



I went to Adelaide in Australia for a month to study abroad. One month was very short, but I could get a lot of experiences. I’m going to talk about a little about my study abroad.


First of all, I’ll talk about my host family. My host family is a mother who is 70 years old. She likes cats, and so she has four cats. In addition, she is a teacher and has her own shop. Before I go to study abroad, I was really looking forward to meeting my host family and spending a month in Adelaide, but when I got the airport, I became very anxious and was so nervous. However, when I talked to her, she was very kind and lovely woman, so I could relax. I cannot speak English well, but she talked a lot, and she took me to many places such as beaches, cafes, her children house, and her shops on every weekend. When we went there, she taught me a lot of things, and when I had words that I couldn’t understand, she explained that clearly. Therefore, I could spend great time and had good experience, thanks of her. At first, I had a hard time speaking and listening to English all day, so I didn’t want to get up, but I didn’t become homesick because she was always kind to me. I think my English skill was improved because I could talk a lot with her. I was glad I could come there.


Second, I’ll talk about my school. I went to Blackwood High School. There are many international students, and all teacher and students are very nice, so I think this school was very good. At first, I didn’t know how to make friends, so I couldn’t make it, but when I talked them, they are friendly. Then, they are also international student, so I could become friends quickly. I was happy when I was able to make friends for the first time. Since then, I thought topics that I will talk to my friends every night. We ate a lunch together, talked to many things, and taught our own language. It was fun to know about other countries. Finally, I could get many friends and I became able to introduce myself in eight different languages. Moreover, I could become friends who live in Adelaide and I was taught Australian English by them. I think it is amazing that there are friends in different countries, and I had good experiences to go to the school and talk a lot.


Lastly, it was very worth for me to study abroad. I will study English more, and I want to go to study abroad again. I really appreciate my host family who accepted me as a member of family, friends and teacher who talked a lot together, and my parents let me study abroad. My appreciation can’t be expressed in words. I’ll never forget what I learned in Australia. Thank you so much for everything!








次に学校のことについてお話します。私はBlackwood High School という高校に通いました。そこにはたくさんの留学生がいて、その学校の先生も生徒もとてもいい人たちだったので、わたしはすごく良い学校だと思います。初め、私は友達の作り方が分からず友達ができませんでした。しかし、話してみるととっても気さくで、その上、その人たちも留学生だったのですぐ友達になることができました。初めて友達ができたときは本当にうれしくて、それからは毎晩、友達と何を話すか考えるようになりました。私たちは一緒にランチを食べたり、たくさんのことを話したり、自分たちの国について教えあいました。ほかの国のことについて知るのはとっても楽しかったです。最終的には、たくさん友達ができて、自己紹介を8か国語で話せる世になりました。そして、私は現地のこともお友達になれて、オーストラリア英語も教えてもらいました。他の国に友達がいることはすごいことだと思うし、学校に行ったり友達と沢山英語を話すことはとても良い経験になったと思います。




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Is it possible to stay alone, speak English” I thought about them before going to Australia. But I didn’t have to care, because my study abroad was so good.


We go to airline to get to the airplane. During getting the airplane, we also speak English, but I was shy. So I thought I have to study to use on airplane.


The day which I and my host family meet, everyone looked nervous. I was nervous too.

And when I met my host family, I said Wow”. After that I regretted “Why did I introduce myself” My family was laughing. So I realized, whenever greeting is very important.

I wanted to talk, so I spoke to my host sister, but one topic finished, I couldn’t talk more.


First day, my host mother and sister took me at pony’s house. They have a pony, because my host sister’s hobby is riding a horse and she practice about twice a week. She’s form was very beautiful and I like to see her. And she is dear the horse, always care, and clean the house. I am the most surprise thing was the horse has a small house to move from usual house. It was connected to family’s car and then move other place.


My host father likes to cook, he always cooked for lunch and dinner sometimes breakfast. He is good chef, everything was so nice. I was full every day. My host mother care about me, she dropped me off and picked me up to my Australia school every day. My host sister is very lovely, because when she listen a music, she always started dancing to the music. On the other hand, she looked dependable. She helps housework, but it is also my host brother too. My host brother often tell and introduce about some things. Honestly, I didn’t know to get along with him. But he spoke to me many times, I was glad. And I could get along with their cousins, because I spoke to them, when they came to my host family’s house. They have a dog, her name is Cleo. She always come to me and sit on the sofa together. She is very cute. Anyway, my host family was wonderful.


Next, about my school. To be honest, I couldn’t enjoy so much, because first day I go to school, my buddy didn’t teach enough and go anywhere. But recently I came to think now, it is chance to speak to someone, so I and my pair asked a lot of question to classmate. I think my good point is to change the class ESL to Japanese. Probably, everyone think “Why?” but I could communicate, I was at Japanese class than at ESL class, because there were many students who are interested in Japan. They asked me some questions in Japanese and I asked them in English. It was fun and could make some friends. Finally day I was so sad to leave, and couldn’t meet my new friend. Temporary, I couldn’t meet my host family. The day, they took me driving and went to like a hill, but the weather was not good, so it started raining, couldn’t see the landscape of all Adelaide. T To see the scene from a hill was very difficult. My host family and I were laughing, because mother said “Here is Adelaide” but we couldn’t see anything. It also became one of the memories. I really appreciate to my host family. I had a great time with them in Adelaide.


When the day I go back to Japan, my host family gave me some lovely souvenirs and I read a letter to them. But I was so sad and cry. And my host mother and brother cried for me, it is glad, because I couldn’t talk to them many and I realized they saw me and tried to understand. I’m full of appreciation, and I love them.    


Through the experience, I came to think “I want to study English more and speak more with my host family and friends” so I have to study hard.


And to listen the Adelaide radio is my morning routine, I like to listen to the radio. Especially, many kinds of music.


This experience became important for me, I think a lot of things. And I want to come true my dream, but first I have to study more from now on.





























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マギー ジェナ 真子の留学レポート

I could never forget the scene landing to LAX. Huge line of cars, all of the tall buildings, my first poem trees… I thought to myself, This is it. This is the place Ive been dreamed of the whole time. 

  As same as before, workers at the airport arent as nice as Japan. They treat me like a toy. Since there are too many humans especially at LAX, they cant treat humans as a human! But somehow, I liked that feeling. My vacation at LA had just begun! Yaaaay!

 It was my first time to see my aunt, Monica. I was so excited to meet her! Because she is my closest relatives in the USA. She looked so beautiful in a blue dress. She was way too beautiful that I couldnt believe she is my close blood. Everyone is beautiful in LA. I was shocked.

 My biggest concern was my English. Because I had no experience putting myself in a situation that anyone spoked my first language. Every time I went abroad was whether with my father or with my friend. But I didn’t try to speak English even though I could easily try to! I guess I was too lazy to speak English. However, I figured I have to put myself in a challenging environment in order to improve myself, not only English. So I went there alone. It was the biggest journey of my life! What a wonderful world.

 On my way to Monica’s house, she asked me shorter way or longer but pretty drive? Are you kidding me?! Of course pretty drive no question for that! So we took PSH, which can see Malibu. It was my first time to see Palm trees. And when I look around, pretty cars were all around. I was surprised because one of my favorite cars, Range Rovers were no big deal there! When I saw the Palm trees and all the pretty cars, I thought This is it. While I was listening to my favorite song, Hotel California what a perfect timing to listen to it! Its funny because I used to listen to it on a snowy windy freaking cold day in a car, dreaming of such a lovely place, California. This is how my journey started.

 People were very nice there. They were very different from people from my favorite city, New York. New Yorkers were very proud and fashionable and never out of style. But people in California seemed more easy going and friendly. But talking about friendly, it doesn’t mean that people would suddenly come up to you and start talking for hours. I went to a wedding one day.  They might smile and greet and say something nice about Japan, but on less I was the one starting conversation, they would walk away. Why not? Who wants to be talking to a shy uninteresting girl from Japan who doesn’t even speak good English? And the next thing you know, you are on your own pretending like you are texting your friends even though you dont have Wifi!

That’s the worst feeling in your life! So, I had to show people that I was a fun and cool girl to talk to. I had to be the one who makes the first move. This was necessary for me because it was my first time to meet my relatives in USA, and I thought it was crucial for me to build a good relationship with them for my future. Being friendly makes life much more easier, I learned from this journey.

  Look up, sell yourself and say something nice to someone. Thanks to people in LA for teaching me these. This is the easiest way to explore your life. And I will try hard to go back there, where my heart fell in love. I Love LA!














 PSHでのHOTEL CALIFORNIA…最高でした。ここはカルフォルニア!



 上を見て、自分を売って、誰かにやさしいことをいう。 LAの人たちが教えてくれたことです。私の未来はLAにあります。だいすき!LA


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Hello everyone! You know, I have been to Australia for a month. And I could make a great memory in there. I introduce what I learned in another country.

    In fact, I was not worry about this study abroad at first so much. I thought “I will be able to do everything in Australia! Haha” But, it was of course wrong. I experienced a lot of difficulties perfectly. A moment I met my host family picked me up in airport, I felt nervous suddenly.

My host mother Marie is 60years old, and she is so kind and understands about me well. In addition, she is a famous artist, and her character is charming. My host father Bryan always helps me and sometimes joking. He likes working, and cooking. They are great family, so I was glad to meet them!

In other country, happening is always happen. In my host family’s house, people walk with their shoes, I ate bred every day, and my host mother and father hug every day. The views I have never seen was exciting happening for me. There are many things I have never seen and heard, so it was difficult to use to be, but also fresh for me and I was fun every day.

In addition, I could make memories with my host family that I cannot forget. When it was hard raining outside while I was getting home. “I ‘m home!” I greeted. Suddenly, my host father said me “you should change your cloths early” and he kept my umbrella to dry. After that, my host mother told me “Bryan was very worried about you” I could not contact to someone without Wi-Fi, my family was worried about me. I remind I was so happy.

When dogs came to approach me with shaking their tail, I could lock the key (it was strange shape. I couldn’t rock when I started to stay) of restroom’s door in my house easily, when we laughed together, we were very family. I’m very glad to meet them.


     Next, I will introduce discovery in my school in Australia. I contested BOYS of the same age for the first time in five years. I don’t know it’s common around the world, they are very noisy and kind.

And I was surprised at differences to Australian school. Students using cellphone and eating snacks during class, students single acting as they want, students saying their opinion if their teachers don’t ask. I envy them like that.

Of course I learned about difference of culture and lifestyle. And I also did another important things. These are “Collage of start to talk with Australian people from me”

     To make friends is difficult in Japan, of course it’s more difficult to make friends in Australia. At first, I couldn’t start to talk, I was waiting for someone to talk with me. But, I understood it solved nothing. Making friends is the best difficulty of this study abroad. I made questions list to talk with Australian people, I acted without my Japanese friends, so I was thinking and trying about it. I was very worried, but I could take the picture with care group member and drama class member at my last school day. I was so glad.


     Of course I learned many things in Australia, but I can’t introduce all things.  Anyways, I’d like to say “thank you” to everyone who helped me during this study abroad!! Dear Australia, I will visit to it again on honeymoon so please wait for this time!




 私のホストマザーのマリーは60歳で、とても親切で私のことをよく解ってくれる人でした。そして彼女は有名なアーティストで、チャーミングな性格です。 私のホストファザーのブライアンは61歳で、私をいつも助けてくれて、時々冗談を言う人です。そして働くことと料理をすることが好きな人でした。彼らは素晴らしい家族でした。出会えて嬉しいです。


そして、ファミリーとの忘れられない思い出もたくさん作ることができました。雨がひどかった日、私は帰宅をしていました。家に到着し「ただいま!」と家に入るとファザーが「早く服を着替えた方がいい」と私に言い、そのまま私の傘を乾してくれました。その後マザーが教えてくれました。「ブライアンはあなたのことが心配だったのよ」。 オーストラリアではwi-fiの無い場所では連絡がとれなかったので、家族が心配してくれていたようでした。とても嬉しかったのを覚えています。彼らの深い愛情には感謝してもしきれません。






 勿論たくさんのことをオーストラリアで学びましたが、全ては紹介しきれません。とにかく、私はこの留学に関わってくれた全ての人に「ありがとう」と言いたいです!! 愛しのオーストラリア、新婚旅行でまた行くから待っていてね!


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A month I spent at Australia went so quickly, I experienced many good things from this program,

At firstI was so nervousbecause that time was the first time to go to abroad. But my host family warmly welcomed me. There are father mother and a brother, also they have a dog which is a border collie. She likes to play with ball and her looks is so cute. I thought that Australian dishes might be not delicious, but my host Mother is good at cooking. She made me delicious dishes everyday such as sausage pie, chocolate pudding and green curry. I liked them so much. Also Australian sweets are wonderful taste. Many people think it is too sweet, but I think it is delicious. So I recommend eating snacks or sweets if you go to Australia. My host father talked me about many things like his job and my host mother. And I thought he is a masseur when I get a paper which is written about my host family, because It is written as a technician. But it was wrong. He is working a repair shop of cameras. My host brother is thirty years old, but he lives in his parent’s home. He is so kind and he had been to Japan before, so we could talk about Japan. They are so kind. When I miss my family, they cheer up me, so I spent great time in Australia. I appreciate your kindness so much.


Next I introduce the school which I went to in Adelaide. The school name is Valley View Secondary School. There are about 260 students and 6 international students. 5 of them are from Japan. They are from Kanagawa and Tokyo. Also the students and teachers were so kind. The girl who is from Philippine was interested in Japanese culture. So we sometimes talked in Japanese also Pilipino too. The Australian school is different from this school. The students are free because they can wear makeup, do nails, use mobile phone, and dye hairs in the school. I was surprised when I join the class in Australia, but it was fun.

I went to excursions with Hong Kong people who visited Adelaide for ten days. We went to many famous place in Adelaide. For example, beach, zoo and the city. I had held a koala twice. I think they are not cute, because their legs are long when they are walking. I drank bubble tea at the city. It was tasty. It was the best of memories in my Australian life.

When I had the last day of school, I’m so sadbut they said “we can meet again one day”. So I was happy to hear that. I would like to go to Australia and see them.


Finally, I am thankful to many people who helped me. Also I appreciate my parents to go to Australia. I experienced many things and had a great memory. I will never forget about this experience.







次に私がアデレードで通っていた学校を紹介したいと思います。学校の名前はValley View Secondary Schoolです。生徒数は約260人で6人の留学生がいました。そのうちの5人は日本の神奈川県と東京都から来ていました。また、生徒と先生がとても優しかったです。フィリピン出身の女の子は日本にすごく興味を持ってくれて時々日本語やフィリピン語で話したりもしました。オーストラリアの学校は北星とはまったく違いました。生徒達はメイク、ネイル、携帯を使うことや髪を染めることが許されていました。私はすごく驚いたんですけど慣れると楽しかったです。










I arrived at Australia, Adelaide on July 21 and met my host mother at the airport.

 My host mother is a Filipino and she lived by herself at her house.


 It was my first time to go abroad alone. And I usually depend on my family and I also have 10 people in my family so suddenly changed to only 2 people in the house. It was maybe too quiet for me. From those things I was feeling really uneasy all day.


The next day I had a very bad stomach ache. However, my host mother took good care of me and I really felt calm. So maybe the stomach ache gave me a good chance of getting along with her.


July 23 was my first day of school. My school was Modbury High school and it was a pretty large school. This was one of the anxious thing for me.

I am not good at interact with people, especially people of about the same age.

 So I was really nervous and frightened.

 But all the students in Modbury were very nice to me. And I made many friends there.


 Taking school lessons in English was quiet challenging for me. The teachers and the students were very fast at speaking and it was pretty hard to hear everything what they said.

However, after they started working, the teacher kindly told me what to do or how to do the assignment.

Sometimes the students helped me do, so it was really kind of them and I really appreciated them.


There were about five more Japanese students from other Japanese schools in my class.

I became good friends with them.

When they couldn’t understand what our teachers said, I translated them into Japanese.

In a similar way, when they couldn’t make themselves understood in English, I translated them into English.

They all said they wanted me to stay with them.

 So I was relieved and happy.


In English, I moved from an ESL class to a regular English class which was doing a film study of “The Truman Show.” We saw a movie and answered many questions about the movie.

First I was very nervous because in this class. I was the only Japanese student.

But the movie was very interesting, and I could cope well with my classmates.


I was praised by many teachers in this school.

So I could gain confidence.


After a while an Indian couple came to stay at my host mother’s house.

For me it was like a stranger suddenly living in the same house so it was a bit scary at first.

 After that, I got a high fever. And I was very frustrated about when I was sleeping in bed due to sickness, I was woken up by an explosive sound of an Indian music.

Also from that day the kitchen smelled lot like spicy curry and for a second I thought I must have come to India because with all that curry smell and the Indian language that I heard from the kitchen.

However, when I left my house key at my house, they kindly opened the door for me so I should thank them.


My host mother was really good at cooking and she said that her recipes were most from her boss. Perhaps I think my host mother really likes? Or admirers her boss so much so she pretends everything what she does.

 Anyway, about the taste of the food was delicious indeed.

But about the ingredients of the food were the problem.

 Maybe it is normal for Filipino, but I couldn’t understand that why they have to put banana in almost all food?

It was delicious but really strange for me.


In this short term I learned a lot of differences between Australia and Japan.

For example, in Australian jobs finish earlier than Japan.

Also most of the shops close at 5:30 and I thought it was very early for closing.

But by this Australian normal custom we can spend more time with our family and I thought this was a wonderful thing.

 I hope one day that Japanese working style will be the same way as this.


In this one month I learned many wonderful stuff and experienced many things that I can’t do in Japan.

I hugged a baby koala which was really fluffy and touched a baby kangaroo.

They were very cute.


It became a precious memory that I will never forget for the rest of my life.


I deeply appreciate my family, my host mother, my teachers, and all the people who supported me.




































その授業はTruman Show という映画を鑑賞して、その内容についての多くの質問の答えを








オーストラリア に来てから一週間目にインド人のカップルが



























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I left japan by studying abroad for the first time, and went to Australia. There was an anxiety, but I decide that we don’t waste time of one month, and spent each day carefully. At first, I talk about my host family. My host family was two people of single mother and the 8-year-old sister, and there were any animals in a house. My mother was tender and spirited and always made me a smile. the dish which my mother cooked was very delicious. My sister is also tender, and pretty. I was often playing on the trampoline and making slime with my sister. study abroad life began and I was talking with my host family when I happened that couldn’t understand English, so I thought if I were able to understand English better, I’d be able to express lots more of my feelings, and if I were able to speak English better I would have been able to speak with my family more. However, I thought I have never give up to speak English here, so I tried to talk in living room with family. When I cannot understand or hear English, I asked family again and again until it could be understood, and talked with them. When I discovered that there is way of such expression, I was learning and using it. In this way, a conversation in English gradually smoothened.



Next, I talk about my school. The school I attended was an international school where students from various countries attended this school. I had science, English, mathematics history, culture, visual art and photography. In the lesson I was taking, there is a photography class, each one with a decided theme. I went back to the classroom and edited the pictures taken with my computer, but it was a class that was not in Japan, it was very fresh and fun. In addition, in the classes of culture, it was content to learn about the culture of Australia, so the international understanding lesson in Japan was very helpful. I was very worried that my friends could make friends when school started. However, there was a day school bus, the student sitting on the bus was talking about Japanese, so when I saw the person who heard the voice, I got to see an Iranian girl, and we laughed with nice each other, and I could talk to the girl from me and get along with that girl. Even if you wait anything, no one will come. I felt that nothing started without going me.



My first overseas life ended quite quickly as if I was watching even a little long dream a day. However, I learned a lot in such situation. I felt that I wanted to improve my English ability even more. Although it was only one month, it become the densest thing in my life and made me grow big. I feel that I was able to make such experience thanks to Dad and Mom. Thank you very much!







次に学校生活についてです。私の通っていた学校はインターナショナルの学校でいろんな国の生徒がこの学校に通っていました。私が取っていた授業の中でphotography という授業があったのですが、一人一台カメラを持って外に行き指定されたテーマで、好きな写真を撮る。そしてパソコンでコントラストやトリミングなどを加えながら編集していくという授業内容なのですが、日本にはない授業だったのでとても新鮮で楽しかったです。また、文化の授業では、オーストラリアの文化について学ぶという内容だったので、日本でやっていた異文化理解の授業がとても役に立ちました。私は学校が始まった時 最初は友達ができるかとても不安でしたが、ある日帰りのスクールバスで、バスに座っている生徒が日本語について話していたので気になり私は声の聞こえた方を見てみるとイラン人の子と目が合いました。そしてお互いにニコッと笑いあい私から話しかけ仲良くなることができました。なんでも待っていても誰もこない。自分から行かなくては何も始まらないのだと感じました。





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I spent beautiful days in Golden Grove for one month.


On the 21st of July, my life in Australia started. I was relieved when I saw my host family at the airport at the end of the long traveling. On the way to home from the airport, I was nervous but it was in a good way. Everything in my eyes was new to me. I was welcomed by warm family. I had two host brothers and one host sister. Thanks to them, I could have fun at home. My host sister likes singing and dancing, and she is learning Japanese. On the first day, she introduced herself in Japanese. It was so lovely.



I made puppets, slime, and paper flowers with origami with her. It was precious time for me. They had fights often but certainly they were getting along with each other, because they were so peaceful. They took me to somewhere on weekends, they were really Australia. All of Australian dinners which made by my host mother was so nice and made me warm. Thank you for making me relaxed with your love.


On the 23rd of July, my school days in Golden Grove started. I had been told that it was on 30th, so I was not ready for it, but I had to do. After I got my uniform, time tables, and some stationaries, I attended single Maths lesson. One girl welcomed me and I sat next to her in all of the Maths lessons. She said me “Hello” every time when I passed her at school or was waiting for my ride, and she asked me Maths questions even my English was not good. The person who called me for lunch on the last day was her too. I was so happy that I had the same class with her.

I had Maths, Science, History, Geography, English, Japanese, and Drama class and I really liked History class. In the history lessons, I learned mainly about Holocaust. It was unfamiliar to me but was interesting. Classmates in the class realized so many points that I couldn’t find. I think learning with somebodies from different countries gave me so many things. And comparing them to my knowledge from the lessons that I’ve taken in Japan is more interesting. I enjoyed drama class too. I worked on ‘comedy’ for one month. It was like SE class in Hokusei. I made some comedies with classmates. Sometimes it was a little bit hard for me, but it was fun certainly. As a Japanese class, I had City excursion with a few local students and 20 students from Tokyo. Thanks to one local student, I enjoyed it.

On the last of Saturday, Natsumi, my partner from Hokusei, came to my home and she stayed with me in the last one week for some reasons. We talked in Japanese too much, but she gave me courage. I was in a hurry on the last Monday. I was sure that I have regrets, but she was not there, I must have more now. Thank you for your advice.

On the last of Tuesday, I noticed that I can’t just wait for the nice people. It was too late, but it can change my life.


The thing I figured out in one month was the importance of showing my willingness. In one month, I tried many things although I was not confident. Even I was, they were precious experience for me and by trying many things, I felt that I got recognition from people. I’d like to try so many things in Japan from today. This one month made me feel like so. My friends and Teachers with kind hearts, thank you so much for making my school life wonderful.


I will never forget my memories and experiences in Golden Grove. I am very thankful that my parents allowed my study abroad in Australia. Sorry for this being like diary and thank you for reading.
















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 I am going to talk about my precious experience in Australia. I studied in Adelaide for a month. So, it’s the capital city of southern Australia. It’s very urban, safe and clean. I had a lot of opportunity to communicate with many local people. Especially I talked with my host family every day. The member of my host family was mother, father and two brothers. They treated me as their daughter.  So I enjoyed home stay a lot. One day I made omelet containing fried rice for my host family. (Australia has only omelet). They were very glad to it. They said to me “Thank you, Yuna, it is very delicious.” And my host brother said to me “thank you” in Japanese. That thing made me very happy. I think my host family was the best.

I made dinner with my host mother many times. That time was very nice for me. During making dinner, I talked about many things with my host mother. For example, about today’s school, difference between Japan and Australia and others. And after the dinner, my host mother, father and I saw “Master Chef” on TV. It was a cooking show. During seeing TV we ate ice cream. I like Australian ice cream. It was very sweet. I went to many places with my host mother in Adelaide. Rundle mall is the biggest shopping mall in Adelaide, I like to go where shopping. And my host mother liked to go to shopping too. So, we went to many kinds of shopping malls. And I took the street car to go to sea. I think Australian street car is bigger than Sapporo street car. I saw the wild seal in the sea. My host mother said to me, “You are a lucky girl! Because it is very rare events.” When I heard it, I felt happy.

I went to Roma Mitchell Secondary College in Adelaide. I thought the school was very big. There were various races at school. I made some friends there. It was good experience for me to communicate with them. Because I had to use English to communicate. At school some classmates often helped my friend and me. For example, “Can I help you?” or “We are going to go to the gym at this lesson.” When we don’t know where to take lesson. So I was helped by many students in that school. When I took Japanese lesson, many students talked with me from them. It was very interesting. So, I made some friend at Japanese class and still keep in touch with them by using Instagram. I want to meet them again. We had a buddy. But I think she didn’t like us. So, she didn’t tell us about school information. So, I had trouble because of it. I hoped to be friend with my buddy. But, it was very difficult for me.

When I ate lunch, I ate with two Japanese friend and Pakistani friend.

This time I learned a lot of things and to fun in Australia. I thought very scary about to study Australia. Before I go to Australia. I really worried about host family and school. But it was very exciting to study in Australia. And I want to go there again.






 私はアデレードの”Roma Mitchell Secondary College” という学校に通っていました。そこはとても大きくて自由な所でした。私はそこで、様々な国の人と出逢い、話しました。私は将来英語を使い、色々な人と関わりたいのですごく良い経験になりました。私が困っているとき友達が大丈夫?や、次の授業では、体育館に行くよとおしえてくれ、すごく助けてもらいました。バディーと話せない分友達を作れて良かったです。






Study Abroad


I introduced having won through up to an impression, the thing that I discovered things. First, I want to introduced food culture. My host family have customs, it is we must eat pancake in Sunday morning. At that moment, my host mother served many topping for pancake. I tried lemon with sugar, when I was so surprised. Because, sugar and whipped cream are not so sweet. I think almost Australian foods so sweet and so oily. Since then, I hooked on Australian chocolate. Difference in culture was seen in tableware. For instance, I used knife exclusively for cheese. Incidentally, my host family have four knifes. After that, I take a knife to eat pancake, then my host sister said “That’s not pancake knife, it’s meat knife!” to me. I was so surprised, and ashamed. Many differences could see in not only the taste but also tableware and greetings in this way.

     Next, I introduce the difference of the school, which I went to school and thought of. First, I surprised time of school, because, usually day 3:10, fast day 2:20. My school is over that time. Since, I usually went to and, shopping in city or Mitcham shopping street at after school. Next, School is not a rest before and after a class for ten minutes. But, instead there are a rest for 20 minutes “recess”. Because, The delay was natural for from 10 to 15 minutes. By the way, we must go out from school, because, I eat snacks or a fruit and, talked my friends at outside. Talking with friends is so funny, but it was awfully cold. During class, some of the students playing game, watching Youtube, and playing sports. But, students are properly did only PE and Art.

Recess and lunch time is we must go out, because so cold. But, we can use microwave oven and thermos bottle, for that reason, I can eat hot lunch. There are a purchase, It’s selling light meal to dessert. By the way, some of the boys played basketball and Australian football.

     Next, I introduce the difference of the building. Australia is so big island, and rich of nature. Since, mostly it was the house of the one-storied house. What is more, the cost of living so expensive that, many house have solar panel. Certainly, the room with oneself shoes on.

     Last, I introduce the difference of the daily life. Water is so precious in Adelaide, as Australian not very having a shower. Since, many people using dry shampoo.

Then, my host family is so active. They played a game well and went out and had a party with me. We were went to and ate for dinner at host father parent`s house every Monday night. They took a lot of communication in this way. And, a dog was in all houses and was healed.

     Fortunately, I was not discrimination and tormented. My host family are so kind and excited too. I can live a study abroad life thanks to host family and my family. I want to be able to make use of this experience in coming life. Please look forward to younger student. But, be careful steak in fright meal.  








