



日々戦っているそちらの皆様、こんにちは!! 私は今日本食が出てくる夢と日々戦っています。お元気ですか????元気があれば空も飛べるということで、日本食を食べに飛んでいきたいです。






来週はみんなが緊張するあのFinalがあります。Final は期末テストのことで、私も頑張らないといけません!日本の学生と違いアメリカの学生はそこまでFinalに向けて勉強している人もいなく、私にしたらみんなダイジョブか?って感じなんですけど、なんだかそこまで気合入れないもんみたいです。場所によってはFinalがない学校もあるみたいで、その人たちはほんと…。うらやましい限りです。以外に勉強はついていけますが、英語(国語)のエッセイは時間がかかります。Finalで3つの本につてのエッセイをテスト時間内に書かないといけないので1日かかるようなくらいのエッセイをこそ時間内に書けるか、不安でいっぱいです。めげずに、しっかり頑張っていこうと思います!


Merry Christmas&Happy new year






Hi!! How are you doing?? Are you eating the super nice Japanese Nabe right now?? I’m sure you are eating superr nice Nabe. You are such a lucky person. If I can fly, I will fly to you to eat Nabe haha

I’m Luluna and, I’m staying in beautiful California (Napa city). I though time is fast cause, I’ve already here for about 3 or 4 months! I don’t eat mom’s food for 3 or 4 moths!!! It’s impressive for me. Recently, I can feel it’s time to Christmas, because my friends and teachers are wearing the nice Santa sweater, hat, socks, beard, the kind of stuff and, the Christmas decoration is so pretty. The American people like to put on the bunch of decoration stuff at the everywhere. It is interesting for me and, I’m having fun about it:) During at the Christmas season, people are all happy. They are suddenly dancing, singing, giving some candies, I like it.

I did trick or treating and, I did Thanksgiving party with my host family! I cooked the Imomochi and, they liked it very much! I’m glad they liked it:) When we are holiday, I don’t need to get up early so, I’m glad I could sleep well. I visited many places at the Thanksgiving holiday with my host family. I appreciated to my host family and we had a wonderful time but, before Thanksgiving holiday, I had difficult time about my host family. I’m ok now and, I learned many things from it. I like my host family and, I want to spend valuable time to them. I change my mind and, I want to do my best more than before and, I decided to change my school on January. I have many reasons why I will change but, I think changing school is good for me and, good for my host family too. I hope I can spend nice school life! I have a confident to have wonderful school life at the next school but, I’m sad because I have to say Goodbye to my friends and teachers. I hope I can meet them even I left and, I hope I can make friends again at the new school.

Next week, I have a final exam. That’s why my report is short. Haha

I have no idea what going on at the final but, I’m sure it will be ok. I hope.

Everyone don’t study for Final very well. I wonder why they don’t study because Japanese kids will study superr hard for Final. I heard some American high school don’t have the Final. That’s really lucky. I mean I thought I will have difficult time about study but, fortunately, I am ok! I can’t do writing very well so, Essay, Bio, English are hard for me. I will take time for long time to do. I’m worrying about it. I will do my best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, thank you for reading my report.

 This report is a kinda short because of Final and, thank you for understanding me and, sorry about that. Next time, I will write definitely more than this report.

I want to learn many things and, I want to be a good English speaker more than now!

I will keep trying my super best:)

Luluna2-1 Luluna2-2


こんにちは Hi 안녕하세요 你好 عليكم السلام 



クロスカントリーのシーズンが終わって、今は部活には所属していません。その代わりずっと前から入りたかったKclub(Korean club)に所属しています! Kclubの活動日である火曜日は、毎週クロスカントリーのmeetがあってずっと参加できずにいたんです。活動は週1ですが、Kpopという共通の好きな話題のおかげで新しい友達もできました。毎週火曜日が楽しみです!でも走ることとコーチが少し恋しいです笑












Hi from Connecticut! I’m Lumina Shibazaki. This is my second time to write a report. I’ve been little busy lately.


Cross country was over in October, and now I’m a member of Kclub I have wanted to join for a while. Although there is only one activity for a week, I enjoy it very much. I made new friends through Kpop. I’m looking forward to every Tuesday, though I miss running and my coach.


Second is about my English skill. My listening skill has progressed. I, however, feel like there is no progress about my speaking skill. I’m so disappointed with myself when I’m still afraid of speaking English. But I found out that being negative should be avoided, so I’ll just think positive and keep trying.


I can’t believe I’ve been here for 5 months. This is crazy how time flies. I’m not quick to adapt new surroundings, but finally I’m used to them. I come to miss Japan when falling white snow reminds me of Sapporo. Probably, I’ll come to like snow because my school starts 2 hours late if it snows.  


I have experienced bunch of things since I wrote out my last report. Sometimes I felt frustrated and sorry for myself. Many things can hurt me, but I know I can either run from it or learn from it. I want to keep learning through my experience!

2017 is almost done! I’ll see you my next report. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year:)

rumina2-1 rumina2-2 rumina2-3


Hi guys, I’m Ririka from California. You know what? My home town, Oceanside had a huge problem. It was the LILAC FIRE…it was a wild fire. My friends had to be evacuated. It happened on Thursday, we were eating lunch outside and then we smelled something strange, it was smoke. But, I didn’t care, because I didn’t know what was happening at that time. When we finished 5th period, the color of the sun changed orange. However, the color is a sign of danger. I couldn’t breathe, because the air had a lot of smoke. So, my school finished early. My host mom picked me up and then I started packing for evacuation. I was super scared and worried. On the TV they talked about the fire and I saw a lot of pictures with houses and palm trees burning.   Anyway ,My host house is okay and I’m safe, no worries guys:)

Let’s change the topic~

I had a lot of new experiences. First, I went to a mall with my friends. It had a really fun time. Especially, in the car:) Her name is Nathalie. We take Marine Biology together. She always helps me and is kind. One day, she gave me some clothes. I’ll bring them back to Japan.

Second, I went to a party with my friends. I bought a new dress and shoes for the party. It was  one of the my many new experiences in my study abroad life!

Third, I slept over at my friend Clarissa’s house. I have a long story why we became friends. I had a team sports class, but I couldn’t fit in with the class. My teacher recommended a new teacher who is my teacher now. The new class is team sports for 9th grade. One day, I found out her grandma is Japanese. So, she is quarter of Japanese and then we became friends.  She looks so much older than me, but she is younger than I. So, her friends think I’m in 9th grade:(

  In 4 or 5 days, I have finals and my 17th birthday is the same day as my U.S.history and math finals. I’m gonna cry…well, I’ll do my best.  2 weeks after my finals is… Christmas!!! I can’t wait for it because I got a letter from Santa yesterday!!!  I’m on the “NICE GIRLS” list in 2017!!!! My host sister is on the list too. I’m so proud of her, because she has Christmas concerts every weekend so far. She is singing while dancing. I know it is so hard, but she did it.  I’ll go to Las Vegas for Christmas. My host Dad’s parents live there. I went there for Thanksgiving break. I went to M&Ms factory and I watched a water show at the Bellagio!!!! The water show was so impressive!!!!!





話を変えて、前のレポートから、いろいろな新しい経験をしました。友達とロスに行ってハリウッドに行ってきました。ずっと行ってみたかったところだったのでとてもうれしかったです。あと、友達とモールに行ったり、車の中とかワーワーしててすごくたのしかったです。まだあります。初めてアメリカのパーティーに行ったり、お泊りしたりとても楽しいけど、もう少しでファイナルズです。し か も 私の誕生日に!!!!辛すぎてやってらんないです(笑)それより、昨日サンタクロースからお手紙きました!!!クリスマスがとてつもなく楽しみです。


ririka2-1 ririka2-2 ririka2-3




次に、私の誕生日について書きたいと思います。私の誕生日は11月1日でハロウィンの次の日でした。誕生日の前日の夜は、私のマザー私の誕生日知ってるのかなと疑問に思いながら寝ました。私のマザー、私に誕生日のことを一切聞いてこなかったので、忘れているんじゃないかと少し不安になっていました。しかし、誕生日の朝リビングに行くと”Happy Birthday!”とお祝いしてくれました、更にテーブルの上に誕生日プレゼントが用意されてありました!本当に嬉しかったです!学校では、バンドの時間にすごく驚くべきことが起こりました。バンドのクラスの時間に、オフィスの人が白い箱を持って入って来て、バンドの先生に一言残してその箱を置いていきました。そうしたら ”これ、あなたのよ!” とバンドの先生に言われて、私はなんのことかさっぱりわかりませんでした。よくよく箱の中身を見てみるとHappy Birthday MAIと書かれた誕生日ケーキがありました!本当に驚きました。更に、バンドのみんなにとカップケーキまで用意されていました。マザーの行動力のすごさに驚きました!ケーキを食べる前に、バンドのみんなが、私にバースデイソングを歌ってくれました。本当に嬉しくて涙が出そうになりました!そして、放課後、マザーが私を食事に連れて行ってくれるということで、ピザ屋さんに行ったら、教会のメンバーがみんないて”Surprise!!” と私を出迎えてくれました!テーブルの上にはたくさんのバースデイカードと風船が置いてあって、本当に感動しました。ここでしか、味わえない誕生日を過ごすことができました。素敵な誕生日を作ってくれた、マザーと教会の人と友達に感謝です!

最後に学校について書きたいと思います。前回、私がなんのクラスを取っているのか書いていなかったので、主に授業などについて書きます。私は、English, American History, Geometry, Art, Band, PE, Chemistryの授業を取っています。私の学校は、一コマ40分制度で北星より少し短いです。なんとか、寝ずに集中して授業を受けることができています!私の好きな授業は、BandとGeometryです。何と言っても、Bandのクラスは私の好きな時間です。私の好きなチューバが弾ける唯一の時間ですから!Geometryは、どのクラスよりも簡単でクイズやテストで毎回いい点数を取れるので好きです!先生に、”あなたの数学のスキルはピカイチだよ”ってよく言われるので日本で頑張っておいてよかったなって何度も思います。私にとって難しい教科はやはりEnglishです。たくさん分厚い本を読み、読み終わったらRevew Testと言ってちゃんと理解しているか確かめるクイズを受けます。これが、大変です。でも、今まで絶句するような点数は取ってきてないので大丈夫です!4ヶ月経った今でも、分厚い本を読むのはまだまだ難しいことです。でも、先生はいつでも頼りにしていいんだからねと言ってくれます。なので、わからなかったら先生のところに行って聞くようにしています。それぞれの教科の先生はみんないい先生です。私が留学生でまだ難しいことがあることをちゃんと理解してくれています。それは、本当にありがたいことだと思っています。まだまだ難しいことや壁にぶち当たることだってありますが、友達や先生の助けでなんとかうまくやっています!


Hi, everybody! I’m Mai from Illinois. How are you doing,guys? I’m doing great as same as last time. I cannot believe that I’m writing my second report right now. The time passes so faster than I imagine. Anyway, I’m going to write about a Halloween, my birthday, and my school.

First of all, I’ll write about a Halloween. I’ve envisioned that the American Halloween was so big event for American people, so I believed that everybody were going to wear something for it, But it was not true in my area. Nobody wore a costume to the school on Halloween. I was so sad about it. And I became more sad when I heard that my friends didn’t go out to get some snacks any more. But I thought I don’t want to spend the time with doing nothing on Halloween, so I decided to give some Japanese snacks out to children with my friend. Many children wearing their costume came to my friend house. They were so adorable. I’ve been wondering what do they think about the Japanese snack that I gave out to them. If they like it or not, I’m so glad to have this opportunity, because at least they could know some Japanese snacks. After all, I ate dinner with my friend and her family. It was so good dinner, and also I had some desserts. They treated me as a real family, so I was so happy about it. We had a great time! At first, I was really disappointed about that my high school didn’t do anything for Halloween, but I spent great time with my friend and her family.

Next, I’ll talk about what happened on my birthday. My birthday was November 1st after the Halloween. Before my birthday, I was not sure whether my host mom knew my birthday or not, because she has never asked even about when my birthday is. So I thought she probably forgets my birthday. BUT! In the morning on my birthday, she surprised me with presents and said “Happy birthday!!’.  I was so happy about it! At the school, more bigger things happened to me. When I was taking the band class, a woman from office who were holding a white box came into the band room, and left some words to my band teacher, put the box, and she was gone. Everybody were confused about it including me. And then, she said to me “ it is for you!” I was more confused what was going on here. Then I looked at what inside of the white box. I could not believe that. There were two big cakes in the white box. First one was for me which is written “Happy Birthday Mai” and second one was for band from my host mom! Can you believe that?! I’m so happy for being her foreign exchange student!! Everybody sang a birthday song for me before we eat those cakes! I almost cried when I heard that! I’ll never ever forget what happened to me on my birthday at the high school. Let me explain next thing that  happened to me. After the school, she wants me to go out and eat, so we went to a Pizza restaurant. When I entered the restaurant, there were so many church people gathering for me! They said “ Surprise!!!” Oh my gosh, I love it!!!! And also I found out that there were so many birthday cards for me! Oh, how lucky I am I though. I’m blessed. I could spent my special time with my special host mom, church people, and friends. I can’t tell them how thankful to them.
Finally, I would like to talk about my school. Although I wrote about it on my first report, I didn’t write about what classes I took and so on, so I’ll write mostly about my classes. I take the class of English, American History, Geometry, Art, Band, PE, and Chemistry. Each classes has 40 min, so it is shorter than Hokusei. I don’t sleep during the class, by the way! I’ve never fell asleep during the class before! My favorite class is Band and Geometry. I love band class because it is the time that I can play my lovely instrument,Tuba, during the whole class. Geometry is the most easiest subject for me. And also I’m able to get the good score on geometry test or quiz. Geometry teacher always says to me that my math skill is the best.. When I heard it for the first time from her, I thought because I tried it hard in Japan!. As you know, English is the most difficult subject for me still now. We have to read many thick book in a day or 3 days, and have to take a kind of quiz called Review test after finishing reading the book. It is tough for me even it is difficult to read a thick book in a day or whatever. But my English teacher said to me “ You can come and ask me any questions you have any time!” So I always ask some questions I wonder. Every teacher each classes is very kind and nice to me. They all understand me that I have still some difficulties. I’m so glad about it. Still, I have many difficulties of classes, but I make it with some help from my teacher and friends!
That’s it! How was my second report? I hope you guys enjoyed it. So see you on next report!!


mai2-2 mai2-1 mai2-3


Hello Everyone, My name is Hikari Yodono. I’m staying in Bristol, New Hampshire. I have lots of things to share with you in this time. First is about school, last month, the season of soccer was over, I’m kind of missing the season. Now I’m doing cheerleading with new teammates as winter season sports. The practice is very herd and takes long time. We are doing jump, stand, cheer and tumbling, especially stand is very scary for me because I’m flying in stand. Every night I come home after 8 so I cannot have dinner with my host family on weekdays. It’s kind of sad for me actually. I couldn’t be a member of competition team. Coaches said that I’m talented and they are excited to have me this year. I’m very sad but I’m going to work harder and harder to steal other position of compe team members. In school life, I’m doing okey. I mean I have friends in each classes and cheer but they don’ talk a lot with exchange students. Most of them say just hi when we see each other in school it is kind of dry. Because the school is hosting exchange students every year and they know that we are going to leave there in end of the year. I feel kind of sad sometime. But I know I have to do action and I should not wait, want them to ask me something and pay attention to me. I have to show about me by myself.

Everything is depends on my effort!!!!!  Second, a few weeks ago I had a trouble with my youngest host brother. It was that he thought I’ m treating him like a baby. Of cause I did not do on purpose because he is already 9 years old. But honestly I was thinking a lot about him since when I came here for the first time, how to be closer with him. He really likes Suez who came from Hong Kong and staying with us from last year. I’ve hoped to be good family with him. I don’t have any younger siblings and I’m not good at little boys because they are too active for me. I couldn’t work well and made him very uncomfortable for long time. I felt so bad and shocked deeply when I heard from my host dad. I apologized to him but at that time he didn’t look at me and just say “I know you don’t have younger family in japan and you are not on purpose” I was very worry about it after but now he sometime holds my hund, sometime trys to sleep on my shoulder in car and does something silly things. I’m having happy time with him actually these days.

Last, oh my! it’s gonna be very long report but I cannot cut anything anymore lol  Anyway, this week I felt kind of culture shock. It was that Japanese still hunts and eats wheal meet. According to my host family, Japanese does wheal watching but eat wheal meats!!!!! OMG!!!!! It was difficult to explain but I know that Japanese is not hunting wheal to waist them or doing as a sports. Actually It makes me wanna make cultural presentation about food.


I’m having good time in here with my lovely host family and friends. Not everything is perfect, but still I can fix it better to have a wonderful year in USA. I know it’s depends on my effort, how hard I worked for it. Thank you for all of opportunities that gives me in here. Also thank you for reading my long long report I hope you enjoy that! So see you soon!


こんにちは、ニューハンプシャー州に留学している淀野ひかりです。最初のレポートから二か月がたち色々なことが嵐のように過ぎ去っていきました。皆さんとシェアしたいことが山ほどありますよ! 先月サッカーのシーズンが終わり今月からチアリーダーをやっています。練習はとてもハードですがやりがいがあって好きです。ジャンプやアクロバット、スタンドの練習を毎日していてあちこち筋肉痛が絶えません、なんせ私は人を持ち上げる方とあげられる側どちらもやっているので。意外なことにコーチやチームメイトからあなたのジャンプは美しいわ!と褒められます。毎日のように5Gの教室でチアのジャンプを生意気にもまねしていたおかげなおかもしれないと思ったりなんかしています。笑 残念ながら選抜メンバーには選ばれませんでしたがこれからもっと努力すればちゃっかり昇進できるのではないかと思っているので一肌脱ぎます。実を言うと13人中3人は選抜に入れないという状況で落ちたので死ぬほど悔しくてこの17歳、ぎゃん泣きしてコーチとキャプテンにハグをもらう始末。ともかくまず痩せたいと思います。

次に学校生活について。授業にも慣れてもうあの先生何言ってるんですか状態はぬけだせました。なのであまり苦労していません、むしろ北星にいた時より成績がいいぐらいです笑。 最近思ったのですが来年留学する皆さん、ぜひ難易度より興味のある分野を意識して授業を組むことをお勧めします。事実、わたしもはじめ政治の授業と宇宙科学の授業を受け始めた時、日本語での専門知識もほとんどなかったため、ちんぷんかんぷんでした。ただただ興味があってダメだったら変えればいいかーって感じで初めて、分からない単語とか片っ端から調べて理解していくうちにすごく授業に意欲が入るようになりました。合衆国憲法100問クイズはえぐいですが、、、今では毎晩のように星座を観察して、あ!オリオン座♥とかはしゃいだり、アメリカの政治や憲法についてホストマザーやファザーと話したりしています。なので、参考にしてみて下さい。


追伸 かれん、お誕生日おめでとう。(先月)

hikari2-1 hikari2-3 hikari2-2




私は一時間目から七時間目まで、Algebra2 (数学)、Chemistry(化学)、US history (歴史)、Psychology(心理学)、Florida college Pre (国語みたいなやつ)、Economy(経済学)、Marching Band (音楽) で真面目に授業を受けています笑 数学は高1レベルなので全く難しくなくて余裕です笑 先生に特別問題を用意されるくらいです笑 化学と歴史はひたすら先生の話を聞いて、板書している感じです。心理学は調べ学習が基本で、たまにYouTubeの心理学に関する動画をみんなで見て勉強しています。国語の時間は物語を読んで自分の意見をプリントに書いて提出したり、たまに自分の意見を発表する機会があります。経済学も基本は板書ですが、先生が日本との事を絡めながら授業してくれるので面白いです。バンドではみんなで楽器を使ってセッションしています。私はフルートを担当していますが、今まで楽器を弾いたことが無かったので、はじめの方はついていけてなかったけど、今ではみんなと同じ曲を楽しく演奏できています。と、こんなかんじの繰り返しです。




話は変わりますが、家族と友達に日本食を作る機会があって簡単なものを作りました。家族のみんなも友達も気に入ってくれて、本当に嬉しかったです。今では、シスターからリクエストされるので、定期的に作っています笑 日本食を美味しいって食べてくれるのは、すごく嬉しいことです。ちなみに、箸も使ってくれています笑









Hello! It is Sarii Takeuchi in Florida! Around 100 days have passed since I came to America. It seems that snow is piled up already in Hokkaido. The Florida state is also over the summer, it is not hot all day, it is very cold in the morning and it is gradually getting warmer. The evening is the hottest. Aside from that, I would like to talk about school lessons.


From 1 hour to 7 hours, Algebra 2 (mathematics), Chemistry, US history, Psychology, Florida college Pre (languages), Economy, Marching Band(music), I am taking classes seriously. Mathematics is a easy for me, so it is not difficult at all. Math teacher prepares more difficult questions foe me. Chemistry and history are just listening to the teacher’s speaking. Psychology is basically researching, sometimes studying videos on YouTube’s. In language class, I have the opportunity to read the story, write my opinion on the print, submit it, and publish my opinion occasionally. Economics is basically write down words, but the teacher is interesting because it teaches classes with Japanese things. In the band, we all are using instruments and do session. Although I am playing flute, I have never played instruments so far, so the first one could not keep up, but now I can enjoy the same songs as everyone else.

On Friday night there are almost football games, sometimes home games, sometimes go to the other school and play games. When I go to the other school, we are traveling by bus, but inside the bus is warming up, because turn music and everyone is singing loud, so this moment is awesome. Since I am in the band, I will perform at half time every time. I am acting in front of a lot of people (I am doing a baton) and I am still nervous every time. But when performance ends, people get a lot of applause, so there is a sense of accomplishment very much.



Although the story will change, I had the opportunity to make Japanese food for my family and friends, so I made something simple. I was pleased that my family and my friends liked it. It is now requested by Sister, so I regularly make it. It is a pleasure to eat Japanese food delicious. By the way, they also use chopsticks.



After all, when I was in situation with more three months no Japanese, only English ,so my ears got used to English, now I no longer have to worry about listening. I feel that speaking is also improving, I can talk to about a lot of things with good friends, and I can talk a lot about every day with friends who can talk about it as a joke and it is fun. Until a while ago, if I had only two people with no one, the conversation did not continue or was silent, but now it is not such a thing. I’m glad that I can calm down and talk while having fun. If I add more vocabulary skills, I think that the repertoire of the way of speaking increases, the conversation gets more excited, I can make more friends. I will continue to do my best without satisfying with the present situation now.


Well, see you again soon!! Bey guys!

Sari2-1 Sari2-2 Sari2-3










そして、8月から始まり、休みなしで平日は毎日練習していたマーチングが終わってしまいました。私は、最初からマーチングに参加させてもらえていたのですが、途中で嫌になることもありましたし、最初は新鮮だったものもいつのまにか当たり前のことになって、飽きてしまうこともありましたが、いざ終わってみると、なんだか心に穴が空いたような、いつのまにかこんなにマーチングが好きになっていたのだと、自分でも驚いています。今は、コンサートバンドと、シンフォニックバンドに分かれて練習をしているのですが、私はシンフォニックバンドに入れることになりました。シンフォニックバンドは他のバンドよりも厳しく、より難しい曲を演奏するバンドだと聞きましたが、シンフォニックバンドで、 演奏することができて本当に嬉しいです。どうやら私にはゆるい規則のないものより厳しい方が合っているみたいです(笑)










Hi guys! I’m Ayane from Mississippi. Surprisingly, it’s getting colder and colder here. Though we don’t have any snow, I didn’t expect that it’s gonna get really cold. I have lots of things I wanna tell you in this report!


So, first of all, I was getting bored of everything after my host mom got surgery on her knee because she wasn’t able to drive a car over a month. That was really bad, every day, my friend picked me up in the morning to go to school, and took me back home after school. There was nothing to do except going to school. My mom’s friend went grocery shopping once a week, and if I needed something, I had to told her to buy. Our clothes dryer machine was broken, so we used to go to coin laundry to dry the clothes. Since my mom wasn’t able to drive, I had to think that which clothes I need to dry in our house. We don’t have much space to dry them in our house so I could let the clothes dry only 5 or 6 clothes at a time. By the way, I started reading books which was written in English, so that I won’t get bored at home.


But thanks to my mom’s surgery on her knee, I could get to know that friend named Amelia who was my driver while my mom wasn’t able to drive. And one day, Amelia asked me to hang out with her, and her friend. I was really glad because I’ve never hung out with friends before since I came to America. We went shopping, that was my first time to visit a shopping mall in America, and after that, we curved pumpkins, that was also my first time. And we went to the haunted house which was really scary for me. I brought back my curved pumpkin to my house, and I put the candle in it on Halloween day.


Next is about my school life. I took examinations in the middle of September. And I received my report card which my grade of first 9 weeks was written on it. I got all A’s which we call Banner Roll. The happiest thing was I received a Gold Card. Gold Card is a card which students who got Banner Roll can get, and it is like a pass to get discount or free stuff at the store in our city. I don’t mean to brag, but my mom said her daughter never received this card in her entire school life. I think I can’t get this card next semester, because I’m taking English 3, US History, Marine Biology and Zoology. But I will try.


Marching season was over. We went to a state competition but we couldn’t get 1st place. And after the marching season, our band divided into Concert band and Symphonic band. I’m in the Symphonic band which is stricter than the other band, but I’m glad to be in that band. We are now practicing some songs for Christmas concert, and those remind me the Christmas service I did at my Japanese high school.


Next, let me tell you about a personal thing. I got sick the other day, I had a fever, body ache, and headache. That was my second time to get sick. Both times, I told my mom about that, and she said me to drink Sprite. First time when she said that, I thought I just couldn’t listen well. But she told me that her daughter always drinks Sprite when she gets sick. That was the weirdest thing ever since I came here. I don’t know if that custom to drink Sprite when someone gets sick is only for my host family or not, but if anyone has ever tried to drink Sprite, please let me know. If you haven’t, you’ve got to try even just for once, I don’t recommend though.


Anyways, the last thing I wanna tell you is about my birthday which was on November 10th. My Spanish class mate sang a birthday song in Spanish for me. A lot of people told me happy birthday. I had a football game that night, So I got back home late, then my mom gave me some birthday gifts to me. Next day, I had a Christmas party with CHI exchange students. (I know it’s too early but our coordinator said we’re gonna busy on December, so that’s why we had Christmas party before Thanks giving holidays). And after that, my friends hold a surprise birthday party for me. My host sister asked me to go shopping after the Christmas party, and when we are done with our shopping, she said we are gonna eating dinner at a restaurant, so we went there. When I walked into the restaurant, I saw my friends are sitting around a table and they said ” “Happy birthday, Ayane” in unison. I was really surprised but also happy. That was the best birthday ever!


This week was Thanksgiving break. I had 9 days including weekends. The first two days, I went to my friend’s house. She is really kind, and her family was also kind. She invited me to go her aunt’s house to have early Thanksgiving dinner with her relatives. I was surprised because even though I am not her family member, her family treated me as if I were a member of her family. That was really nice. On Thanksgiving Day, I went to my host mom’s brother’s house. That was my first time to meet my mom’s family, because they live far away from our house. Also, I met Japanese person who is a boss of my host mom’s brother. That was really good opportunity to meet someone from same country. And that made me realize a lot of things too.


I’ve been writing so long, but I guess it’s too much. So, thank you for reading my second report, and see you in the next report!

Ayane2-1 Ayane2-2 Ayane2-3







 そして次になぜ私の2ヶ月は辛かったかというと ファミリーの環境とシスターと合わなかったからです。このレポートを書いている一週間前に変えました。変えたくてもなかなか変えられなくて変える直前は家にいられる状態ではなくなりコーディネーターの家にいました。でもそこでまた別の問題が、、コーディネーターの家にいたドイツから来た男の子の留学生と私の間で少し問題があり。彼と会うのはよくないとコーディネーターの家にはこっそり出入りしていました。本当にこの期間は頭がパンク状態でした。来年留学する後輩に伝えたいのはシェアルームする際は持ち物の管理はしっかりしといた方がいいです。後、女の子の嫉妬からくる恨みは恐ろしいです(笑)



パーティーの後の夜に友達の車で音楽爆音かけながら叫びまくってマックで語ったりして青春感じてマーース!友達の車でお買い物に行ったり!友達がいればなんでも楽しいですね〜 また2ヶ月後❤

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まず学校!最近は友達も安定して、もう数え切れないくらいお泊まりしてます。映画見たり、夜ご飯作ったり、恋話とかね。いい友達もいて、恵まれていますが、正直学校は慣れて、つまらないです。1週間の間にテスト、小テスト、クイズ、、、70点以下とったら評定はFなので気は抜けません。ただでさえ正確に理解できないのに、高得点取らないと行けなくて、毎日勉強、勉強、勉強。それが一番のストレスです。なぜなら私は勉強アレルギーなので、笑 一年間テスト期間といった気持ちです。はははは。一学期はESL,コーラス、数学、天文学です。コーラスは未経験だけどとても厳しく優しい先生で、ヘレン先生と言うのですが、この間、すごい眉間にしわを寄せて私の方にずんずんと歩いて来て怒られると思っていたら、「私のいとこの奥さんが日本に住んでいて、彼女が”あなたのクラスの留学生に、北海道の山頂にはもう雪が降ったよと伝えなさい”と、言われたんだ、君はこの意味がわかるかい?」と言われました。こんなに日本から離れた場所で、人から人に伝わって私のところまで来たのかと思うとなんだか感動して、しかも励ましの言葉でもなく、ただ私の故郷に雪が降ったと、そんな粋な伝言があるんですか笑 世界って狭いな〜〜! 私はびっくり嬉しくて「わかります、ありがとうございます」とだけしかいえませんでしたがヘレン先生は満足げにメガネを外して笑ってくれました。私はヘレン先生が一番好きです!ちなみに彼はKFCのカーネルおじさんに似ています。


家族について書きます。私にはシニアのブラザーがいます。彼はアスペルガー症候群です。アスペルガー症候群の特徴は、人の情緒が理解しにくい、とても狭い視野で深い関心を持つことです。彼はたまに意地悪な言い方をしたり、会話を遮ったりします。最初こそ驚きましたが今はそんなにです。彼は日本が大好きでアニメを見ます。彼は1日に何回も携帯でアニメの画像や動画を見せて来ます。でも私は割とオタク気質の人に理解があるのでブラザーがコスプレしてようがフィギュアを集めようが動画を見て一人で笑ってようが気にしていません、笑 ただ、私がわかるアニメを見てる時、あコレ知ってるよ、と言うと嬉しそうに語り始めるので少しは歩み寄れてるかな?と思います。話は変わりますがホストマザーはすごく韓国ドラマにはまっています。国は違えど、どこのマダム達も韓国ドラマが好きなのね、、と思いました。ダブルの韓国人のスンイとは1番話します。彼女はとても素直です。私日本って嫌いだったの。ってバッサリ言われた時は笑いが止まりませんでした(涙)でも今では彼女も日本を知って、好きと言ってくれます!いつも日本と韓国のことを話して楽しみます。彼女とアジア料理を作って食べるのが最近のブームです!良きシスター&友達って感じです。

私も日々のストレスはもちろんあります。日本の高校生活はとても守られたもので、言いたいことが正確に伝わるし、悩むことも少なかったように感じます。でも今私はアメリカで高校生なので、逆にいえば日本の価値観とルールに縛られていません。やっぱり楽しめる環境に持っていくのは最終的に自分です。だから毎日小さなチャンスを見逃さないように頑張るしかない気がします。一人で歩いて帰るとき、シャワーを浴びる時、ふと日本の家族を思い出します。友達を思い出します。アメリカの子達によく日本が恋しい?と聞かれます。でもそこで、うん、と言ってしまったら何か負けな気がしています。3ヶ月が経ちましたがまだ一度も日本の父と母の声は聞いていません。今の所電話する予定はありません。きっと声を聞いたら関係なく泣いてしまうし日本に帰りたいなんて思ってしまったら大変ですしね。ぜひ私のインスタを見てください!私が元気に生きてるってわかるはず!だから日本にいるみんなも頑張ってね!5Fは英語劇がんば!ダンス部愛してるよ!じゃ次のレポートで!Love you all!

kirara2-1 kirara2-2 kirara2-3






20日から25日までThanks giving breakで学校がなくて土日も合わせると9連休です!友達と遊びに行ったり、ショッピングに行く予定もあるのですごく楽しみにしています。



Hi guys! It has passed 2 months since I submitted my report last time. I feel time passes by so quickly.

There were a lot of events such as Homecoming and my birthday for 2 months. Homecoming was really awesome. We danced together. I’m actually not good at dancing, but it was fun. On my birthday, I went to SUSHI restaurant with my family. It was American sushi restaurant, but the sushi was Japanese style and really good. When we went to home, there were many presents on the table. I was really surprised. There was ice cake and my family sang birthday song to me. I was so happy.

I already got used to my school but still I cannot keep up with some classes. I cannot finish my assignment in US history class so I always take a picture of my friend’s sheet and copy it. In literature class, I try to write essay and paraphrase assignment so hard. Of course it is too difficult for me even I ask my teacher. But she is always helps me. She is really nice.

It has passed 4 months since I came to America. Still I am worried about my English. Adults like my family and my teachers try to understand my terrible English. but I am afraid of my English when I talk with teens. I don’t know why.

One little difficulty in the US is the difference of sense of humor between Americans and me. sometimes I’m confused because when student laughing during class, I don’t know why they are laughing. I still don’t get used to the difficulty.

I have thanks giving break for 9 days. I have plans, I cannot wait for it!


See you next time!

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