



みなさんこんにちは、みなみです。元気にしていますか?ブランドンでは雪も溶け始め、春が訪れてきました。札幌はどうでしょうか?多くの人から、「君はラッキーだよ、今年は今までにない素晴らしい冬なんだよ!」と言われます。私が日本にいた時、かなり忙しい日々を送っていましたが、カナダでも大量の宿題に追われながら本当に忙しい生活をしています。大量の宿題とはいえ、今のところとても楽しみながら取り組めています。カナダにいられる時間も信じがたいことに残り4ヵ月。まだまだカナダでやりたいこと、学びたいことがあるので本当に時間が足りません。さらに忙しい四ヵ月をこの先送れたらなと思っています。(たった今隣にいる友達に「ならここにいなよ!」と言われました(笑)」) 現に第一回目のレポートでは提出日の二週間前から書き始めましたが、今書いているこのレポートは提出日の前日に焦って書いています。ところで、この二か月間で一学期が終わり、無事学期末試験もカーリングも幕を閉じ、二月からやっと二学期が始まりました。今回はそのことについて少しずつ書かせてもらうので楽しんでいただけたら光栄です。


初めに学校での出来事をお話ししたいと思います。文頭で話したように、一学期の期末試験が無事終わりました。私は数学のみ試験があり、他の生徒は基本3つ4つの試験があるので、数学のみというとなんだか楽なように聞こえますが、かなり必死で勉強しました。カナダの学校で受けたテストの形式は日本とはかなり異なっていて、他の授業の人たちと一緒に体育館で受け、時間制限もありませんでした。時間制限のない定期テストなんて信じられなくないですか?それともうひとつ面白いなと思ったことは、体育館の雰囲気です。普段の授業をまともに聞いていない生徒も、期末試験になった瞬間、気を引き締めて、真剣な顔をしてテストに挑むのです。上手に言葉で表現できないんですが、とにかく何とも言えなく、面白かったです。二学期は先月の頭に始まったばかりで、今学期ではEAL二時間、体育、社会科をとっています。前回のレポートに書いた通り、私は新しいEALのクラスに少し前に移動したばかりなので今学期も同じクラスにいるのですが、他のEALのクラスの生徒が私のクラスに移動してきたりして、新しい友達もできました。前回のレポートでも書いたと思いますが、今学期では親友と同じ体育を取っていて、そのクラスがとても楽しく居心地がいいです。EALも体育も、両方充実していますが、社会のクラスは私にとって少し特別です。初めてクラスに行ったときは一学期からの友達は一人もいなかったので不安でしたが、授業の内容が面白く、楽しんでいます。クラスが始まる前はカナダ経済についてと聞いていたので、堅苦しくてなんだか嫌だな、なんて思っていましたが、授業が始まると思った以上にグローバルな内容を取り扱っていて、とても興味が沸きました。国際問題について外国の人と考えたり議論したりすることはとても刺激的で面白く、直接的に世界と繋がれる素晴らしい機会を得られたなと思っています。まだ授業の資料を読むのが難しかったりしますが、それも本当に楽しんでいます。今の授業では「global village」、地球村について学んでいて、毎日先生から夜中までかかる大量の宿題が出され、ここ二週間は十分な睡眠も出来ない中、疲れが溜まりに溜まってクラスで倒れたりもしました(笑)それでもちっとも宿題を嫌いになったり面倒くさくなりません。何故ならそれに値する価値のあることを学んでいると思っているからです。地球に住む一人の人間として知っておくべき情報を外国の人と共に、英語で、さらにカナダで学んでいて、私は本当にこの環境に感謝していますし、このクラスで自分ができることは帰国まで最大限頑張ってやり遂げたいと思っています。また、このクラスを通して自分の将来も少しずつ見えてきている気もしています。


ここ最近、勉強で忙しくしているのも事実ですが、普段の生活もきちんと友達、ホストと楽しんで充実しています。この二カ月でかなりのことをしてきて、例えば、お泊りをしたり、友達と運動したり、バレーやホッケーの試合に行ったり、近所に住んでいる大学教授の学校に遊びに行かせてもらったり、ウィニペグ、Baby Shower、映画、全校生徒でcareer symposium、そしてウィンターフェスティバルにも行ってきました。ウィニペグにホストと行ったときに、日本人男性が経営している日本食レストランが入っているモールに行きました。私のホストファザーは海苔が口に合わないといって寿司を完全に嫌っているので、カツと天ぷらを頼んだらとってもおいしいと言ってくれて驚きましたし、嬉しかったです。ただ残念なことに私は家でカツをつくる方法が全くもって分からないので、ファミリーに申し訳なく思っています。ブランドンで開かれたウィンターフェスティバルでは、ブラジル、イギリス、ウクライナなどといった世界各国の文化、主にダンスや食べ物を紹介するのですが、とっても楽しめました。ホストの親戚の女の子がウクライナの場所で踊るのを見に行ったのですが、彼女は本当に愛嬌があって日本にはいなかった初めての妹みたいでとっても可愛いです。数日前に私とファミリーでホッケー観戦に行ったのですが、その試合がとにかく面白かったです。 もちろん勝った、というのも一つの理由ですが、普段の試合以上にファイトが多く、何度も繰り返しファイトしていたのが、私が思う一番興奮した理由です。ホッケーでは選手間のファイトは観客をかなり盛り上げるので、私と同じゲームに行った観客はかなりファイトを見れらて楽しんでいたと思います。19歳以下で構成されているブランドンの公式ホッケーチーム、Wheat Kings(麦の王様)はブランドン内ではかなり有名で、もし七点以上の得点で勝利すると地元にあるレストランで、無料で朝ご飯を食べられるのです。先週の水曜日の試合で見事勝利したので、私たちも無料で朝食をとったのですが、それがとっても美味しかったです。考えてみると、前よりも友達と遊ぶ頻度が多くなったように思えます。九月に学校が始まったときは、友達作りで苦労したこともありましたが、今は「みなみは日本に帰らないよ!わたしたちと一緒にここに残るんだよ!」と言ってくれる最高の友達がいます。彼女たち、彼らは一生忘れない私の宝物です。


三月の終わりに学校で heritage day と言われる世界各国のブースが設けられて、各国を紹介するイベントがあるのですが、学校に二人しか日本人がいないにもかかわらず参加することにしました。抹茶のケーキとおにぎり、麦茶を出すつもりでいます。さすがに二人しかいないということなので何人かの私の友達も手伝ってくれる予定で、とても楽しみにしています。話は変わって私の一つ上の次男が先日大学受験で見事合格しました!本当に兄のことを誇りに思いますし、来年は遂に自分の番だと実感しています。今思えば、今直接的に自分の(英語の)文章力がついたように思えます。二日以内でレポート無事完成できました!(笑)次のレポートが最後になりますが、その時にはまた成長できていることを祈っています。最後まで読んでくださりありがとうございました、それでは次のレポートで。


Hi, it’s Minami. How are you doing recently? In Brandon, the snow is starting to melt, it’s almost spring! I wondered how the weather is going in Sapporo. Most people I met here said to me, “You’re such a lucky girl, we’re having a wonderful winter this year,” and I really do like this unusual weather. When I was in Japan, I had led an exceedingly busy life, but I’ve been extremely busy with lots and lots of homework in Canada too, and I’m enjoying Canadian life so far. I have approximately four months left to be able to spend a time in Canada, I can’t believe that and I honestly need more time, because I have so many things I want to do in here and things I need to learn, so hopefully I’ll be busier by the day. (My friends next to me are now saying “Then stay!” hahaha) There is one specific evidence showing how I am being busy in Canada, when I was working on my first report last September, I started writing the report two weeks before the due date, but I’m writing this report the day before due date this time, so I’m in a hurry. By the way, during these two months, I closed the first semester in January and ended the final exam and curling for this season, and I eventually started the second semester at school on February 1st. So I want to write about it and I hope you’ll enjoy my report.


First of all, I want to share my school life with you. As I said, we had a final exam of the first semester, and I was only in need of work for a math exam, sounds like it was easy compared to other students, because most people had three to four exams. But even though I had only one, I studied extremely hard, I’ve even thought my brain will be exploded someday. The way we took a test at school was quite different from the way we do in Japan, we went to the gym with other classes, and there is no time limit, we can take time whatever we need, isn’t it funny? And there is one more funny thing about the exam, the mood in the gym was sort of funny, because many people who don’t even focus on the usual class, but in the final exam, everybody was serious. I can’t say it well how it was funny, but it was really hilarious. We just started a second semester last month, in this semester, I’m taking an EAL, physical, and social studies. I’m at the same level of EAL class which is the place I was in at first semester, but some students switched their class among the EAL depending on how their English is improving, so I could meet some new faces. As I wrote in the end of the last report, I’m taking the same physical class with my best friend, so the class is so comfortable for me. Both of EAL and a physical are my favorite subjects, but especially social studies is special. There were no friends I have known since first semester when first I came into the classroom, but I really interested in the all stuffs we’re working on in the class. I was thinking the class is going to be all about Canada’s economy, but it’s more about the global economy. To think or discuss about the global issues with foreigners is interesting and it’s a great opportunity to directly connect with the world. I still feel hard when I got information from the teacher, but even in the reading I really do enjoy it nevertheless. We’re just learning about global village in the class, and the teacher gives us a huge amount of homework, it takes until midnight. In fact, I haven’t had enough sleep lately at least last two weeks, and I even fell down in the classroom once, but it’s worth it. We’re learning things we should know as a person living in this world in English and in Canada with foreigners. I really appreciate for this situation now I have, and want to do my best in this class as long as I can. I also think I’m finding my decision I should go in the future through this class.


It was true that I’m pretty much with studies lately, but I’m properly enjoying my Canadian life with my friends and my host parents. I’ve been through a lot of things during these two months such as sleepovers, worked out with my friends, watched a volleyball game and hockey games, visited a collage my neighbor’s working as a professor, and went to Winnipeg quite a few times, a baby shower, a movie, career symposium as a school, and winter festival. When we went to Winnipeg, we went to a mall that had a Japanese restaurant owned by a Japanese man. Actually, my host dad doesn’t like sushi at all, because of laver, he’s saying that it doesn’t match with his tongue, so I ordered a katsu and a tempura for him, and he’d liked it. That was kind of a surprise and I was really glad he liked it, but regrettably I have no clue about how to make a katsu at house, so I feel bad for them. At the winter festival held in Brandon, there were lots of pavilions introducing all over the world such as Brazil, England, Ukraine, and some other countries. In each pavilion, they had traditional dance and food, and we really enjoyed it. One girl, my host’s relative was dancing at the Ukrainian pavilion, and she’s just so adorable and she’s just like my little sister I’ve never had in Japan. When me and my host parents went to a hockey game a few days ago, the game was pretty awesome, of course, one of the reasons is they won, but the best excitement I think is that they fought again and again during the game more frequently than the usual game. The fight between players makes the audience so exciting all the time, so I’m sure that the audience who went to the game I went was glad to see the fight there at that time. Wheat Kings, Brandon’s local, national hockey team that is composed of under nineteen years old is famous in Brandon, if they won with more than seven scores at home ground, the audience who went there can get a free breakfast at a restaurant. Last Wednesday, they won the game, so we got a breakfast for free, and that was really good. Come to think of it, I hung out with my friends more frequently than before. When the school started in September, I spent a tough time to make a friend, but now, I do have great friends saying “You’re not going to Japan, you’re staying here with us” to me. Isn’t it just so sweet? They will be my treasure I’ll never forget.


In the end of March, we’ll have a heritage day at school for two days before spring break. We have only two Japanese at the school, but we decided to have a Japanese pavilion and some of my friends will be helping us, so I’m excited about that and I’m sure that’ll be great. And we’re planning to serve a green tea cake, an onigiri, and barley tea. Incidentally, my second oldest brother got through the entrance examination of university he wanted to go. I take great pride in being his little sister and this happen made me feel like my turn is surely coming to go university next year. Congratulation my brother! Come to think of it, I’m directly feeling my literacy is growing now, because I could finish writing a report in two days, I cannot believe this. The next report is going to be the last one, and hopefully I’ll be growing up until the next time. Thank you for reading until the end, see you next time.

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Hi guys. How’s it going? I’m doing good in California:)


Last month, I went to San Francisco finally! It takes only one hour to get there from the city I’m staying, but I had never been there for 6 months! lol That’s because my host family doesn’t really go out…Anyways, the view in San Francisco was really really beautiful and also different from the city I’m staying. Pretty buildings, beautiful sea, delicious food, funny people,,, oh and I should’ve stayed there until night and see the night view!  That would be awesome. Anyways I had really fun sightseeing!


I’m planning with my friends to go to San Francisco again! So, I guess it’ll be very fun!


It’s only three months left until I leave here…I wonder why time goes so fast! lol I’m gonna enjoy rest of my life here!


Thank you for reading, and see you guys later!

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Hello from Kansas. I’m Mariko. It have been about 7 month since I came here. How time goes fast! I cannot believe that. Anyway, I am going to talk about my life in Kansas. 


First, Our bowling season is over today. I already miss my teammates so bad. I wanna play more…  My teammates are really kind to me and they are really good friends for me. I liked to hear that they say “Good Luck”, “you got this”, “you did good” or something like that when I miss bowl (score?). And I said some word like that when my teammate miss bowl. So, I love my bowling teammate very much! That bowling experience made my study abroad much better.


And I did not talk about my second semester classes. So I talk about that. I am taking English II Assist, English II, Three-D Art II, Mixed chorus, Introduction to human services (料理と裁縫のクラス), American History, Algebra II, Photo Imaging (写真のクラス). In my school, we can take eight classes. So that seems a lot. The hardest class is photo imaging I think. Because I need to study photo history, because I do not know about photo history! but It is fun, because there are assignment which take pictures. I like to take pictures so that is really fun. And I like chorus class to. You should take it if you are going to study abroad. Because that is really good class I mean that is really fun class. There are too many kind people in chorus class. So you should take it! And I like Art class too. We use clay and make stuff! I am no good at art, but that is not important! I was worried about how much I can do. Because I’m not good at art. But when class starts, I thought it is really fun which using clay and making stuff. Also I thought nothing worry about! Then, I like making stuff which using clay! Now, we are making teapot. So I would like to bring to Japan when I come back.


Thank you for reading! Have a good day;)


The first picture was taken at my friend’s birthday party, the second picture is my bowling teammate, the third picture was taken at women’s festival. 

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ご無沙汰しています。田中萌です。 私の地域は例年に比べて雪が少なく、もうすでに春の香りがするようになってきました。こちらの生活が日常になり、そんな日常の中の特別な時間が楽しく思える今日この頃です。




学校についてです。新しい時間割がはじまり、クラスメイトも変わり、ついに学校のみんなの顔がわかるようになりました。(私の学校はとても小さい学校なので) 私はSkill for parentingという赤ちゃんについて勉強する教科をとりました。その授業の一環でロボット赤ちゃんを週末の間家に持ち帰りお世話をするというものがありました。その赤ちゃんは先生のコンピュータとつながっていて、成績がつきます。夜中の1時。朝の5時にも泣き出し、本当のお母さんの大変さがわかりましたね。アメリカらしいすこし笑ってしまう斬新な仕組みです。


アメリカにきてから政治に興味が湧いてきました。アメリカ人は政治に対してとっても積極的で、各自自分の強い意見を持っています。 タイミング良く、先月、州の議事堂に行く機会がありました。州の日本語でいうと知事?が私の街の出身で私に良くしてくださり、沢山の質問をする事が出来ました。また、そこでは高校を早く卒業した私と同年代の学生が政治家を目指して働きながら学べる制度があり、そんな彼らと話す機会もありました。夢を持って話す彼らの目には輝くものがあり、同世代の活躍する姿には刺激をもらいました。 議事堂の見学中に素敵な出会いもありました。会議の見学中に隣に座っていたおじいさんに話しかけてみると彼は昔学校の校長先生をしていたようで、日本人留学生の男の子を受け入れたことがあることを私に教えてくれました。彼はその日本人留学生と沢山の思い出があったそうで、私に会えたこともすごく喜んでくれました。みなさんも知らない人に思い切って話しかけると素晴らしい出会いがあるかもしれません。



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Hello! This is Miho. How are you doing? I have passed already about six months to come here. It was a long way, but I lead a full life. The snow has melted and it was like spring a little while, but the outside is like midwinter. There were two days no school, and the start time of the school was late, so I was super busy.

My school is trimester system, we started new term recently. I taking an individual / dual sports, design, information process, American history B, accounting IB, and Family Consumer Science B. These classes like practical subjects, so I feel easy. But I don’t know the most students. Although it is a small school, I was concerned with only certain people. I will do my best to be able to make new friends on this chance!


I hate individual / dual sports, but it will play tennis someday. I’m really excited from now. Information Process is pain for I’m machine illiterate. But I’m trying to typing fast and correctly. We are going to sewing at Family and Cons Sci B this time. I’m going to make a chicken doll, this is also excited.


Come to think of it, we have more children from end of the February. The girls are cousins. Can you come with crazy life? Mother asked me. They are always repeating play and fight, I noticed my headache is caused by their voice….But, I think  it’s ok, because they are so cute!


I feel a little bit impatient, but I want to lead a full life until the end.

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Hi everyone! Happy New Year! It’s already March though…the new semester began at my school about one month ago and it’s been great.


I’m going to talk about Christmas. On Christmas Eve, my host family looked back on the year of 2015 and we talked about it at front of my family one by one. 2015 was a challenging year of my life. It is obviously hard to live away from my home country, but I had an awesome year and I’m still having a good time now. Every moment is valuable for me. 2016 should be an amazing year too. By the way, American Christmas was bigger than I thought. Santa came to my house and I got a crazy amount of presents! I also went to a Christmas play, Christmas illuminations, and ate Christmas cookies lol. They were very sweet but I was able to eat them. My tongue feels like I’m American lol.


 It’s only about four months left. That’s crazy. I feel like I came to the U.S. one month ago. I want to value each and every day. By the way, I’m going to go to Portland, OR for spring break with my host family and we are also going to go to Seattle in May. I’m so excited! See you soon!

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Hello It’s Irumi from Canada! How are you doing guys? I am great.  Sometimes I saw my friends in Japan in my dream, then it made me miss them. BUT 3 more months left until go back to Japan. Honestly truly I don’t wanna go back. Maybe I won’t. Is it okay Mr. Tanabe sensei? I’m not kidding. Honest!


Anyway It’s very cold in here Canada. It’s like you can’t imagine. It was -30℃ yesterday. One day My body was sore when I walked outside to go to school. Fortunately my grandpa gives me ride every day. So I don’t need to feel like that anymore, also it was just one time and it was from my friend house. I know I am a spoiled brat haha. What a lucky girl! My family loves me and also I love them more. That’s why I really really don’t wanna go back to Japan. My grandpa always says to me ” I don’t want you to go back to Japan. We will miss you.” It makes me happy but also really sad. I can imagine that I cry all day when I go back to JP. My family is my treasure in my life.


Until last year, I didn’t love my school because I didn’t have fun and friends. The moment of choir was only my favorite. But now, finally, I have lots of nice friends. So I love school now! This second semester is good for me, I think. That was hard to change classes of this semester but I got it! I got good classes! Of course some of classes are very hard for me but I need to try it. My favorite classes are art and gym class. It’s nice to have the art class in the morning because it makes me happy and relax. As you know I’m not good at sporting but I have gym class. I am completely enjoying the class and I learn how to play sports game with teammates day by day. In English class, I watched a movie today. It was “Of Mice and Men”.  After learned this story, we watched it. Oh my gosh, that was such a great movie.  Of course I was crying haha. But it was only me, nobody was crying lol  That was best movie ever in my life! 


I don’t know how many people see my report, but I hope many people see mine, especially my junior in Japan. Some people says studying abroad is very difficult and it’s not always fun. I can understand what they mean. There are always ups and downs. But I am always enjoying everything even if it is very hard time. It’s important to have fun and challenge when your life gets hard. It makes you stronger and happier. My experience so far in Canada, I enjoyed every day even if I felt sad! That’s why I am happy every day. Smile makes you happy.


Oh! I have good news! I will be able to sing as a choir from April because we got new teacher. Last teacher has a baby, so she can’t teach us music now. I am super excited about new choir! And also I’m going to go Calgary with my family. Can’t wait!


I love people around me include my families and friends in Japan and Canada. Of course I love them so much and thank them every day. It’s so beautiful people to love each other. We need love to live because it makes you and this world happier. I honestly think so. 


Anyhow All 5G members don’t have enough time to stay own place. It is about 3 more months! I’m sure we have power to overcome some trials because we are strong and nice class! Yes! We can do it guys! I am looking forward to seeing you! I hope I can dance flamenco at the school festival again! haha  See you soon!

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毎日やることがたくさんあって、とても忙しいです。でも私は忙しいのか好きです。毎日目いっぱい生きています。私は春のミュージカルに出演することになりました。3月18, 19日に「アダムズ・ファミリー」を上演します。オーディションでは、たくさんの人たちの前でダンスを踊り、セリフを読まなければなりませんでした。もちろんネイティブの人たちの前でです。ですからとても緊張しました。でもどうしてもソロのパートを踊りたかったので、ホストマザーからソロの役に決まったと聞いたときは本当に嬉しかったです。ダンスがやりたくて仕方がなかったので、またダンスが出来るのがとても嬉しいです。頑張ります!












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Hi guys I only have about three months till I have to go back to Japan. Time flies.  I don’t want to think about when I leave this house. It’s just make me so sad. In January I went to Florida with my host family. That was too awesome but even colder than I hoped. We had tons of fun. I was dressed as a minion with my host brother at the Universal Studios. We rode many roller coasters and took many pictures! One of the most favorite things was to watch the wonderful fireworks show by the beach. After the show my host brother suddenly said, “When you leave I’ll definitely cry. I’m gonna miss you.” I was crying on the way to the hotel in the car. So he was trying to make me laugh. Sometimes we fight, but I’m sure that we are like real siblings and best friends! I don’t even know how much I’m gonna miss my family when I go back to Japan.

I have a lot of stuff to do and I’m so busy every day. But I like being busy, I’m living every day to the fullest. I decided to join spring musical. We are going to play the “Addams Family” on March 18, 19th. At audition, I had to dance, and read a script in front of many people of course who speak English as their native language. I was so nervous. I really wanted to be a solo dancer. So when my host mother told me that I got the solo dancer, I was so happy. I missed dance so I’m glad that I can dance again! I’ll do my best.

This weekend I went to the Minnesota trip as the member of the musical. This trip is for student who is taking a music class or art class. I had so much fun with my friends. We went to the Mall of America which is the biggest shopping mall in America. We just had three hours, so it was too short to go all shops in the mall. Also at night, we went to the pool. That was awesome! We talked, sang, and played many fun games in the pool. 


Through the basketball practice, I got big muscles on my arm. Lol The practice was harder than I thought. But I really liked to play basketball even though I’m a horrible player.

The semester test was so stressful for me. But I think I did pretty god job. In Japan many students study for semester test before two weeks.  And we don’t have any school activities one week before. But American school has school activities even the day before semester test. Also I asked to my friends “How many days are you gonna study for the semester test?” And they all said “maybe two days!” I thought that is a big difference between American high school students and Japanese students.

Anyway, I’m get used to this school, and I have many friends. I really like to go to school and talking with my friends! Also I got myself a prom date. He is very good at sports, and so funny and nice! I can’t wait to go prom with him:)

This month, I’m going to Ohio and Washington D.C. during the spring break.  I’ll keep enjoying the rest of precious days! See you guys next time.

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皆さんお久しぶりです。ほのかです:))) 北星では英語劇の活動が始まっていると聞きました。すごく見たかったです;((( 成功するのを願っています!




もちろんアメリカの学校も楽しいし、大好きだけど、辛いなと思うことも多いです。私は未だに英語を話すことに戸惑ってしまうことがあります。それはまだ自分の英語力に自信がないからです。英語力に自信がないなら英語を話すしかない。それが一番良い方法だし、それをするためにアメリカに来ました。それなのに友達と話していて、言いたいことが思い浮かんでも、なかなか勇気が出ずにタイミングを逃して結局言えず… アメリカまで来て何やってるんだろうと思うし、もう8ヶ月も経ってなんでこんな自分なんだろうと情けなく感じます。 私の学校の生徒はみんなとっても優しいです。先生も含めて、 私の言っていることを理解しようとしてくれるし、言っていることが分からなくて聞き返しても嫌な顔一つせずに繰り返してくれます。こんなにも素晴らしい環境を無駄にしたくありません。



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前回のレポートから約4ヶ月の間、Thanks giving、クリスマス、旅行やテストと…全てをここに書くことはできませんが、私の3回目のレポート、最後まで読んで頂ければ嬉しいです。









もう1つの事件は、ホストマザーがスキー場で車のカギを落としたことです。これには家族中がビックリしすぎて怒るどころか笑ってしまいました。だってスキーをするのに、鍵の入ったポケットを開けっ放しにしますか?笑 もちろん鍵が見つかる訳もなく、スペアキーが届くまでホストマザーはコロラドに残らなければならなかったので、私たち家族5人はギュウギュウで一台の車でアリゾナまで8時間かけて帰りました。学校に行かなければならなかったからです。まあ良い思い出ですね笑笑








学校は、1月4日から2学期が始まりました。私は今、Life Connection(家庭科と保健が混ざった感じ)、Peer Tutor(障害者の子どもたちに数学を教えるクラス)、Algebra、English、アリゾナとアメリカの歴史、生物をとっています。正直な話、最初より成績を維持することが難しくなったように感じます。何故なんでしょう?未だに苦労しまくっています。この中のPeer Tutorというクラスについて少し話させてください。このクラスは2学期から新しく取ったクラスです。日本語のクラスが嫌いだったので変えました。私の一番好きなクラスです。彼らに〝障害者〟という言葉を使いたくありません。彼らは普通の高校生です。他の人が3分でできることに10分かかってしまうだけです。普通に恋のお話や映画のお話もします。このクラスでは、数学を教えるだけではなく、週の初めには週末のことを作文にしてシェアしたり、ゲームをしたり、色々なことをするので私の英語の勉強にもなります。いつも彼らが問題を解けた後にはハイタッチをします。このクラスから本当にたくさんのことを学んでいます。








P.S.  5Fのみんな、英語劇がんばれ!アメリカから応援しています。見たかったなぁ。



Hi guys! How have you been doing? It’s me Rio. Should I say ”Happy New Year!” or ”Happy Valentine’s Day!” or something? Well….I know it’s been too late. I feel time goes faster than last year. I’m sorry for late to send the report. Aw this is the word that I had decided never say before I leave Japan. But…I was such a busy girl recently these days so please forgive me. I’m making an amazing one so…


I’ve experienced so many stuff since when I sent the last one such as Thanks giving, Christmas, trips, and exams haha. You know I can’t write about everything but I’d be happy to share my experiences w/ you guys. So please keep reading.


The first thing that I need to tell you guys is about the”trips”. I went to not only Phoenix and Tucson which are the two biggest cities in AZ but also my HF took me to Colorado, Las Vegas, and California. I know I always say that, but my host family is JUST AMAZING. They always take me tons of places that are such incredible. Any words can’t explain how much I love my ”family” and how much I’m thankful for ‘em. All the trips were amazing but let me talk about two trips in Colorado and California.


I enjoyed skiing for two days in Colorado. That was great cuz it took only couple minutes to get to the house that we borrowed from the ski ground so we enjoyed it all day. But this is not the thing that I wanna tell you guys. Incidents always happen when we’re having fun. I enjoyed skiing w/my oldest host brother for two days but I got lost. I was like it doesn’t matter. Because I had my phone! However, anybody didn’t answer the phone even though they said to me ”If you get lost, just call us.” So, I tried to find my house for like an hour while crying cuz the ski ground was HUGE. Anyways, don’t worry about that. I could find and go back to the house.


Also there was one more incident. My host mom lost the car key. We were like far from got angry, just laughed lol. Of course it wasn’t possible to find the key and then we went back to AZ by one car for 6 people cuz we had to go school. Anyways, that was such a good memory haha. 


Next, let me talk about the trip in CA.

We were there for 6 days and we enjoyed shopping, sightseeing, and of course Disney land. Do you guys know that Disney land is in the city called Anaheim. That’s not true in Los Angeles. I didn’t know that also there is one more Disney land called ”California Adventure.” I prefer California Adventure to Disney land bc it’s like more Disney sea in Tokyo which has big attraction so…absolutely both of ‘em were awesome tho. The water show which was in California Adventure was the most incredible show ever in my life. I was crying even I’m not kidding. I wish I could show you guys the video that I took. My host mom and her friend LOVE Disney so we could enjoy all of attractions without waiting bc they got fast passes for ‘em. Honestly I wanted enjoy more slowly but it was still so much fun though. My HF is amazing! I love them. I love my American house! They’re already figuring out about the trip during the spring break. I’m so excited!


Anyhow, I need to talk about ”school” right? It has started the second semester on January 4th. I’m taking Life Connection, Peer Tutor, Algebra, English, U.S. AZ history, and Biology. Idk why but it’s still hard even more getting harder. I’m usually not only teaching Math to the disability kids but also sharing about our weekend each other and playing the game so it’s good for improve my English. They are super nice and that’s why it’s my most fav class. 

Also I’m doing Track and Field after school as a club. That’s my enemy cuz it’s so hard. Really. But I’ll just do my best!


Can you believe that I’m going back in three months! I seriously feel like it’s been only couple months. I’m actually very confusing now because it’s true I’m exciting to go back. But it’s also true I don’t wanna leave here bc of my family and friends. But either way I have to go back soonish. So, that’s all I gotta do just keep learning, having fun, and thinking a lot:-) 

So, see you guys in my next one. Thank you so much for reading. Love you guys!



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