテスト勉強を始めていたのですが、宿題で手一杯ということもあり忙しくて二日前の土日だけしかしませんでした…。でも暗記が得意なのでほとんど全部覚えられたのでなんとか大丈夫でした(笑)そして驚いたのがこちらの人はテストのために勉強することがあまりなく、私が土日ずっと勉強していたらファザーが驚いて心配もしてくれました(笑)私的には二日しかテスト勉強しないなんてありえないのですが(笑)日本人のいいのか悪いのか分からない真面目さや勉強への態度はすごいなと感じさせられました。テストが終わり冬休みが始まり、クリスマスの前は家の中と外の飾り付けでとても忙しかったです。ファミリーはツリーを4つも持っているのですが全て私一人で飾り付けてやりました。マザーが私の名前の入ったオーナメントを注文してツリーに飾ってくれました!アメリカでは皆イベントを盛大に祝ったり、デコレーションに力を入れているのでどの家もキラキラしていました!クリスマスイブはファザーの兄弟が来てパーティーをし皆でプレゼントを交換しました!クリスマスの朝はマザー特製料理を満腹食べた後マザーとファザーと一緒にプレゼントを開けました。多いので全部は書きませんが、時計、服、スリッパ、香水などなどを貰いました。私が一番驚いたのが、かなり前に他の町に行ったとき可愛い財布を見つけてマザーが買ってあげようか?と聞いてくれたのですが、その時は我慢した財布をマザーがこっそり買ってくれていたことです!素敵なプレゼントをたくさんもらい本当に嬉しかったです。私はマザーにWest Virginiaに行ったときこっそり買ったピアスとすっごくいい香りのろうそくや香水、ハンドクリームなどをあげました。ファザーにはマグカップと両面テープをあげました(笑)二人とも喜んでくれたしとても素敵なクリスマスを過ごせました!そして一年の終わりなので感謝の気持ちを込めて長文のクリスマスカードをあげたのですが、二人共感動してくれてとても嬉しかったです。New Year’s Eveには友達やマザーとファザーの友達が10人くらい来てパーティーをしました。マザーの料理を食べ、踊ったり歌ったりしながらカウントダウンまで皆とふざけました!私の地元の雪の量がはんぱないことを伝えようと、毎年やってる旭川雪祭りの、雪と氷で作られた迫力がすごい城やキャラクターの写真を見せたことをきっかけに、その時日本を紹介するいい機会だと思ったのでパソコンで写真を見せながら皆に日本について色んなことを教えてあげました。雪、桜、温泉、砂丘、日本食、着物、折り紙、スクランブル交差点、富士山、スカイツリー、東京、沖縄、長崎と広島、京都、旭川、札幌、函館。たくさんの写真を見せて、皆が驚いたり行きたい!!って言ってくれたり、こんなに日本は美しいものがたくさんあるんだね、って感動してくれて私まで嬉しくなりました。改めて日本にどれだけ綺麗で伝統的なものがあるかを実感できました。このような素敵な文化がたくさんある国に生まれて、それを彼らとシェアできて良かったです。その日をきっかけにマザーとファザーは友達が来るたび日本の写真見せてあげな!って言ってきます(笑)私には見慣れてる風景だしただの写真なのにと思うのですが、写真を見せる度皆wow!!!!Amazing!!!!とオーバーリアクションなくらい大きな反応で興味を示してくれて、私は彼らの物事に対して感動できる温かい心にとても感動させられました。






Hi, I’m Nozomi living in Ohio! How is everyone doing? I’d like to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Did you get any presents on Christmas day? Did you eat Osechi, Soba and rice cake on New Year’s Eve or Day with your family? I care to know which team got win this year, and if my expectation that Matumoto got the more spank than others on his bottom is right. Well, I’ll talk about what is happened during this two months. This report is mainly events, changes of myself and something what I noticed in my life since I came here.


There were a lot of gig events which is Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Examination, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve and Day during this two months. Thanksgiving is a public holiday in the US and in Canada, originally to give thanks to God for the harvest and health. We ate many traditional dishes like turkey that all mom made. It was Black Friday which is the big Christmas sale after the Thanksgiving. On that day, all stuffs have gone down in price. We can get many stuffs for half price or more off. My parents took me to see illumination the next day. They aren’t young, so we can’t do anything actively. However, they have sometimes asked me what I’d like to do, and took me a lot of places I’ve never been to. I sometimes play the both of American and Japanese games with parents and laughed very hard when dad tried to cheat, but mom realized and hit his on the hands. I often watch the movies on TV with them. I’m having so much fun with them so far. I went to the Columbus to watch the ice hockey game and play music with band members early in December. We played some music in the lobby and after that I watched the game and cheered for Ohio team with crying out for excitations. Next weekends, I went to West Virginia to see illuminations with friends. I had a Christmas party for exchange students the next day. The most things made me happy is to have met my friends. I hugged Akine when we met. I also met other exchange students from a lot of countries there. I talked to them without nervousness and it was so fun! I thought I have to get more confidence when I talk to someone. Before Christmas, I had last exam for three days. I usually start to study before two weeks, but I began to study for that before 2 days ago. It’s because I was busy to do homework. I’m good at memorizing somethings quickly, so it was all fine about exam. I was surprised how little they studied for each test. Host dad was surprised how much I studied for the exam and it got him worried. I thought how much diligent Japanese students are. On December, I’ve been so busy at my work for Christmas. They have four trees and I decorated all the trees with shining tinsel and lights. Mom got new Christmas stuff my name on it and put it on the tree. My neighborhoods looked shining with many beautiful stuffs. Host dad’s family came our house and exchanged each present in the afternoon on Christmas Eve. On the Christmas, I got many special dishes that mom made. After ate it, we opened presents together. I won’t write all of that, because it’s too many to write. I got a watch, clothes, slippers, and perfume. The most things made me surprised is that host mom gave me a purse which I wanted to get but I didn’t when I went to other city to go shopping. Then she asked me if I’d like to get it, but I said that I already have one, so I don’t need it. I’m so happy to have more presents than last year, and have such an amazing host parents. I gave her pierced which I got when I went to West Virginia, big candles which smells sweet, a perfume, and a hand cream. I gave him a cup and a both side tape. They seemed that they like that. I also gave them a long letter that I wrote in gratitude. They seemed to be moved. I had a big party on New Year’s Eve. My friends came to my house. I ate special dishes mom made, and sang and danced with them until New Year’s Day comes. I showed pictures of the castle and some characters made up of all snow and ice to let them know how much snow are there right now in my hometown. Then I seized an opportunity to talk about Japan. It’s because all other people came out to see the pictures. I showed them a lot of pictures of snow, cherry blossom, hot spring, sandhill, Japanese food, Kimono, origami, Shibuya Scramble crossing, Mr. Fuji, Tokyo sky tree, Tokyo, Okinawa, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Kyoto, Asahikawa, Sapporo, Hakodate. They were surprised how much beautiful things there are in Japan. They said I’d like to go to Japan if I could. I thought we can rightly take pride in Japanese cultural tradition. I’m proud of being bore in the county that have wonderful cultures. I’m so glad to have shared cultures in my country with them who have lived in different country. Mom and dad have always let me show some pictures of Japan to people who came my house. When I showed them some pictures, they have always reacted exaggeratedly like AWWW!!!! AMAGING!!!! I like how they see beauty in everything. It always made a deep impression on me.


I’d like to talk about changes of myself and something what I noticed in my life. Recently, I talked about politics and world history with my friend. He is interested in World War Ⅱ.It‘s rare to meet student who says that I’m interested in war, especially World War Ⅱ. They have understood what their own country has been doing and everybody has their strong opinions. They agree to disagree. I went to a middle school that is situated opposite my school after examinations for three days. Then I was asked if I could talk about Japan, so I did. On the question time, a boy asked me about relationship between Japan and north Korea. I was reminded how little conscious Japanese people has about their own country. I admired them for their concern and I was surprised that even primary school student is interested in history. I’ve been impressed how broad minded they have and how tender they are since I came here. They have always respected each other’s personality, opinions, and racial differences. They never made mock of me when I failed in something. Then, I thought I would be made a fool of by people if I was in Japan. I think Japanese people is indifferent to other people whom they don’t know. American people is always kind to everyone even if they don’t know who the person is. They are friendly, irrespective of race, age, or gender. I love how they care of other people. However, Japanese people think other people is just other people and never try to communicate to know little bit about each other. Japanese is profound language and there is some word doesn’t translate well. It’s convenient language to tell their own feelings in detail. However, we can hurt someone’s feelings easily. I think English is just the language to convey to someone what we want to tell. Japanese is too complicated, but English is simple to tell. I mean English is just for communication. I was surprised how different personality they have when I compared Japanese and American, but both languages have both merits and demerits. That’s what I wanted to know. I mean I came here to learn how differences are there btw Japan and other country. I’ve learned many new things I’ve never thought I could realize since I came here. It’ really interesting to know new things. I realized what most important things in my life is always having tender heart and caring each other. Speaking of my English ability, It has improved little by little. I realized that It’s usual not to be able to speak English fluently and accurately. Nobody want me to speak completely. It’s hardest things to try to talk even if I don’t know what to say, but it’s steady progress to progress my English. It’s very hard to become to be able to speak English fluently like them, but I’m going to push myself to the limit all the time to accomplish my goal. I’m done with half of my study abroad program. Let’s keep it up to meet my target. This year will be hard and busy but that is when I have to give it all I got. We all go through hard times, but our troubles make us stronger and we learn from that. I just try my best!


Thank you for reading my report. See you soon!

Nozomi3-1 Nozomi3-2


一番アメリカに来て驚いた事は、生徒が先生方やコーチの方に” What did you say?” と言う事が失礼に値しない事が私にとっては一番衝撃的でした。日本語に訳すとなんて言った?となりとても目上の方に使う言葉では無いと思い、”I beg your pardon?” “ Would you mind saying that again?” などと丁寧に言っていた自分が馬鹿馬鹿しかなりました。この日から英語が嫌いになりつつあります。ですが私は留学生ですし、ましてや英語は

Hello. I’m Juri Masuko from Eureka, Montana. Happy New year. How are you doing everyone? This is my third report. My school had two weeks holidays during Christmas. We did not have to go to the school except basketball practice and we didn’t have homework during Christmas break so I really enjoyed. On Christmas, I got a lot of gifts and had delicious food. I had such a fun time. I was really surprised that we did nothing in New Years Day. It was completely different from Japan. Christmas was the main event. My school life is really busy. I always leave home at 7:30 and go to school, take classes, and we have basketball practice almost everyday. Sometimes I come back home at 9. After that I do my homework and watching some movies with my host family. Classes are still really hard for me. It is really difficult both successful study and basketball. The fun time flies really fast but the hard time don’t. I have a friend who is Spanish and sixteen years old. We belong to basketball club together. Her name is Elena, she has been studying English more than for 10 years so she can speak English fluently. Her English pronunciation is not good actually but she real doesn’t care about making mistakes. I’m having a hard time because of her but my host father gives me some really good advices. Actually, he has studied in Japan for 2 and half years which is 25 years ago. So he can still speak Japanese. Moreover, he is understanding Japanese culture a lot so we talked about the education difference between America and Japan and the English that considers rude in Japan. He can understand our feelings. I don’t even talk to people at all. I’m always trying to talk to people but I cannot do that due to shyness. So I asked my host father about this and he said Juri, I think you are perfectionist. I was really surprised that I heard it from him. And he also said this is a good thing but don’t be afraid of making mistakes. You should do some making mistakes, Japanese people really care about another’s feelings and they don’t say their feelings. This means they are respectful to people so this is a good thing too but here is America not Japan so don’t worry about it so much. I’m so glad to have met him and I really appreciate. I don’t think my English is improving at all but I will keep studying English hard. I don’t  give up.
Thank you for reading my report.
See you on next report.

Juri3-1 Juri3-2 Juri3-3


Hi, this is Rina Fujine from Michigan. How are you guys doing?


Time is going fast, I already spend 5 months here, I can’t believe it.

Michigan is very cold for me, so I always say to my friends, it’s too cold outside, but my friends say, it’s not cold. I cannot understand, but they don’t feel cold, okay fine.

Anyway, did you guys have a dream of the year? I had a dream of the year, I spoke English and I met my favorite band in the dream, but I don’t remember what I said.



I’ll talk about my school life.

I back to school January 8, but I already god ice day, it means is no school. I often got no school day, it is good for me, but before the final exam I got snow day, it was so bad for me. Because I needed teacher’s help, also teacher change exam schedule, so that was hard for students.

After the winter break, I got new schedule. Now I have, English, 2gym, Computer Technology, World History, Business Math.

English is hard for me, because my school doesn’t have ESL, so I have to take normal English class, it means same class with American students, but teacher and my friends help me a lot, so I get little bit better.

Gym class is similar than Japanese gym class.

Computer technology and Business math teacher is my friend’s dad, he is so funny like my friend, he is very nice to me, so I enjoy those class every day. I hate math, but Business math is super easy, so I can do myself.

I love my world history teacher. Semester 1 I had his class, he asked me “Who is the best teacher in the world?”. This answer is my world history teacher’s name, and that question was my final exam in this class.

Now I don’t have same class with my best friend, so I’m so sad, but I could make new friends at new class.



Let’s change topic



At weekend I really have nothing to do at house, so I often hang out with my best friend. We always cooking and talking, also I taught her Japanese. We went shopping, it was so fun. She is still 15, so she always tells me you are old.

Her family is very nice to me, her mom takes me any place, and invite me dinner. Her uncle gave me name, but I forget what it is I’ll ask him when I meet him next time.



Thank you reading my report.













何度かsnow day, ice dayで学校が休みになりました。少し気温が下がるとすぐに学校が休みになります。普段はとてもうれしい事なのですが、Final Examの週のsnow dayはかなり痛かったです。ただ、ice dayのおかげでhalf mile run が延期になった時は大喜びでした。その日は部活もある予定だったので合わせると体育館11周半しなければならない予定でしたが、全部無くなりました。こんなに嬉しいことはなかなかありませんね。


さて、私の学校は1月8日から始まり、時間割も新しくなりました。私はEnglish, Gym, Computer Technology, World History, Business Mathを取っています。



Computer TechnologyとBusiness Mathは同じ先生なのですが、その先生は私の友達のお父さんです。先生はとても面白く、優しいです。授業初日は先生のテンションの高さに圧倒していたら授業が終わっていました。ですが、この2つのクラスはとても楽しいです。


World Historyも先生がとても面白くて好きです。Semester 1でもこのクラスを取っていたのですが、先生は毎時間“Who is the best teacher in the world?” と聞いてきました。この質問は私のFinal Examでもありました。他の先生の名前を言っていたら単位を落としていたかもしれませんね。










彼女はまだ15歳なので私にいつもyou are old と言ってきます。事実なので否定はできませんが私も一応まだ10代です。





Rina3-1 Rina3-2 Rina3-3


Hello. What’s going on everyone? This is Kirara in Georgia! I really miss you guys…I can meet u more 5 month later! I can’t wait. don’t you?

I know Sapporo has a lot of snow. Basically We don’t have snow in Georgia, but we are having snow this year! Why!? I thought I can escape from snow, hahaha.

Maybe I brought snow from Hokkaido. many people who live in here are afraid of snow, cuz they have never seen snow. I was surprised about it.


How was your Christmas? I had a special time in Christmas in AMERICA!! I went to coca cola museum and Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. Georgia aquarium is the biggest aquarium in the world!! It was huge and makes me excited. the dolphin show was best.

And I got bunch of presents. I don’t know can I get so many gifts. I never forget this experience. In the Christmas morning we opened presents and sleep again. We ate ham, mushed potato, bacon, bread, macaroni and cheese. And we have 10 Christmas tree in my house. My host fam love Christmas. We decorated lights, tree and Christmas stuff over a week. It was fun but hard. Christmas is biggest event in America. Everyone love this season. I watched a movie “elf”. Do you know this movie? It’s famous Christmas movie. I said to friends I never seen this movie,,then they said to me, I can’t believe you. lol actually it was so good. This is cute movie. I want you to see this movie. Speaking of movies, I began to see movie quite a lot after came here. We sometimes watch 3 movies a day. I love movies. Originally I like Japanese movie so I wasn’t interested in famous American movie like MARVEL, STAR WARS or so except Harry Potter. I love Harry Potter. These days I watched new movie “The greatest showman”. It was beautiful. I cried cuz it was so beautiful. I guess you have to see this movie. It will come to Japan in February.

I went to theater twice. It has Zac Efron. I know you guys love him. He was Troy in High school musical. right? I should stop to talk about movies. I can’t stop it. lol


Now I’m on winter holidays. It’s shorter than Japanese holidays. I’ll go back school 8th Jan. I don’t like it. But I have to. I envy my friends in japan. It was first time to spend time in new year without Osechi, Omochi, Kouhaku,and Gakitsuka. We built fire and made roast marshmallow in the garden. It was so good. We count down while watching TV.

 I got homesick a little. But I didn’t call my parents yet. It’s promise between me and my mother. We don’t call until I go back to Japan. Sometimes I miss my family so much. But I need to keep harder myself.


And I’d like to talk about my English. Honestly I’m not sure I grown up. I’m getting better than I came here. But I still can’t be confident. But I also know it’s because of my own acts. I have to do my best. Learning English is harder than I thought. I need to prepare.

Only 5 month left. Is it long? Or short? It’s up to me. Isn’t it?


Last, I say I love all of you. I really thank you and hope you have wonderful 2018year.

See you in the next report.

Kirara Doi







あ、それで、多いときは1日に3個も映画を見るんです。もともと私の両親が映画好きなので小さい頃から日本の映画も海外のも沢山見てた気がします。最近は英語の字幕がなくても、映画の中の冗談を聞き取って笑ったり、歌の意味がなんとなくわかって泣いてしまったり、映画は一番簡単で、楽しくて、英語を勉強できるので大好きです。最近“好きな映画何?”の質問にやっと自信持って答えられる映画に出会ったんです。“the greatest showman”っていう映画なんです。もう何度でも言いますがダンス音楽キャスト構成全部素敵で、展開は結構王道な気がしますが、とにかく美しくて私は映画の間ずっと泣いていました笑笑





紅白とガキ使が見れない正月ですよ、悔しいです。でもそこは来年もその先もありますし我慢して、新年の挨拶もラインでしました。私がまだ一度も日本の両親に電話していないのでホストがあなたの両親はmiss youじゃないの?って心配していますが、10歳の私を一人でオーストラリアに行かせたような親です。私のことは心配ないと思っているでしょう。誤解を生みそうですが、私は両親が大好きですし、彼らも私を愛しています(と思います)そしてこの1年父と母も二人の時間を大事にできる時間になればいいなと私も思っています。電話をしないっていうのは私と母の約束、というかチャレンジみたいなもので、私ももうやけになって絶対帰るまではしないと思ってますし、帰国日に1年ぶりに声を聞いた方がなんかかっこいいしね、。









 Kirara3-3 Kirara3-2 Kirara3-1


              (みなさんがこのレポートを見るころには)明けましておめでとうございます。New Jersey州に留学中の田中美羽です。気づけば今年もあっという間に終わってしまいまいます。皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか。私は12月23日~1月1日のほんの1週間程度の冬休み中です。1月2日からは学校があります。短すぎて驚きです。正月休みもくそもありません。しかしとても短い冬休みに予定がぎゅうぎゅうに詰め込まれて充実した楽しい冬休みを過ごしております。クリスマスイブは友達のドイツ人一家とNYCに行きドイツの教会に行って来ました。讃美歌も聖書もドイツ語で手も足も出ませんでしたが、なかなかできる体験ではないので新鮮でした。クリスマス当日はホストファミリーと過ごしプレゼントも沢山頂きました。日本ではクリスマスにKFCを食べると言ったらawesome! うちもやろうと、フライドチキンにケーキを食べたクリスマスでした。ほかにも友達家族が日本のスーパーに連れて行ってくれて、久しぶりに本格的な日本食を食べました。NYCには紀伊國屋書店もあるんですよ。毎晩友達の家に行っては一緒にstranger things を観ています。まだまだ予定があって楽しみですが、あっという間に冬休みが終わってしまうので悲しいです。(お気づきでしょうか、私のレポート提出日は23日であるはずなのに、クリスマスなどの話をしているということは…ごめんなさい)













              Happy New Year! I’m Miu Tanaka staying in New Jersey. I found out this year ends soon. How are you doing, guys? It’s during winter break which is only about a week from December 23 ~ January 1st. My school begins January 2nd. I can’t believe it. However, I have a lot of plans for this break, so I’m spending busy, but I’m enjoying. On Christmas Eve, we went to German church in NYC with my friend’s family from German. All things in German such as hymn or bible. Of course,

I couldn’t understand anything. But it was valuable experience and very interested.  On Christmas, I spend with my host family. I got many presents. I told my host family that many people eat KFC in Japan on Christmas. They were surprised but also said ”that’s awesome!”. So we ate KFC and a cake which I made like Japanese style Christmas. Besides, my friend’s family took me to Japanese grocery store and I could eat real Japanese food for the first time in ages. There is Kinokuniya in NYC! I have been going to my friend’s house to watch stranger thins together every night during this winter break. I have more plans for this winter break, so I’m excited but I also sad because this break ends soon. (Did you notice? This report is due 23th but I wrote about Christmas etc… I’m sorry to late to hand in this report)

              Well, I’m going to talk about around this 2 month. Honestly, I have been spending hard time from 2nd and half month to 4th month of this studying abroad. On first 1, 2 months, I didn’t get used to American life. But recently, I have been getting used to American life or I became to be able to catch English, so I can afford to think about a lot of things. Then I think negative things. Such as  “oh? Can’t I speak English?” or “when host family is enjoying the conversation, I can’t join a conversation” or “When I’m with my friends, I can’t roar with laughter like with friends in Japan.”. Then I come to the thinking like “Don’t I do effort? Ah, I’m bad” as a result. I worried over and over again about it. Now I think about these still. But my view is changing. 4 months are big number within 10 months. But it’s impossible to feel comfort American life if I compare the American life that I spend only 4 months and Japanese life that I growing up for 17 years. I can’t be close with friends like people who have relationship for longer time. I was also like it in Japan. People have their own each life in America. They have bond since I’m not here. They have relationship with people who I don’t know. They have been growing up with American TV show. Teenager have their pace, fashion, trend, popular things. They are with their family, friends. They grow up in English, study in English. Through, I who was born in Japan and grow up in Japan get in this community,

it can’t be that I don’t feel alone.  Since when I have this view, I could find my growth, my feel better. I can be stronger. I want to keep working hard.


              I hope everyone have great new year. See you next report!

 MiuT3-1 MiuT3-2 MiuT3-3


こんにちは!オレゴン州に留学している舟木 文です。






この前、US historyのクラスで第二次世界大戦のポスターを作ってそれについてプレゼンテーションする授業があったんです。そのあとクラス投票をしてなんと私のポスターが選ばれました。ものすごく嬉しかったです。






















Hello everyone! It’s me, Aya. I’m studying abroad here in Salem, Oregon.

I’d like to share with you guys what was like to my life for the last two months. So let’s get started!


Firstly, I would like to talk about my high school.

I’ve gotten used to the new high school life and I’m really enjoying. My friends and teachers are super nice to me and they always help me out when I need. It is not too much to say that they are making my study abroad life greater more than I expected.

I’m taking eight classes and I love all of them. The hardest class is English. My skill of writing essay is improving compared to before but I’m by no mean satisfied with it. I still love this class so I will do my best.

The other day, I made a poster about WW2 as an assignment of US history class. After made a presentation, we moved to vote whose poster is the best. Surprisingly, my poster was elected and now, my poster is displayed in the classroom.

 I was playing soccer this fall and the season over in October. I had been depressed because I really loved being on the team and spending time with my teammates. But I’m close with them even now and caring me even though the season over.  

Since there is not club I interested in, I didn’t intend to join club this winter.

But I want to challenge new thing, so I’m gonna join swim club after the winter break.


Next one is about my host family.

As I told you I was staying temporary host family’s house in my first report, I was supposed to stay their house until my coordinator find new family . But there was a trouble between my coordinater and me, so the temporary host famly became my new host family.

There were 8 people in my host family’s house; host mother, host father, 8 years old and 1 year old host sisters, 6 years old and 3 years old hosy brothers and an exchange student from Spain. My hosy mother is a baby sitter, so there were alwatys lots of children in the house. But the house was always super messy and dirty. What’s more, the children cry every bed time and I wake up every morning by their cry. I had been suffering headache because of them.

I was sharing room with the Spanish. Although she was kind of a nice person, she was using and touching my stuffs when I was not present in our room. I noticed about it at once but I hesitated to talk to my host mother and coordinator because I became I had to stay the house for whole school year and in other words, the Spanish is my sister so to speak. I thought I have to work hard on cultivating a good relationship with her.

About 2 weeks ago, I fought with her about something not the things I just told you.

After that, I told everything about she has done to me to host mother and coordinator but they didn’t trust me.

I moved to new host family’s house about 10 days ago and I’m doing really good with them!


There were a lot of hard things for me. But the fact that such experiences helps me grow inside, and language comes along with it.

5 months has passed since I came here. Time goes by so fast!

I’ll keep enjoying the rest of the precious days. See you guys on next report!

Aya2-3 Aya2-2 Aya2-1




私はホストチェンジをして学校も変わりました。新しい学校も大きな学校で2400人います。2度目の登校初日もすっごく緊張していましたが全ての授業で先生が私をみんなに紹介してくれて、みんな日本のことをきいてくれたり手伝おうかって話かけてくれたり手を振ってくれたり、とても馴染めやすくて友達もすぐにできました。私はラケットスポーツという授業をとっていて、私の大好きなバドミントンができたんです!先生はひなこは強いからと、男子のトーナメントに女子私だけ1人いれさせられました。そして全員に勝ってしまったんです。(笑) そんなこともありみんなと仲良くなることができました。みんな‟ひなー!!一緒にやろー!”って声をかけてくれて毎日一時間目からへとへとでした。(笑) その授業が次のセメスターにはないのでかなしいです。



もうすぐクリスマスです!もうツリーの下には数えきれないほどのプレゼントがあるんです!すごく楽しみです!今年は大好きな日本のお正月を逃すと考えると少し寂しいです。初詣に行って、美味しいお寿司とおせちを食べて、お年玉を貰って初売りに行きたいなって思ったり、、(笑) 日本のみんなも楽しいクリスマスとお正月を過ごしてください! 読んでくれてありがとうございました。また次のレポートで~!


Hi, everyone!! How are you? This is Hinako staying in Colorado. Surprisingly we don’t have snow yet. Yay! But its too cold.

I have passed half of my studying abroad life! I can’t believe it and I don’t want to believe it because I am spending wonderful time with my wonderful family and friends. But also, I really worry about my English. I thought I will be able to speak English fluently when I was in japan, but it is really harder than I thought. My friends who have lunch with me said to me that my English have gotten better. And my other friends she was in same high school before I came here she also said to me same things. It made me happy and have confidence. I try my best to learn English here, and want to speak fluently.


I have changed host family, so I also had to change high school. I was so nervous on first school day, but my every teacher introduced me to everyone, so I could make many friends. They are so nice and always talk to me and help me. I am taking racket sports class, and we played badminton. Guess what!! I beat all boys!! I have a lot of friends in this class, and I had a lot of fun with them! I don’t have this class in next semester, so I am going to miss it.


We celebrated Halloween and Thanksgiving for this two months. I went trick or treat with my friends and got tons of candies. Also, I carved pumpkin as Tinkerbelle. I had a dinner with my all family on Thanksgiving Day. I ate traditional thanksgiving foods such as turkey, stuffing, gravy and mashed potatoes. It was so good.

Christmas is coming!! 4more days! I am so excited for my first Christmas in America. I was surprised because there are already bunch of Christmas presents under the tree. I can’t wait!

But I am going to miss Japanese new year day. It’s sad, isn’t it? I want to go back to japan and get Otoshidama, then I want to go shopping!


Mary Christmas&Happy new year!! Have a wonderful break!!

Thank you for reading my 2nd report, see you on next report!

 HinakoM2-1 HinakoM2-2 HinakoM2-3




まず、最初はThanksgivingとHalloween です。私は昔から夢に見ていた海外のハロウィーンを過ごせて本当に本当に楽しかったです。まず、学校の中では仮装して皆登校をし、そのまま皆普通に授業をうけるという日本からしたら少しトリッキーな海外のハロウィーンは私にとってとっても新鮮で楽しかったです。そして、私がゾンビに仮装をしたら思ったよりも皆の反響が良くて少し調子に乗った1日でした。そして、thanksgivingはホストファザーの実家に行って、ご馳走を食べたり、焚き火を囲んで話したりするのが本当に楽しかったです。


あと、学校では今、Drama, Art, Geography, そして上の学年の生徒が下の学年のサポートをしたりするLeadershipという授業を取っているのですが、いつも教えられる側が多い私にとっては現時点で一番苦労しているクラスです笑。そんな、私を先生たちが心配してくれて、ある日突然「日向子!日本は寿司が有名だよね?もちろん作り方知っているよね?cookのクラスでみんなの前に立って教えてよ!」と言われまさかの他の生徒の前で教えることになり、一人でで一から英語で寿司の歴史、レシピなどを作ったのは本当に大変でしたが、cookクラスの人が私の想像以上に楽しんでくれて留学に来てから多分、一番の達成感を感じたと思います。本当に先生達には感謝でいっぱいです。しかし、cookの先生がアスパラガスやニンジンを買って来て、寿司に入れていたのはカナダに来てから一番のカルチャーショックでした笑。あと、ドラマクラブに所属しているのですが、機会に恵まれトロントでドラマクラブの皆と一緒に演劇を見る事が出来ました。本当に舞台セットやら、俳優さん達の完成度が高すぎて本当に感動しましたし、日本に帰ってからも本当に大切な思い出になると思います。


次は英語力のことです。正直私は、英語力が伸びたと言えるほどの状態ではなく、焦っているのが現状です。最近は、日本に帰ってからの不安などが押し寄せていて、悩んでいます。そんな中でも、日に日に先生達が授業で何を行っているのか、映画で登場人物がどのような内容を話しているか理解してきて嬉しいです。そして、私はホストファミリーとは上手く行っているとは言えず、今現地コーディネーターの方と話し合っています。あと、こういう時に日本の家族や友達がこんなに私にとって大事なんだと分かりましたし、たまに朝、ベットから目覚めると急に寂しくなったりもします。笑 多分今が一番しんどい時期なんだと思います。笑










Hello! Guys! I stay in north bay of Ontario shire. This time, I would like to tell you guys a lot of topics. So, Are you ready?


To begin, I will talk about Thanksgiving and Halloween. I was very happy to spend times of Halloween in Canada. And then, I was surprised almost students wore costumes of Halloween in my high school even while the classes. That was interest for me because basically, I cannot do that in Japan. Anyway I tried to do a zombi costume. I was so glad  because my friends said to me “ I love your costume! “ ,so I got cocky at that time lol. I enjoyed talking many people and eating special meals while Thanksgiving.


Second of all, I will tell about my high school. Now, I take Drama, Art, Geography, and Leadership class. I will introduce Leader ship class because I guess almost people will think“ what is Leadership class? “ the content is senior students teach and support something for junior students on the class. However, I am not good at teaching something to someone because my friends always taught something for me in Japan ,so it is the hardest class for me so far. And then, One day, suddenly he asked me “ Hinako! Sushi is very famous Japanese meal right? Of cause, you have already known how to make it right? Can you teach how to make Sushi in front of junior students on a cook class?” ,but it was very hard to make the recipe and research about history of it by myself from scratch than I imagined. On the other hand, I feel so accomplished when I finished this project. And I had funny story while cook class. My cook teacher tried to add carrots and asparagus in a roll sushi. It is the best culture shock so far after I came to Canada. And then, actually, I belong drama club ,so I have chance to go to Toronto for watching a play. It was super fabulous memory for me.


 Next is my English skill. I cannot say improve my English skill ,so I impatient at my English skill ,but these days, I can get understanding what the teachers talk about ,so I am so happy. And, I can’t say good relationship with my host family now ,so I talk with my local coordinator these days about it. If it is possible, I want to change right now.


Please you guys care about your health because the flu is going around school while every winter.


See you after 2 month.

 HinakoN2-1 HinakoN2-2 HinakoN2-3