町田 果音の留学レポート
私にとって、 今年の夏はとても成長した夏になりました。
私が通っていた学校は、Heathfield High School というところで、森の中にあり校舎は大きめでした。そこの学校の生徒たちはみんな優しく話しかけやすかったので、自分から友達を作ることもできて楽しかったです。私がとっていたクラスで面白く、印象に残ったのは、DramaとFoodです。Dramaでは、演劇とかをするのかと思っていて、そのような経験が私にはなかったので最初は不安だったけど、実際にはみんなでたくさんのゲームをやることが多く、そこで新しい友達を作ることができて楽しめました。先生も面白かったです。Foodでは毎週料理をして、一番おいしかったのは、クッキーです。形が少し変わっていたけど、オレンジとレモンで味をつけたので、甘すぎなくてちょうどよかったです。ランチの時は、バディとその友達と一緒に食べることができて楽しかったです。学校では、不思議な行事があり、それはfunny socks dayと呼ばれていて、全校生徒が私服と面白い靴下で登校する日でした。何人かはハロウィンのような仮装をしてきていた人もいて見ていて面白かったです。
I could spend a very good time in Australia.
I am going to talk about my experience of studying abroad which I enjoyed a lot. When I arrived at the airport, I was really worried about seeing my host family because they did not send email back to me when I sent it.
My host mother was waiting for me but my first host family was not friendly enough to talk with, so I decided to change my host family
I could find my new host family very soon. I thought it was right thing to change my host family because they were really friendly and they treated me as a real family. I love them very much.
Now, I am going to talk about my school. I went to school called Heath Field High School. It was big and was located in the woods. The students were very nice and friendly to talk with, so it was fun to make friends in English there.
The most interesting classes I took were drama class and food class. In the drama class, I was very nervous at first because I thought I have to make some plays in the class and I have never had the experience like that before. But in the class, we usually play a lot of games and I could make some new friends there. The drama teacher was also very friendly and fun. In the food class, we cooked every week. One of my favorite things I cooked were cookies. The shape of them were little bit strange for me, but the taste were really good. In the lunch time, I often ate my sandwiches with my baddy so it was really great time for me. In the school, there was an unfamiliar event for me. It was called “funny socks day”.
It was a day that every student wore funny socks and didn’t wear the uniform, just wore their own clothes. Some people wore clothes that looked like halloween’s costumes. I enjoyed the day very much.
I could never forget my experience in Australia. Because of my wonderful friends and amazing family, now I love Australia very much.
町田 天音の留学レポート
私はMitcham Girls High School という学校に通いました。
取った科目は、science, English(IEL),English(gift),food nurtorition, P.E, music, French でした。
French のクラスは難しかったので先生に頼んでyear8のクラスに変えてもらいました。
でも受けてみるとみんな優しく面白く元気だったので私にとって一番のお気に入りのクラスになりました。授業はやはり難しかったけれど、分からないことがあっても聞いたらみんな私がわかるまで何回も説明してくれました。 そこでは、フランス語以外にもオーストラリアの政治の仕組みについても学べたのでとても興味深い授業でもありました。ディスカッションみたいなこともできて楽しかったです。
Science のクラスは専門用語が多くて大変だったけど実験が多かったので理解しやすくて楽しかったです。 実験では自分たちで考えてやったので同じチームの人と協力しながら出来ていろんな人と話す機会が持てました。なのでこのクラスでも友達を作ることができました。
そこではワイルドライフパークに行ったりしてコアラを抱っこしたり、ワラビーに餌をあげたりできました。 モールに行ったときは、現地の子たちともたくさん話せて、みんな英語が上手だねってほめてくれたのでうれしかったです。
次にホストファミリーについて話します。 私のホストファミリーはファザーとマザーと同い年のホストシスターのジェシーとドイツからの留学生のジュリアでした。週末はマザーもファザーも仕事で忙しかったので、ジュリアとランドルモールに行ったりビーチに連れて行ってもらったりしました。放課後には一緒にクッキーを作ったり映画やドラマを見たりして過ごしました。ジェシーはたくさんスポーツをやっていて忙しかったのであまり話す機会はなかったけど最後の日には一緒に映画を見ることができました。
I went to Mitcham Girls High School for 4 weeks. I took science, two different types of English class(one is for exchange students and other is a normal one), food nutrition, P.E, music and French.
French class was too difficult for me so I decided to take French class with year8 Students. At first I was nervous, but I liked that class the best because everyone was really nice, funny, and friendly.
At the first day of my school, I was worried and nervous but my baddie was kind and I could make friends.
The most fun thing for me was excursions. I only stayed there for one month but I have four excursions. Two of them for exchange students and others for students in year ten. I went to Gorge Wild Life Park. There I held a koala and fed a wallaby.
Next, I am going to talk about my host family. I have a mother, a father, a sister and a host mate from Germany. My host sister’s name is Jessie and my host mate’s name is Julia. On the weekend, mother and father were busy from their works so I often go to Rundle Moll or beach with Julia. After school, I made cookies with Julia. I also watched movies and dorama. My host sister, Jessie plays a lot of sport so I didn’t have so much time to talk with her but we could watch a movie together at my last day in Adelaide.
I appreciate to my host family, my friends in Adelaide and teachers. Thanks to them I could spend wonderful one month. Of course, I really thank to my family to give me a chance to do study abroad.
越田 詩瑛那の留学レポート
I had studied in Adelaide for one month during summer vacation. The experience was like a dream, time was past early. Then, I will introduce my memories.
At first, talking about my host family. My family is mother, father, brother and three dogs. When I arrived Adelaide airport, my mother greeted me. I was nervous about studying abroad for the first time, but I was able to get along with my mother driving airport to family house. When I arrived house, I met my host father and my host brother. They welcomed me from japan. My study abroad was a good start thanks to my nice host family welcoming. My mother is very kind and tolerant person. My mother was good at cooking. I loved all my mother’s meal. My father is cheerful person and he has nice smile. He and I had a common topic that we loved sweets. He always took me to pick me up anywhere. It was very helpful. And, I sometimes believed the jokes he said. It was laughable thing. My host brother was an adult. He was good at cooking too, he sometime cooked dinner. The chocolate sweets he made were delicious, I received the sweets recipe. My family often invited friends at dinner. So, I had a lot of encounter. My family always encourage me. I love them and I miss them even now. I am very grateful to them. For example, lunch, moving classroom and they teach us that we couldn’t understand. Especially I was always spent with Olivia. She is very kind and cute person, I liked her soon. Classes to be mixed with local children was fresh for me.
Next, talking about my school. My school is located middle of the hill. I took a bus for 50 minute every day. Our first day at school, we got two girls buddies. They spent most of their school life with us. We talked about everything. It was awesome time for me. It was hard to listen native speakers English same ages with me. But, every student in school was kind. I could get along with Japanese friends too. Thanks, I didn’t have much trouble. The day I had to leave school, every one sent me at the front of entrance. I was lonely to leave them. And, Ⅰwas glad to come to this school.
菊田 杏美の留学レポート
まず、私のファミリーはマザーとブラザー2人と一匹の猫でした。ファザーは出張中で、毎晩ファミリーはファザーにビデオ通話をしていました。空港で3人に会った瞬間、ブラザーたちが可愛すぎて抱きしめたくなりましたが、すごく緊張していそうだったのでこらえました。車の中でブラザーに、「あみにサプライズがあるよ!」と言われて家に着くと、これから1ヶ月暮らす部屋に、”Our home is your home” 「私たちの家はあなたの家です」という文章と、私も含めたホストファミリーの絵が描かれた紙が壁に貼ってあって、泣きそうになりました。その紙は今も私の日本の部屋に飾られています。そしてマザーの夜ご飯は毎日美味しくて、ご飯が口に合わないのでは?という不安は一日目から消えていきました。(あと言っておきたいのが、オーストラリアの寿司は、マグロ以外は日本そっくりでとても美味しかったです。ショッピングモールに売っていた巻き寿司は計10本以上食べました。) そして夜はマザーと話したりテレビを見たり、部屋の中で日記を書いたり、猫と戯れたり、ブラザーとゲームをしたり本を読んだりして過ごしました。ブラザーはとてもうるさくて、やんちゃで、でも人懐っこくて、可愛くて、今すぐにでも会いに行きたいです。
次に、私の通った学校について話したいと思います。私はGolden grove high schoolというところに通っていました。授業は必須科目のMath, History, Science 以外に、Drama, P.E. English, Japanese を取りました。難しい教科はあったけれど、嫌いな教科はなかったです。ここにはいくつかの授業の思い出を書き記そうと思います。
そして次の日、Scienceの時間にずっとCan I have lunch with you?を唱えていました。私はやろうと思ってもやっぱりいいやと思い、だいたいのことはやらないで生きてきたからです。授業の終わりに言えた時、いいよと言ってもらえたときはものすごくうれしかったです。今思い返すと本当に些細なことですが、私にとっては大きな一歩でした。そしてその日から私は勇気をあまり使わなくてもランチや遊びに誘えるようになりました。(誘ったあとの会話のことは一切考えていなかったので、会話は詰まりましたが。) 最後の週に現地の子達と日本人の友達をショッピングに誘って、一緒に放課後に遊ぶことができました。最初からもっと誘っておけばよかったなあと思えるぐらい楽しかったです。
Hello everyone! This summer, I had stayed in Australia, Adelaide for one month. I have a lot of experience but I cannot write all things about my study abroad. So, I’ll write about a part of it. (Maybe it will be so long)
First of all, there were three people in my host family. I had host mother, two younger host brothers and a pretty cat. Host father was on a business trip, so my host family was calling to father every night.
When I met my host family in the airport at the first time, I wanted to hug with host brothers because they were so cute. However, they seemed very nervous, so I stopped. lol
In the car, my host brothers said “We have surprise for Ami!”. When we arrived at the house, the paper was on the wall in my new room. It was written sentence and pictures like “ Our home is your home” 「あなたの家は私の家です」and then, my host family and my pictures. I nearly cried because I was so happy. Of course, it still on the wall of my room in Japan. Before I leave in Japan, I was anxious about food and water may disagree with me. But dinner which my host mom made were always delicious so I was too relieved. (Also Australian sushi was very delicious. It was very similar with Japanese sushi. I ate about more than ten roll sushi haha)
I spent the night talking with my host mom, writing English diary, playing with the cat, playing games with my host family etc. My host brothers were loud, very funny, sooo cute and friendly!! I really miss you guys.
On every weekend, my host mom, cousin family or Lana’s host mom took me many places. Veeeery large zoo, a zoo where I could feed wallaby and some birds, a lots of shopping mole and movie theatre, very beautiful view, so large IKEA (I had never been to there because my town don’t have IKEA.), birthday party, too kind grandparents’ house, etc. I was fun, impressed, and exciting everything!
Final week, I rode on a motorbike back of Buzz. I rode on a motorbike for many hours but I wanted to ride it forever. haha I start to like motorbike, and I’ll take motorbike license in the future! And Buzz likes Japan, he knew about Japan than me. When I was said “teach me Japanese”, I tried but I couldn’t do that. Because I remember sensuously about Japanese. But I think almost native speakers are same. So I learned to studying Japanese is very hard than I imagine. And also, I thought teaching Japanese is sooo fun! Chunky monkey! lolol
Thanks to my host family, I could know, learn, and experience many things. My host family is the best host family.
Next, I’ll talk about my high school. I went to Golden Grove high school. I took Math, History, Science, Drama, P.E. English, and Japanese. Some subjects were difficult but I didn’t hate. I’ll write about some subjects in here.
In Drama class, I liked 23 counts game and wush (?) game. (I heard that the games don’t have name, so I named now) It was so fun! I really want to play the games again. Anyway the drama teacher was kind, cared about us a lot. He was the best. In addition, students playing were amazing. I was surprised at their playing in every time. Even though, Lana and I played “Original Totoro” in English in front of every drama classmate. I was very nervous but I could play like practice time, so it was great. After playing, someone said to us “It was great! I like your play”. I was so happy!
In P.E. class, the P.E. teacher was also a very kind person and cared about me a lot. He passed me a ball many times, so I could enjoy every class. Last class, we played football game. When we played, somehow I felt like everyone were going to make me scored a goal. Suddenly I was given a ball. I was confused. However, a boy was kind enough to instruct me. Also enemy team was cheering me haha And then I went to close to the goal and scored a goal. I felt warmth because of kindness and the cheering like the first time a baby walks.
Also, there were four Japanese students in my high school except Lana and me. We have been very nice friends from the beginning. However, I worried about I couldn’t make friends. So, I asked Hina who have stayed in Australia for six months about something. Hina said, “When I came here at the first, I asked many people even if I have never spoken.” Then I noticed what I didn’t move in spite of I was understanding I should move. Thanks Hina I remembered that things. (;_;)
Next day, I repeated that “Can I have lunch with you?” haha Because I always don’t do what I want to do. After the science class, when the friend said ok, I was really happy. When I look back now, it was really small things. However, it was a big step for me. From the day, it became easy to invite. (However, I didn’t think well after invite. So, I lost for words in conversation.) Final week, I invited friends to go shopping and it was so much fun!
I can write more but I’ll stop to write because I may not be able to stop,
Before I leave in Japan, I was thinking one month is very short so not be able to get many experience. However, I could learn many new things and got many memories. And also, I didn’t get homesick but I got Australian homesick when I went back to Japan. However, it is thanks kind host family, and fun school friends. Especially thank you Host family, Buzz, Abi, Anh Nguyen, Chloe, Dkota, Hayley, Hina, Lana. SakiSaki, Lana, Lisa, Maya, Miumi and Victoria. I will definitely go back to Australia or go to Tokyo to meet them. And also I cannot thank you enough to my parents. Thank you for send me to Australia!
Thank you for reading this veeery long report. I would like to thank you for everyone involved with me. Thank you so much.
川野 百華の留学レポート
学校生活では、とてもいろいろな経験ができました。私は、家からバスで学校に通っていました。通学路は、海がバスから見えるという素晴らしい景色が見ることが出来る道でした。その道はとても坂が多くて、バスの運転は荒く、毎朝乗っていて酔いそうでした。オーストラリアでの学校生活は、あまり充実したものではありませんでした。私が通っていた学校は、Hallett Cove Schoolで、留学生を多く受け入れるところでした。そのこともあり、自国の人たちでグループを作ってしまい、他国の人たちに話しかけづらかったことがありました。でも、いざ話しかけてみると話しやすくて、なんで私はためらってその人たちに話しかけなかったのだろうとばからしくなりました。何事も積極的に行動することが大切だと改めて学ぶことができました。
Hello, everyone! My name is Momoka Kawano of 5F. I have staid Australia to study abroad for a month. I was nervous also I could have very good days.
First of all, I would like to introduce my host family. My family was a mother and mother partner and an Italian girl with double placement (Giulia). Mother was very generous and immediately spoke to me and Giulia evenly when Mother had a conversation. At that time, I couldn’t speak at all, and Giulia was good at speaking English, and somehow I couldn’t speak. From this, I thought it was important to communicate what I thought even if I couldn’t speak well I thought I would do my best without being ashamed to speak English.
I had a lot of experiences in my school life. I went to school by bus from home. The school road was a way to see a wonderful view of the sea from the bus. The road was very sloped, and the bus was rough, so I was getting drunk every morning. My school life in Australia was not very fulfilling. The school I attended was at Hallett Cove School, and it was difficult to talk to people from other countries because I made a group with people from my own country. But when I talked to it, it was easy to talk and it became ridiculous why I didn’t hesitate to talk to them. I learned again that it is important to act positively.
The classes I was taking were English, Japanese, music, design, and cafe skills. Every class was a class using a PC, and I was very confused when registering as a PC user. However, it is very important to listen immediately if you do not know the people around you or are in trouble. Japanese people don’t often talk about themselves. This was really annoying when I was studying abroad, as it was actually seen by other Japanese children at my school. Surely other people may think so too.
I didn’t think it would be difficult to go to school. But there were a lot of painful things. I wasn’t able to communicate well with my mother at home, or I was thinking about what Mother was saying. I took care. There were times when I seemed to hate myself because I couldn’t understand. Told her honestly what she was thinking. Mother said, “I will always help you. Talk whenever you have something. Even at night or when I work. Contact me if you have any trouble in Japan.” He said. Because I was such a gentle mother, I think I was able to work hard until the last day of studying abroad.
Thank you for reading!!
金子 怜生奈の留学レポート
次に、私のホストスクールについてお話します。私は、Aberfoyle park High School というCityよりもずっと南側にある学校に通っていました。授業では、English, Science, math, Art, Woodwork, Food technology, tourism,を選択していました。特に私が楽しかった教科は、food technology という教科でした。ほぼ毎授業で料理を作りました。Cheese onion pieや、chocolate pieなど自分たちで作りました。中でもchocolate pieは私が作りたい料理を調べて材料から何まで自分一人で調べました。オーストラリアの学校は日本とは本当に違っていて、学校では教科書を使わずに自分のインターネットを使って課題を提出したり、調べたりしました。また、先生が自分たちの教室に来るのではなく、私たちが選択した教科の先生の教室に行くというシステムでした。8月は冬だったので外に出るととても寒かったですが、外で自分たちのお弁当を食べていました。私のおうちでは、毎朝自分でlunchを作っていたのですが、私はサンドイッチの作り方を全く知らなくひたすらハムとチーズを詰めて毎日学校へ行っていました。初登校の日は本当に心臓が飛び出るんじゃないかと思うくらい緊張していて心臓がバクバクでした。ですが、私のbuddyのShaiはとても優しくて、私が初めていったクラスはyear11の数学で日本でいう等級数列?を学習しました。ですが、全く理解できずにひたすらノートにメモして電子辞書で翻訳をしていると、それを見ていたshaiが犬の写真を見せてくれたり自己紹介をしてくれました。私が授業でのことを相談すると一緒に考えてくれました。そんなShaiとはLINEを交換して今でも英語で話したり写真を送りあったりいています。Shaiだけではなくいろんな事業で知り合った友達との思い出は本当に忘れられないです。また早く会いたい気持ちでいっぱいです。
二つ目は、人を見かけだけで判断しないことです。オーストラリアの学校に行ったとき正直みんな怖く見えました。同い年なのに背が高くて、大きな声でふざけあっていて、友達なんかできなさそうだなと思ってしまいました。しかし、いざ勇気を出して話しかけると案外普通に接してくれるし、助けてくれました。特にWood workの授業では全体の9割が男性でもう怖くて怖くてビビりながら授業を受けていましたが、私が分からずに困っていた時に最初から最後まですべて手伝ってくれて作品を完成させることができました。固定概念を無くして思い切って話しかけてみることは本当に大切なことだと思いました。
最後に、何事にも恥ずかしがらずに挑戦することです。私は元から恥ずかしがりやな性格で、人前で何かすることが苦手だったり,周りからの視線を気にしすぎてしまうことが多くあります。なので、今周りから何か言われているかもしれない、日本人の悪口を言われているかもしれない、などばっかり考えてしまい謙虚に過ごしてしまっていました。しかし、せっかくのたった一か月の留学、自分のやりたいことをやらずに過ごすにはもったいないと思い、もう何も気にせず自分のやりたいように過ごしてみました。すると、新しい友達ができたり、人の違う面を見ることができたり、新しい発見をすることができました。 もし笑われても、もう二度と会うことはないと思い込んで接してみると一番良かったです。
Hi, I’m Reina Kaneko in 5F. I went to Australia to study English during the summer vacation. If I’d describe my experience in one word, it would be series of suffering. It was very different from what I imagined.
First, I’ll tell you about My homestay Family.
My homestay family member are Father, Mother, younger sister and younger brother. BUT, When I met at them at the airport, there were two exchange students. They were sister. In the beginning, I tried to talk with them to become friends. But their reply was very fuzzy and they speak Chinese when host parents weren’t. So I felt sad and I was afraid of speaking English. Then I didn’t talk to anyone. Also, I felt lonely because My host parents went to bed at 8 o’clock to put children to bed. But I consulted my friends, my teacher and my parents. Finally, I could to consult my host mother. She cried and hugged me. After that, host parents was considerate for me. I’m grateful for them.
My mother cooked international dishes. In particular, I love risotto that my first meal in the Adelaide. It was topped with cheese and some mushrooms. I want to eat again!!
They took me many places on holiday. I moved to eat meat pie and strawberry milk in Almond festival. Also, I ate roasted marshmallows while watching starry sky, and my father sang songs while playing campfire. And, My parents taught us meaning of name in English. My name7s meaning is “Queen”, He was very surprised when I told meaning of name in Kanji. It is the best memory.
Second, I’ll tell about my host school. I went to Aberfoyle Park High School that it was far from city. I chose English, Science, Math, Art, Wood work, Food technology, tourism. In particular, I like food technology class. We made some foods in class. I made cheese pie and chocolate pie. I investigated everything from the materials to how to make them and completed them. Australia’s school system is very different from Japan. We always use own Internet. Also, We move the classroom , not the teacher. The outside was very cold, but we sometimes ate lunch in outside. I made lunch every morning, but I didn’t know how to make sandwich . So I just put ham and Cheese.haha My first school day, I was so nervous that my heart popped out. But My buddy Shai was very kind for me. My first class was math of year11,It is geometric sequence. Of course, I couldn’t understand it and I was very boring. Then, She showed me her cute dogs pictures. Now we talked on phone. I want to talk now(><)
Finally, I’ll tell you about what I learned.
First, Saying something is very important. We can’t tell without word. In my case, I thought If I say, maybe I might hurt her or be hated. So I couldn’t say much. I thought I wanted you notice my feeling. So I didn’t action. But, when I told them, everyone accepted me and I could get along. Not only family, if you don’t say what you want, time will pass. Communicating without hesitation, and taking immediate action if you think are very important thing.
Second, do not judge people just appearance. I felt scared in Australia’s school. But I talk to them, they talked normally and helped me. In particular, 90% of the Woodwork classes were men and I was scared. But when I cpouldn7t understand what I can do, a boy helped me everything until completion. It’s a good thing to talk about it without the fixed concept
Finally, Acting without being shy. I’m shy from an early age and care too much about the eyes around me. In the beginning , I was humble. But I thought it was shame not to do what I wanted to do. And I spent the time I wanted to do. Then I made a lot of new discoveries.
For this month, it was just a painful thing. But I learned more about my personality, the important of natural life now and I could consider about understanding different cultures. It seemed long and was really short. I will never forget this experience. I’m happy to have a valuable experience.
泉 紗弥の留学レポート
初めに私の通っていたCharles Campbell Collegeについてお話したいと思います。私の通っていた学校は幼稚園から大学まであるとても大きい学校だったため日本人をはじめとする外国人留学生がとても多く国際感覚が身についたと思います。初めの二日間、私は日本人の友人と日本語で交流していました。しかし日本語を使用することに対しての罪悪感が募りストレスとなり、謎の胃がカリカリする現象が起きました(笑)そこで私はこの状況を奪還すべくベトナム、中国、韓国出身の友人たちと一か月間過ごすことに決めました。私は、メインストリームの授業を2つと留学生用クラス6つをとっていました。しかし留学生用のクラスはレベルに合わず何度か変更を試みたのですがlaptop無しの授業は大変だと判断したため断念しました。ドラマの授業では自分たちで台本を作りそれを演じるというものでしたが現地の子達が丁寧に英語の練習、色分けされた台本を印刷してくれたお陰で無事に成功に終わることができました。因みに私はドブネズミ役でした(^^)
Hi Everyone! I went to Adelaide in Australia for a month. It was very short for me so I did not want to waste my time but I had a problem in Japan. I was fight with my friend and she told me ‘‘we’re over and I really don’t like you.‘‘ I was extremely sad, lonely, and empty so my first and second weeks were not fun because I was in trouble many times about her. Therefore, I went to a church. There were many kind people in the church. The church had a tea party every week. I always talked with the minister and he told me ‘‘You can success everywhere because you have a big confidence.‘‘ My empty heart was filled when I heard this words.
Next, my host school was Charles Campbell College. It was very big so there are many international students especially Japanese students. I really did not like it because I did not want to speak Japanese language with Japanese students, but they wanted to speak Japanese language. They probably are not confident of speaking English. At school, I could choose many classes. I took Drama, Food, Literacy, HASS, Woodwork, P.E. and Science classes. Drama and Food classes were mainstream classes but others were classes for international students. In mainstream classes, I have to use a laptop but I was not good at using a computer so it was a little hard for me but everyone always kind to me.
I will introduce about my host family. There was mother, father, cute little dog Luna, double placement student who was from Italy in my host family. They were awesome especially my host mother was always kind to me. She was good at cooking. She always cooked my lunch and dinner, washed my clothes, explained my host school commuting route and sew my school uniform. My host father was very clever so he always told me interesting story. Moreover, pretty little dog Luna was very sweet and friendly. When I met her for the first time, she was afraid of me but a few days later, we became friends. If I go to Adelaide again, I want to meet them.
In addition, when I visited Adelaide city, I got lost many times but everyone always helped me. I was glad, and the last parson who helped me was an artist. Then I visited a gallery where has his work.
Actually, I gained 7 kilos because Australian foods were good. Anyway, my study abroad was very awesome so I want to go to Adelaide again and I really miss Adelaide.
石崎 美玖の留学レポート
次に、私のホストスクールを紹介します。私はBlackwood High Schoolという所に通っていました。私は、English, Second Language, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, The World Outdoors, Danceの授業を取りました。内容は既に日本で習っていたことなので難しくなかったのですが、聞いたことのない英単語がたくさん出てきたので、毎回単語の意味を調べるから所から始めていました。しかし、The World OutdoorsとDanceの授業以外は留学生用のクラスだったので、先生が話すスピードもゆっくりだったため、少し楽でした。
Hi, Everyone. I will talk about my experience that I went to Australia for a month.
My host family are Father, Mother, Brother and Two Sisters. My host father looks so scary, but he was very kind for me. My host mother became cordial. I had her helped for a month. My host brother was kind too. I went to school with him every day. My host sisters are 12 years old and 10 years old. My host sister who is 12 years old was lively. She likes singing so she sang a song every day. It was very well. My host sister who is 10 years old was very kind for me. I was always spend a lot of time with her. From the above, I think my host family is the best family. I went to the place with which I have never been.
My host school is Blackwood High School. This school was more kind than my school in Japan. Therefore, I enjoyed a good time at this school. In addition, my baddy or my classmates was kind for me too. I had English, Second Language, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, The World Outdoors and Dance. These were classes for international students. Detail of classes was not difficult for me because that was what I had already learned. However, I felt difficult to understand the meaning of words so I did not know these words until now. Although I think it was a good my experience.
I have learned a lot for a month. It is the importance of my family and my friends or I have to act on your own. When I was hard, my family and my friends had them helped at any time. If I have no my family and my friends, I could not spend time for a month. Besides, I could not talk with my host family if I do not start conversation from myself. In addition, I think I have to try starting conversation from myself. I think I had a very good experience this a month. I want to go to Australia again. Moreover, I want you to study abroad. Thank you for watching to the end.
早坂 琉那の留学レポート
Hi, everyone!! I went to Australia for this summer. My study abroad was so wonderful. I would like to tell you about my incredible life.
I entered Wirreanda Secondary School for a month. I like this school because there is a lot of my lovely friends. They always kind to me and we spent to most of school time. During some classes, trying to shut down and looked friend’s computer and phone was a big hit. We thrilled it. One of my friends, Ngan who came from Vietnam, is my first friend in host school. She can speak English fluently. She was going to graduate high school in this school but she went back to Vietnam soon. She said she had a problem between her host family. I was depressed and cried. Rovin who is Filipino comfort me then. He is really funny person. We were joking every time and mimic Simba from The Lion King. Risa is my baddy. She already had been sixth months in there when I entered. She knew many things and taught me. I talked serious story, like our path. Wanting improve her English skill, she came to Australia. We had same archive, so we exactly did not use Japanese. The school schedule was very different from Japan. I took mainstream classes, HASS, ICS, Street Food, English, Photography and Digital Art. If you want to know detail, please ask me! I could experience unusual days. My school usually started at 9 o’clock, and just Wednesday, it started at 10:30. I had three classes each day, one class takes about 2 hours. We rest between each classes, I spent this time with my friend at gym. I went to school and went back home with one of Italian friend. We talked about classes that I took that day in that morning, and how was that classes in that afterschool.
My host family was big family. They are a mother, a father, a teenage brother, a little sister and brother. They treated me real family. I was glad that I could be one of this family members for a month. A little sister, Joanna, has she cannot speak a lot. She entered normally school – not priority school – when same day I entered my host school. I respect her, and she gave me too much confidence.
I met one of precious person in my life. Her name is Kristina. Our first encounter was three years ago, I visited to Australia and did homestay in her family. It was my first time to go abroad. Then I was very nervous, but Kristina’s family tried hard to remove my fear. My first study abroad became nice because of them. In same year, I admitted her in Japan. This study abroad is the one of the reasons to entrance into Hokusei Girls’ High School, and She is the one of the reasons to decide to visit Australia again. We made promise that we going to see in Spring next. I cannot wait next time from now on.
I recognized anew friendship, relationship to people who care about me and make new friends in overseas are fantastic things.
私はWirreanda Secondary School という高校に派遣されました。私たち5年F組は35人クラスですが、現地校にはペアで派遣されることになっていました。ここで何が起きるかというと、あまり1の生徒が出るということです。それが私でした。初めて一人で派遣されることを知ったときはとても驚きましたし、不安が大きかったです。ですが、いざ留学をしてみると、一人で派遣された私はとてもラッキーだったな、と思います。日本語を使用する人が周りに全くいなかったので、英語力を上げるには最適な環境でした。ホストスクールの方の優しさで、バディは日本人で同学年の女の子でしたが、その子も英語力向上のために留学に来ていたので、私たちは一切日本語を使用することはありませんでした。彼女は既に半年ほどオーストラリアで生活していたため、英語がペラペラなのはもちろん、学校のこと、アデレードのことなど多くのことを教えてくれました。私たちはお互いの将来のことを話す程、心を許しあえる関係になりました。彼女は最後の登校日に、私に対して、「絶対泣かないでね。あなたが泣いたら私も泣いちゃうから。」と言いました。言われた通りに私は泣かないよう我慢していたのですが、結局最後には彼女のほうが先に泣き始め、二人して泣きました。割と人がいたバス停で(笑)放課後には、私と彼女とフィリピン人の男の子の三人でショッピングモールへ行くことが多かったです。フィリピン人の彼はとても面白い人で、私たちは毎日冗談を言い合っていました。他にも、彼とはライオンキングの映画の真似をして、額に赤リップをつけ、「シンバァァァァ」と叫ぶ少しおバカなこともしました(笑)楽しかったです。その時の動画は今でも見返しています。彼らのほかにも、私に優しくしてくれる友達をたくさん作ることができました。リセスやランチの時間には、いつもジムに全員集合して各々楽しんでいました。大切な友達ができて、私はとても幸せでしたが、一つとても悲しいことがありました。ホストスクールで初めてできたベトナム人留学生との突然の別れです。彼女は元々WSS を卒業することになっていました。ですが、彼女と彼女のホストファミリーの間に問題が発生し、ベトナムに帰ることになってしまったのです。少しの間でしたが、彼女ととても楽しい時を過ごせたことは確かです。日本に帰ってきた今でも、彼らとは連絡を取っていますし、WSS に帰りたいと思うこともあります。そう思えるくらいに素晴らしい時を作ってくれた彼らには感謝してもしきれません。
伏見 ありさの留学レポート
ファザーは毎日ごはんを作ってくれました。ファザーの作るごはんは本当においしかったです。また、ファザーは毎日車で学校への送り迎えをくれました。そして、友達と遊ぶときはバス代をくれて、帰りは必ず迎えに来てくれました。ファザーはとても写真が好きで、よくいろいろなところに連れてってくれて、写真を撮ってくれました。そしてその写真をアルバムにして日本に送ってくれました。よく”You’re my daughter!”と言ってかわいがってくれました。
次に、学校生活について、紹介します。私はbanksia park international high school に通っていました。この学校はinternational schoolで様々な国の子たちが学校に通っていました。オーストラリアの学校は、時間割が一人一人違いました。そのため、毎時間受ける授業のクラスに移動する必要がありました。
私は留学生のための授業のISEC English, ISEC Science, ISEC Cultureと、ローカルの子達と一緒に授業を受ける Music, Math, History, Tourism の授業をとっていました。その中でも一番楽しかったのはMusicの授業です。どうしてかというと、オーストラリアの音楽の授業は日本とは違い、とても実践的だったからです。
I have been studying in Adelaide, Australia for a month during summer vacation. It was my first time abroad, but it was a lot of fun. Introducing such a fun international student life.
First of all, I will introduce my host family. My host family was Singaporean, mother, father, two daughters, son and their girlfriend. The host family was very kind to me. The two daughters and son were no longer living together, but the son and his girlfriend came home for dinner and had dinner together
Father made rice every day. The rice made by the father was really delicious. Father also picked me up every day by car. And when I played with my friends, I gave me a bus fee, and I always picked me up on my way home. Father was very fond of photography and often took me to various places and took pictures. He sent the photos to Japan as an album. He often loved me saying “You ’re my daughter!”
Mother was working. And he often cared about me. Australia gave me body cream because it was dry, gave me a jacket when I said it was cold, and gave me a bag because I had a lot of luggage when I went back to Japan. They also watched movies together. Are you okay? Asked me.
Son and his girlfriend talked to me a lot. When English wasn’t easily communicated to the father, he understood what he wanted to say and told the father. He also took me to the rice. He was the person who communicated what he wanted to say the most. He often tried to understand me.
Next, I will introduce about school life. I went to banksia park international high school. This school is an international school where children from various countries attended school. Australian schools have different timetables. Therefore, it was necessary to move to a class for classes that were taken every hour.
took classes for international students, ISEC English, ISEC Science, ISEC Culture, and Music, Math, History, Tourism, where I attend classes with local children. The most enjoyable was the Music class. This is because Australian music classes were very practical, unlike Japan.
For example, I played songs in the form of bands and learned chord progression in classroom lectures. Also, at lunchtime, people who wanted to do regardless of school year gathered and performed orchestras. I liked the guitar and I could play it to some extent, so I was able to play with everyone. The music was fine if I didn’t understand English at all. Also, the same guitar child and bass child taught me so hard that I could understand the teacher’s instructions and the conductor’s instructions.
There were many microwave ovens in the school and students could use it freely. I also went to Koala on a school trip. It was a lot of fun.