大角 舞の留学レポート
しかしマザーに言われたことから学んだこともあります。すべては“言わなきゃわからない”ということです。このあとマザーに謝罪と今まで不安に思っていたことを手紙という形で伝えましたが、そこでも1回揉めていい方向には働きませんでした。 “食事中の会話に入ることができないこと”と“予定や目的地をつたえてもらえないこと”が不安だと伝えたらマザーから、「それは私にはどうすることもできない。私たちは変えられない。」と言われたので、ここにいても楽しくないまま留学が終わってしまう!と思いホストチェンジにも踏み込めました。マザーからの無視やあたりが強くなっていて、辛かったのを覚えています。現地校の先生が新しいホストファミリーの家まで送ってくれることになっていたのですが、迎えに来る予定の30分以上前から玄関前で立たされて「あなたは最低だ。どれだけ失礼だったかを私の知り合いに話して聞かせる必要がある。」とメタメタに言われていました。私をホストしてくれてありがとう、とメタメタに言われた後にマザーに伝えられた私はよく頑張ったと思います。
ブラザーはスクーターに乗りながら、トランポリンをするのが好きで何度も誘われました笑。シスターは器械体操を習っていてその練習風景を見せてくれたり技を教えてくれたりしました。マザーはヨガの先生をしていて、料理が上手で声が優しくて、寝る前は紅茶をいれてくれたりして、本当に家族みんなが優しくて、その温かさにとても救われました。もっと早くこの家にきたかったなぁと思いましたが、前の家があったからこそ、この家のありがたさが心からわかるのだと思うとすべてのことに意味があったのだと気づきます。前の家では、家族が会話をしていると間に割り込んで話すのもよくないなとおもっていたのですが、それによってマザーに「なんで英語を使わないの?」と怒られることがしばしばあったので、新しい家では積極的に話したりわからないことはわからないといったりしました。家族同士で会話をしていると、シスターがそっと「こういう話をしているよ」、とか「大丈夫?」と確認してくれるので本当にありがたかったです。家族のみんなが何かあるたびに「Are you happy?」と聞いてくれるので、毎回幸せだよ、うれしいよ、楽しいよ、と私がこの家族と会えてとても救われたことを何度も伝えました。
全く学校生活について触れていなかったですが、楽しかったです!とても。はじめは家のほうがつらかったので学校がない日がきつかったです。日曜日は、あ~~明日学校だ~とワクワクしていました。特に私は音楽の授業が大好きで、私はベースを趣味で弾いていたのでバンドに参加してQueenのRadio GagaやThe cranberriesのZombieを弾いたりして、授業を楽しんでいました。私たちが帰ったあとにそのバンドのお披露目みたいなものがあったらしく、参加できないのが悔しかったです。先生にベースを褒めてもらえることなんか中々無い機会なのでとても楽しんで、音楽がある日は特にウキウキで登校していました。
留学を通して感じたことは自分の好きな音楽や、本、漫画、アニメ、なんでもいいけれど、自分の好きなものがあるってすごく大きなことだということです。自分の好きなものが意外にもオーストラリアでは人気だったり、知っている人が多かったり。思っている以上に日本のアニメや漫画、ゲームは有名でした。エヴァ、東京喰種、任天堂、スクウェア・エニックス…など、一緒に音楽をとっていた男の子は自分のベースを紫、弦を緑にして初号機にしていました。最高。それと、特別なことは意外にないのかもしれないと思いました。確かにいろいろ違うけれど、自分の学んできたことや感じてきたこと、考えてきたことは自分しか持っていないものなのでそこを何とか伝えられたら、仲良くなれると思います。いや正直かなり苦戦しました。自分から話しかけてみなきゃ、どうにもならないです。日本みたいに雰囲気で察するとか期待せずに、むしろうちらは留学生なので自分から求めなきゃ相手も知る由がないですよね。その一歩を踏み出すのは時間がかかったけど、どうにでもなれって思ってからが山場だと思いました。Snap chat, Instagram, twitter, face book…持っているSNSを駆使して“自分”を伝えたほうが相手も話しかけやすいです。とりあえず話題になりそうなものを作って話したら楽しく会話できると思います。
一か月は、意外に長いです。思っているようになんて動きませんでしたしすべてが楽しい思い出でもないですが、この留学に行かせてもらえたことへの感謝を考えると、やってみなきゃもったいない気がして、土壇場で何とか頑張れます。バディがいないとき、現地の子と話す機会がなくてこれはマズいぞ、と気づいてからが本番でした。授業は思っている以上に一人でできますが、休み時間に地獄を見ることになるので積極的に聞いたり話したりしたほうがいいです。Hi, how are you? と。聞かるのは調子をこたえるだけじゃなくて、そこから昨日あったことなどの会話を広げる絶好のチャンスだということも学びました。学校のGoodとかBadとかsleepyとかじゃ全然足りない。少しでも話せそうと思ったり、目が合って微笑みあったら話すチャンスです。すべてはガッツ!
Hello. I’m Osumi Mai. I have finished the study abroad 2 month ago. I have lots of memories and experiences.it is too long, sorry.
First, my feel was bad and I was an emotionally unstable person before go to Australia.
I was always tired and suddenly cried sometimes. I could not go to school so I thought I am not going to be able to go to study abroad. My mother said me “I’ll go to Australia to pick you up if your feel bad”. The words saved my downing feel and I decided to go. As a result, I could have the amazing experiences.
If I do not try, I will never know what I am capable.
This study abroad is my first experience to go to abroad. I got on the airplane and wondered here is not Japan and I ate the in-fright meal and went to sleep.
After a long fright, I met my host family. My host family has mother, father, sister(she is same glade as me),and brother(he is same age my brother). Plus Nadia( very big dog).
My host brother is so kind and dexterity. We made origami but he was better than my.
He plays the football. My host family always went to the football game on Saturday So I always went to the football game on Saturday. I thought this routine is not forced.so I made a promise to go to shopping with my friends on Saturday and I told my host mother and she said okay. However there is something mistake and my host mom said me “you can go to shopping after watching football games, you should go to football” on that day. I asked her “What time will the game ends?” She told me the time that too late time to go to shopping so I replied her. That was all discord triggers. She said me so many complain of me and she said me “You are too bad. You are rude”. I will never forget that. I was very sad because I was be careful to not to be rude. She thought my shy character is rude. After quarrel, I tried to join the conversation, speaks to family and help the housework but they did not working for host family.
My host family has just talked about themselves and their speaking is too fast for me, I could not join them so I couldn’t understand what they were talking about but I do not want disturb their talking. One time, I became brave I have asked to family what they talk about while they are talking but it was not good reaction and I could not join the talk after asked. Accordingly, I decided to change host family because our relationship looks already broken and I don’t think I can fix it among just 1 month. I think it was very important judge for me.
Why could I change the host family? Because of Ms. Wissel. She saved me. I have much thanks that I cannot count for her. I learned we should ask helping as soon as possible if we have worry. Because stay a teacher for international students. I could not speak a lot and I had worry and afraid of start conversation also make topics. However, I most afraid of my host mom at the end so I could try anything because it was nothing more scared than my host mom. I have fear of host stay because that but I can believe it was necessary for my skill up now.
New host family was so sweet, mom has so soft voice and I loved it. She is yoga instructor. Sister and brother was little and cute. My sister always care of me and we always talked. She is interested in Japan so I thought about Japanese pop culture and Japanese language. Brother is funky boy. He always jumped on trampoline riding scooter.
My lifestyle and feeling was change because they are amazing family. I could not believe I wish postpone the back to japan. Everything was my pleasure memories.
I should talk about school!
School was so interesting☺. While lunchtime, fly the bread, cheese and apple. After lunchtime, floor was always dirty and there is something piece of meal.
All Class use the laptop and make a report or presentation, It useful skill for our future.
Not just sit down and listening. We have many chances to experience in the class. For the example, I took an outdoor Education class. When we study the camping, we go out and learned how to pitch a tent therefore we do. My school had many based experience class, thanks to that I can remember what we did in the class in Australia.
I was surprised one is if finish my work, I can go on the smartphone and some student play the computer game while the class. It is unbelievable scene in the Japan.
My favorite class was music. I joined the band and I played the base guitar. We played the Queen’s “Radio Gaga” and the Cranberries “Zombie”. I learned the code, and learned how to use the music soft. It was very fun. I have enjoyed the classes.
I filled with gratitude for my parents, relatives, friends, teachers, host families and ISA .Thanks for supported me. Thanks for made amazing experiences.
I will grow up from experiences. I want to going to join anything events of using English more and more.
At last, when I arrived to Japan, I thought Japan is awesome. I notice Japanese good points and I re- recognized I love Japan. Go to abroad is also good to know own country.
大場 結菜の留学レポート
It’s all fresh and excited experience for me in Australia. I went to not Japanese school, met host family, feel different sense of values. I spend wonderful days in Adelaide for a month.
First, I’ll introduce about my host family. They are mother, father, and two exchange student from China. At first, I didn’t have good image for China. I was worried about whether we became friendly with each other, but they welcomed me warmly. In addition, I went to hang out with them, made lunch, and we promised to meet again in Japan. My host mother is nares and she loves to working. She is amiable, and sometimes she to a passerby. And also, she’s cooking very well, so every dinner was above all a delight for me. There are many vegetables, and I ate Australian food such as Fish and Chips, oozy beef and pavlova. I was very satisfied.
My host father retired from him job, but he run a business. He always amuses us with his joke, and he really loves him wife. They hobby is walking and climbing, so I went to walking for a hour with them on weekend, and then I saw lovely koala.
My host parents took me many amazing place, and they always took me to and from the school. They always helped me out. I’ll never forget them.
Next, I’ll introduce about my host school “Norwood Morialta High School”.
This school is one of the big public school, and accept many exchange student.
They almost from Asia, for example, China, Korea and Vietnam. At the first day of school, I was very nervous, and local people takes fast, so I was little bit confused.
Then, the girl who is my buddy names Emily was help me, so I get used to school. She is very kind and sensible person.
On the second day, we started the school lessons. I’m in the 11grade (the first grade of Japanese high school), so the lesson is not difficult for me. However, I made movie and composite photos to use Go-Pro or Mac book in Film class, and also Japanese class was interesting. The teacher teach Japanese in English, so I understood how to explain in English. Also I made new friends in this school. I feel it’s delighted to make friends through English.
I changed my views and sense of values, and I ‘m able to a broad perspective from this exchange. Also I realized It’s important to take actions every time. We have to don’t forget we should tell them to our mind in our words.
I couldn’t have done it without support from my family, friends and school teachers.
A month went by so fast. I want to try long term studying overseas following this experience.
まずは、私のホストファミリーを紹介します。家族構成は61歳のマザーと60歳のファザーそして、17歳と18歳の中国人留学生でした。私ははじめ、中国人に良いイメージがなく、仲良くなれるか、うまく暮らしていけるか、いじめられたりしないかなどとても不安でした。しかし、実際会ってみると、私を迎え入れてくれ、一緒にcityへショッピングに行ったり、ランチを作ったりと、仲良くなることができ、「今度日本に遊びに行くから会おう!」とまでいってくれました。 マザーは仕事をするのが大好きで看護師をしています。人当たりもよく、道を歩いていてすれ違った人に話しかけたり、私が不安な時に励ましの言葉をかけたりしてくれる優しい人でした。料理も上手で私は毎晩の夕食が楽しみでした。野菜が多くでて、中国からの留学生もいたためなのか、カレーやリゾットなどでお米を食べることもありましたし、フィッシュアンドチップスやオジービーフなど、オーストラリアの食べ物も食べることができてうれしかったです。
次に私のホストスクールについて紹介します。私が通った学校は「Norwood Morialta High School」という大きな学校で留学生をたくさん受け入れている学校で、日本以外にも中国、韓国、ベトナムなどアジアからの留学生が多い印象でした。学校も広く現地の生徒数も多かったです。初日は初めての空間に緊張し、同年代の子は話すのも速く圧倒されてしまいましたが、バディーでついてくれたエミリーという女の子が、学校の説明をしてくれ、授業やランチの時間にたくさん話しかけてくれて、徐々に慣れていくことができました。彼女はとても優しく、しっかり者で彼女が私のバディーに付いてくれてよかったと思います。授業は初日だけエミリーと同じものをうけましたが、二日目以降は、自分で選択したものを、受けました。私たちはyear11で、日本でいう高校一年生のクラスに配属されたので授業内容は難しくありませんでした。ですが、私の受けたFilmという授業ではmac bookやゴープロを使って動画や合成を自分たちで作るという初めての体験ができたり、Japaneseのクラスをとり、ここでは、現地の子に英語で日本語の説明をするのを聞いていたので、逆にこの日本語を英語でこう表現するのだなという発見があったり、日本の学校ではできないことができました。ホームルームのクラスにいた日本人の女の子と仲良くなりそこから、いろんな人と仲良くなることができました。
成澤 実咲の留学レポート
次に学校についてお話します。私が通った学校はModbury High Schoolでした。とても大きな学校でしたが、留学生は少なかった気がします。私が取った授業は数学、日本語、体育、サイエンス、歴史、クッキング、英語でした。歴史のクラスは日本人が私しかいなかったのでたくさん英語に接することができました。リセスやランチの時間は寒い中外にいなくてはいけなかったので少し大変でした。
Let me talk about my Australia
My host family was Mother, Broder, dog and two cats. Mother is a teacher of international student. She said she had hosted many Japanese students. She always asks me “Did you make Friends at school today?” And the dishes made by her were very delicious.
I spent a lot of time with her. Taking tapioca drinks and went to zoo. I’m always happy to spend time with family and, I really happy to meet that family.
On the eve of returning home, I talk with mother. I really sad to farewell family, I stated crying. She said to me “Come back again because we always have your room.” I couldn’t stop crying when I heard that word.
Next, I will talk about school. The school I attended was Modbury High School. That was big school but, I felt that there were few international students.
At school I took math, Japanese, P.E. science, history, cooking and English. Especially in history classes I was able to interact with a lot of English.
Recess and lunch time had to be outside. That was very hard because outside was cold.
I talk with some girls who love Japanese anime. They learned more about Japanese anime than I did and found out that Japanese anime is spreading around the world.
Finally, this month has been an irreplaceable time for me.
I suffer from my English skills. But I feel make an effort to tell will be rewarded.
Many people helped me. I’m really grateful to everyone who helped me in Australia. Of course, I am grateful to my parents who allowed me to study abroad.
I have many regret too. For example, I couldn’t tell Japanese political system for school teacher. So, from now on, I would like to learn more about Japan while increasing more English.
Thank you for reading.
中垣 萌色の留学レポート
次にホストスクールについて紹介します。私はNorwood Morialta High Schoolに通っていました。学校では、English, Mathematics, Science, P.E, Japanese, Film, Photographic Imagine, を取っていました。その中でもPhotographic Imagineは私のお気に入りの授業です。理由は、この授業の先生が優しかったことと私自身興味の湧く授業だったからです。先生は授業のたびに私の元へきて、授業内容やその日の宿題を教えてくれて本当に優しかったです。授業では一眼レフカメラを使って様々なアングルで写真を撮りました。私はカメラを使うのが好きなのでとても楽しかったです。
I went to Adelaide, Australia for a month. I had a lot of experience and I learned a lot in there. I’d like to introduce about these things.
First, I will introduce about my host family. My host family was only mother 27 years old. When I heard this information, I was surprised and I feel nervous. However, from when we met at the first time in the airport to return date to Japan, she was always kind for me. She made me eat what I wanted to eat almost every day. When I went to the City every weekend, she picked up and dropped off for me.
On weekdays, my mother went to work early so I could only say ‘Good morning’. In return, I talked a lot about school, friend and et cetera with her. That time was very good and precious time for me to use English.
Also, my host grandparents live in near house so I went to see their once a week. I ate dinner and I swam in the pool at home with my mother and grandparents. When I went to see their, they were talked a lot to me also that time I could use English a lot.
The couple next-door neighbors were kind too. They took me hiking, saw a waterfall and sunset after school. They love Japan, so I told about Japan to them.
Second, I will introduce about my host school. I went to Norwood Morialta high school. I took lessons English, Mathematics, Science, P.E., Japanese, Film and Photographic Imagine. Among them, Photographic imagine class was my favorite, because this class’s teacher was so kind for me. The teacher always told me about course content and homework. In addition, this class was fun for me. I took pictures using single lens reflex camera. I like to take camera, so I could enjoy this class.
This school had fun, scary and crazy people a lot so I was worried about I can do well here. However, while I spend there, I could make friends. I felt a little racial discrimination in this school, but in conclusion, everybody was kind so I love this school.
Through this study abroad, I realized again that I am living with the support of many people. Thanks to my family and friends in Japan and host family and friends in Australia, I was able to improve my study abroad. I prepare my breakfast and lunch every morning, wash dishes after school and laundering every weekend. I have experienced these things and feel how hard my parents are. Thanks to being able to have a different everyday life, I realized that it was not a matter of course that I had someone else do anything, but I was very blessed. I will never forget these feelings and I want to experience many things and use my experience in this study abroad.
村元 鈴香の留学レポート
I had been studying in Adelaide, Australia for a month. Although I was worried about my English could be understood because it was my first time abroad. However, I was able to live a very fulfilling life in Adelaide.
First, I will talk about my host family. I had host father, mother, brother and dog. When I came home from school, there was always host mother and father. So they heard a lot about the school of the day until I had dinner. Host father asked me every day, “Do you have a good day? What did you do today?”. So I liked that time. The dishes made by the host mother were very good. My favorite dishes were mashed potatoes and pasta. Thai rice was also good. My host mother works as a nurse, so at night I was watching movies with my host father and brother, and playing with dog. I sometimes saw horror movies. It was very scared. And they took me to the beach and Japanese garden during the weekend. I enjoyed playing golf the most. It was difficult to play golf for the first time. However, I was able to do it because father taught me. My host mother always took me where I wanted to go, so it was a very fulfilling weekend. I also went to the host sister birthday party. At first I was surprised by how many people there were and I could not talk to myself. However,it became a very good experience because I gradually got used to talking with many people.
My host family was not only took me to various places, but also took a bus together to teach me how to get to school. It was a very friendly family.
Second, I will talk about school. I went to a school called Roma Mitchell Secondary School. I was in an international student class called ISEC, and there were 4 Japanese people including me and Honoka and 9 Vietnamese students. P.E, Dance and Japanese were in regular classes, so most of the time I was with the people of the ISEC class. My favorite subject was mathematics. It was easier than mathematics studied in Japan, so I thought it was good every time. At, recess and lunch, Vietnamese people talked to me and everyone was able to eat lunch together on the first day. The teachers were also very kind and interesting, so I had a great time at school. It was a very good experience because I made many friends.
I want to talk a little about my friends. I was going to and from school with a girl named Dhwani who was using the same bus stop. She and her friend Clara sent me to my classroom every morning, while she went to a girl ’s high school in the next to school. Mia, who was together in the Dance class, often cooked Vietnamese food. The dish she made was delicious. I was very happy that everyone gave me a gift on the last day.
My life as an international student was fun. To be honest, there was not much pain. So I was able to have fun without becoming homesick. I am grateful to my parents for giving me this experience thanks to my host family and many friends.
Thank you for reading to the end.
次に学校について話します。私はRoma Mitchell Secondary Schoolというところに通っていました。私はISECという留学生のクラスで、私と帆夏さんを含めた4人の日本人と9人のベトナム人の留学生がいました。P.EとDanceとJapaneseは普通のクラスにいたのでほとんどの時間はISECのクラスの子たちといました。一番好きだった科目はmathでした。日本で勉強している数学と比べて簡単なので毎回これがいいなと思うくらいでした。RecessやLunchではベトナム人の子たちが話しかけてくれたので初日にして全員でご飯を食べることができました。先生たちも優しく面白い人が多かったので学校でも楽しく過ごすことができ、沢山の友達ができたのでとても良い経験となりました。
森屋 遥陽の留学レポート
I learned many things from Australia. The most important thing that I learned is that trying new things is important. When I was in at home, my host family recommended me many foods, music, movie, and speaking many English. Especially, I tried foods and talking with my host family. It was a good experience for me because I learned trying anything is more interesting than maintaining the status quo.
First, Australian foods sometimes looked strange. One day, my host mother recommended me kangaroo meat. I could not believe we can eat that. However, we always eat lamb in Hokkaido, so I thought I could eat and feel it is delicious. The result was it was delicious. It was similar to lamb. Before eating, I was somewhat repulsed, but after tried, I thought I want to eat more. I tried many new foods afterward, and my host mother said to me “You tried to a lot of new things, it is great. Good job.” I was pleased about that word.
Second, I tired talking a lot with my host family too. When I went to New Zealand as a junior high school student, I could not talk a lot with my host family. I was frustrated when I was back to Japan. The reason is that I cannot talk a lot in English, even though I want to speak that. Therefore, I tried to talk a lot with my host family in Australia. My host family was interested in Japan, so I talked about the difference between Australia and Japan. For example, studying. When I studied, my host family always worried about me because they thought I work too much. I told them “This is common in Japan.” They were surprised and taught me Australian study style. Australian s does not study much. My host sister and brothers do not study much, and they took a rest and talking their family a lot. They think talking time is more important than study time. Even apart from this, we talked about variety of topic. It was interesting and I can know about Australia a lot before I leave Japan.
Third, I tried to make friends outside school. Of cause, I had many friends in school, like my buddy Mabel, Max and unique friends, kind girl Stephanie etc. However, I met them only at school. I wanted to make friends who can meet outside school. My host family gave me a chance to make friends. My family was Christian. That is why I went to church with my family. In church, I met a girl whose name is Wolf. She likes Japanese anime and manga. I like them too, so we became good friends. Last day when we could meet, she said, “I don’t want you to leave Australia.” We talk in e-mail now too.
Those things are the reasons why I learned trying new things is important. Before leave Japan, I don’t want to try new things because I don’t want to make mistakes. However, I learned trying new things is interesting in Australia. I want to try anything from now.
茂泉 佐絵子の留学レポート
次に、学校についてです。私は、Mitcham Girls High School に通っていました。先生たちも生徒のみんなもとても親切で、困ったときに助けてくれました。そして、私は日本に居た時よりも、多くの友達ができました。みんな、生まれた場所も育った場所も違う、さまざまな人種の人たちでした。それでも、英語を通して世界の人たちと交流が出来て、とても嬉しかったです。世界が広がり、とても良い経験になりました。その友達とは、日本のマンガやアニメ、映画、音楽についてよく話しました。私は、日本が、経済力などで影響力がある国としてではなく、文化の面で世界にこうして注目されていることは、とても嬉しいことだと思いました。しかし、それと同時に、自分が相手の国の文化を何も知らないのはとても残念なことだと思いました。私も、世界の人々が日本の文化を知っているように、相手のバックグラウンドにある文化を知りたいと思いました。
次に、休日についてお話します。私は、ホストマザー、シスターとwildlife parkやGlenelg Beach、cityに行きました。特に印象に残った場所は、The State Library of South Australiaです。下に写真があるはずなので、ぜひ見てみて下さい。静寂に包まれた美しい図書館でした。ここは、1階と2階は誰でも自由に見学ができます。天井まで届くほど背の高い本棚が並んでいて、古い本が詰め込まれていました。本の一つ一つを見ていくと、背表紙が全て手書きで書かれていました。本棚と本棚の間には机があって、勉強できるスペースになっていました。私もここに来た時、何人かPCで作業している人を見ましたが、こんな歴史ある場所で、新しい物を使っているのに、時の流れを感じました。私だったら、古き良き名作を読みたいですね。
それから、私は、Toy Story4と Lion Kingを見に行きました。初めての海外で映画を見て、私は本当に沢山のことを学びました。1つ目は、英語で作られたセリフを英語でそのまま受け取ることで、キャラクターが持つ細かな感情を感じ取れることです。今まで私は、映画を字幕か吹き替えでしか、鑑賞したことがありませんでした。しかし、今回初めて、英語音声のみで鑑賞して、クリエイターの思いを直接受け取ることができたと感じました。字幕や吹き替えを否定する訳ではありませんが、やはり元の言語で鑑賞するのは意味が違ってくると思います。2つ目は、アニメーションの持つ力です。もちろん、私は全てのセリフを理解出来た訳ではありません。しかし、アニメーションだからこそ表現できる素晴らしい映像で、キャラクターの内面がセリフ以上にはっきり伝わってきました。
I went to Adelaide, Australia during the summer vacation. I would like to talk about my experiences and what I learned.
My host family members were host mother, sister, brother, a cat and two rabbits. I brought origami and origami book as souvenirs. I taught my host sister how to make, and we played together. I made paper planes that flies well, and she was very pleased. I often watched TV together at night. Surprisingly, it had 20-30 TV programs, and broadcast movies every day.
Next, I would like to talk about my school. I went to Mitcham Girls High School. The teachers and students were very kind and helped me when I was in trouble. I made more friends than when I was in Japan. Everyone was a different kind of people who were born in different places. I was very happy to interact with people from all over the world through English. My world expanded and it was a very good experience. I often talked to Japanese friends about Japanese manga, anime, movies and music. I thought it was a great pleasure for Japan to pay attention to the world in terms of culture, not as an influential country in terms of economic power. However, at the same time, I thought it was a pity that I didn’t know anything about the other country’s culture. I also wanted to know the culture in the background of the other person, just like people in the world know Japanese culture.
Next, I will talk about holidays. I went to host mother, sister and wildlife park, Glenelg Beach, city. A particularly impressive place is The State Library of South Australia. There should be a picture below, so please take a look. It was a beautiful library surrounded by silence. Anyone can freely visit the first and second floors here. The bookshelves were tall enough to reach the ceiling, and old books were packed. As I looked at each of the books, the back cover was all written by hand. There was a desk between the bookshelf and it was a space to study. When I came here, I saw some people working on PCs, but I felt the flow of time even though I was using new things in such a historic place. I want to read good old masterpieces.
Then I went to see Toy Story4 and Lion King. When I first watched a movie abroad, I really learned a lot. The first is to receive the words made in English as they are in English so that you can feel the character’s fine emotions. Until now, I’ve only watched movies with subtitles or dubbing. However, for the first time, I felt that I was able to receive the creator’s thoughts directly by listening only to English audio. I don’t deny subtitles or dubbing, but I think it’s a different meaning to watch in the original language. The second is the power of animation. Of course, I didn’t understand all the lines. However, it is a wonderful video that can be expressed because it is an animation, and the inside of the character has been transmitted more clearly than words.
Thank you for reading until the end.
松城 世珠の留学レポート
私のホストスクールは、Hamilton Secondary Collegeという高校でした。
そこの授業では、数学、英語は必修科目で、あとは音楽、家庭科、体育、物理などを受けました。音楽はギターを弾いたりしました。体育ではバドミントンをやったり、家庭科ではほとんどが調理で、最終日にはIH コンロで指を火傷してしまいました。その時は、ホストマザーが軟膏を塗ってくれました。そのことには今でもとても感謝しています。
Hello, I’m Semi Matsushiro.
This study abroad in Adelaide makes me stronger than when I stayed in England in 14 years old. My host family was so kind and said me, “We don’t hate anything.” Therefore, I was able to feel free to speak English.
Now, I’d like to present my daily in Adelaide. My family is elderly couple Sylvia, Nick. They have a big dog. She called Zeeva.
My mother Sylvia is a good cooker. She made me so delicious meals. She is a part-time instructor in the university and teaches biology. My father Nick did housework every day and so kind to me. Zeeva is so big and sweet.
They took me somewhere every holiday. They asked me where I want to go beforehand. I rode a carriage, contacted Australian animals, and went sightseeing in Adelaide City…. They gave me many good experiences.
I met Japanese women who living in Adelaide. Her name is Ai. She has a little daughter Mihana and husband Adam. Ai can speak English very well and fast. I respect her.
Next, I’d talk about my host school. My school is Hamilton Secondary Collage. I learned Math, English, Music, Cooking, P.E and Physics. In Music class, I played the guitar.
It was accepting a lot of international students and not few Japanese people. Therefore, I could Speak Japanese everyday in school. I thought that there’s the people who have aspirational. However, I disappointed. I and the same host school student Nichiha promised that we speak English, don’t use Japanese. However, I forgot it. Almost spoke Japanese. I have many reflection points.
Finally, I want to talk about something really surprise happened.
・There were the traffic signs, the speed limit on the road is 100km per hour
・There’s no ticket gates almost stations
・That was a lot of beaches
・Australian SASUKE made me feel thrilled
・Vegemite was so strong for me
・Door handles were high
・Glasses were so big
These experiences were the biggest event in my life. I thought that the length of stay is so short before I go to Adelaide, but it was so short. I want 1~2 years more. I need more brush up one’s English skills and I want to interact with various expressions for many foreigners.
増田 絢女の留学レポート
I went to Adelaide for a month during the summer vacation. At first I was full of anxiety what I could speak well and my host family would accept me, but I immediately lost my anxiety and was able to spend a pleasant month.
My host family is mother who is 71 years old and brother who is 48 years old. My mother worked as a designer and teacher, working as a teacher during the day and as a designer at night. When she had no job as a teacher, she went to my shop. My brother was a security guard, and he didn’t really come back home. So I couldn’t talk so much with him, but he was very kind when I was together. I wasn’t very good at speaking English, so I listened a lot, but my family didn’t show me a bad face and spoke me carefully so that I could understand.
Mother welcomed when I arrived at Adelaide Airport. On the first day, she introduced her daughter’s family and talked so much. So I was able to quickly relieve tension. Mother has a very human network and was introduced to a lot of families. So I talked a lot over the past month. I didn’t become homesick at all, and I wanted to stay more, so I think this host family was really good.
There were four cats in her house. I love cats, but I had no pets at home, so I was really looking forward to it. Although I was wary by cats at first. But I could be friend with them quickly. Only 3 out of 4 were able to deepen their relatives, but I was very happy because he let me touch without saying anything. I was mostly in touch with the cat while I was at home. So memory that my clothes became full of cat hair is good.
I went to a high school called Blackwood high school. The distance from the house to the school is not so far, but the walking time is very long, 20 minutes walking, riding on the train, walking again for 20 minutes. So if I miss the timing of the train, I take more than an hour. The school welcomed many international students, and there were about 10 international students who entered at the same time. There were many Asian students such as Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean. The first week was only a class with local students and it was difficult for me, so I changed to classes for only international students except Dance and World Outdoor in second week. There were so many time to be friend with other international students, I was able to make friends with many international students.
The seniors who studied abroad last year didn’t get very good evaluations, so they were anxious in first day. But there was no discrimination, and the buddies, teachers and students were very kind and friendly. So I was able to think that it was very good.
Lastly, I am very grateful to my host family, my family and school for experiencing this precious study abroad program. When I left from my parents and do some work alone, I was impressed by how blessed I was and my surroundings were kind. I think that I wouldn’t have noticed that soon without studying abroad. I’m really thankful to you!
私はBlackwood high schoolという高校に通いました。家と学校までの距離はそう遠くはないのですが、徒歩の時間がとても長く、20分歩き、電車に乗って、また20分歩くという通学だったので、電車のタイミングを逃せば1時間以上かかりました。そこの学校は留学生をたくさん迎え入れていて、私と同時に入った留学生が10人程度いました。中国人、ベトナム人、韓国人といったアジア系の留学生が多かったです。最初の1週間は現地生との授業だけで、私には厳しかったので2週目からDanceとWorld Outdoor以外は留学生だけの授業に変更させてもらいました。そこからは他の留学生と交流する機会がとても多くなったので、たくさんの留学生と友達になることができました。
前田 愛理の留学レポート
週末は毎週のようにいろんなところに連れていってくれました。最初の週末はアデレード動物園とWildlife Park に行きました。私は動物が好きなので、今まで見たことのない動物をたくさん見ることができてとても楽しかったです。さらに念願だったコアラをだっこすることもできました。他にもフットボールを観戦したり、シティで買い物したり、ビーチに行ったりと本当にたくさんの思い出がホストファミリーのおかげで作ることができました。
次は学校についてです。私はModbury High Schoolという学校に通っていました。私はそこで10年生として通っていました。10年生は日本でいう高校1年生のことです。授業はEnglish, Math, Science, Child Studies, Japanese, PE for Girls, Design をとっていました。Child Studiesでは赤ちゃんのためのおもちゃを手縫いで作ったりしました。PE ではマット運動やネットボール、バレーボール、筋トレなどをして、運動が好きな私にとってはとても楽しかったです。Design ではトランプのキングを自由にデザインしたりしました。絵を描くのは苦手でしたが楽しかったです。
私が留学してきた同じ日に日本人留学生が他に5人いました。私は彼らと一緒にお互いを高めあっていきたいと思っていました。ですが彼らはほとんど話しかけてこないし、話すとしてもいつも日本語でした。だから私は彼らとあまり話しませんでした。さらに私たちにはバディがいませんでした。そして留学生用の授業もほとんどなく現地の生徒たちになかにポツンと入れられたようでした。けれど生徒たちや先生はとても優しくしてくれてわからないことがあって聞いたらいつも教えてくれました。けれどリセスの時一緒にいる友達や、ランチを一緒に食べるような友達はなかなかできませんでした。そのときは正直辛かったです。けれどそんなときに力になってくれたのはJapanese の先生でした。その先生が日本に興味のある子を紹介してくれてその子たちとランチを一緒に食べるようになりました。さらに最後の授業では私のためにお好み焼きパーティーをしてくれました。途中で火災報知器がなってしまうというハプニングもありましたがそれも含めてとてもいい思い出になりました。
I went to Adelaide for a month in this summer. It was very good experience for me also I will never forget these experiences. It was my first time to visit overseas, so I have felt very nervous at first. However, I was supported many people, so I could experience many things. I really appreciate for their kindness. I will introduce about my experience in Adelaide to you.
First, I will talk about my host family. I had host parents, two host sisters, and a dog. My family was very kind to me and they treat me like true family, so I could spend so comfortable. I really thank for them. My host father is a very kind person. His name is Steve. He really likes vegemite, so he always has vegemite with bread. Moreover, he always took thought for me that’ why he was the support for me. My host mother’s name is Penny. She is a dental nurse, so she looks always busy. However, she made so delicious dishes every day. I had never felt bad for her dishes. I want to have her dishes again. She was the support for me too. My host sisters are Alyssa and Nadia. Alyssa is 12 years old and she was very beautiful. She liked sing a song, watch Japanese anime and draw pictures. I think she is good at sing a song because she had very nice voice. At first I didn’t know how do I talk with her, but as time goes on I knew she is a very kind person and she likes same Japanese anime as me. Nadia is 9 years old and she was very cute. She liked talking and dancing. We always watched movies and dramas in lounge room after dinner. When a movie finish and hear the ending, she usually started dancing. Her dance was very nice and very cute. I liked watching her dance. A dog’s name was Bolt. He was very active. He lived on the outside so I couldn’t play him many times. However sometimes we took a walk with him. It was so fun.
Every weekend I visited many places with my family. On a first weekend, we went to Adelaide Zoo and Gorge Wildlife Park. I like animals so it made me very excited and there were many animals that I’ve never seen. Moreover, I could huge a koala. It was so cute and so warm. Other weekend I went to the stadium to watch the football game also I went shopping many times and I could buy many souvenirs for my family and friends in Japan. I really appreciate my host family and I think they are my family in Adelaide. I already missed them.
Next, I would like to talk about my host school. I went to Modbury High School and I was year 10 in the high school. I took many kinds of classes such as English, Math, Science, Child Studies, Japanese, PE for Girls and Design. Every classes were so fun. Especially Child Studies and Design was so good. I made a ball by my hands stitching for kids in Child Studies. It was difficult, but I could improve my sewing skill. In Design class, I designed the king card of cards. It was very interesting.
Every morning Steve drove me to school by his car and after I usually get on a bus to home, but sometimes I mistook the bus so I had to walk more than 20 minutes.
There were some Japanese students whom they came Adelaide same day in my host school. I wanted make good relationship with them at first. However, they talk to me all Japanese and they don’t act actively, so I didn’t talk with them a lot. Make matters worse, I didn’t have a buddy, so it was difficult for me to make friends. Then my Japanese teacher helped me. She introduced me some students who likes Japan also, she held the okonomiyaki party for me. I’m grateful for her kindness.
I could spend great time in this summer and I have to thank to my parents, my host family, teachers and some students. Thank you everyone and thank you for reading my Adelaide report.