



カナダのオンタリオ州のノースベイに留学している中尾日向子です。これから、私が中学校の時から見続けていたこのレポートを自分が伝える側になっている事は今でも驚きですが、これから精一杯皆さんに辛い事も、楽しい事も、伝えていけたらいいと思っています。 まず最初に私は8月7日から約1ヶ月の研修を行なっていました。研修の内容はとにかく基礎的なカナダの知識などの勉強をし、とても役に立つものばかりでした。 その時もホームステイをしましたが、私の語彙力不足でホストファミリーとの会話の中で「OK!!」などと連呼をし、適当な受け答えをしてしまったせいで、ホストマザーに「貴方の考えている事がわからない。もし、分からない事があったり、買いにいきたい物があったら遠慮せず何でも言って!次のファミリーでもそうするのよ!」と言わせてしまいました。私はその事をホストファミリー言わせてしまった自分がとても悔しくて、改めて自分の勉強不足に気付かされましたし、今までは日本の家族は何も言わなくても、私の性格などを多少理解していたので、色々細かい面で苦労をしてこなかったんだ。と私の想像力の欠陥、改めて日本の家族の大事さや、自分を主張する事を学んだ気がしました。 そして、今、生活を共にしている長期ホストファミリーはホストファザー、ホストマザー、ホストシスター、そしてスペイン人のダブルプレースメントという家族構成です。スペイン人のダブルプレースメントは私の5倍ぐらい英語を流暢に話せて、とてもジョークをいう面白い人です!でも、彼女はとても流暢な分、ホストファミリーと会話をとてもしていて、私はたまに彼女に嫉妬や悔しさを感じてしまう事があります。しかし、ホストマザーがこの前、「日向子は日本語と英語は全然違うのに学ぼうと思った事が素晴らしいよ!貴方が喋ってる時、混乱しているのも分かっているし、たまに悲しい顔をしているのも分かっているのよ。でも、諦めないで会話し続けることを。そして、あまり日本語を使わなかったら、英語は伸びるから。」と沢山優しい言葉を私に語りかけてくれました。本当に嬉しかったですし、日本語を使うのを親以外やめようと思いました。 そして、そんなダブルプレースメントと一緒に通っている学校は多分、north bayの中でも規模が小さい学校で、アジア人が私のみという状況ですが、先生達が本当に本当に優しくしてくれて、本当に暖かい人が多いです。私は、そんな大好きな先生達と話す度に「この学校に通えて良かった。」と思います。しかし、学校に通ってみると意外とその学校の生徒は留学生に興味がなかったり、皆めちゃくちゃ、Fワードやスラングを使ってて何を話しているのかさらに分からなかったり、中には私の事を冷たい目で見てくる人もいます。しかし、その高校でいい出会いがあり、最近友達になった子の中で、シリア人の女の子が1人います。その子は本当にシリアの事が大好きで、いっぱいシリアの事を教えてくれる反面、「みんな、どこに居るのかわからない。早くいとこや友達に会いたい。」「早くシリアに戻りたい。」ということを沢山会話の中で耳にしました。そのようなのを生で聞いたりすると、どれだけ今も続いているシリア内戦が大変で苦しいものなのかが、ダイレクトに伝わり、私だけでは、解決出来ないと分かっていても、何とかしてあげたい気持ちがつのりましたし、そういう人達と話せて、色々な事に理解を深めていく度、留学というのは、英語力の向上にこだわるというより、人と人との触れ合い、自分自身と向き合うことが大事なんだと思いました。

Hello! My name is Hinako Nakao. I stay in north bay of Ontario shire. I am very surprised that I will write this report from now on because I have watched reports since I was a junior high school student. I want to tell you the utmost about happy and difficult things. First of all, I had been conducting about 1 month of training since August 7. It training contents are focused on fundamental things and knowledge of Canada. It was very useful for me. And, I was staying another host family’s house for a month. However, I didn’t have vocabulary of English so much ,so I used ”OK!”when talked with host family. My host mother said to me ” I don’t know what you think. Please tell me what you want. You don’t do that again with host family of north bay. “ I was so shocked and noticed that I have to study English more. Moreover, I think my Japanese family is very kind to me again. I learned about the importance of Japanese family and insisting on themselves. And then, I live with current host family. Its family structure is host father, host mother, host sister and a Spanish exchange student. A Spanish exchange student can speak English fluently than me and always say jokes ,so She is very funny. However, sometimes, I am jealous of her and frustrated when she when she is talking to my host family because she can speak English fluently. But, One day, My host mother said to me “It is wonderful that you try to study English. Moreover, there is very different English and Japanese. I know you are confused by speaking English ,and your facial expression are getting sad by that. But, don’t give up to keep on talking in English and If you try not to use Japanese in Canada, you wii be better than now.” My host family is always kind to me ,so I am happy now. Therefore, I decided not to use Japanese but not include my parents. Anyway, I go to a small high school with a Spanish exchange student in Canada. Probably, This high school is smaller than other high school in North Bay. Moreover, This high school has only I as a student in Asia. However, This high school teachers are so kind. But, Almost students are not interested in exchange students include me and I don’t understand this high school students’s conversation because they always use F words and Slang. Moreover, Some students are cold to me ,so sometimes, I want to cry. However, I could meet a great girl. She came from Syria ,but live in Canada with her family now because of IS. She taught me many things about Syria. For example, Her Syria friends and Her Syria school. However, She always said to me “ I want to meet Syria friends and my cousins. I am not sure where they live now. ” I know I can’t solve this problem myself but I thought I want to help them. I was glad to talk with her. I think it is important to talk with many people and enjoy in Canada than focus on improving English. Thank you for reading. See you next report.


HinakoN1-3 HinakoN1-2 HinakoN1-1


こんにちは、アメリカのコロラド州に留学している松井ひなこです。ここでは3日前にもう雪が降りました。札幌ももう寒いのかな?? 今回のレポートでは1か月のCHI研修のこと、学校のこと、そしてファミリーのことについて書こうと思います。




次に学校のこと。私の学校はとっても大きな学校で2600人近くいます。初めは毎日すべてが不安でしたが、私と同じ留学生仲間とアメリカ人の友達が面白くて優しくていつも私を助けてくれるおかげで楽しく過ごすことができています。私の学校は90分授業で、math、 earth environment science(天文学や地質学のようなもの)、humanities(アメリカ史と英語)をとっています。どれもとても難しいですが先生の優しさで何とかなっています。(笑)Showdownやhomecomingなどの楽しい行事があったので写真を貼っておきます。





Hi, everyone. I’m Hinako staying in Colorado. It has already snowed in here 3 days ago. Is it starting get cold in Sapporo too?? I would like to talk about orientation in Oregon, My school and My host family.


First, I am going to talk about the orientation. I had orientation in the very little town, Lebanon, Oregon with 10 Japanese girls including 4 hokusei girls’ student. We didn’t have so many lessons, and we went many places.  My host family is mom, dad, 8,11,14 years old sisters, so it made me feel like I was big sister. They are very cheerful and really kind to me. They get along with Ayane’s family, so we had a barbecue together! They had plan to go to trip, so I had to stay with other family only 1 week. They are also very kind to me, and they relative to Mai’s family. I truly realized how little the town is. But I really love this town because everyone is very kind and that is peaceful place.


Next, I’ll tell you about my host school. My school is so big, and the number of students of this school is about 2600. I really worried about everything because American high school is completely different to Japanese school. But I have American friends and friends who are exchange student, so I can spend happily school life with them. I take Math, Earth Environment Science and Humanities. These are not easy for me, but I could good grade because my teachers always help me.


Finally, I talk about my family. I changed host family recently. I also had to change host high school. That was very hard decision for me because I lose my friends. But I tried to think that changing school is not big deal and I can make new friends. I thought host family is more important than high school for me, so I decided to move. Now, my host family is so nice, so I have no regrets. I try to do my best in here. Thank you for reading my first report.

HinakoM1-1 HinakoM1-2 HinakoM1-3




最後に学校について話したいと思います。私の学校はとても小さな学校です。初日は、みんなの英語の話す速さなどに圧倒されてなにもできませんでした。でも、何かしなきゃ!って思って次の日はいろんな人に話しかけました。そうしたら、次の日からすれ違うたびにHi,Mai!!って言ってくれる人ができました。私の友達はみんな親切です。私が授業で困っていたら、”何か手伝おうか?” と必ず声をかけてくれる子がいたり、”あなたの~が好き!”って毎日言ってくれる子がいたり、学校の送り迎えをしてくれる子がいたりと、本当に感謝しかないです!私は、バンドに参加しています。中学校の時にチューバを吹いていたので、部活は必ずバンドに入ろうと決めていました。みんなに ”なに吹けるの?” って聞かれて ”チューバ!” って答えたらすごいリアクションで驚いてました(笑)でも、中学校の時は座って弾けるコンサートチューバというチューバを使っていて、マーチング用のチューバは使ったことがなくて、いざ使ってみたら重くてマーチングができませんでした。なので、みんなマーチングしてる時、私は前の方に立って弾くっていうことになりました。みんなと一緒にマーチングしたかったんですけどね(笑)



Hi, how are you doing? I’m Mai from Illinois. I can’t believe that 2 months has already passed since I’m here. I’m doing great. Is Hokkaido getting cold? Maroa, Illinois where I’m living is getting cold. I’m going to write about an orientation in Oregon, my host family, and high school.

First, I would like to talk about an orientation in Oregon. Actually, I had the orientation which has 4 weeks, but I got sick before I go to the America, so my orientation changed to about 10 days orientation. On orientation, I studied English and sometimes I went out. I could make great memories there. I stayed with two host families. Both of them were so kind to me, so I love them immediately. I went camping with my second host family. Actually, It was the first time to go camping to me. It was a lot of fun. The day was the best day ever. What I was doing almost everyday in second host family was to swim in their pool with a host sister and brothers. It made me tired, but it was so much fun, so never mind! Time has passed so fast, then I’ve realized that it’s time to say goodbye. To be honest, I wanted to stay with them more. But my sick didn’t allow it. Although it was too short for me, I could make special memories and experience many things that I’ve never experienced before.

Next, I’m going to talk about my host family in Illinois. There is a mother who is 62 years old. She has two sons, but they all grown up. And her husband died 15years ago. She is from Singapore, so her English has accent with Singapore. At first, I couldn’t catch her English, but I came to understand what she is saying. She works 3 of weeks and comes back to home so late. Because of this, I got hard homesick the other day. Now I’m used to it tho! Every Sunday, I go to the church with her. We do same thing like I always did at Hokusei. Sing a song, read the Bible and listen at pastor’s speaking. By the way, my host mother is really good at cooking. I love the dishes she makes for me. I always eat her dishes until I’m stuff. So I’m sure that I go back to Japan with big body!

Finally, I will talk about my high school life. My high school, Maroa-Forsyth, is a small high school. When I went to the school for the first time, I couldn’t do anything, because everybody talks English so fast! But I thought I had to do something. Next day, I tried my best, I talked to everybody I met. So  I could make friends who says to me “Hi, Mai!”. My friends are so kind to me. Some friends always tell me that they like my outfits, smile, and things like that everyday, and others always help me when I need help. I always appreciate their kindness. I belong to band. Everybody asked me that what can you play?, then I answered I can play the Tuba. Everybody who asked me this question were surprised about it! But I used to play the Tuba called concert Tuba, now I’m using Tuba called Sousaphone. I’ve never tried it before. It is so heavy than I thought. So I found out that I can’t marching with holding it. I told my band teacher about it so that I could join playing without marching. I really wanted to march with my friends, but too heavy to march for me!

That’s all! I am excited because this is my first report, so I wrote a lot! Sorry! Thank you for reading my long report. See you next report!

Mai1-1 Mai1-2 Mai1-3

カナダに留学中の櫻田絢乃さん から第1回目の留学報告が届きました。










次に、今のホストファミリーについて話します。家族構成は、ファザー、マザー、15歳のブラザー、6歳のブラザー、メキシコから来た留学生ファティマ、そして、猫と大きな犬がいます。はじめてこの家に来た日は家が清潔感に欠けているところと自分の部屋の布団が動物の毛まみれでここで何か月か生活するのかと考えたらとても辛くなりましたが、数日後には慣れて今では普通に生活ができています。(しかし今でもコロコロは欠かせません笑)家族とはすぐに馴染めましたが、ファザーのジョークは一か月たっても未だに慣れません笑。 ファティマとはベストフレンドであり本当の姉妹のような存在です。特に私たちの中でHigh Fiveは毎日欠かせません笑。 放課後は毎日二人で音楽をかけて歌ったりお互いのお気に入りの映画をみたり宿題を教えあったり、お菓子作りをしたり週に3.4回くらいモールに行って買い物をしたりしています。毎日楽しく充実しています!!






☆レポートを読んでくれてありがとうございます! See you next time Bye☆  



Ayano1-1 Ayano1-2

アメリカに留学中の木村莉花さん から第1回目の留学報告が届きました。

こんにちは。California州に留学中の木村 莉花です。
Californiaに行く前にNorth Carolinaで3週間研修がありました。2歳になる前の女の子と両親の三人のファミリーでした。ファザーとマザーはまだ若くて、二人ともクロスフィットというゴリゴリ系のスポーツをしている家族でした。毎日赤ちゃんのKinsleyと遊ぶのが楽しかったです。ものすごくいいファミリーで離れるときにすごく泣いてしまいました。飛行機の中でも一人で泣いてました 笑そして3時間、時差を含めると6時間のフライトが終わり、Californiaについて、ファミリーに会って、夜に寿司を食べました。アメリカい来て、初めてシャリの上にネタがのっていて感動しました。でも、時差がすごく、寿司を食べているときは、私の中では0時でへとへとでした。
私がステイしているところにたくさんの日本人が住んでいて、学校にもたくさんの日本人のハーフいます。なぜたくさん住んでいるかというと、近くにベースがあるからだと私のファザーが言ってました。さて、私の学校です。アメリカのハイスクール!!!といえばロッカーだと私はずっと思って楽しみにして初日学校に行ったらロッカーなんてどこにもなく、すべて外移動の学校でした。最初は移動時間を走って移動するときもありました。私の学校は留学生はほとんどいなくてメキシコ、フィリピンからの移民がとても多いです。そしてとにかく癖が強い。です。聞き取るのが大変です。授業では、海洋生物学をとっています。日本じゃできないようなことなので難しいけど、Best friend もいるので楽しいです。
私の8歳のシスターのRebeccaは有名人なんですなんです。彼女は歌を歌うことがとても上手で、たくさんのオーディションを受けたり、歌を習ったりしています。そして、私が住んでいる地区のたくさんの学校で国家を歌ったりもしていました。マザーはナースで、ファザーは学校の建設のデザインをしています。二人ともすごく優しくて本当の家族のように接してくれます。毎日恵まれているなって思います。まとまらない文でごめんなさい笑 また次のレポートで。
Hi, guys!!! I’m Ririka living in San Diego, California, U.S. I can’t believe that 80 days passed since I came into the U.S. It’s gone by so quickly. I always wake up at 5:30 because my school will start at 7:30. Sometimes I walked to my school. It’s pretty long way… I’m getting used to it!!!
Before I came here, I stayed at North Carolina for 3 weeks. We studied basic English. Every Wednesday, we went to the beach, an amusement park and the DEEP lake. I swam in the lake. It was so deep, I needed a lifejacket. These are really good memories.
California have DAISO!!! Fortunately, it is near my house. So, I can get green tea, Japanese snacks, Japanese rice and more!!! And, my hometown has many Japanese food restaurants. Frequently, I can eat Japanese food. My host family takes me there once a week. The taste is the same as restaurants in Japan.
Anyway, I spend most of my time doing my home work. I’m reading many text books. Especially, US history class, everyday we have homework due and a quiz, so I have to study. It’s so hard for me, but I’m fine because I’m always studying with my sweet dog!!! He is sitting on my knee. Just now also!!!"</p
Sometimes, I’m thinking about negative. In that case, I always change my mind to positive!!! I read lots of letters from my friends and family. It is my good medicine.
My host Mom and Dad are so kind to me. I like cooking with my mom. I’m learning many recipes everyday. Living with my host family I have tried many new vegetables,. Do you know Butternut squash, Spaghetti Squash, Acorn Squash ? Of course, I didn’t know these before I came here. Everyday I learn new things!!! After eating I like to talk to my host mom, we talked about president Trump, my school , other states, and more. If I don’t understand, she explains it to me. I love my American family!!!
I went to a pumpkin patch with my family and friend, Momo in September. She is half Japanese. She and I met at tennis team. She knows a lot of Japanese words, but we talk using English. The pumpkin patch was fun! I saw a lot of huge pumpkins. It was a nice experience.
Next time I would like to introduce you to my friends!! See you soon!
Ririka1-1 Ririka1-2 Ririka1-3

カナダに留学中の藤中萌衣さん から第1回目の留学報告が届きました。







それでは学校について話します。私は初日から必ず一番前の席に座り早く先生に覚えてもらうようにしました。そのせいか私がわからないとすぐ教えてくれますしいつも話しかけて。これは私の後輩のみんなへのアドバイスですね!最初の日はご飯食べる子がいなかったので2時間目のentrepreneurクラスで同じ子に頑張って一緒に食べていいか聞きました。それから今も一緒に食べています。そこから授業変更などしてほかの友達もできました。友達ができるのが嬉しかった1,2週目が終わり、3,4週間目はひたすら病んでました。友達ができてご飯を一緒に食べてもみんなが話してる内容がわからなくて次のステップに進めない虚しさと自分らしくいられない悲しさでいっぱいでした。この時はさすがに家で泣いちゃいましたね。ですが金曜日に教会のYouth group のパーティーに行ってたくさんの友達に会って色んな話しました。そのみんながいつも学校で助けてくれます。そして今日、友達とカフェにご飯食べに行った後、バイバイするときにハグしてくれました♥頑張って行動すれば絶対なにか結果がついてくるんですね☺



時間の流れが速く、もっと英語が話せるようになりたい焦りも感じますが今はカナダの地で毎日一つ一つ頑張っていきます!こんな素敵な経験をさせてくれた先生、両親に感謝と愛でいっぱいです♥ 次回のレポートでもっと進化した私をお伝えできるように頑張りますね!ではまた今度~

Hello! How’s it going guys? I’m Moe Fujinaka. I’m in Ontario, Canada now.

Finally, it’s the day that I post my report on Hokusei website!!

I’ll talk about my training time and my Canadian school. I will write a lot about my host family next time.


First, I’ll talk about my memorable days in Whitby. My teacher taught us English and Canadian culture. On week days, I usually went to school and then I went to a café and shopping mall with my friends after school. I talked about why I decided to be an exchange student and my dream with my friends. It was a wonderful time.

I sometimes hung out with my friends on weekends. We went to the CNE. This is a really famous festival in Canada. We rode the bus and subway by ourselves, it was exciting and made me nervous. Moreover, I’ve met my wonderful host family. My host mother believes deeply in her religion. I went to church with her, and then we went to the park in Toronto to give homeless and disabled people some food.

 I asked her why she gave food to them even though she was not sure they had money. She said “90% of the people who come and receive food don’t have enough money”. I was surprised at her being so loving and generous.

I’d like to do something for people in need like my host mother.

She is hoping to come visit me next spring, I’m so excited!


Finally, I’ll talk about my Canadian school.

I’ve sat in the front seat since the first day. So my teacher remembers me and talks to me sometimes. This is the advice for students who go to America and Canada next year!

The first day, I didn’t have friends to eat lunch with, so I asked a girl who is taking the same entrepreneur class to eat lunch with me. We’ve eaten lunch together ever since. Then, I switched some classes and I made some new friends.

I felt glad because I could make some friends in the first and second weeks. However, after that I felt sad and lonely because I could not understand what they talked about. This made me cry.

However, I went to the youth group party at the church. I met a lot of wonderful friends and we talked and laughed with them for one hour. It surprised me that the time together with them gave me such great joy and was able to boost my confidence in my ability to make conversation and friends. Some friends I met at the church helped me in sociology class. Also, today I went to the café with my friends. When we went to each class, she hugged me! I was so happy. I believe if I am willing to do some new things, I will absolutely get some great results!

After I cried and experienced the hard time, I just moved on!! I will never give up!☺ Time flies and I feel stressed sometimes because I want to be able to speak English fluently. However, for now I will just try and work hard at each new thing.

 I can experience a lot of precious things in my life because of my teachers in Japan and my parents. I do appreciate them. Thank you so much and I love you.

I’ll try my best to be able to share the improvement in my life as they happen. See you next time guys~~♥

Moe1-3 Moe1-2 Moe1-1

アメリカに留学中の田口ひなたさん から第1回目の留学報告が届きました。







カナダに留学中の佐伯美胡さん から第1回目の留学報告が届きました。

こんにちはカナダに留学中の佐伯美胡です。今回は初めてのレポートなので少し緊張していますが、よければぜひ読んでくださいね!そして私は研修についてと新しいファミリーについて、少しだけ学校についても話したいと思います。そして出発前私が5Gの中で一番不安視されていたと思いますが皆さん、安心してください。何とか過ごせていますし、なんと 太ってないと思われます!!!!!










ファミリーは、マザーのカレン、ファザーのアダム、そしてダブルプレイスメントの中国人のジャスパーがいます。家に初めてついたとき、マザーが私にカナディアンネームをくれました。そしてご飯もとってもおいしく素敵な部屋を使わせてもらっています。問題のパクチーはついたその当日にまたマザーとファザーは特に優しく、特にファザーが銃で撃たれてマザーは胃の手術をしたにもかかわらずとってもきづかってくれ、話しかけてくれ、そのまま私のような留学生を受け入れてくれたことには感謝しかないです。マザーと買い物に行ったり、家で映画を見たり、ファザーやマザーの友達や近所の人と会ったり話したりするのは私にとってとても勉強になりますし楽しい時間でもあります。ファザーとマザーのジョークにはきづかないこともありますが、だんだん 早くて、若者が使いそうな言葉を聞くのにも慣れてきました。ダブルプレイスメントのジャスパーはなかなか謎で私には理解できかねぬところがとてもありますが、なんとか仲よくなろうと思います。


9/5から学校が始まりました。マザーと二人で学校に行ってレジを済ませた後に授業を取りました。ESLという留学生の集まるクラス、tourisum, 数学、英語を取りました。数学はもしできれば難しいので数日中には変える予定でいますが、仲のいい友達がいたので少し寂しいです。そうなのです!この間、初日に出会った子で毎日お昼ご飯を食べている子の家に遊びに行ったのです!カナダの高校生の部屋はとってもおしゃれでした。。マザーも家具にはこだわって季節ごとに装飾を変えるらしく、たくさんの買い物をしてきて、マザーの友達の家に行った時も素敵なおうちばかり、、、、カナダの人おうちの中をきれいに自分らしくアレンジ好きなのかなとふと思ってしまいました。

そうです、授業、、簡単ではもちろんありませんが、すごく難しいわけでもありません。単語を聞き取ってやっと何をするか知ったり もはや先生にめちゃめちゃ聞いたりしてます。英語の先生は特に字が汚くて略語も使うので、、そして英語の授業はだいたいは理解できないので先生を頼り切っています。




Hi, I’m Miu. Today I want to share my experience of Canada. (also about orientation and new family)


First, I want to talk about my orientation family, my family was mother, father, brother, sister and person who is from France. They are Indian so I must eat a lot of Indian (spicy) food every day. And I send an e-mail to my old host mom “I want to try a lot of things in Canada” so any kind of food I must eat. Sometimes I can eat English dinner, but there were some nan or something of Indian food. I also every day ate Indian curry, and it’s so spicy I have never eaten before. I went to a lot of place. (but just weekend) Like: CASA LOMA(It’s kind of a house but looks like castle and It’s built by two person because it takes a lot of money and first person who built the house doesn’t have enough money. Now Ontario government managing this house), As you know Niagara Falls, Parkwood (it’s a house who lived a kind of spy in Oshawa) Oshawa mall (It’s so huge) and Ontario Museum.  

 I had three difficulty things in this house. First, I don’t like coriander very much, but I lost a time to say, “I don’t like it.” So, I though “I want to go new house now!!!!!!!” every day.

Second, I can’t join family. France people be able to speak English very well but I’m not so I try to explain some of Japan, but I can’t say. (cause of my vocabulary)

Third, I can’t be friendly with my host sister and brother. When Justine go back to home country we went to Parkwood and go to mother’s friend’s party. Then my host brother took picture of Justine but it’s my turn, my host sister wakes up by host father and just say good-bye and go back to own bed. Even my host brother didn’t wake up for me. It’s so sad. I thought I don’t want to see them again.


My new host family … Karen who is my host mom and Adam who is my host father is so kind. There two reason why I think so. When I stay 4days, and I and Karen watched some movie at midnight and I went to be and fell sleep. It was a sad day, because when I wake up, I heard but things. “Adam shouted his leg by gun in Niagara Falls.  he is okay and he come back to home same day. I thought I must give up staying this house. However, Karen doesn’t do that.

And after 1 weeks later Karen had surgery for her stomach, so I thought same thing, but my family don’t do that. We have four dogs and everyone is not same kind of dogs. Dogs are so cute and funny. And Jasper … exchange student from China.

I can get my own room, not spicy foods and my Canadian name(Macy)


My school was starting by 9/5.

First day, I was so nervous, but Karen stayed with me when the class was started. And this day I could get a Canadian friend and last week, I went to her house and went to shopping by she’s bicycle. (I could borrow)!!!  She’s house was amazing! There are two hammocks in the garden. I love that so much.

I take ESL class, Tourism class, English class and Science class. I can change math to science. Because I can’t write graph.

ESL class is easy for me because everyone can’t speak English very well. Tourism class is so difficult, but I like travel so I take it. Science class is so interesting. We are learning about light and color with using I pad. English class is so-so but, I want to try writing so many words.


I think that’s all, so I’ll finish.

Next report will tell you my club. See you!

MiuS1-3 MiuS1-2 MiuS1-1

アメリカに留学中の土居千代美さん から第1回目の留学報告が届きました。










Hi. I`m Chiyomi Doi.  I finished a week training and I`m in Texas. A few days passed since came here but I`m doing fun. I really thought here is not hot since I came here. Its like only strong blightness and shade is not hot. And the school is too much air-conditioned.


Firstly I`m going to talk about what I thought since I came to America. When I came America I just thought everything are very big. Im not still get used to it, BIG.

And school, my host sister`s friends were nice and many people talk to me, when I couldn’t understand what they said I ask someone and I can be friend with them and if you cannot say word you can express by expression. I’m having fun hundred times than I thought because before I came to America the returny are really scared me to come here. I hope I can make 100friends in America ahaha.  japan is famous than I thought.


I’m going to write about my host family. My host father is mixed Japanese so he knows wired Japanese likeYakuza he said he wants to be Yakuza.

My host mother is always singing or watching videos. My host sister scared me once a day.


By the way I had a chance to get on a airplane alone. Moreover connecting fright. At that time a girl sit next to me was drunk and she was talking by herself, she was crazy. But she said ‘I love dad’ so maybe she was nice. I talked to me since when I sit. I told her I can’t speak English but she kept trying to talk to me with really loud voice. Then the man sitting in front of us was got mad and he told a cabin attendant to I’m scared, and I moved next seat. After I moved the seat the cabin attendant winked me, it was cool. After that the crazy girl was kicked out because she didn’t turn her phone airplane mode.

I was really scared so I think they shouldn’t leave us alone

Chiyomi1-3 Chiyomi1-1 Chiyomi1-2

アメリカに留学中の淀野ひかりさん から第1回目の留学報告が届きました。





私は今本拠地のニューハンプシャー州のbritolという小さな町にいます。ファミリーはファザー・マザー・年上のブラザー2人・年下のブラザーとシスターです。彼らは町のダウンタウンでコーヒーショップを経営していて毎日働いています。私の平日の流れは、朝起きてファザーの車で店に行って自分のラテを作りご飯を食べ、登校。授業は、english・space and earth science・drawing・ceramic・cooking・civic and NH governmentをとっています。放課後はサッカー部で汗を流し、帰って宿題をしてファミリーと夜ご飯。平日は忙しいですが週末は部活動がないのでゆっくり出来ます。




Hello everyone! I’m Hikari and staying in Bristol, NH. I can’t believe that I’m making report and my report is going to be read by many people. First, I’ll talk about the English camp in Ohio. I did a lot of fun things in Columbus. I went to Ohio state university, downtown, library, zoo, pool, German village, camp, church’s youth group etc… Especially, the German village was marvelous!! When I went to there, I felt I was in European city. I love it. My Columbus host family was really nice. They took me many places for three weeks. They gave me a lot of opportunities to have experiences. I’m deeply grateful to you for their love and kindness. Now I miss them but I don’t want to contact with them because it will make me sad. When I finish my study abroad, I’ll visit them again.

Next I’ll talk about my life in Bristol, New Hampshire. My host family is mother, father, two older brothers, one younger brother and sister, dog, and kittens. Last week, we had five new kittens and they gave me one. I named him my younger sister’s name. Because his cry is very high tone and it sounds like my sister’s high voice. In high school, I’m taking English, space and earth science, drawing, ceramic, cooking and NH government. The English class is difficult so every day I’m studying hard. I was going to take US History but I asked the guidance then I chose NH government class. The class is not easy but I like the teacher. I join to soccer club. Girl is only four including me in their team so I have to play with many boys every day. It sounds like paradise for everyone. Of cause they are very nice and kind to me so I like practice. The practice is only on week days so I can be relax on every weekends. On weekends, I usually spend my time in my host family’s coffee shop. These days I’m practicing to make latte. It’s not too hard than I thought. Anyway I’m enjoying my study abroad life!! I miss my family and friends so much! Thank you for reading my report.

Hikari1-2 Hikari1-3 Hikari1-1