

三原 琉奈 の留学レポート


I went to study abroad in Australia. I’ll show you about memory in Australia.

 The first, about my host family. I stayed with 3person and 2 cute dogs for 2 weeks. I learned a lots of Australian culture in there. My host mother took me the sea it name is Glenelg I saw a lot of face of Glenelg like a high wave from strong wind, quite sea. In addition I enjoyed talking with my host mother at the car with watching the sea. My host brother belongs in Australian football club so I went to watch his game. He taught me a rule of Australian football and he taught me how to throw the ball. I like Australian football! My host sister took me the ZOO with her friends. She taught me I lot of Australian animal. I made Sushi, Okonomiyaki and Karage with my sister. We made it with music and we talk a lot. That’s my great memory. Before I changed host family, I thought I want go back to Japan. But after I met 2nd family, I really enjoyed every day. I could speak English a lot, I knew a lot of Australian culture, I had a lot of experience. I want to meet again.


 I enjoyed school too. I went to Hallet Cove school. I had friends. Her name is Lucy. She wants to be a Japanese teacher in the future. So she really likes Japan. And her Japanese is good. I talked a lots of Japanese culture. And she told me many Australian culture.     In the school, I had experience that was I have never done. For examples STEM Week, class of Metal, belonged in the band and so on. The first I will show you about STEM Week. It means S Science T Technology E Engineering M math. so we made about something STEM. I made Mouse trap. Other group makes Frisbee with 3D printer. I surprised about this activity. Because they don’t care about school year and mixed many country. I talked with from Columbia and Kenya. That was good. The next, I had a class of metal. In this class, I make something with metal. It’s similar with technology in Japan.so I made box from metal.  In the music class, I belonged in the band and I played with them.


I learned a lot of things in Australia. So, I will not forget all of them.  Thank you.


まずはホストファミリーについてです。3人の優しいファミリーと2匹のかわいい犬と2週間すごしました。そこで、オーストラリアの文化を沢山学びました。 マザーは私をグロノークという海に何度も連れて行ってくれました。嵐で波が高くなったとき、天気がいいときなど様々な表情の海を見ることができました。そして海の周りをドライブしながら会話するのが楽しかったです。 ホストブラザーはオーストラリアンフットボールをやっていて試合を見に行ったりもしました。そして私にルールとボールの投げ方を教えてくれました。とても分かりやすく面白い競技だったので気に入りブラザーとテレビで試合を観たりキャッチボールをしました。 ホストシスターは友達と一緒に動物園に連れて行ってくれました。そこでオーストラリアの動物についていろいろ教えてくれました。シスターとは日本文化の紹介ということで一緒にお寿司とお好み焼きとから揚げを作りました。音楽を聞いておしゃべりをしながら作ったので本当に楽しかったです。普段あまり料理をしないので食べられるものができるか心配でしたが無事おいしいと言ってくれました。ホストチェンジをする前は帰りたい、なんのために来たんだろうか。そう思うこともありました。しかし3人のおかげでオーストラリアが大好きになり、絶対にまた会いに来ようと思いました。本当に3人に出会えてよかったです。

学校生活もとても充実したものになりました。Hallet cove という学校でLUCYという友達ができました。彼女は将来日本語の先生になりたいそうです。日本のことが好きと言われるたびとてもうれしく思いました。さらに学校では初めての体験をすることが多くありました。たとえば、STEM Week という行事でピタゴラ装置を作ったり、Metalという授業を受けたりバンドに入ったりです。そのピタゴラ装置を作るグループは学年、国籍関係なく構成されていました。なので、コロンビア、ケニヤから来た人と会話ができました。私を含め3人とも母国語は全員違います。しかし英語を通してコミィニケーションをとることができたことに感動しあらためて英語の重要性を感じました。Metalの授業は日本の技術家庭科と似ていて、金属加工をしました。私は金属の箱を作りました。貴重な経験になりました。音楽の授業ではバンドに入りタンバリンを担当したりもしました。メンバーがやさしい人たちでとても楽しかったです。  私はオーストラリアで沢山のことを学びました。このことを忘れずにこれからの生活に生かしていきたいです。


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前川 萌 の留学レポート



I went to Adelaide in Australia in this summer vacation. I did homestay in Blackwood.

My host family is very noisy and laughs incessantly. My host mother is kind and career woman, my host father is peaceful and funny, my brother is kind, my host nephew is gentleman and kind, my host nephew’s girl friend is cute and she likes sports, and dog.

I lived in Australia with my lovely family for a month.


First, I felt that Australian people is kind. I will talk about it. I went to Unley high school. Unley high school is very far from my house. I have to ride two long buses. When I went to school alone first time, I was lost. I had ridden a wrong bus. Then, Australian bus driver escorted me and lent me his phone. Then, I was happy. After this problem, my host mother picked me up. Moreover, she hugged me. Then, I was so happy that I thought I was going to cry. Moreover, I thanked for them.


Next, I will talk about the difference of Australian culture. I was surprised at school system. Japan’s school has classroom and classmate. Moreover, we spent time in the classroom. However, I spent home group about 15 minutes at Australia’s school. After home group, we went to each subject’s room. This is Japanese university style. Moreover, Australia’s lesson is not neatly and they take bohemian in a lesson. Also, they used smart phone during a test.


My host family took me a lot of places in Australia. For example, China town, beach, island, market, etc. It’s that I went to watch footy and I hugged koala remaining in the most impressive among them. First, I’ll talk about Australian football. My host nephew’ girlfriend likes to watch Australian football. So, I went to watch it at Adelaide oval. I watched it first time. I didn’t know this rule. However, she taught me this rule. Audiences put one’s heat into cheer. I put ones into cheer too. We support Port Adelaide. The team won at the game. I was fun to watch it.

Next, I will talk about hug of koala. I went to George wild life park with my family. There have many animals. For example, Koalas, Kangaroos, wallabies, birds, etc. Then, I hugged Koala. It was very stuffed and cute. This wild life park is big and fun. After, we went to the toy’s factory and Melba’s chocolate. There atmospheres are very good. I spent a good time there. I appreciate my host family taking me many places.


I learned in Australia that it is important to be involved with people. I was helped and supported by many people. In addition, I talked with them and experienced many things. I thank my favorite host family for spending a good time in Australia. Moreover, I thank my mother for going to Australia. I want to go to Australia again. So, I have to study English hard.






私はunley high school という学校に通っていました。Unley high school は私の家からとても遠く、ロングバスをふたつ乗り継いでから歩いて行かなければいけなくて最初の方、登下校をするのに一苦労でした。私は初めて一人で学校へ行ったとき、帰り方がわからなくなり、私の家とは真逆に行くバスに乗ってしまいました。そんな時、オーストラリアのバス運転手さんは帰り方のわからない私をエスコートしてくれたり、ホストマザーに電話するためにケータイを貸してくれたりととても助かりました。そのあと、マザーは仕事で疲れているのに迎えに来てくれて良かったと言って抱きしめてくれました。私はその時、嬉しくて泣きそうになりました。そして、助けてくれた人たちに感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになりました。











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工藤 亜美 の留学レポート


I went to Australia for study abroad. I’ll tell you 4 things I experienced in Australia. Firstly, I’ll tell you school life. I went to Seaview high school. Of course I didn’t have any friends on the first day of school, and I didn’t know where to go next class. So I got lost. I had dance lesson in host school. That lesson has breaking time, but I didn’t know that. So I asked about breaking time for local student. But she didn’t answer to me. And then she said “I can’t see again, so please speaking to me anymore.” That word made me so sad.  Then I felt discrimination for Again. But my host school has a lot of international students. So I could make a lot of friends, and I could spend good time in Australia. Secondly, I’ll tell you about I got lost. South Adelaide has Marion shopping mall. That shopping mall is the near my host school. So I went to Marion mall on the second day of school, then I didn’t know what I should do go back home. So I researched the bus which I should use the bus. 15 minutes before I leaved at Marion mall, and then I looked for bus stop. Marion mall has a lot of bus stop. So I couldn’t find the bus stop easily, and then I ride on the bus. But I couldn’t get on the bus at the right bus stop. So I went to terminal. There were big hill, and I couldn’t find the house. But old woman speaking to me. So I borrowed the iPhone, and then I call up the taxi. So I could go back to home. That day I felt many people depend on the Internet. That experience changed me. Finally, I’ll tell you about my host family. I had host parents(they are 35 years old), host brother Sean(2 years old), and host sister Adelaide(1 year old). I wanna thank you for Seany. This is because he is just 2 years old. Of course he can’t speak well. So I could learn English with Seany. And host sister Addy she became 1 year old at 11th August. So we had two birthday party. Then my host mother asked me “What do you eat in your birthday?” so I said “Many Japanese people eat shirt cake.” Then my mother said “I wanna eat shirt cake.” So I made a few shirt cake. But I don’t have made the cake… so I worried about the cake’s flavor. But every one after eating, they said “That is good. Do you have made some cake in Japan?” So I was so happy. Then I felt we should try to everything. Now I think about my study abroad, I felt that was special memories for me. I wanna tell you more, but I will stop here. Thank you for reading.

私は、オーストラリア留学に行ってきました!ここではオーストラリアで経験した四つのことをお話ししますね。まずは学校生活から、私が登校していた学校はseaview high school というところで中高一貫の学校でした。学校初日は友達もいないしどこで授業が行われているのかもわからなかったので迷子になりました。だいぶ学校にも慣れてきたころ、ダンスの授業中ブレイクタイムがあると知らなかった私は周りのローカルの子たちに今何の時間なのと聞いてみました。ですが返答がなかったので、自分の英語が間違っているのだと思いその後2,3回来たころにその子が「あっ、ごめんアジア人の子って私には姿が見えてないんだよね。だからこれからも私に話しかけないでね。」と言われてしまいました。そこで私はアジア人に対しての差別をひしひしと感じました。そんな中でも私が通っていた学校は在校生の半分くらいがインターナショナルの生徒だったので、私は学校生活を楽しく過ごすことができました。次は私が迷子になった話を。。。わたしが通っていた学校の近くにはMarion mall というショッピングモールがあって週3回は通っていました。私はそこにオーストラリアに訪れて1週間くらいの時に訪れ、帰宅するためにバスをgoogle map を使い調べ出発時間の15分前にモールを出たのですがバス停が多すぎてバス停を見つけるまでにも迷子になりました。。。無事にバスには乗れたのですが、降りるタイミングを逃して終点まで来てしまいました。どこかわからない広野に一人ぼっちになってしまったのですが、一人のおばあさんが通りかっかったったので、携帯を借りてタクシーを呼び帰りました。帰ってからfamilyと現代人はインターネットに依存していると話、確かにその通りだと思いその後からはオーストラリアではインターネットに頼りすぎないように過ごしていました。この迷子になった経験によって少し自立できたな感じました。最後に私のhost brother:Seany (2 years old) と sister:Addy (1 year old) についてです。2歳の Seany には、本当に感謝しています。Seany はまだ2歳なので単語だけで喋ったりしていたので私がしらなかった単語を発音と同時に覚えることができました。そして、1歳の Addy は私が帰る一週間前に誕生日を迎えました.そのため誕生日パーティがありました。そのとき、mother に日本では何を誕生日に食べるのと聞かれそこで私は、ショートケーキを紹介をしたら誕生日パーティにショートケーキを作ることになってしまいました。。。ですが私はケーキを一回も作ったことがないのでgoogleで調べながら作りました、ケーキは味見をしながら作ることができないので、どのようにできたのかわからないまま20人ほどの招待客の口に入りました。私はその瞬間何を言われるかドキドキしていましたが、みんなに「すごいおいしかったよ」・「いつも作るの?」と聞かれて私は嬉しくなりました。私はAddyの誕生日パーティで、何にでも挑戦することは本当に大切なことなのだと学びました。いま私の一か月間留学を振り返って、とても充実していたのだなぁと思いました。まだまだ書きたいことがありますがここで終わりにします。

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昆 深月 の留学レポート


 On July 21, I left Japan with both concerns and hopes in my mind. When I arrived at Adelaide airport, my host father and my school teacher welcomed us holding our name plate.

     There are three people in my host family, an elderly father, mother, and a dog Betty in addition to that. Host mother has difficulty on her legs, but she is very kind. Host father cooks meals for many people in Mt Barker, and his meals were very delicious. However, there are age differences between they and I, so I was little bit hard to tell my mind. I didn’t like dogs before, but Betty is a good dog, so I could stay without any anxiety. After school or weekend, I sometimes went to host sister’s house, I played with her children. Besides her son-in-low is a professional drummer, so he taught me how to play the drums very well. I played twin pedals for the first time! It was very difficult, but very excited.

     I went to Mount Barker High School. It seems to be nearby mountain.lol The day before the school starts, I went to school to fit school uniform(foodie). There were students and teacher from Funabashi City, Japan, or other exchange students. I was lectured about Mount Barker High School, but I couldn’t understand English well because I was nervous. Next day, I went to school by myself, and I went to the classroom with Hina and a teacher. The students playing outside, colorful and big lockers, I never forget that scene. Then, a teacher introduced one girl to me. Her name is Annabelle, she is our buddy. She took us to the classroom. The class which I take with Annabelle was only one(Positive Education), but in recess or lunch time, she took us all around the school, and we took many pictures using SNOW. It’s kawaii, isn’t it?lol However, she was absent very often. When she was absent, other students supply the place of her, I had many friends when I noticed. There were a lot of naughty students, but when I asked questions, students answered me.

     Next, I’ll talk about the class. In selected classes, it didn’t come out as I wanted. Actually, after I went to the school, then teacher arranged my classes. Among then, I like Math and Science. In Math class, I learned Linear equation, Linear inequality, and Simultaneous equations. I have learned them when I was 4th grade (maybe), so it was easy for me. The class didn’t go too fast like Japan, so I had enough time. When students answer the question, students don’t have to raise their hands, so I could answer many times. I was so glad to be praised from teacher with saying “That’s right!” when I answered the question. I nearly died! I could make myself understood in English! Other students asked me “please teach me this question”, and I answered the question using a white board. Imperceptibly, I was a popular person in math class. Yay~. On the last day of school, I had a test. There were some sentence questions, so it took a long time to read and understand. But it was alike practicing problem before the test, so I could finish answering them early. I had enough time until the time limit, so I wrote the message on the other side of the test paper. In Science class was Biology. It was same range which I’m learning in Japan, so it was useful to have learned in English. However, there were many technical terms which I have never learned in Japan, so it was very hard for me to understand. Well, in Music class which I was looking forward before study abroad, I majored the drum. Other than drum, I played the acoustic guitar, and piano, too. But I can’t play them well.

     Every Wednesday, students can get home early, so I went to Mount Barker central – something like a shopping mall – with Hina to go shopping. Then I went to McDonald’s after school for the first time. Usually I don’t (can’t) stop by somewhere after school, so I enjoyed for the first time. I think that was not in Japan, but I felt enjoyment.

     I wrote many things for a long time, my life of studying abroad is like these. I have been to Canada four times with my family for sightseeing, so I hardly felt culture shocks. But this was my first visit to Australia. In fact, I felt regretful when I couldn’t understand their English, or I couldn’t tell something well using my English. If I studied English more seriously, I might not feel so sad. But thanks to Math class, I could decide to speak a lot with a little courage. Actually, I went through rough times too, but my classmates made me laugh, and cheered me up.   In this way, I could spend happy days in foreign country. That was my dream! I have to say I am lucky that I could meet lovely friends. I still get in touch with Aussie friends. I certainly continue using English, so I think I must use English as much as possible. Except for English, I decided to use English without hesitation in my class. Someday when I could brush up my English, I would go to Australia again to meet my best friends.

   Let me tell you one last thing. Immigration check at Adelaide Airport, authentication system didn’t work well three times! What the hell! At Chitose Airport, I passed at a time.



 私のホストファミリーは、年のいったファザーとマザーと犬一匹でした。マザーは足が悪いのですがとっても優しく、ファザーはMt Barkerでご飯を提供しているのでご飯はとてもおいしかったです。しかし私とはかなり年が離れているので、自分の気持ちを伝えるのにすこし苦労しました。水や電気には特に厳しくはありませんでした。放課後や週末にシスターの家に行って、シスターの子供たちと遊んだり、シスターの夫がプロのドラマーなのでドラムも教えてもらいました。人生初のツインペダルに触れました!意外と難しかったけど楽しかったです。


 私はMount Barker High Schoolという、名前からして山に近そうな高校に通いました。案外そんなことはありませんでした。登校日前日(月曜日)に、制服(パーカー)を合わせに学校に行きました。広い部屋に入って、そこには船橋市から語学研修に来た生徒や先生、他の国からの留学生がいました。学校の説明を聞きましたが、緊張しすぎて英語が理解できませんでした。次の日学校に行って、先生と教室に向かいました。寒いのに半袖で外で遊んでいる生徒たち、カラフルで大きなロッカー、ドキドキしながら見たあの瞬間は忘れません。そして先生は私たちに一人の女子生徒を紹介してくれました。彼女の名前はアナベル、私たちのバディでした。彼女が私たちを教室まで連れて行ってくれました。バディと一緒に受ける授業はPositive Education(必須科目)しかありませんでしたが、リセスやランチタイムでは学校中を案内してくれたり、一緒にSNOWで写真を撮って遊びました。可愛いでしょう??風邪で休んでしまった日が多かったのですが、彼女がいない時、他のクラスメイトがアナベルの代わりになってくれました。気づけばたくさんの生徒と仲良くなっていました。結構やんちゃな生徒が多いですが、疑問に思ったことは優しく丁寧に教えてくれるので、良い人ばかりです。

 授業に関しては、選択教科は日本で選んだ教科の全ては思い通りではありませんでした。実際に学校に行って、学校に決められます。中でも私はMathとScienceが好きです。Mathは一次不等式と連立方程式をやっていて、4年生で習った内容が多かったので簡単でした。日本みたいにサクサク進まないので時間があまる時が多かったです。挙手制でもないので、結構発言しました。発言して先生が笑顔で私のほうを見ながら”That’s right!”って言ってくれたときは死ぬほど嬉しかったです。私の英語通じたー!!って。笑 周りの生徒から「これ教えて」と聞かれて教えたり、前に出て計算をして、いつしか私はMathでの人気者になっていました。やったね。最終日にテストも受けました。文章問題もあり、読んで理解するのに時間がかかりましたが、練習問題でやったものとそっくりだったのですぐに解き終わりました。時間が余ってしまい、裏に計算スペースがあったのでメッセージを書きました。Scienceは生物でした。日本でやっている生物基礎と同じ範囲である遺伝子のことをやっていたので、それを英語で学べてとても役に立ちました。ただ、日本で習ったことのないものや専門用語などが出てきて理解するのにとても苦労しました。問題を解くたびに先生が例をあげて教えてくれました。MathとScienceは問題を解いて、合っていたら嬉しい感動があるので好きですね。久々にこの感動を味わいました。あ、そうそう。留学前から楽しみにしていたMusicでは、ドラムを専攻しました。ドラム以外でもアコギやピアノも演奏しましたよ。上手くないですが。

 また、毎週水曜日は普段より早く帰れるので、ひなとセントラルにお買い物に行きました。初めて学校帰りにマックに行きました! 放課後に寄り道をすることが(でき)ないので、初めて通学生の気分を味わいました。日本じゃないからかもしれないけど、こんなに楽しいんですね!





Mathの結果を知りたかったので学校にメールを送りました。次の日には返ってきていて、結果は82点だったそうです。自分なりには頑張ったほうだと思いますが、もう少し英語を理解できていれば、それよりも高い点数が取れていたと思い悔しいです(笑) そして計算スペースに書いたメッセージも読んでくれたみたいで安心しました!


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児玉 華怜 の留学レポート


What I learned


This summer, we went to Adelaide to study abroad for a month. This study abroad was my first time to visit foreign country. So I am very nervous, but I could spend able time in Australia. Before I arrived in Adelaide, I cried many times because of worried about my study abroad for a month. However, after I arrived in Adelaide and met my host family, I was very relieved. Then my study abroad started.


First, I’ll talk about my school life in Adelaide.

I go to the Reynella East College in Adelaide. This is just in my case, I could choose all of class which I studied. For example, I choose Food and Culture. This class has cooking once a week. Dulling that cooking, I could talk a lot with my classmate and we could help each other. In addition to it, I had a lot of ISEC class. ISEC class means for international students class. So ISEC teacher tried to use easy English word for us. Also, my school had an international room. This room used for international student, so there were many students came from many other countries. There were from Korea, Germany, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, and so on. So I could talk with many students from all over the world. Also, there were a few Japanese students in that room. So I could make Japanese friends too.   


Second, I will talk about my host family.

My host family was old parents. My host father is age of 78, and my host mother is age of 71. However, they were very kind to me. My host mother taught me how to get the bus, and how to go to school using by bus. It was takes about 20 min to go to school. It was shorter than my commute in Japan. And, if I wanted to go somewhere, my host parents picked up me every time. Also, they took me a church every Sunday. However, I was confused a lot of things. Because, there were completely different from Japan. For example, I couldn’t drank tap water, there were not keep one’s house clean, and many things. However, I could use to be life in there. Also, my host mother came from Philippine, so she has a little bit different intonation as normal English. So I felt hard to listening her English. But I could use to be her English too. One week before when I came back Japan, my host father had been sick about his heart and respiratory organ. So at that time, he had to get into the hospital. After he entered the hospital, the daughter of my host father took care of me, because my host mother stayed at hospital all day. And my one of Japanese friend stay in my house at once. After that, her host family had worried about me, and then, for the remaining two days until I came back  to Japan, I stayed her house. Last day of my study abroad, the daughter of my host father took her and me to the park, which has koalas. I could spend an able time.  At that time, finally I could hold a koala! It was very cute and softy. This is the happiest memory of my study abroad. 


Through this study abroad, I learned many things. If I still stay in japan, I can’t notice that how I was living a blessed life in Japan. After my study abroad, I came to realize again how much gratitude my parents deserved. Also, I had noticed that value of my parents and friends. Actually, my study abroad is not only happy time. I had a lot of hard experiences. However, when I felt hard, my parents and friends supported me. I’m full of gratitude for my parents and friend. This study abroad became the greatest experience in my life! Thank you for reading.





初めに、アデレードに到着してから2日後に始まった私のスクールライフについてお話します。私はペアの中川みちかさんと一緒にReynella East Collegeという、インターナショナルの生徒がたくさんいる学校に派遣されました。登校初日、ガチガチに緊張している私に中川さんの他にも現地の生徒や北海道以外から来ていた日本人留学生が私たちに声をかけてくれました。そうして始まった私の学校生活は本当にあっという間でした。日本とは何もかも違う学校で、私はたくさんの思い出を作ることが出来ました。また私たちの学校は、自分たちの授業はすべて自分で選択できたので自分の興味のある授業に取り組むことが出来、とても充実していました。その中でも私が選択したフードアンドカルチャーというクラスでは週に1度クッキングがあり、その授業を通して現地の人と協力しながらクッキングするのは本当に楽しかったです。私の学校にはインターナショナルルームという留学生のための教室があり、そこには中国、韓国、インドネシア、ドイツ、ベトナムなど様々な国の留学生がいたので 私は様々な国の人たちと話すことができました。また、日本人も数多くいたので、そこで出会った日本人の子と仲良くなることもできました。そして、海外の学校は日本と違ってとても自由です。日本の様に机に向かってノートをとる授業もありましたが、ただ話を聞いているだけではなく、何か調べ物をしたり簡単なレポートを書いたりと、ラップトップを使う授業がほとんどで全然退屈しませんでした。






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北本 紗也 の留学レポート


Thank you for lovely encounter


I finished study abroad I think I could get some lovely encounter. For example, my host mother and many friends. My host school had Asian discrimination a bit. Because I had complex in my nationality. But I thought my county is Japan I have to have pride on my country. So, I decided talking local people. I could get friend at Drama class. Drama class was really exciting for me. Because I do acting in Japan, it is good experience learning other county Drama. Her name is Hayley. Hayley is my best friend. I stayed near Hayley. then I could make some local friends. When I was very very glad. I was doing other lessen, french P.E sience japanese and math. among them I like French lesson. I didn`t know French. But this lesson using French and studying French history. It is deffecelt for me. But French techer was very kind and French is very buatiful. Because I decide to continue. Now I can speake French a little.

Next my best host mother. My host family is mother and 2 dogs. I was hate dogs. But I could conquest dogs. So now I love dogs. Frist when I saw a host family information I was shock. Because my host family is only mother. I thought host family is mother, father and sister or brother.  But it is changed when I saw my host mother in airport. My mother is beautiful and kind. I went to her house. She has two dogs.  First I was very scared but 3 days after I could touch them. I was very happy. My mother took me some spot. Zoo, go to shopping ,café, beach, city….. I have many good memories with my mother. I`m very glad I could meet my best host mother.  I was learned this study abroad `more try`. I was many trying for a month. Because I could make some local friends, I could conquest dogs, I ate some food. My mother call me `brave girl`. This means I could overcome dogs and makes many friends.it is very difficult for me. I was nurvas when talked with friends. Because if I can`t speak well it is shame. but my mother , best friend and other friends was haerd my not well English. When I was able to noticed. Even I`m poor at English, using translate.  feeling are most important. I wanted talk local student and host mother. Because want to level up my tolking skill. So, they response change right English.  I`m really glad. thank you my friends and teacher, and my best host mother. I wanna back to Australia again.






留学を通して学んだことは、挑戦することの大切さです。勇気をもって現地の子に話しかけたこと、犬を克服したこと。私の留学はとにかく挑戦することでした。NOとは言わない、とにかくまずはやってみる。おかげで私はマザーから‘Brave Girl‘(勇敢な女の子)と呼ばれていました。笑顔と行動力だけは日本に戻っても絶対忘れないでと言われました。


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木口 琴葉 の留学レポート

I have never been to abroad before, so it was my first trip. Everything was new to me.

I took international flights and ate in-flight meal for the first time. That was little heavy for me but I thought this is exactly the foreign food, so that made me so exciting.  I hate to take airplane because my ears will be hurt, but I could spend good time on the airplane because of excitement and movies. I did not nervous curiously at that time.  I worried about Economy class syndrome seriously.

We arrived in Hong Kong in the middle of the night and we had about 3 hours until next flight. But almost shops were already closed so it was quiet there. But some stores and a small food coat still opened so I bought chips and strawberry smoothie.

I felt they were very expensive because one Australian dollar is about 100 yen but 1 Hong Kong dollar is about 15 yen. Hong Kong airport was looks like a Japan’s one, so it had not hit me yet, although there were many foreign people. It was like a dream.

In Melbourne, I tried meat pies -I heard this is famous food in Australia- for the first time. And the clerk -he was the first person I talked- was very kind and friendly. Then I realized here is not Japan. BGM is English.   

I heard Australia is very strict to bring some stuff of different countries and check finely. So I was a little nervous about it. But actually, I just answered easy YES OR NO question and I could pass. I was very surprised about it and I regretted not having taken any Japanese food. So I made some Japanese food, for example, Teriyaki( everyone knew what this is), Imomochi, Okonomiyaki and Warabi-mochi. But my host mother didn’t like the texture of Imomochi and Warabi-mochi so instead, I made some other chicken dish. The dish cook with chicken must be good and everyone will like it J

I did not have confidence for my English skill before I had been to Australia. But many people in Australia, praised my English and I could communicate with many people in English. One mouth was too short to experience all of Australia. There is nothing better than to try.    Through study trip, I learned about importance of aggressiveness. And almost people always laugh and smile. When I depressed something, my host mother said that Japanese people worry too much about many things all the time. It’s important to be positive. We should more enjoy our life! 

Australia is amazing. But I realized Japan is also very nice country. There are many things I couldn’t really notice the goodness of Japan when I’m in Japan. This study trip changed my values to the world and I’m thinking what I want to do in the future seriously.

Nothing begins unless I try.     


I realized that I’m living supported by a lot of people. Especially, my mother.

I really appreciate. Thank you for a wonderful experience!!      










私は、オーストラリアは荷物検査が非常に厳しいと聞いていたので、少し緊張していました。しかし実際には、ただイエスかノーの質問をされただけで、通過することができてびっくりしました。 そんなことなら、日本食持ってきたかった!!(お土産として)そこで、私はテリヤキ(有名でみんな知っていた!)、いももち、お好み焼き、ワラビ餅などの日本食を作りました。しかし、私のホストマザーは、いももちとワラビ餅の食感が気に入らなかったようで、代わりに別のチキン料理を作りました。食わず嫌いが多く、調理方法にケチをつけられたり、作り方や見た目だけで、多分嫌いだからと言って捨てられたのには相当ショックを受けました。











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川上 日和 の留学レポート


I went to Adelaide in Australia for one month. It was my first study abroad, so it is important experience and memory for me.


First, I will talk about school.


When I went to school first day, I was very nervous. Before I come to Australia, I didn’t speak English a lot, so I can’t make friends at first time. I tried talk to students a lot. Many students are very kind to me, so I can make friends. But I didn’t have my buddy to last day so I didn’t know where is class but I tried ask to someone a lot. Because of that, I was able to make many friends and know where is class room. Australia’s school is very freedom for me, but I thought Australia’s students have sense of responsibility. I made friends of Thailand and I hang out with her after school. I hang out with her on weekend. I liked the time so much.


Second, I will talk about my host family.


My host family was mother, father, international student from Brazil, a dog and cat.

My host family was very warm and kind to me, and I went to a lot of place with them. For example, went to the zoo, beach, park and city.

My host family has something rule. For example, shower is 5 minutes or I have to do wash dishes, but my host mother was so funny, so I was always laugh.

I was same start school day with my host mate so I can close to her soon. At home, I played Origami and chopsticks with her. She was interested in Japanese culture, so I taught about Japan or Japanese in English.

My life style in Australia was after making dinner with host mother, we watch TV with host family. I like the time so much.


At the end, I learned two things. First, I learned talking positively is important because if I tried talk to Australian people, they helped me. So I thought talking positively is important. Second, I learned grateful to my mother because I had to do something by myself. For example, washing dishes or making meal. Before I came to Australia, my mother was doing these things, so I noticed spoil my mother. I am grateful to myparents so much. I will never forget this important experience. Thank you for my parents!




















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川原 理得 の留学レポート


I stayed Adelaide, South Australia for a month during summer vacation. It is my first time to go to study abroad and I worried about my English. So I was little nervous to go there. However, I hope to go back to Adelaide soon. I will talk you about my experience a little.


First, I talk about my host family. My host family was only host mother who 69 years old and four cats. She is very talkative and tried to understand my English, so I like to talk her. She is fashion designer and high school teacher. She looks so busy, but looks fulfilling too. She tried as hard as she can at everything. I want to be like her in the future. We have a thing in common. It is eating sweets! Therefore, we often went to some café and had hot chocolate and some cakes. I felt so happy when talked with her in the café. In addition, my host mother interested in Japanese traditional culture so we search about Japan for example kimono, Japanese style temple and some foods. I found out that Japanese make an effort if take a long time to offer someone a good quality things at everything. I could learn wonderfulness of Japanese traditional culture.


Next, I talk about the school. During study abroad, I went to Mitcham Girls High School. As the name suggests, there were only girls. Moreover, I went there alone.

It makes me anxiety but every student attends me gently. Moreover, my classmates in Australia know Japanese anime, manga and J-pop, and they love it. Thanks to it, I could make many friends and I could enjoy talking about Japan happily when recess and lunch. At that time, I knew how famous Japanese culture. By the way, I talk about my school lessons. I took some lessons there are not in Japan. For example photography drama and food & nutrition, I like drama the best because I am member of drama club in Japan. It was difficult to understand, however my friend helped me. In the lesson, we had played a short story about aboriginal segregation. It was sad story. I was sure I understood about segregation, but on thinking it over, I realized I did not know at all. Thanks to it, I was able to rethink about segregation again.


Through the study abroad, I was able to see Japan from other country. As the result, I have come to like my country more and more! In addition, I became liked Australia too. To go to Study abroad is going to be precious experience in my life. What I learned from that, I will have never forgotten.








次は学校のことについて話します。留学中、私はMitcham Girls High School という、その名の通り女子校に通っていました。海外の女子高という響きの恐ろしさと、一人で派遣されるという孤独感に最初は不安しかありませんでしたが、私と関わってくれた現地の学生はみんな私に優しくしてくれました。しかも、現地の学生たちの日本のアニメ、漫画、J-popなどの日本の現代文化への認知度がとっても高く、そのおかげで私は沢山の現地の友達ができ、リセス(中休みのようなもの)やランチの時間にアニメの話で盛り上がることができました!学校生活は私に日本は海外でどれだけ有名なのかを教えてくれました。話は変わりますが、海外の授業ではフォトグラフィーや演劇、栄養学などの日本にはないような教科を沢山とることができました。中でも私が一番好きだった教科は、drama(演劇)の授業でした。日本では演劇部ということもあり、楽しみにしていたのですが、専門用語がおおく難しかったので現地の子に助けてもらいながら授業を受けていました。授業では短めの劇をグループでやる。というもので、先生が選んだ台本は昔に起きたオーストラリアの先住民族であるアボリジニへ向けられた差別の内容をとりあげたものでした。内容は難しいもののそこには昔のオーストラリアで本当に起きた差別が書かれていました。やはり、今までも頭の中では差別はあるものだと思っていたけどなにか遠い物だと感じていた私に、






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川邊 百夏 の留学レポート


The Moment That’s The Brightest in My Life


I went to Adelaide, Australia to study abroad for a month in this summer. It’s not easy to put into words what I learned many things in there and how much it meant to me but I’ll introduce one of my experiences during the studying abroad.

       Firstly, I’ll talk about my wonderful host family. My host family is a father, a mother, a little brother, and two little sisters. Also, there were two bunnies at the garden in my house. I was especially really close friends with two sisters who became attached to me on the first day. They’re always full of energy as I had a lot of time with them every day. So loved me they that sometimes fight each other by scrambling for me. I felt it’s complicated though I was happy about it. My host brother likes playing game and watching movie so he talked to me a lot about it because he knows that I love watching movie. My host father and mother were so much kind to me and took me many great places such as my sister’s game for Netball, the beach, the city, and the zoo to hold a koala. They also always spoke to me slowly, and listened me earnestly. The dishes my mother made were so delicious and I sometimes helped her. Also, she made my lunchbox for me everyday. My host father was funny, often told me a joke. At first, I could’nt understand what he said to me because he had a strong accent. They made my life in Australia unforgettable and amazing. At the same time, I deepened the compassion with my family in Japan.

      I went to Underdale High School in there. There was no other exchange student and also, we were the frst from Hokusei. I was so nervous on the fist day of school but some students who took the same class talked to me, then, could get along with them. I took Math, Drama, Science, Visual art, Digital photography, Netball, and EAL. My most favorite subject was Drama because I was interested in acting, and my classmates were so much kind and lovely people before anyone else. After acting in front of them for the first time, so many classmates told me that I did good though I didn’t work well. I was so happy to hear that and won’t forget that things. I thought what beautiful things to accept others and to smile each other in spite of difference to nationality and race were. However, I couldn’t make friends so many because I had stayed with only certain friends. I should’ve had courage at that time, no matter other’s attention. Through school, I was deeply touched by importance of having courage to do something.

   Everything in my life in Australia was so fresh for me. I especially learned a lot about difference of culture. I never took a shower at all in there. It was once a 2 or 3 days. Washing laundries was once a week as well. For this, I noticed that I’m so lucky and luxury in Japan, which it’s not natural in this world through taking shower, bath and my mother had me washed laundries every day. That had a major influence on me.

      Japan has only Japanese, Asian if it’s separated us into race. There were discriminations as especially, Australia is multi-culturalism and accepting many people all over the world as immigration. I wasn’t discriminated from others because of me whose Japanese but I fully felt the importance and seriousness what happening is every single day in the world even if I saw them with my own eyes.

      As for English, I learned delight and necessary of speaking English again through this studying abroad. However, it’s only one of tools. I cannot live without English in this world. Moreover, not to be able to speak English makes my chance small. It was true though it sounds little bit strict. I will try to make efforts studying English.

       I had experienced such an amazing in Australia. I really appreciate my host family who accepted me willingly. Also, my family in Japan as well who had me study abroad and always wait for me to come back safty. I’ll never forget these experiences in my life. Thank you so much for everything. Hope I can go back to Adelaide again.



まず、私の大好きなファミリーについて。私のファミリーは、ファザーとマザー、10歳のブラザーと、9歳と6歳の2人のシスター、そして2匹のバニーちゃんでした。私は特にシスターたちと仲が良く、初日から懐いてくれました。毎日元気いっぱいで、私は家でシャワーを浴びる時と寝るとき以外は、いつも彼女たちと過ごしていました。時には、私の取り合いで大喧嘩して大変でした。嬉しかったのですが、複雑な気持ちでした笑 ブラザーはゲームや映画が好きで、私も映画が好きだったのでよくその話をしてくれました。マザーとファザーはとても私に優しくしてくれて、週末はシスターたちのネットボールの試合、シティ、ビーチ、またコアラを抱っこするために動物園に連れてってくれました。英語をうまく話すことができない私のために少しゆっくり話してくれたり、下手な英語を必死に聞きとろうとしてくれて、彼らの優しさをいつも感じていました。私のマザーが作る料理はとても美味しくて、時々シスターたちと一緒に手伝っていました。ランチボックスも私のために毎日作ってくれました。ファザーはとても面白い人で、度々私にジョークを言ってきてしかも鉛の強い人だったので理解するのに時間がかかることもありましたが、優しくて大好きでした。私のオーストラリアでの生活は、彼らのおかげで本当に忘れることのできない素晴らしいものになりました。それと同時に日本の家族への思いやりや大切さを深めることができました。

  私は現地でUnderdale High Schoolという共学の学校に通っていました。この学校には私たちの他に留学生がいなくて、また北星として留学に行くのは私たちが初めてでした。初日は本当に緊張していたのですが、何人か同じクラスを取っていた子たちが話しかけてくれて仲良くなることができました。私は、Math、Drama、Science、Visual art、Digital photography、Netball、EALの授業を取っていました。特にDramaの授業が大好きでした。先ほどもお伝えした通り私は映画が好きだったので演技をすることに興味もありましたし、何より友達やクラスメイトが優しくて面白かったからです。授業では好きな台本を選んで自分の役のセリフを覚えて、グループで何度か練習してみんなの前で演技を発表したり、映画を観て友達と分析してレポートを書いたりしていました。初めてみんなの前で演技をしたときは緊張で膝が震えましたが、終わった後にたくさんのクラスメイトが「よくやったよ!」、「演技も英語も上手で驚いた」などと声をかけてくれて本当に嬉しかったのを覚えています。国籍や人種が違っても笑いあえて、友情を築けることは本当に素晴らしいことだと思いました。ですが、普段の学校生活では特定の仲の良い子たちと行動を共にしていたので、あまり多くの友達を作ることはできませんでした。「あの時、あと少しの勇気があったら」と思うことがあります。学校を通して、勇気を出すことの大切さを身に染みて感じました。







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