









私のレポートはバスケばかりでつまらないだろうなといつも思うのにバスケのことばかり書いてすみません…でも私にはバスケしかないんですよね笑 そこで来年留学する後輩にアドバイスです!何か一つでもみんなに勝てるような特技を持っておくと学校や学校外でも有名になれますよ笑 ただ一つ思ったのが出来すぎても、プレッシャーや責任を感じてしまい辛くなることもあるので、何も特技を持たないで新しいことに挑戦するのもいい案かもしれませんね笑 アドバイスになってませんね…すみません笑




Hi this is Mayuko. How are you doing guys? I think full-fledged winter has arrived in Sapporo. It’s getting cold in Iowa, too. I thought I am a DOSANKO, but why I feel so cold, I checked temperature. Guess what? It was −20℃. No wonder it was so cold. I’ve never experienced like that’s temperature.


Anyway, do you know how grand is christmas in America? I have known it is a grand event in America, but I was making light of it. I got a lot of christmas presents that I was imaging from my host family. I was imaging I can get 3 or 4 presents from my host family and get about 1 present from my host family’s family. But actually I got as much as 18 presents from my family. The presents were wonderful. I’ll send the picture, so please look at them. I want to spend future christmas time in America.


I spent good time, but of course I had hard things. My host sister got hurt in the game. I trust her best in the team, so I couldn’t stop crying the day, because I worried about her and I thought I can’t play without her. I was given 4 basketball games without my sister. I was frustrated and I thought how should I play, so I cried every game lol. However, I played last game of without her with 2 words. They are “be strong” and “KAOHARU”. My favorite basketball coach gave me the word of be strong. You guys know who is he. Also, my one of the friend gave me word of KAOHARU. I don’t like the word of “頑張る” I think most people who is living in this world working hard. If I was told “頑張れ” when I am having hard things probably I’m gonna think I am already working hard lol. She knows like that me and she gave me the word. Those words resemble the sound. Isn’t it? I am sorry, but we lost the game ( the opposite team is No.3 in the state lol). I wasn’t frustrated and wasn’t puzzled. I want to appreciate my teacher and a friend to saved me. Incidentally, my sister came back.


My report was always written about basketball and I think it’s boring, so I’m sorry, but I don’t have anything expect basketball lol. So I want to advice to my juniors! You should have something that you are good at than anybody, if you have it you can be famous in the school and the outside of the school lol. But I thought one thing that if you are really good at something I think you will get pressure or responsibility and they makes you hard, so it is better that you don’t have anything that you are good at and then you can challenge new things. I’m sorry it was not be advice lol.


There are few months until I go back to Japan. We don’t know what will happen or I’m gonna get. I guess I will spend good time and hard time. But I will fell pass the time super early. I do “KAOHARU” to puffed out my chest and go back to Japan.

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<原 文>

Hey guys, how are you doing? I’m good. It is absolutely freezing to death in Bismarck ND. Now it is evening, however it is -12℃. Here is always below the freezing point. 


There were many events for 2 months. Thanksgiving, my host mom’s birthday and Christmas Eve… I spent with my host mom and her son’s family all events. These were wonderful wonderful times. Especially Christmas Eve and Thanksgiving were best times for me. I played games with my host mom’s grandkids. When I met them on Christmas eve, I was so nervous, because I hadn’t met them for a long time. However they are so friendly. They hug me, and then they call me that “Sonoka!!! come over here!!!” to play with me. I already miss them, so I couldn’t believe that I’ll leave here this year. 


Anyway, I’ll talk about class. Before I came here, I hate history class, because it is hard to understand. However, I like US history class now, because it is interesting. I learned about WWⅡ and D-Day, and I watched movie about that. The movies made me sad. Those were so bad happening. I didn’t know D-Day before I came here. It is good for me to learn that. I changed my way of thinking. I thought that I need to learn about Japanese politics. Since I came here, I have been able to learn about English and US culture, and I have been able to change a way of conceiving something. 


I decided to join art club. I wanted to join sports club however almost sports club already started so I couldn’t join. I have art and craft class, and I like it. I’m good at drawing pictures, because I learned how to draw a picture for 10 years in Japan, so my teacher said “you should join art club!” The word made me decide to join art club. 


I wanna write more, however it will be so long haha. See ya. 


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<原 文>

Hey guys! Happy New Year! I’m Mariko. How are you doing? I am pretty good. This is my second report. It’s already passed about 4 month since I came here. How time flies… I can’t believe that I already spend 4 month. It means I have only a few month. So I want to value the time with my study abroad life more.


Anyway, I was able to get a lot of experience after I wrote first report. So maybe I can’t tell everything. But I am going to tell you the some of my experience. 


First, do you remember? I said my first report “I am going to meet my host sister and her daughter”. So in November, I was able to meet them. Her daughter is 2 years old and she is such a so sweet girl. I love her so much:) And I was able to spend very good time with her. So I gonna talk about it. I was going to Colorado and Missouri and Tennessee with them. I got a lot of experience in there. We went to a lot of place. We went to a mountain, went to amusement park, went to water park and so on… And we spent Thanksgiving in Tennessee. My first Thanksgiving was so awesome experience. A food was so delicious. I like all of them which I ate in thanksgiving. And at night we played games and watched movies. I think thanksgiving is such a very nice holiday in the US. I was sad because I can’t spend thanksgiving anymore in here. And Christmas too! I spent a Christmas in Missouri. I got a lot of presents. So this holiday was my awesome experience. So I hope I can spend it in here again. Thank you to my host family for spending nice holiday with me. Also I hope I can meet my host sister and her daughter again. 


Anyway, In November, I had a musical in my school. I was able to join this musical. The musical called Seussical スーセカル) . Do you know Dr.Susse? Maybe No? Don’t worry, I did not know about that before I joined this musical. Anyway, this musical was so good experience in my study abroad life. I am so glad to join this musical. Even through this musical, I want to thank all of the people who have been involved with me. I wanna play musical again.


And now I join bowling team in my school.  Before I came here, I have never tried to bowling. But the other day, I went to bowling with my friends and I thought it was so fun sports! So then I went to bowling every Sunday. And that’s cause of I join bowling team. 


And before Christmas, we had a Snowball in my school. Snowball means a little dance party. And my friend asked me about Snowball. And Of course I decided to go! And I borrowed a dress from my host sister. That was really fun night. We were dancing 3 hours… I was really tired after snowball. But I was staying up late with my friends. So the day was made me so happy. I wanna do again! I will have prom in May I think. I’m so excited! 


Oh my gash I wanna talk more about my experience. But maybe that’s enough to read it. So I guess I finish my report. I’m not sure my English skill is getting better before I came here. Some people say your English skill is getting better. I’m so happy to hear them. But I know my English skill is still bad. So what should I do from now. Maybe I talk more people, don’t be shy, don’t be afraid to say anything and a lot of things I can do from now. So just I will do my best everything. 

Thank you for reading my report. See you next time. 

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こんにちは。レポートを送るのが遅れてごめんなさい。月曜日までクリスマスブレークだったので、火曜日は少し学校へ行くのが憂鬱でしたが、学校へ行くと、I miss you!って友達に言われて、ここに来れてやっぱりよかったなって思いながらレポートを書いています。














今4年生で長期留学する予定のみんなへ。カイロでもやけどには気をつけましょう。笑 普段生活している分には平気だけど、自分の体調を伝えるのはやっぱり大変です。上手く伝わらないんです。笑ってるけど本当に。錠剤とかも湿布!って感じの湿布の匂いで、薬が飲めない私にとっては一苦労です。体調管理には気をつけてください。





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いきなりですが、私の学校はもう始まっています‼︎1月4日からスタートしました。カナダにはお正月休みがありません。その代わりにクリスマスブレイクがあるのです。でも、クリスマスブレイクと北星の冬休みはだいたい同じくらいに始まるんです苦笑 なので日本の冬休みの方が長くて羨ましいです。



























Hey guys! Happy new year!!!How are you doing ?


I can’t believe that school started from January 4th. We didn’t have New Year holidays. Because we had Christmas holidays. But Christmas holidays started from December 18th. I think that it’s same as my school in Japan. So, we didn’t have a long vacation. I’m so sad.


We have exams this month. I have Japanese and math exams. I wanna get good mark.  After exams, I have an approximately 2weeks break.


We went to Calgary for Christmas holidays. We stayed grandparents’ house. My sister and I went to a big shopping mall. We couldn’t go all shops so we went there 2days. Christmas Eve was very fun. We had a big party with cousins. It was fun. I got over 40 Christmas presents.


Do you guys know? New Year’s Day is not big event in Canada. I think that many people think in the foreign country people have timeshare or fireworks or something. But I went to a baby-sitter with old sister on New Year’s day lol. They didn’t have Osechi, Kouhaku utagassen, Gakitsuka etc. I was missing them so much.


We have final exams next week, it means that we left a few days in 1st semester. I could have a lot of experiences and meet many people. I had really good time this four months. Time goes by too fast.

In this semester, I could meet two people who are  wonderful and respectable. One of them is a my best friend. She is a Bangladesh-Canadian, because she was born in Canada. By the way, her  parents are from Bangladesh. I met her at the gym class. She really likes Japan, so she is interested in me. That’s the way we were able to get along smoothly. She helped me every day, so I could have good time at the gym class. In the Christmas season, we gave some presents each other. That presents were from each home country. I was so glad to get presents from her. In the next semester, we’ll take a T-shirts design class together. I’m very excited to that!!


The other one is a teacher. She teaches my gym class. She is very kind, concern about me every time. She talked to me many times, like “How are you?”, “How was your weekend?” Even she talked to me about my personal thing, like “Is your host family ok?”, “Do you have a problem? Can I help you something?”, “Tell me your family in Japan?”,etc… Anyways, she is a really good teacher! But, I won’t meet her every day next semester, because I won’t have her class. Even though we won’t be able to meet often, she told me “I can teach English any time. So, you can count on me.” I was glad to hear that. I realize that I could meet such a great people. I’ll value this encounter, and then I’ll do my best next semester.


Thank you for reading!! See ya. Mei

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 来月から二学期が始まります。今取っているクラスを離れなければならないことはとても寂しく思いますが、次の学期の体育のクラスが仲のいい女の子と同じなのでとても楽しみで待ちきれません。しかし、その前に学期末テストがあったり、課題もいくつかあるので今はバタバタしています。最後まで読んでくださりありがとうございます。次のレポートも楽しみにしていてくださいね。 五十嵐みなみ


3rd Report Jan 9th, 2016


Hi, how are you doing these days? And how was your Christmas and New years day? In Brandon, it has been unusually warm this winter. 5months’s gone already since I came here on August 7th. I’m pretty sure that the 6 months left is going to be precious time for me. Anyway this report is going to be third one, I’m happy if you don’t become weary and do enjoy it.


After I handed in my second report in November, I had Christmas and New years day, and I went to wedding, Winnipeg with classmate. I went to Winnipeg 3 times during Christmas vacation to visit my host parent’s sons for Christmas, New years day, and just a visit. I was just impressed by Canadian Christmas. I was thinking if I am kid in Canada, Christmas must be so big event for me. We had 20 or 30 presents underneath the Christmas tree, so of course their grandkids were so excited and happy. I was just envying (just kidding). I got many Christmas presents as well. Anyway there were a lot of new nice meetings and many interesting conversations. Actually I learned a lot in there. A lot of people asked me “ Did you find any difference in Canada so far? ”, and I told them that we have a Christmas presents from only our parents and grandparents, so it’s not like Canada, 20 or 30 presents for each kids. But we do celebrate New years day more than Christmas instead of Christmas. It’s true, right? I’m not sure about that… Anyway everybody was just so surprised by the difference, so I was so happy with that. Cause when I was telling them about Japanese culture, they focused and listened me and were interesting in Japan.


In the school, I found it easy to do anything. I had a problem at the math class like I wrote in 2nd report, but now I have no problem. All mark is ok and I’m enjoying all classes. Especially at gym class, I did enjoy volleyball for a while, cause I was belonging to volleyball team when I was in junior high, so I’m good at that. And in my EAL class which is for people who are from other country, I could move up to the higher level class than I was in. Most of people who could move up to the class are living in Canada longer than me, so this happen was good to make sure that my English skill is improving. Actually I don’t feel my English skill’s going up by myself, if people tell me my English is getting better.


Finally I want to talk about resolutions of 2016. Past year, I came to Canada alone as exchange student. I can probably say this happen is going to be the biggest challenge in my life, 16 years. ( Decided to go to Hokusei was also big for me.) I was often thinking about being in Canada past year, but now, I have a distinct resolutions for this year. It is that I’ll find a difference of culture between Canada and Japan. I want to make use of my cross cultural awareness I’ve found in Canada after back to Japan. Actually I’ve already found a lot of strong points and weak points in 5 months I’ve been through till today. At the end of this report, I would like to introduce you this phrase “A future depends on what you do today”. It was written on one of the classroom’s wall. When I saw this, what I thought was “ It’s true.”. To keep trying, learning from the past time, and learning a new thing is the exactly what I should do this year. I swear I ain’t going to give up anything I can try in Canada.


From next month, 2nd semester is starting. I don’t want to believe that I have to leave my current classroom I’m taking, but the most exciting thing is that a gym class I’m going to take for next semester is same class with my favorite girl. We’re just exciting and we can’t even wait. But before that I have to prepare for a final exam and many projects and assignments I’m working on, so I’m spending pretty busy time now. Please wish my success, and thank you for reading till the end. -M


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とにかく、私は素晴らしいファミリーとこうして一緒に過ごせることを本当に嬉しく思っています。なので、是非彼らの素晴らしさを皆さんに伝えさせてください!私は、これまで本当に沢山の思い出を彼らと作ってきました。そして、一緒にいろいろな所に行きました。特に、フロリダにはもう4回も行きました。私のホストファザーはパイロットで、自家用ジェット機を持っているので、他の州に行くことが多くあります。それに、彼らは本当にフロリダが大好きで、別荘まで持っているので、フロリダに行く機会が多いのはそういう理由なんです。また、私のこれまでの一番印象深いイベントは、もちろんクリスマスです。私は、ファザーとマザー両方のたくさんの親戚と会って、一緒に美味しい料理を食べたり、いろんなことを沢山話したり、apples to applesというゲームをしたりして楽しい時を過ごしました。そして私の一番のお気に入りのシーンは、もちろんプレゼント交換です。私が思っていた以上に沢山のプレゼントをサンタクロースを含めた沢山の人からもらいました。私は、この歳になってサンタさんからプレゼントがもらえるなんて夢にも思っていなかったので、とても興奮していました(笑)さらに、私のホストファミリーは、私が彼らに伝えていなかった欲しいものまで知っていたので、もらった時はとても驚きました。とても素敵だと思いませんか?今回が初めての日本以外で過ごすクリスマスで、日本のものより遥かに豪華でした!来年から毎年クリスマスはアメリカで過ごしたいくらいです。彼らには、感謝の気持ちを伝え切れることはありません。私は、自分が世界中の留学生の中で一番幸運だと本気で信じています!もう既に彼らと離れることを考えるととても悲しいですが、2年後にシスターのスクールトリップで家族で日本に来る予定なのと、私が北海道の魅力を沢山伝えてしまったので、私達はまた必ず会うことができると信じます!










Hi, guys!  How’s it going?  I’m sorry to be way too late to send my first (&second) report.  I know Mr. Tanabe is mad at me…he is such a gentleman, so I hope he is not.  It’s completely my fault though.  I’d like to send it with Japanese translation  

as a token of my apology.


Anyways, there were too many things what happened to me to write.  I’m pretty sure this report will be so long and can’t tell you everything about the past 5 months.  I hope I can tell you most of all though.


First of all, I’m going to tell you about having changed host family. I changed it at the beginning of September, so the time to spend with my first host family in Indiana was pretty short.  The reasons why are they moved their house and I got into troubles with one of my host sister.  However, I felt so sad because they were nice and treated me like a true member of the family.  Also I loved the time to spend watching movies at every Friday night with them.   However, if I didn’t change it, I couldn’t meet my present family.  


Anyways, I’m so glad to be able to stay with such a sweet family, so let me tell you how wonderful they are!  I have way too many memories with them so far.  We went many places in particular Florida.  My host father is a pilot and has private airplane so it’s easy to go other states.  Also, they have an another house in Florida and love there, so that’s why we go there many times.  My most memorial event so far is obviously Christmas.  I met many of their relatives and they all were so nice to me.  We ate many special food, talked a lot of things, and played Apples to Apples together.  My most favorite part of the Christmas was exchanging gifts.  I got many present more than I expected from many people including Santa Claus.  I didn’t expect I can get gifts from Santa Claus at my age, so I was so excited.  Also, my host family knew what I want even I didn’t tell them.  That’s so sweet of them, isn’t it?  It was my first time to spend Christmas in outside of Japan and so much better than Japanese one!  It was really nice so as to want to spend every Christmas in the U.S. from next year.  There’s no way to tell my all of appreciation to them.  I’m the luckiest exchange student in the world ever I believe seriously!  I’ve already felt sad to think I’ll leave from them, but they are going to come to Japan because of my host sister’s school trip 2 years later, and I’ve told them appeal of Hokkaido way too much, so we’ll definitely meet again!  Hopefully.

Second of all, I’m going to tell you having switched my school. I switched it the end of the first semester.  It wasn’t supposed to be changed, but has changed suddenly.  I didn’t like my previous school(not now) because I had really hard time there before.  Many students there were mean to me and I was laughed at in some classes on several times.  Actually I kind of felt  I was discriminated(some people don’t think so though).  So I talked to my AC, school, host parents, and one of Japanese friend who is going to my present school.  It was really hard to describe the situation and my feeling because they (except my host mother and the friend) didn’t listen to me at all at first. However, I kept talking to them really seriously over and over again, so they was getting to understand me little by little, and finally I could change the school!  Actually, it’s not the best timing to change it because my school life was getting better and I was enjoying it day by day.  So it was kind of sad, but I’m proud of me about being able to change the school by myself(usually it’s almost impossible) and appreciate them to have worked hard for me. So anyways, I’m going to make effort to enjoy my school life better than before I promise!  I’m still nervous, but I’m so excited to go there moreover.


I had kind of hard time for the past 5 months, but it made me grown quite well, and I believe everything what happened needed for me.  Everything here gives me valuable experiences.  I can’t and don’t want to believe I have only 6 months left.  I HAVE TO study, learn, have wonderful time and make awesome memories with my host family and friends, and enjoy it MORE!  I don’t wanna miss what I supposed to do here anymore so I’ll keep trying as much as I can do.  


Last of all I’d like to say that I’m so appreciating to my family to encourage me don’t matter when if I need their help, and let me have such a wonderful experiences.  (and send me baggage which are full of Japanese snacks every time.)  


Thank you for reading all of my long report!  I couldn’t tell you much about specific what happened but most of my feelings.  I hope I could tell you about enjoying school and send you pictures of me who lose weight next time.  Hopefully my third report won’t be late….  Take care of yourself!  See you soon!

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Hello. I am Hazuki.  I already had a lot of time at here. 


First, I experienced Halloween, thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year. These are really big event.  Ah, I have to tell you, I became Harry Potter finally on Halloween.  In Thanksgiving, I ate a lot of dishes these were made by host mother.  My most favorite food of all of thanksgiving food is banana pudding.  My host mother knows what I really like banana pudding, so she made it again for Christmas.  Christmas was so big event I mean really.  I was on TV to sing Christmas carol with my choir member at Christmas Eve.  However, our family missed this TV show lol.  Also I got a bunch of present. These are almost 40.  My host parents know what almost Japanese children get 1 from 1 person, so it is reason of I got a lot of.  My almost presents are Harry Potter goods.  I really appreciate them.  In the New Year, I saw fireworks.  These are pretty.  Nerveless, Baldwyn doesn’t have snow still now, so I miss snow.


About school, my 1st semester was finished.  I do not know my grade, but maybe not bad.  English teacher and classmates said good job for my research project.  Teacher gave me special topic that is about Japanese and the US.  I realized the different of these countries.  Also, Art teacher gave me 110 points for my sketchbook.  I really appreciate them as well.  On the other hand, I am nervous to take new classes.  My new classes are Algebra2 and Physics.  I did not take chemistry or Biology…lol


In fact…. I will most likely go to prom with a boy… I am really nervous about it.  I mean he is really good person.  One day, I ask him about prom ticket.  I really do not know though, he said he already pay for me.  He does not give me yet, so I am not sure in fact. 


At last, I realized I have a lot of friend, family, and people.  When I could not fall asleep, I have counted my friends lol.  There are almost 100. Before I go to school, I was really nervous I could get friends or not in fact. Therefore, I want to tell for next exchange students, if you are nervous either, you do not have to be.  You just say hello and give smile for everybody. 


Thank you for reading.  Have a good day!!

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<原 文>

Hello I’m so sorry that submitting is late.  Happy new year! 5 mouths passed since I came to the United States. I had a lot of good experiences in here. As a one example, Halloween was very interesting for me. I supposed be japanese zashikiwarashi so I wore yukata and I did sidewalk with my sister. By the way, my mother was harry potter and my sister was firefighter. She loves firetruck and duck so she is always watching DVD of firetruck or duck. I return to story of the Halloween. I and sister got a lot of candy and of course I ate all of it. My favorite candy is twix? I forget the candy’s name but something like this. It is really good.


However I wanna talk to you about my funny experience. I’m taking a cooking class. I had to presentation in the class about my country meal so I presented and made Okonomiyaki because it was easy to make. I putted octopus in Okonomiyaki but I didn’t tell them because I was said “Don’t tell them.” by host father. They had it and they were saying pretty good but one boy asked me about ingredients so I answered it then they were surprised very much because they have never had octopus. Their faces were so funny when they knew what is in it. 


I went to Washington D.C. at field trip of school program. I send the photo. 


November 25th was my birthday so my host family celebrated my birthday and I got super pretty stuffs. That made me happy.  And Christmas is the biggest holiday in America. Probably my house is the brightest in member of 5G. In addition, we build Christmas Village in my house.  We started to decorate my house for Christmas since October. It was really cool. I got a ton of present from Santa, host family, and host family’s grandparents. Of course I chose present for my host family. It was fun to find stuff for them and to open the presents but I was little bit sad because there is not snow in here so this Christmas don’t have snow. 


I’m going to talk about school and host family at last. My favorite subject is us government because I like my friend in the class. They are so kind to me and they are having interest about Japan. But actually people in my school are kindly. I like my school.  I was scary when I met host family because they like joke. I mean I couldn’t understand it is a joke or not joke so sometimes I cried but now I can understand better than when I came here. Sometimes father speak loud but he makes me fun so I don’t care about it. I learned it is important not to be sensitive so I’m going to do my best from now on.


Well, see you next report.

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Hello guys, how you doing? I have been busy as we had Christmas gathering on December and I have a big exam at school on the end of January. It’s good busy though. I’m going to tell you guys about some memories of this two months.


On November 28th, I stayed at my coordinator’s house as my mama went to Saskatoon to sleepover with her seven sisters. In the morning we said goodbye to each other and I went to the school nearby the river. There was the Christmas craft sale held and I helped selling the cookies with my coordinator’s friends and her granddaughter, Harmony. That was fun and I bought some cookies for my mama. In the afternoon my coordinator picked us up and went to the church. At the church I helped fixing some stuff and cleaned them up. That was fun too as I played with Harmony after I’ve done my job. After that we went home and ate supper, and went to the school and watched the school playing. It was quiet busy day, but also fun.


On December 26th, we had the Christmas gathering at our house and spent a time together. There were my host family, me, and other four people came. At first I was stressed out as I didn’t feel any comfy with those people. Though I have met them before and I knew them. But eating the supper and talking with them, I came to feel comfy and noticed that I was just too scared of them. Anyways, we had the special supper and ate delicious cakes, and we spent two hours to open the Christmas presents. What a heck! Because we opened them one by one in front of everybody, it takes long time. It was pretty long, but I was so excited and I loved it. I got lots of presents from everyone. And we got presents from the socks we had filled in too. That’s was the first time to be given so many presents at the same time. I can say that that was the best Christmas ever. The next day, we went skating near my house. That was the first time to skate. My host brother helped me with pulling me out with the hockey stick. After some practices, I studied how to stand and move on the ice. I didn’t fall down! It was freezing cold and my feet just didn’t move after skating, but that was so fun. I want to try it again.


I got a sty in my left eye and I had to go see a doctor. My greatest fear was having to go see the doctor by myself. Fortunately my mama had the friend who works for the ophthalmologic, so she contacted her and I got go see her. However, the appointment was in the morning and I went there alone as my mama had to work. I didn’t know where the ophthalmologic office was and I was so scared to go to new place alone. But I did. The doctor was so kind to explain how my eye was using easy words for me. In addition, she gave me an eye drop for free. After that I felt good and refreshed. Trying new things seem to be difficult, but once you’ve tried them, you will realize that they were not as scary as you thought they would be. That’s my sty taught me. Lol.


By the way, did I tell you about our super hyper dog named Opie? He destroys everything and makes a mess. He barks at strangers and always cries when someone’s leaving our house as he just loves people way too much. But he’s so cute when he’s calm. I hate his barking and making a mess, but I love him.


I think this is enough to explain those two months. As I said I have a big exam pretty soon, I’m going to stop typing and study for the exam now. See you in two months!


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